There was even more disdain on Mu Han's face.

"Master Xuannan is right, but if we want to gather the power of everyone, we must elect a man of high morals and respect as the leader of the martial arts, and lead us to deal with Qiao Feng, this mad thief." Xu Chongxiao said suddenly.

Hearing Xu Chongxiao's words, everyone in the Beggar Clan frowned slightly.

After all, Qiao Feng used to be the leader of the Beggar Gang. Doesn't Xu Chongxiao mean to slap himself in the face when he said that?

But Xu Chongxiao's seniority is very high, so it's hard for everyone in the Beggar Clan to say anything.

But when everyone heard the words, they were silent and silent. . "

Chapter 84 Qiao Feng worships Zhuang Liwei (3/3)

Hearing Xu Chongxiao's proposal, all the people in the village were silent.

They have already heard that this Xu Chongxiao wants to recommend him to be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

In terms of seniority, among the people present, no one had a higher seniority than Xu Chongxiao.

If you want to choose the leader of martial arts, there is really no one who can compare with him.

But everyone obviously knew about Xu Chongxiao, thinking about his seniority, they didn't speak out ridicule, but kept silent.

For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Seeing that no one responded, Xu Chongxiao also showed embarrassment on his face, his old face blushed slightly, and he stopped talking.

Seeing this, Mu Han also sneered, this old guy is really delusional.

"Qiao Feng, come to pay respects to the village!"

At this time, a mighty shout sounded from outside the village.

Loud shouts, rolling like thunder, shook everyone's eardrums to buzz.

People with slightly lower cultivation bases have blood boiling in their bodies, and even their faces are slightly pale.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they looked towards the door.

A tall figure walked in slowly, his gaze was like a sword, and he looked around the crowd. Anyone who came into contact with his gaze lowered their heads involuntarily.

Joe Feng!

"Qiao Feng, you Khitan thief, you killed thirty-seven members of my Shan family, and I, Shan Boshan, will fight with you."

Just when Qiao Feng was about to cup his fists to speak, a figure flashed by, holding a long knife, stepped forward with one step, and slashed at Qiao Feng angrily.

Mu Han glanced at that person, and learned his identity through the system.

Shan Boshan, the eldest son of Shan Zheng.

When Mu Han entered Juxian Village just now, he also learned from the discussions among the people that Shan Zheng's family, except for Shan Boshan who escaped by chance, all died in a fire.

Everyone believed that Shan Zheng's family was killed by Qiao Feng, only Mu Han knew that it was Xiao Yuanshan who killed them.

Therefore, after Shan Boshan saw Qiao Feng, he didn't even give Qiao Feng a chance to speak, and directly slashed at him.

"Looking for death"! "

Seeing this scene, Mu Han shook his head. This Shan Boshan only has a second-rate late-stage cultivation.

If he wanted to kill Qiao Feng, he simply didn't know how to spell death.

"Hmph, if I'm not a Khitan, you wronged me, you should kill me, if I'm a Khitan, and you call me a Khitan thief, you should also be killed!"

Qiao Feng snorted coldly, stepped out with his foot, and suddenly slapped a palm, a sound of dragon chant resounded, and the mighty zhenqi condensed out, turning into a golden dragon zhenqi, and blasted directly at Shanbo Mountain on the chest.


Shan Boshan was torn apart by Qiao Feng's palm, blood and flesh spattered, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Qiao Feng's palm also had the meaning of standing up, so he used the most powerful palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and Kanglong regretted it!


Seeing this scene, everyone gasped and froze.

This scene happened so fast that before everyone had time to react, Shan Boshan had already died.

"Qiao Feng, you are so vicious, you dare to kill someone face to face."

When everyone reacted, their faces changed drastically, they surrounded Qiao Feng and shouted.

"The reason why I, Qiao Feng, came here today is to clear up my grievances, but Shan Boshan just opened his mouth and accused me of killing thirty-seven members of his family, and even insulted me as a Khitan dog. He really deserves to be killed!" Qiao Feng said loudly.

Qiao Feng looked around and saw anger and contempt on everyone's faces, as well as grief and indignation in their hearts.

In this life, he can't tolerate being wronged by others!

"Qiao Feng, you killed your father and mother, and your mentor, you deserve death." Someone in the crowd shouted.

But in order to prevent Qiao Feng from making a sudden attack, the man hid behind the crowd.

Qiao Feng thought that he was here today to clear up his grievances, and he also wanted to find out who the leading brother was, and he had already killed Shan Boshan Liwei just now, so he didn't make another move.

"I didn't kill my adoptive parents, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife. I didn't kill my mentor, Master Xuan Ku. I didn't kill Tan Gong, Tan Po, Shan Zheng, and others."

