"Brother Mu Han, you're back, as long as you're fine!" Wang Yuyan said.

Mu Han took the two girls into his arms and said with a smile: "Your brother Mu Han is brave and invincible, how could something happen? By the way, where is Azhu?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan and Abi showed hesitation on their pretty faces.

"Sister Ah Zhu won't let us tell you." Wang Yuyan said.


Mu Han's face darkened, and Abi was so frightened that he quickly said, "My lord, Sister Azhu went to Shaolin Temple and said that she would steal the Yi Jin Jing for you."

"What a joke!"

Mu Han said helplessly: "You two stay here for me, I'll go find A'Zhu."

Thinking of A'Zhu being injured in Shaolin Temple in the original book, Mu Han was also a little worried, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and after instructing the two daughters, he set off for Shaolin Temple.


late at night!

Mu Han sneaked into the Shaolin Temple, with his cultivation base and lightness skills, although the Shaolin Temple was tightly guarded, it was like entering an uninhabited land.

The Shaolin Temple is tightly guarded 543, which is naturally related to Qiao Feng.

"Master Xuanku passed away!"

When Mu Han was looking for A'Zhu, he heard Qiao Feng's voice in the distance, the voice was full of grief.

This Xiao Yuanshan, just like in the original book, pretended to be Qiao Feng and killed Qiao Feng's mentor, Master Xuan Ku.

It seems that A'Zhu must be found as soon as possible, otherwise I don't know what will happen.

Soon, Mu Han found Azhu in the Shaolin Bodhi Courtyard. She disguised herself as a little monk and was peeking at the situation outside the Bodhi Courtyard.

Obviously, she also heard Qiao Feng's mournful roar.

Mu Han quietly came to A'Zhu's side, A'Zhu sensed someone behind him, and slapped his palm behind him, but Mu Han directly grabbed his little hand.

"Ah Zhu, it's me!" Mu Han said softly.


Seeing Mu Han, A'Zhu was both surprised and delighted: "How did you recognize me?"

Mu Han gave a wicked smile, took a deep breath on Ah Zhu, and said, "Of course it's based on your body fragrance."

A'Zhu blushed slightly, and lowered her head in shame.

Mu Han rubbed A'Zhu's little head, and said: "You little (cabg) fool, there are so many masters in Shaolin Temple, do you know how dangerous it is for you to do this?"

A'Zhu smiled, took out a secret book wrapped in oilcloth from his bosom, and said, "My lord, do you think this is the Yi Jin Jing?"

Mu Han opened the oilcloth, and there were three big characters "Yi Jin Jing" written on it!

"Ding! I found the low-grade Xuan-level exercise "Yi Jin Jing", do you want to practice it?" The system prompt sounded.


"Ding! If you succeed in cultivating the low-grade Xuan-level kung fu "Yi Jin Jing", you will be rewarded with 500 points in the reward system."

In the Divine Condor World, Mu Han had the opportunity to practice the "Yi Jin Jing", but Jiuyouwei burned Shaolin to ashes, even the "Yi Jin Jing" was burned.

Mu Han put "Yi Jin Jing" into the system space, and said, "Ah Zhu, let's go."

But at this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the Bodhi Courtyard, and then the door opened, and a figure broke in, it was Qiao Feng.

"Brother Mu, why are you here?" Qiao Feng was surprised when he saw Mu Han.

And behind Qiao Feng, a large group of Shaolin monks also broke in and surrounded the three of them.

The headed old monk had a kind face, but he exuded a majestic aura.

Name: Xuan Ci

Sex: Male

Age: 62

Status: Abbot of Shaolin Temple

Cultivation: Innate first level

It is Master Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple!

And beside Xuan Ci, there are two old monks, they are the two eminent monks Xuan Ji and Xuan Nan.

"Bold, who are you, dare to steal the "Yi Jin Jing"?"

