"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The waiter cleaned up a table, put it on his shoulder, yelled, and went to prepare.

Soon, the waiter in the shop brought up the good wine and good dishes, carp with distiller's lees, white-cut lamb, pork in sauce...

De Muhan and the three daughters whetted their appetites, and the four of them ate heartily. Even Wang Yuyan, who was always elegant, ate two bowls of rice.

"I heard no, Qiao Feng from the beggar gang actually killed his adoptive parents, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, and his mentor, Master Xuan Ku."

"It's more than that? There are also Tan Gong and Tan Po in the Chongxiao Cave in Taihang Mountain, Zhao Qiansun, the iron-faced judge Shan Zheng, and Master Zhiguang in Tiantai Mountain. They were all killed by the thief Qiao Feng."

"This Qiao Feng is really a Khitan thief. He is so cruel. If he is not killed, the people will be outraged."

"I heard that the two heroes of the You Clan in Juxianzhuang held a hero meeting to discuss how to deal with the villain Qiao Feng."


People from the rivers and lakes on the side talked loudly.

"It seems that the plot of Juxian Village will start soon. After helping Ah Zhu find Ruan Xingzhu, we will go to Juxian Village." Mu Han thought secretly.

"Xiao Er, bring me some good wine and food."

At this time, a clear and clear girl's voice came from outside the door, making everyone unable to help but look towards the door of the restaurant.

A girl in purple was striding in.

The girl has a small face with melon seeds, her appearance is extremely beautiful, her skin is like snow, and her beautiful eyes are quite agile. They are three points similar to A'Zhu, but there is a hint of evil and viciousness between her eyebrows.

Mu Han's heart moved, and he checked the girl's information through the system.

Name: Azi

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Identity: Daughter of Duan Zhengchun and Ruan Xingzhu, younger sister of Ah Zhu

Cultivation: Early second-rate

There is actually a second-rate initial cultivation base!

Seeing Ah Zi's cultivation, Mu Han was a little surprised. He didn't expect that her cultivation was not bad at such a young age.

But in the Xingxiu Sect, the weak preyed on the strong, and Ah Zi was forced to practice hard. It is normal to have such a cultivation level.

"Xiao Er, hurry up and serve the food and drink, don't you want to starve this girl to death?" Ah Zi clapped her little hand on the table, urging.

Ah Zi tilted her head, just in time to see Wang Yuyan and the three beside Mu Han.

A'Zi has always been quite confident in her appearance, but seeing Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu, and A'bi, any of the three women's appearance is not inferior to her, she feels a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Mu Han's gaze, still staring at her, Ah Zi's face suddenly sank, and she said, "What are you looking at? Isn't it enough to have three beauties beside you?"

"Hehe, the eyes are on my body, I can look at whoever I want, can the girl care?" Mu Han said lightly.

This Ah Zi is indeed as described in the original book, naughty and playful, it seems that she needs to be trained a lot.

"Hmph, you can look at other people, but you can't look at this girl."

Ah Zi said slowly, but with a sudden shake of her wrist, several heart piercing nails shot out, three of them were aimed at Mu Han, while the other three were aimed at Wang Yuyan and the three daughters.

What a poison!

For Ah Zi's move, Mu Han had already been prepared, with a random wave of his palm, he cast out the star movement, and an invisible strong wind caused the heart piercing nail to turn around and shoot back towards Ah Zi.


AhZi exclaimed in surprise, six heart-piercing nails brushed against AhZi's ears, and then pierced the pillar behind her, all six heart-piercing nails sank into the wooden pillar. 0 for flowers···········


Ah Zi's face turned red with anger, but she became more and more surprised at Mu Han in her heart. She never thought that the handsome young man in front of her was so strong that she easily blocked her heart-piercing nail, and almost hurt myself.

"Little girl, your methods are too vicious. If you continue like this, you will suffer a loss sooner or later." Mu Han said lightly.

"Hmph, I want you to mind your own business."

A'Zi snorted lightly, but knowing Mu Han's strength, she didn't dare to act rashly.

"Little girl, here comes the food and drink you want." The waiter brought the food and wine, put them on the table, and said to Ah Zi with a smile.

"Hmph, a girl is a girl, why add the word 'small'?" Ah Zi scolded. 0

The shop clerk smiled and said: "The girl is right, the girl is right."

