
Ah Zi was speechless for a moment.

In the situation in the restaurant, Ah Zi had no choice but to say the words of being a slave, and now she naturally wants to go back on her word.

Wanting to escape in the dark tonight, Ah Zi passed by Ruan Xingzhu's room and heard unusual noises, so she eavesdropped on the whole conquest battle outside.

It's just that he didn't expect that Mu Han would find himself.

"Master Mu Han, shall I call you brother-in-law, or your father?" Ah Zi curled her lips and said angrily.


This time, it was Mu Han's turn to be dumbfounded and speechless.

"I'll tell my sister to go." Ah Zi said.


Mu Han hastily stretched out his hand and grabbed Ah Zi's left hand, and Ah Zi raised his right hand, and several subtle sounds of breaking the wind came out.

Mu Han tilted his head slightly, pinched his fingers lightly, and three thin green needles were caught on Mu Han's fingertips.

"The Jade Scale Needle!"

This Ah Zi is really naughty, if she is not careful, she will follow her ways, it seems that she will be trained tonight.

Seeing that Mu Han was not hurt, Ah Zi's face changed slightly, and her figure rushed towards the distance.


Ah Zi was running out of breath, and finally stopped, turned her head, but did not find Mu Han's figure, and said to herself: "He probably didn't catch up, did he?"

AhZi touched her arm and found it was empty, so she hurriedly searched for it.

"Are you looking for it?" A faint laughter came from the dark night.

Mu Han slowly walked out of the night, holding a small dark yellow wooden tripod in his hand.The carving of the wooden tripod is very fine, the wood is as firm and moist as jade, and there are faint red threads in the wood grain.

Just now Mu Han took the Shenmu Wangding away from Ah Zi's body.

"Give it back to me quickly." Ah Zi said hastily.

"Little girl, what kind of poisonous kung fu are you practicing? Why don't I teach you a kung fu? It's definitely much better than your crooked ways." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Really?" Ah Zi said in surprise.

She knew how powerful Mu Han was, if Mu Han could teach her a kung fu, she wouldn't have to practice any evil kung fu anymore.

"The way of heaven is to damage more than to make up for what is not enough. Therefore, the emptiness wins the real, and the insufficiency wins more. Its meaning is broad, its reason is profound, its interest is deep, the phenomena of heaven and earth are divided, the yin and yang are arranged, and the changes are from the surface... ..."

Mu Han didn't answer Ah Zi, but muttered to himself.

AhZi was smart, knew that Mu Han was teaching her exercises, so she quickly memorized them.

Seeing Ah Zi's concentration, Mu Han also secretly smiled, the Nine Yin Manual is much better than Ah Zi's current breaking kung fu.

After finishing the general outline, Mu Han looked at Ah Zi with a smile, and said, "I remember everything."

"Thank you, brother-in-law." AhZi clasped her fists and said.

Although she has just come into contact with the Nine Yin Manual, she has already realized that this is an extremely profound exercise.

"Just thank you, that's not enough." Mu Han smiled.


Ah Zi exclaimed in surprise, and found that she had been pulled into Mu Han's arms, her pretty face turned red in an instant.

"Ah Zi, I saved you and taught you exercises, but you plot against me again and again, do you think I should punish you?" Mu Han laughed.

"Brother-in-law, I...um..."

Just as Ah Zi was about to speak, Mu Han chuckled and lowered his head, directly sealing Ah Zi's lips.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, I got Miss Ah Zi's first kiss, and the reward system points are 5000 points."


AhZi's eyes were wide open, a strange feeling came from her lips, her body seemed to be slid by an electric current, her strength was exhausted, her mind went blank, and she didn't know where to put her hands. ..... ... ... ... ...

Mu Han noticed the change in Ah Zi's body, and he also smiled wickedly, with a pair of big hands, he kept walking on Ah Zi's body.

"Brother-in-law..." Ah Zi said softly.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you." Mu Han said softly, the hot air from his mouth kept blowing on Ah Zi's crystal clear earlobes.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Ah Zi's last strength was gone, she gave up struggling completely, her whole body collapsed into Mu Han's arms, her beautiful eyes closed slowly, letting them be frivolous.