Qiao Feng said loudly: "I, Qiao Feng, stand upright and dare to act. If I kill him, I, Qiao Feng, will suffer a terrible death."

For a moment, everyone was shocked by Qiao Feng.

"I believe in Chief Qiao!"

A faint laughter came from the side.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Mu Han and four beautiful women walking over slowly.

"Brother Mu, it's you!"

Only then did Qiao Feng notice that Mu Han was also here.

"Master Qiao, we meet again." Mu Han said with a smile.

"Thank you Brother Mu for believing in me." Qiao Feng said gratefully.

In front of the enemy, Mu Han was still able to speak for himself, which showed his chivalry, and Qiao Feng's impression of Mu Han suddenly improved by three points.

"Master Mu Han, do you want to help Qiao Feng and become an enemy of our Central Plains Wulin?" At this time, a beautiful and slightly weak female voice came.

When everyone looked around, it was Kang Min, Ma Dayuan's widow.

Kang Min held a grudge against Mu Han, and when he saw Mu Han standing on Qiao Feng's side, he was overjoyed and challenged him.

Kang Min's words also made everyone's attention fall on Mu Han.

"¨`Who is this boy in white? What is his background?"

"I haven't heard of it? Maybe it's a son of some family."

"If he dares to help Qiao Feng, I will be the first to let him go."


Everyone looked at Mu Han and started whispering.

"Young master, who are you? It seems that I, Juxianzhuang, didn't invite you at all." You Ji said.

"Hehe, can't you come if you can't invite me? I, Mu Han, can go wherever I want, and no one can stop me, let alone Juxian Village." Mu Han said lightly.


"Arrogance!" You Ju shouted at the side (Wang Wang's).

"Master You, do you want to attack me?" Mu Han said with a faint smile, looking directly at You Ju.

Feeling Mu Han's cold gaze, You Ju shuddered, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

This white-clothed young man was too mysterious, and You Ju didn't dare to offend him without knowing his details.

Looking at the cowardly You Ju, Mu Han showed a sneer on his face, and turned to look at Kang Min who was on the side.

Although Kang Min has a beautiful appearance and a very attractive figure, Mu Han was quite disgusted when he saw her. This woman has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. She was the one who provoked the heroes of the Central Plains martial arts and caused hatred towards him just now.

"Mrs. Ma, I don't know. Why did you commit adultery with Bai Shijing, kill Ma Dayuan, and Quan Guanqing, and blame the leader of Qiao Gang, but Xu Chongxiao and all the elders of the Beggar Gang, why did you let you go?" Mu Han said lightly.

Hearing Mu Han's words, there was an uproar all around. . "

Chapter 85 Killing Kang Min, Judging Yijiu (1/3)

"This concubine was persecuted by Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing, and I had no other choice. Bai Shijing killed Ma Dayuan, and Quan Guanqing blamed Gangzhu Qiao. The two of them are already in Xingzilin." Kang Min cried.

Seeing Kang Min burst into tears, and Lihua burst into tears, everyone felt compassion.

"That's right, we can't listen to what Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing say."

Xu Chongxiao nodded and said, "After our investigation, Mrs. Ma was forced by Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing to do such a thing."

"Xu Chongxiao, others think of your seniority, and no one opposes you. Do you believe that she is persecuting you? Are you an idiot? Or are you having a shady affair with Mrs. Ma?" Mu Han smiled lightly.


When had Xu Chongxiao been humiliated like this before, his old face was flushed red, especially when Mu Han accidentally told about his affair with Madam Ma, pointing at Mu Han, trembling with anger.

"If she was really coerced by Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing, then I would like to ask, she had every chance to identify Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing as the murderers of Ma Dayuan in Xingzilin, why didn't she identify them?"

"This..." Xu Chongxiao was speechless.

The four elders of the Beggar Gang, Song Xi, Chen Wu, also nodded slightly. They wanted to kill Kang Min to avenge Ma Dayuan, but Xu Chongxiao didn't know why, but kept defending Kang Min, leaving them helpless.

"Qiao Gangzhu 943, Kang Min killed Ma Dayuan and blamed you, should he be killed?" Mu Han turned his head and looked at Qiao Feng who was beside him.

"This woman, if you kill my brother Ma, you will be punished for the crime." Qiao Feng said with a cold face.

"Master Qiao, did you do it yourself, or did I do it for you?" Mu Han said lightly.

"Thank you Brother Mu, I will personally take the life of this poisonous woman to avenge my Brother Ma." Qiao Feng said in a deep voice.

After knowing all this, Qiao Feng wished to kill this vicious woman to avenge Ma Dayuan.

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