Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "Don't forget what you said just now."

Then he turned his head and said to the trembling shopkeeper of the restaurant beside him, "Shopkeeper, she will be responsible for compensating you for today's losses."

The fight before scared away many guests, and the tables and chairs were broken a lot, which caused a lot of damage.

But seeing Ah Zi's tricks just now, the shopkeeper dared not ask Ah Zi to pay, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "No, no, there is no need for compensation from the heroine."


Mu Han glanced at Ah Zi, and Ah Zi reluctantly took out a piece of silver from his bosom, threw it to the shopkeeper, and said, "Is it enough?"

"Enough, enough!"

The shopkeeper took the money, smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"Come and sit." Mu Han returned to the table.

Ah Zi had seen Mu Han's formidable methods, even her senior brothers were dealt with by him, so she honestly came to Mu Han's side and sat down.

"My lord, why aren't you afraid of my second senior brother's poison?" Ah Zi asked curiously.

Just now, Mu Han and Lion Roar met palms, knowing that Lion Roar's palm was poisonous, but Mu Han didn't dodge or dodge, and there was no sign of being poisoned.

"You Xingxiu Sect's little gadget has no effect on me." Mu Han said lightly.

He practiced the Qiankun Shengyang formula, and took the Dudu Dahuandan, which is invulnerable to all poisons, and no poison in the Tianlong world can harm Mu Han even a single bit.

Hearing this, Ah Zi was dubious.

"A'Zhu, this is your biological sister, Ah Zi. Ah Zi, this is your biological sister, A'Zhu." Mu Han said lightly.


Mu Han's words, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, shocked the faces of A'Zhu and A'Zi, even Wang Yuyan and A'bi who were beside them were extremely surprised. . "

Chapter 79 Pretty Star Bamboo, Mother and Daughter Reunited (1/3)

"Are you really my sister Ah Zi?"

There was a look of surprise on A'Zhu's pretty face, her eyes looked up and down on A'Zi, her beautiful eyes were already filled with tears.

"Really, please, don't you just find me a real sister?" Azi gave Mu Han a white look and said.

Ah Zi didn't believe Mu Han's words.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Mu Han smiled faintly: "There is a paragraph tattooed on your shoulders, if you still don't believe it, just take out the gold locks on your body."

A'Zhu hastily took out her golden lock, on which were written the twelve characters "stars in the sky, sparkling, shining forever, everlasting peace".

And Ah Zi also took out an identical gold lock piece, on which was written the twelve words "Bamboo by the lake, full of green, good luck, and joy".

"Your mother is called Ruan Xingzhu. These two golden locks imply the characters 'star' and 'bamboo' of your mother. And your mother lives in Fangzhu Forest, Xiaohujing, near Xinyang."

Mu Han smiled faintly, stood up, and said, "Let's go, now go find your mother."

Although AhZi is still half-believing, she already believes [-]% in her heart.

After leaving Xinyang, Mu Han led the four girls towards Xiaojinghu Fangzhulin.

After passing a small wooden bridge, the five of them came to a lake, the water was as clear as jade, and the waves were as flat as a mirror.

Looking at this small lake, Mu Han also nodded slightly, no wonder it is called "Little Mirror Lake"!

On the right side of Xiaojing Lake, there is a bamboo forest. The bamboos in this bamboo forest are different from other bamboos. They are square and have a strange appearance.

"Could it be that my mother lives here?" Seeing Xiaojing Lake and Fang Zhulin, A'Zhu couldn't hide his excitement and said.


Mu Han nodded, and walked towards the bamboo house next to Fang Zhulin.


Suddenly, a scolding sound came from inside the bamboo house, and then, a graceful figure came out from the bamboo house.

Name: Ruan Xingzhu

Gender: Female

Age: 34

Identity: Mother of Ah Zhu and Ah Zi

Cultivation: first-class early stage

When Mu Han saw Ruan Xingzhu, his eyes lit up slightly.

Although Ruan Xingzhu is thirty-four years old, he is well-maintained. His skin is as white as snow, and his skin is as fat as fat. He looks only twenty-four or five-year-old, with a bumpy figure. Wearing a pink dress, his graceful figure It sets off vividly.

Looking at Mu Han and the four beautiful girls behind him, Ruan Xingzhu put down his guard, with a look of doubt on his face, he said, "Who are you?"

Mu Han smiled faintly: "Mu Han, are you Ruan Xingzhu?"