With a wave of his palm, Mu Han spread a blanket on the ground, and then hugged AhZi by his waist.

"Brother-in-law, be gentle..." Ah Zi said softly.

Although Ah Zi is a virgin and has never experienced anything between men and women, she has very rich experience in the world and knows what Mu Han wants to do next.

"I will."

Mu Han put Ah Zi on the blanket, and said softly: "Ah Zi, do you like brother-in-law?"


Looking at Mu Han's handsome face, Ah Zi blushed and nodded shyly.

Mu Han has a handsome appearance and strong martial arts, if he said that Ah Zi is not tempted, it would be a lie.

It's just that Ah Zi lives in the Xingxiu School, intrigues, and doesn't believe in love in the world.

But although the time of contact with Mu Han is short, he has already developed a good impression of Mu Han.


Mu Han gave a wicked smile, and walked towards Ah Zi.


Soon, a low moaning sound came out from the darkness. . "

Chapter 82 Juxian Village, first meeting Xuzhu (1/3)

After living in Fangzhulin of Xiaojing Lake for a few days, Mu Han left for Juxian Village.

The four daughters Wang Yuyan, Azhu, Azi and Abi all wanted to go with Mu Han, so Mu Han also promised Ruan Xingzhu that he would bring sisters Azhu and Azi back to visit her after the work was done.

Juxian Village is located in Gongyi, Henan, not far from Xinyang, so a few days later, Mu Han brought his four daughters to Gongyi.

Staying in an inn in Gongyi, Mu Hanjing waited for the hero meeting to start.

In Gongyi at this time, people come and go, and the streets are full of people from the rivers and lakes wearing weapons.

It seems that the two brothers You Ji and You Ju, the owners of Juxian Villa, and the genius doctor Xue Muhua also spread heroic posts in order to denounce the "big villain" Qiao Feng.

However, in Mu Han's view, this hero meeting was nothing more than that, and no real master in the arena had appeared.


"April [-]" waited until the day when the hero meeting started, Mu Han brought his four daughters to Juxian Village.

Although Juxianzhuang needs a hero card to enter, but the five people including Mu Han and Wang Yuyan are handsome in appearance and extraordinary in temperament, and they are noble and extraordinary at first glance, so the disciples of Juxianzhuang at the door did not dare to stop them and let them enter.

Entering Juxian Village, there are already quite a few people from the Jianghu in the village, all holding weapons, standing there talking loudly, their voices are raised by an octave, for fear that others will not be able to hear them.

Mu Han looked at these people with a sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

The cultivation bases of these people in the Jianghu are all second-rate or third-rate, not even first-rate masters. In Mu Han's eyes, they are like ants.

Seeing Mu Han and the other five, the faces of these people from the rivers and lakes showed surprise, especially looking at the four daughters of Wang Yuyan who were like angels, their eyes were straightened.

"Take care of your eyes." Mu Han said coldly.

Hearing Mu Han's voice, everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their bodies were icy cold, and they just came back to their senses.

Some people just wanted to ridicule Mu Han, but when they met Mu Han's eyes, they were stared at like a peerless beast, and the words that came out of their mouths were swallowed.

They felt the terrifying aura emanating from Mu Han's body, and they all felt a sense of danger in their hearts.

"What a scary look."

There was a tremor in everyone's heart, and their eyes narrowed.

On the top of the hall in the villa, there are many decent martial arts families, and the most famous ones are the two eminent monks of Shaolin Temple.

Name: Xuan Nan

Sex: Male

Age: 58

Cultivation: Innate first level early stage

Name: Xuan Ji

Sex: Male

Age: 56

Cultivation: Innate first level early stage

Behind the two eminent Shaolin monks, Xuan Nan and Xuan Ji, there were more than ten Shaolin disciples standing.

And beside Xuannan, there was a young monk, which attracted Mu Han's attention.

Name: Xu Zhu

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Cultivation: third-rate middle stage

He is Xu Zhu?

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