Although the You Clan's duo's cultivation was not high, their offensive was extremely fierce, which made Qiao Feng feel a little bit of danger, temporarily repelled the attacks of the surrounding people, and hit the steel shields of the You Clan's two heroes. 0 for flowers······

The steel shields of the two heroes of the You Clan were forged from refined steel, but under Qiao Feng's palms, they were shattered to pieces.

And the You Clan's two heroes flew upside down, and hit the wall again, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"The shield is there and the person is there, but the shield is dead and the person is dead!"

The two heroes of the You Clan took a look, and they stabbed their short spears into their bodies, committing suicide.


A young man in brocade clothes ran to the corpses of the two heroes of the You family and burst into tears.

Mu Han didn't need to go through the system to know that this young man should be You Ju's son You Tanzhi.

"Come together and kill him!"

Seeing the tragic death of the two heroes of the You Clan, everyone was completely enraged and rushed towards Qiao Feng. 0

Qiao Feng grabbed it in the air, and a jug of wine fell into his hand, and then he slapped it out with his palm, and with a bang, the wine jug was instantly shattered into hundreds of pieces.

The broken tiles were extremely sharp, and under Qiao Feng's fierce palm, they turned into thousands of flying knives and shot towards everyone.


Immediately, countless screams sounded, and many people vomited blood and died of exhaustion.

"Elder Xi, Elder Chen..."

Qiao Feng's expression changed suddenly, he heard the reputation and looked around, and he saw Elder Xi and Elder Chen of the Beggar Clan lying on the ground, dying of breath, with several pieces of broken tiles in their abdomen, and blood continuously oozing out.


Seeing the miserable conditions of Elder Xi and Elder Chen, Qiao Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Qiao Feng, pay back my father's life."

At this time, You Tanzhi held a short spear and stabbed towards Qiao Feng's back.

And Qiao Feng was still immersed in the grief of killing Elder Chen and Elder Xi, and he was determined to die, so he didn't resist.

"call out!"

Seeing that Qiao Feng, a hero of a generation, was about to die under You Tanzhi's spear, at this moment, a fierce sword energy shot out, and entered between You Tanzhi's eyebrows.


You Tanzhi's figure froze for a moment, then fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

When everyone looked around, it was Mu Han who was at the side making the move.

"You... dare to help Qiao Feng, a Khitan thief!"

You Tanzhi almost killed Qiao Feng just now, but he was destroyed by Mu Han, which made everyone quite angry. . "

Chapter 87 The war ended and the world became famous (3/3)

"Hehe, this time it's called the Heroes Conference, but in my opinion, it's just a gathering of bears."

Mu Han said indifferently: "You call yourself heroes of the rivers and lakes, but you bully the few with the more, and the leader Qiao has shown mercy to you many times, and you don't know what is good or bad, but you take advantage of others' dangers. It's really shameful."

Mu Han turned his head, and said to Qiao Feng who was still in a daze: "Master Qiao, don't you really want to die here, don't you want to find out the truth of the matter?"

For some reason, Xiao Yuanshan didn't show up, so Mu Han could only save Qiao Feng's life.

With Qiao Feng's innate second-level cultivation, no one here can stop him if he wants to leave, and if he wants to kill someone, no one here can escape.

However, Qiao Feng was burdened by righteousness and cared about old feelings, so he usually only hurt people, not taking their lives.

Otherwise, the two heroes of the You Clan would have died a long time ago, how could they have committed suicide in "three, three, seven" turns.

The deaths of Elder Xi and Elder Chen just now were just manslaughter, otherwise, Qiao Feng wouldn't have died.

Hearing this, Qiao Feng was like a blow to the head, clasped his fists and said to Mu Han, "Thank you brother Mu for reminding me, Qiao Feng understands."

Qiao Feng turned his head, looked around, cupped his fists and said, "Everyone, Qiao has a deep blood feud and was framed by a big villain. If he doesn't find out, Qiao Feng will die with peace. Wait until Qiao finds out the matter, and then come to visit all heroes."

After the words fell, Qiao Feng moved, and after a few breaths, he disappeared in Juxian Village.

