"Aunt Ruan, have you lived here all these years by yourself?"

After Mu Han came to the back kitchen, he began to get busy, but his mouth was not idle, chatting with Ruan Xingzhu leisurely.


Ruan Xingzhu nodded, while talking, he and Mu Han handled fresh fish together.

"Auntie, have you told A'Zhu and A'Zi who their father is?" Mu Han asked suddenly.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Ruan Xingzhu's body shook slightly, shook his head, and said, "Not yet."

"It's best not to tell them, and Duan Zhengchun is dead." Mu Han said slowly.


Ruan Xingzhu showed shock on his face, and then regained his composure, and said, "How do you know their father is Duan Zhengchun?"

"Since I know you are their mother, why don't I know that Duan Zhengchun is their father?"

Mu Han smiled lightly, and said, "And I know a lot of things my aunt doesn't."

For a moment, the back kitchen fell into silence.

However, the two of them didn't stop their hands. After a while, the smell of fish wafted from the back kitchen.

Mu Han made a whole fish feast!

Carp jumping over the dragon's gate, two dragons playing with pearls, plum blossom carp...


Ruan Xingzhu suddenly screamed and covered the smooth back of his hand. It turned out that when he was cooking carp soaked in oil, oil splashed on the back of his hand.

"Auntie, are you okay?"

Mu Han quickly grabbed Ruan Xingzhu's little hand, rinsed it with cold water, then took out some ointment from the system space, and applied it on the back of Ruan Xingzhu's hand.

Ruan Xingzhu's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, but she didn't withdraw her hand, but let Mu Han play with it.

Looking at the handsome Mu Han, Ruan Xingzhu's heart was pounding like a running deer.

What a handsome boy!

Especially feeling the temperature from Mu Han's big hand, which made Ruan Xingzhu's fair neck blush slightly.

She has not been in contact with a man for more than ten years.

Such close contact with Mu Han also made Ruan Xingzhu lose his mind for a while.

"Aunt, it's all right."

Mu Han raised his head and found that Ruan Xingzhu was looking at him, his beautiful eyes were slightly absent.

And the two were already next to each other, when Mu Han raised his head, their lips were very close to each other.

"Auntie, you are so beautiful."

Feeling Ruan Xingzhu's fragrant breath, Mu Han's breathing became a little hasty, and he leaned forward without hesitation, covering Ruan Xingzhu's lips.


Ruan Xingzhu let out a whimpering sound, as if struck by lightning, his whole body became stiff, his brain also went blank, and he unconsciously hugged Mu Han's neck with both hands.

With Ruan Xingzhu's white arms wrapped around his neck, a flame burst into Mu Han's heart, and his hands fell on Ruan Xingzhu's body.

"No... want... stop... um... um..."

Ruan Xingzhu regained consciousness slightly, and was about to speak, but Mu Han sealed his lips again, and it became a low whimper again.

But in her heart, she felt a strange stimulation, and she didn't resist.

Gradually, Ruan Xingzhu closed his eyes slowly, allowing Mu Han to be frivolous.

Seeing this, Mu Han became more and more presumptuous, and began to play around with Ruan Xingzhu with both hands.

Feeling Mu Han's encroachment, Ruan Xingzhu's pretty face was charming, and she was extremely shy in her heart, but even if she wanted to resist now, her whole body was sore and her limbs were weak, there was no way to stop her, she could only let it go.

Although Ruan Xingzhu is in his thirties, he is well maintained and in good shape.

The waist (befb) is slender, and the skin is like snow.

"don't want……"

Sensing Mu Han's further movement, Ruan Xingzhu wanted to stop him, but Mu Han's movement was one step faster.

"I'll be heard." Ruan Xingzhu said shyly as he struggled weakly.

"Don't worry, they won't hear you."

Mu Han looked at the shy Ruan Xingzhu, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his palm, a mighty inner force swept out, turning into a real energy barrier, enveloping the entire back kitchen.

"It's such a strong internal force."

Ruan Xingzhu felt the internal force emanating from Mu Han's body, and was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that Mu Han possessed such deep internal force at such a young age.