Seeing that the Bodhi Courtyard has been turned into a mess, and seeing that there is nothing behind the copper border where the "Yi Jin Jing" is hidden, the Shaolin monks don't understand that the "Yi Jin Jing" was stolen by Mu Han and A Zhu.

"Abbot, he is Qiao Feng's accomplice, today he was the one who killed more than a dozen of our brothers and sisters near Qiao Sanhuai and his wife's house during the day." A Shaolin monk pointed at Mu Han and shouted sharply, with a look of horror on his face. color.


Xuanci clasped his palms together, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said: "Benefactor, please hand over the "Yi Jin Jing", and then confess your sins in front of the Buddha."

"What if I don't?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Then I can only offend you!"

After finishing the words, Xuan Ci slapped out a palm, it was Shaolin's Vigorous Vajra Palm!


With this palm, Xuan Ci didn't hold back the slightest bit, the mighty internal force turned into a fierce wind, blasting towards Mu Han.

What a deep inner strength!

But Mu Han didn't dodge, because A'Zhu was standing behind him right now.


Mu Han slapped out with a palm, the sound of dragon chant resounded, and a golden dragon of true energy condensed out.


The Golden Dragon of True Qi scattered all the power of Xuanci's palm, and then blasted heavily on Xuanci's chest.


Xuanci spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down, and then landed heavily on the ground, his aura instantly became sluggish, obviously he was severely injured.

The Shaolin monks behind Xuanci were also affected, they were also shocked to the point of spitting blood, and retreated again and again.


The surrounding Shaolin monks all gasped, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Abbot Xuanci, as the most powerful monk in Shaolin Temple, was seriously injured by the palm of this young man in white. Is this simply unbelievable?

The cultivation of this young man in white is too terrifying!

"Master Qiao, let me take my leave first." Mu Han smiled at Qiao Feng who was beside him, and said.

As soon as the words fell, Mu Han put his arms around A'Zhu's slender waist, moved his body, and fled towards the outside of Shaolin Temple.

Seeing Mu Han's disappearing figure, Qiao Feng also sighed, cupped his fists at Xuan Ci and said, "Abbot, I've offended you!"

Dao Ba's figure also shot out like an arrow from the string, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Stop chasing!"

Seeing that Xuan Nan and Xuan Ji were about to lead the Shaolin monks in pursuit, Xuan Ci waved his hand and said.

Whether it is the young man in white or Qiao Feng, they are extremely difficult characters to deal with. If they chase blindly, they may cause additional casualties.

"Abbot, let them leave like this? The "Yi Jin Jing" is still on them." Xuannan said.


Xuanci proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said: "Let's discuss this matter later, let's treat the injuries of the disciples first."


Xuan Nan and Xuan Ji responded in unison, and began to clean up the mess... "

Chapter 76 A Chance Encounter, The Naughty Ah Zi (1/3)

Mu Han took A'Zhu back to the town inn, Wang Yuyan and Abi came up to welcome them, seeing that they were safe and sound, the two girls felt relieved.

"Young Master, Sister A'Zhu, it's good that you are fine." Abi said, the worry on her pretty face also dissipated.

"Have a good rest, and go to Xinyang tomorrow." Mu Han said.

"To Xinyang? Could it be that my mother is in Xinyang?" A'Zhu asked.

Mu Han nodded, and said, "Your mother lives in Xiaojinghu, next to Xinyang~ Bamboo Forest."

"Then let's go to Xinyang now-." A'Zhu said.

"Haha, Ah Zhu, I understand how you feel, but it's late at night, why don't we take a good rest and start tomorrow." Mu Han glanced at the three girls, and smiled wickedly.

"We don't want it!"

Wang Yuyan and the three daughters pretended to be panicked and ran towards the room.

Mu Han laughed loudly, and grabbed the three girls...


In the early morning of the next day, Mu Han drove to Xinyang with his three daughters.


Mu Han and the three girls came to a restaurant.

"Xiao Er, bring me good wine and good food." Mu Han said.

It's hard to travel these few days, and Mu Han also wants to reward himself and the three daughters.

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