Given this opportunity today, Qiao Feng naturally wanted to do it himself.

Qiao Feng stepped forward, looked at Kang Min, and said in a cold voice: "Poison woman, pay for my brother Ma's life."

Kang Min was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and retreated to Xu Chongxiao's side, grabbed Xu Chongxiao's arm, and said, "Elder Xu, you have to save me."

When Xu Chongxiao saw Qiao Feng's appearance, he didn't dare to speak out to stop him, so he quickly pushed Kang Min's hand away to show that he had separated from Kang Min.

"Xu Chongxiao, you put my old lady to sleep and promised to protect her comprehensively, but today you look like a shrinking tortoise. Could it be that you were scared out of your wits by Qiao Feng?" Kang Min yelled sternly.

"Crack!" (biae)

Xu Chongxiao was furious, slapped Kang Min on the face, and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense."

Kang Min covered her face and said with a wry smile: "Xu Chongxiao, I'm talking nonsense? Why didn't you say it when you were sleeping with me?"

Looking at Kang Min and Xu Chongxiao, everyone began to discuss in low voices, with contempt on their faces.

And the members of the beggar gang also felt that their faces were dull.

Disgraceful and lost home!

"Both of you, damn it."

Qiao Feng's face showed anger, and he swung his palms suddenly. With the force of his palms, he swept out. With the sound of a dragon's chant, he turned into a golden dragon with true energy, and bombarded Xu Chongxiao and Kang Min heavily.


Xu Chongxiao and Kang Min spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, and hit the wall heavily. When they landed, their faces were full of disbelief, and they were already dead.

After Qiao Feng took the shot, he regretted it a little bit, because he came this time to inquire about the news of the leading brother from Xu Chongxiao, but he didn't expect that on impulse, he beat Xu Chongxiao to death with a single palm.

But Qiao Feng felt relieved immediately, he knew that no matter what he did, he would not be able to wash away his grievances, because everyone present had already decided that he was the murderer.

Seeing Qiao Feng kill Xu Chongxiao and Kang Min with one palm, the expressions of the people around were all ugly.

This time the hero meeting was to discuss how to deal with Qiao Feng, but after Qiao Feng came to Juxian Village, he killed three people in a row.

This is simply Chi Guoguo hitting the Central Plains Wulin in the face!

"Qiao Feng, although Ma Dayuan didn't die at your hands, it still doesn't change the fact that you are from Khitan, you don't want to escape from Juxian Village today." You Ju shouted.

All eyes were on Qiao Feng, who was holding all kinds of weapons, full of murderous aura.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Feng laughed and said, "It seems that everyone wants to take Qiao's life today."

Qiao Feng turned his head and said to You Ji and You Ju who were beside him: "You two proprietors, many of them are old friends of mine. After today, they are enemies and not friends. I feel very sad, and I want to ask you for a few bowls of wine. drink."

Everyone was surprised when they heard that Qiao Feng wanted to drink.

Death is imminent and you still want to drink?

You Ji and You Ju looked at each other in blank dismay, but they waved their hands and said, "Come here, bring the wine."

The disciples of Juxian Village quickly brought the jug and wine glasses.

"How can you drink to your heart's content with such a small cup? Please get some big bowls." Qiao Feng said.

"Change to a bigger bowl." The You Clan's two heroes said.

The disciples of Juxian Village brought over many large bowls.

"Fill it all up for me." Qiao Feng said loudly.

The large bowls brought were filled with wine and filled the whole table.

Qiao Feng picked up a bowl of wine and said loudly: "Everyone, there are quite a few of Qiao's old friends here today. You all gathered here and wanted to take Qiao's life. Today we will toast and break up."

"Which friend wants to kill Qiao, come and drink a bowl first. From then on, the old friendship will be wiped out. I didn't kill you because I was ungrateful, and you killed me. You didn't feel wronged. Heroes in the world are all witnesses."

When everyone heard it, their hearts were shocked.

For a while, there was no sound, and no one dared to step forward.

"Hehe, no one dares to drink a bowl of wine with Qiao?" Qiao Feng said with a smile.

"I, Chen Guyan, drink with you!"

Chen Guyan, one of the four elders of the Beggar Clan, picked up a bowl of wine and said loudly, "Master Qiao, Mr. Chen will do everything first."

After saying that, he drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp.

Qiao Feng looked at Chen Guyan, and a complex look flashed across his face. When he was in the Beggar Gang, he took the four elders of Song, Xi, Chen and Wu together to fight to the death. Unexpectedly, the first one to break up with him, It turned out to be Chen Guyan.

But Qiao Feng quickly returned to normal, and finished the wine in one gulp.

After drinking this bowl of wine, his friendship with the beggar gang will become a thing of the past with this bowl of righteousness wine.

Immediately afterwards, several other elders of the Beggar Clan came over to have a drink with Qiao Feng.

"Qiao Feng, you have committed a heinous crime. Today, our You Brothers, we will absolutely not spare you. We will also drink this Judgment Wine with you." The two heroes of the You Family stepped forward, raised a bowl of wine, and looked at Qiao Feng.