"Auntie, you should feel at ease now." Mu Han looked at Ruan Xingzhu, smiled wickedly, and said.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Ruan Xingzhu stopped talking, but her pretty face became more and more red.

That look of being at the mercy of others made De Muhan no longer hesitate.

Not long after, a low humming sound came from the back kitchen.

In the back kitchen, a fierce conquest battle is going on...


"The dishes are here!"

Mu Han and Ruan Xingzhu came to the hall with plates of fragrant dishes.

"smell good!"

Smelling the aroma of the dishes, A'Zhu, A'Zi and other girls salivated, and rushed over.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, why is your face so red?"

A'Zhu's heart was like a hair, and he found that Ruan Xingzhu's face was flushed, and there was still sweat dripping on his forehead, so he asked with concern.

"It's okay, maybe the kitchen is a bit hot." Ruan Xingzhu said in a panic.

Hearing Ruan Xingzhu's explanation, Mu Han secretly smiled.

In the back kitchen just now, Ruan Xingzhu seemed to be a different person, and almost made him surrender.

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty is like sitting on the ground and sucking up dirt!

At Ruan Xingzhu's age, his fighting power is extraordinary, much stronger than that of Azhu Abi.

"Hurry up and eat, or it won't taste good when it gets cold." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Okay, let's eat." Ah Zi cheered, and said heartlessly.

A'Zi took a piece of fish and put it in her mouth, a look of satisfaction appeared on her pretty face.

"I didn't see it, your craftsmanship is really good."

"The main thing is that my aunt beat me well." Mu Han glanced at Ruan Xingzhu and said with a smile.

Feeling Mu Han's gaze, and thinking of the fierce battle in the back kitchen, two red clouds flew up on Ruan Xingzhu's pretty face.

Mu Han's youthful vigor, Mu Han's youthful vigor, and Mu Han's dominance made Ruan Xingzhu feel an unprecedented happiness.

"Auntie, why are you standing there? Hurry up and eat the fish!" Mu Han picked up a piece of fish and put it in Ruan Xingzhu's bowl.

"Thank you sir."

Ruan Xingzhu said softly, but her pretty face became more and more red... "

Chapter 81 Eavesdropping, Punishment on Ah Zi (3/3)

In the middle of the night, Mu Han sneaked into Ruan Xingzhu's room.

After a fierce battle, Ruan Xingzhu lay limply on Mu Han's body, the flush on her pretty face had not yet faded.

"Are you ready to go?"

Ruan Xingzhu's fingertips slid lightly on Mu Han's chest.

"Well. Now that you and Ah Zhu Azi have recognized each other, I have other things to deal with." Mu Han stroked Ruan Xingzhu's hair and said.

Now the hero meeting in Juxian Village is about to start, if Mu Han is not wrong, Qiao Feng will definitely go, he doesn't want to miss this wonderful show.

"Then you want to take A'Zhu and A'Zi?" Ruan Xingzhu asked.

Mu Han smiled and said, "I want them to stay with you, it depends on what they want."

Ruan Xingzhu had a beautiful smile on his face, but there was a look of fatigue between his brows.

"If you're tired, go to sleep." Mu Han said softly.


Ruan Xingzhu nodded slightly, and slowly fell asleep.

Mu Han put on his clothes, covered Ruan Xingzhu with a quilt, looked out of the room, and smiled.

The familiar breath outside the room rushed towards the distance.

As soon as Mu Han's figure moved, he rushed out of the room without making a sound, and stopped the black shadow in Fang Zhulin.

"Ah Zi, where are you going?" Mu Han said lightly.

"You...you...why are you here?" Ah Zi looked at Mu Han with a terrified expression on his face.

"Could it be that you want to sneak away?" Mu Han looked at the burden on Ah Zi's body and said.

"The legs are on my body, I can go wherever I want, and you want to take care of me?" Ah Zi said unconvinced.

"Hehe, you forgot, it was you who said that you would serve me as a slave for the rest of your life, why, did you go back on your word?" Mu Han said with a smile.

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