Ruan Xingzhu nodded, and said, "I'm Ruan Xingzhu, why do you want me?"

A'Zhu at the side trembled slightly when he heard the words, and knelt down in front of Ruan Xingzhu.

Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly supported A'Zhu, and said in surprise, "You child, why are you kneeling down to me?"

A'Zhu didn't speak, but unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his right shoulder, and on his snowy right shoulder, there was a word "Duan" tattooed, quite conspicuous.

Seeing the word "Duan", Ruan Xingzhu was shocked physically and mentally, and a look of surprise appeared on his pretty face.

"You are my daughter..."

Ruan Xingzhu cried excitedly and hugged A'Zhu.


A Zhu also hugged Ruan Xingzhu, the mother and daughter embraced and wept, the scene was quite touching.

"Huh?" Mu Han looked at Ah Zi who was at the side.

Ah Zi was in the Xingxiu School, intriguing, and looked very indifferent to all emotions, but seeing Mu Han's scary eyes, she also reluctantly walked to Ruan Xingzhu's side, and called: "Mother."

"Mother, she is Ah Zi, my younger sister." Ah Zhu said.

Ruan Xingzhu looked at Ah Zi, and became more and more surprised.

Unexpectedly, in one day, I could reunite with my two daughters. What a joy!

"Let's go for a stroll first." Mu Han said to Wang Yuyan and Abi who were on the side.

When the mother and daughter met, they must have a lot to say, so Mu Han and the others also left temporarily, allowing the mother and daughter to talk about their hearts.

Mu Han, Wang Yuyan and Abi strolled around Xiaojing Lake, admiring the beautiful lake view.

"Yuyan, what's wrong?" Mu Han asked when he saw Wang Yuyan's sullen expression.

"I miss my mother too." Wang Yuyan looked at the reunited Ruan Xingzhu mother and daughter in the distance, and said enviously.

Wang Yuyan lived in Mantuo Villa since childhood, and never left Li Qingluo. Now that she has been away for so long, she naturally misses Li Qingluo a little.

"It's okay, I'll go back to Mantuo Villa to see your mother after we finish our business." Mu Han said with a smile.

Mu Han also missed Li Qingluo a little bit.

"Why don't we know how to fish?" Mu Han said with a smile when he saw the fishing gear by the lake.

"."OK!See who catches more. "

Wang Yuyan and Abi lived by the lake and were no strangers to fishing, so they responded.

The three of them immediately sat down by the lake and started fishing.

However, Mu Han's fishing skills are obviously superior to others, and after a while, several big fish took the bait.

But the two daughters, Abi and Wang Yuyan, are still empty.

At this time, Ruan Xingzhu had brought Azhu Abi over.

"Thank you, son! If it weren't for your help, we, mother and daughter, might not be able to reunite." Ruan Xingzhu bowed to Mu Han and said gratefully.

"Auntie is polite."

Mu Han smiled, but his expression became weird.

Because when Ruan Xingzhu bowed, a wonderful scenery was exposed on his chest, which made Mu Han feel his blood rushing.

"My lord, please sit in the room. I will cook some good dishes and entertain you." Ruan Xingzhu didn't notice Mu Han's strange behavior, got up and said (good Zhao Zhao).

Mu Han also quickly returned to normal, lifted the fish in his hand, and smiled slightly: "Auntie, why don't you try my handicraft."

"Mother, your master's craftsmanship is really good." A'Zhu said.

In Mantuo Mountain Villa, Mu Han sometimes cooks himself, so Ah Zhu, Ah Bi, and Wang Yuyan all know that Mu Han has good cooking skills, and even the dishes made by those restaurants are far behind.

"Young master is not familiar with the kitchen, why don't I help you as a young master." Ruan Xingzhu said with a smile.

"Okay, then there's Aunt Lao." Mu Han carried the fresh fish and walked towards the back kitchen.

"A'Zhu, A'Zi, take Miss Yuyan and Miss Abi to sit in the lobby first." Ruan Xingzhu urged.

"Okay, mother." A'Zhu nodded and said.

Ah Zi also nodded reluctantly.

Seeing that Mu Han had gone far away, Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly followed. . "

Chapter 80 The "busy" kitchen, the shy Ruan Xingzhu (2/3)

Mu Han and Ruan Xingzhu came to the back kitchen of the bamboo house. The back kitchen is not big, but it is very clean and tidy, and the items are arranged in an orderly manner.

Through the back kitchen, Mu Han can see that Ruan Xingzhu is a woman who is very good at living.

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