AhZi rolled her eyes, poured a bowl of wine, and said, "If you drank this bowl of wine, you've paid me an apology, and I'll reward you with a piece of silver."

After saying that, Ah Zi took out a piece of silver from her bosom, the waiter's eyes widened.


The waiter said happily, "Don't talk about a bowl, I'll drink the whole pot."

After speaking, the waiter in the shop picked up the wine bowl and drank it in a big gulp.

Seeing this, Mu Han secretly smiled and said, this waiter in the shop may have fallen for Ah Zi's tricks.


But as soon as the drink was in his mouth, the waiter spit out the drink in one gulp, and his tongue was red and swollen, as if scorched by a hot iron, and his face also began to turn black.

Seeing the embarrassment of the shop waiter, Ah Zi was amused and giggled.

And the people in the rivers and lakes on the side were all terrified.

They kept watching, but they didn't see how the little purple girl poisoned her.

The waiter immediately knelt down towards Ah Zi, pointed at his tongue, and kowtowed towards Ah Zi, because of the pain, the waiter's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face was distorted.

A'Zhu, Wang Yuyan and A'bi who watched from the side couldn't bear it.

"My lord, why don't you help the shop waiter." A'Zhu gently shook Mu Han's arm and said.

Mu Han nodded, and was just about to speak, when there was a stern voice from the side.

"What a vicious female devil!". "

Chapter 77 Ah Zi's Call for Help, Mu Han Strikes (2/3)

"What a vicious female devil!" A stern voice sounded.

Following the sound, everyone saw that four upright people from the Jianghu slapped the table and glared at Ah Zi.

Mu Han couldn't help laughing, the cultivation of these four people was only in the third-rate realm, and the gang they belonged to was just a low-level sect in the Jianghu.

If you want to be a hero today, I am afraid that you have chosen the wrong partner.

AhZi looked at the four people with a smile, and said, "Where did four little fish come out, dare to shout at my aunt?"

The four of them pulled out the weapons at their waists and shouted: "Little Witch, court death!"

But as soon as the words fell, under the horrified gaze of everyone, the four of them collapsed on the ground, their faces turned blue, foaming from their mouths, obviously poisoned.


Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

This clever method of poisoning is really amazing!

Seeing the puzzled look on the faces of the three women, Mu Han explained: "This is invisible powder, killing people invisible!"

A'Zi took a look at Mu Han, then smiled softly, "You have a lot of experience."

"You used the heart-piercing nail just now, do you want to use Xiaoyao San and Bliss Piercing next?" Mu Han said lightly after taking a sip of his wine.

"How do you know everything?" Ah Zi asked with a look of surprise on her face.

Mu Han shook his head and said disdainfully. "You Xingxiu faction are just a little bit of crooked ways."

"Who are you?" Ah Zi asked, her voice became a little sharp.

"Hehe, Junior Sister, you are really majestic!"

Just when the atmosphere in the restaurant was tense, a cold laughter came.

A middle-aged man in a yellow cloth singlet walked in slowly, with a lion nose and a wide mouth, and a big shiny golden ring hanging from each ear. His appearance was quite fierce and strange, obviously he was not from Middle Earth.

And behind the lion-nosed man, there were four young men in strange costumes.

Seeing the five Xingxiu disciples, Mu Han couldn't help being happy.

Unexpectedly, Ah Zi's retribution came so quickly, if he remembered correctly, this lion-nosed man seems to be Ding Chunqiu's second disciple Shi Houzi.

Name: Lion Roar

Sex: Male

Age: 41

Identity: The Second Senior Brother of the Xingxiu Sect

Cultivation: super first-class early stage

"Second Senior Brother!"

Seeing the lion's roar, Ah Zi stammered, with a hint of fear on her face.

For the appearance of the lion's roar, Ah Zi was not at all surprised, knowing why it came.

"Little junior sister, Master misses you very much."

Lion Roar said with a smile: "Hurry up and obediently hand over the Shenmu King Cauldron, then follow us back and make amends to Master."

"That's right, Junior Sister, if you wait for Master to make a move, I'm afraid it will be too late for you to cry."

"Junior Sister, quickly hand over the Shenmu Wangding."

The four disciples of the Xingxiu Sect behind the Lion Roar also spoke in one go.

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