The three clinked glasses and finished the wine together.


Immediately afterwards, many people who had friendship with Qiao Feng came to have a breakup wine with Qiao Feng.

The wine on the table was almost finished, and the atmosphere became a little tense... "

Chapter 86 Killing the Quartet, Mu Han Shot (2/3)

Xiang Wanghai saw that Qiao Feng's face was flushed and drunk, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

If he could attack and kill Qiao Feng while having a drink with Qiao Feng, although it would be shameless, he would be famous in the world.

"Joe, I'll have a bowl with you!"

Thinking of this, Xiang Wanghai walked towards Qiao Feng, and shouted righteously.

"I, Qiao Feng, drank this friendship-breaking wine with the heroes of the world today, to sever the friendship of the past. What are you? Are you worthy of drinking with me? What kind of friendship do you and I have?"

Qiao Feng sneered, and with a flick of his right hand, a gust of strong wind whizzed out, sending Xiang Wanghai flying straight away.

Xiang Wanghai flew upside down, fell heavily, and let out a muffled groan, obviously injured.

"Haha, have fun! Now that the judgment wine has been drunk, who will fight Qiao to the death?"

Qiao Feng said loudly, his body was like a mountain, and the aura he exuded made it difficult for everyone to breathe.

"Let's go together, kill Qiao Feng, the Khitan dog, so as not to cause future trouble!" Xiang Wanghai looked at Qiao Feng resentfully, and shouted loudly.

"Okay! We two brothers, let's learn your brilliant trick first!"

Since the two Heroes of the You Clan held this hero meeting, they naturally did their part to deal with Qiao Feng. The two held a steel shield in their left hand and a short spear in their right, and stabbed towards Qiao Feng.

"Good come!"

Qiao Feng said in a loud voice, he grasped the air with his palms, performed the Dragon Capturing Kungfu, sucked Xiang Wanghai who was shouting just now, then picked it up, lifted it above his head, and then threw it towards the You Clan's two heroes.

The You Clan's two heroes couldn't dodge in time, so they had to hold their guns to block, and they stabbed Xiang Wanghai to death, and the You Clan's two heroes also retreated more than ten steps before stabilizing their figures.

"Hahahaha! Two villa owners, why are you killing each other!" Qiao Feng said with a smile.


The faces of the two heroes of the You Clan turned red, and they rushed towards Qiao Feng again holding short spears and steel shields.

The martial arts of the two Heroes of the You Clan are both on the spear and shield in their hands, the power of the two of them will increase even more when they join forces, that's why they founded Juxian Village, which can be regarded as well-known in the Jianghu.

The two steel shields had sharp serrations on the edges, and they were extremely thick. The two teamed up to defend and attack, and the cooperation was quite tacit, which made Qiao Feng feel a little dangerous.

However, Qiao Feng is an innate second-level master after all, with one palm, the mighty palm force set off a strong wind and blasted towards the weaker You Ju.

You Ju's complexion changed, but he was too late to dodge, so he quickly raised his steel shield and stood in front of him.


Qiao Feng slammed his palm on the steel shield, making a muffled sound, causing You Ju to fly upside down, and when he landed, a mouthful of blood gushed out wildly.

"Second brother!"

Seeing this, You Ji let out a mournful cry, and the attack towards Qiao Feng became more and more violent.


Qiao Feng snorted coldly, dodged You Ji's attack with a flash, and then slapped out with his palm, which landed directly on You Ji's right chest.


You Ji spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body also flew upside down.

"Elders of the Beggar Gang, why don't you take action?" You Ji said.

Mu Han on the side sneered, if not for Qiao Feng's mercy, the two heroes of the You Clan would have been killed, why are they just seriously injured now?

The four elders of the Beggar Gang, Song Xi, Chen Wu, sighed helplessly, and rushed towards Qiao Feng with their weapons in hand.

Xue Muhua looked at the brave and invincible Qiao Feng, looked at Master Xuannan and Master Xuanji beside him, and said, "You two masters, it seems that only the two of you can deal with Qiao Feng."


Master Xuannan clasped his palms together, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said: "Qiao Feng killed my brother Xuanku, I must avenge my brother."

After the words were finished, the two eminent Shaolin monks, Xuan Nan and Xuan Ji, attacked Qiao Feng at the same time.

Qiao Feng knocked back the elders of the Beggars' Clan with one palm, and when he saw the two eminent Shaolin monks Xuannan and Xuanji attacking him at the same time, he also laughed loudly: "I have heard for a long time that the two masters are eminent monks of Shaolin Temple, and their martial arts are very strong. Today, Qiao Just wanted to learn about it."

Both Xuannan and Xuanji were congenital first-level masters with powerful palms, and with the help of many masters from all corners of the world, they were on par with Qiao Feng for a while.

"This Xiao Yuanshan hasn't appeared yet?" Mu Han was a little surprised, he didn't notice Xiao Yuanshan's aura.

You Ji and You Ju got up from the ground, swallowed some healing medicine, and attacked Qiao Feng again.

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