Qiao Feng wasn't worried about Mu Han's safety at all.

Mu Han's cultivation was higher than his, and everyone in Juxian Village did not threaten him at all.

After Qiao Feng left, everyone's eyes also fell on Mu Han.

"Amitabha, benefactor, you let Qiao Feng go, you have committed a heinous crime!" Xuannan who was at the side already had a lot of dissatisfaction with Mu Han, and when he saw him let Qiao Feng go, he turned his finger on Mu Han.

Everyone also remembered Xuannan's words just now, although Mu Han denied that he took away the Yi Jin Jing, but everyone can see that the Yi Jin Jing of Shaolin Temple is in Mu Han's hands.

And thinking of the Yi Jin Jing, a hint of greed welled up in the depths of everyone's eyes.

The Yi Jin Jing of Shaolin Temple is the treasure of the temple!

If he can snatch the Yi Jin Jing from Mu Han's hand and cultivate successfully, then his cultivation base will definitely increase greatly, and he will be able to occupy a place in the arena by then.

"I let Qiao Feng go, so what?" Mu Han said lightly.

He is not like Qiao Feng, if anyone dares to attack him, he will kill them.

"You and Qiao Feng are in the same party, so are you also a Khitan dog?" Someone in the crowd said, which aroused everyone's anger.

"Come together and kill him!"

Mu Han's reputation is far less than Qiao Feng's, so many people don't know about Mu Han's background. Seeing the four beautiful beauties behind Mu Han, many people have evil thoughts.

The so-called righteous people are nothing but a group of wolves in the cloak of justice.

Everyone looked at each other, holding all kinds of weapons, they came towards Mu Han to surround and kill.

Looking at the countless figures rapidly enlarged in the pupils of his eyes, the corner of Mu Han's mouth curled up in a sarcasm, and he unleashed the Six Meridians Excalibur.


Several sword qi shot out, leaving faint traces in the air.

The few people who rushed to the front suddenly felt a sharp pain in their throats, and then, a stream of blood spurted from their throats.

With one move, six martial arts masters were killed.

"This is... Dali's Six Meridians Excalibur!"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped, and some people also recognized the martial arts performed by Mu Han.

"Are you from Dali?" Xuannan asked.

"Could it be that he is from Dali because he used Dali's Six Meridians Excalibur?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

Someone shouted: "It doesn't matter who he is, let's go up together, kill him first."

Mu Han possessed the Yi Jin Jing and the Dali Duan Clan's Six Meridians Excalibur. If any of these two kinds of martial arts were put on the rivers and lakes, it would cause a bloodbath.

"call out!"

As soon as the words fell, a fierce sword energy shot out.

The person who spoke was shocked, and instinctively wanted to dodge, but the sword energy was too fast, and his neck was instantly pierced by the sword energy.

A huge head soared into the sky.


Everyone's complexion changed drastically, this Mu Han was ruthless and ruthless, he was completely different from Qiao Feng!

"Which one of you wants to make a move?" Mu Han said indifferently, looking around.

Anyone who was watched by his cold eyes subconsciously backed away.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! Let's kill him together!" Another person shouted.

Everyone came to surround and kill Mu Han.


A series of fierce sword qi shot out from Mu Han's fingertips, and the sword qi criss-crossed, killing the "heroes" who came to besieged one after another.

A moment later, around Mu Han, there was already a pile of corpses lying around.

"Brother Mu Han..."


Wang Yuyan, Abi, and Azhu had expressions of panic on their faces, but Azi looked excited.

And the people around were even more shocked.

Because so many people died, Mu Han's aura was still as stable as before.

This scene also caused many people to retreat.

"Is there anyone else out there? If not, then I'm leaving."

Mu Han turned his head and said to the four girls, "Let's go."

Mu Han led the four daughters and walked slowly towards the gate of Juxian Village.



But no one dared to go up again.

Although Mu Han is arrogant and arrogant, he has the capital of arrogance and arrogance.

There are more than a hundred martial arts masters who died at Mu Han's hands, but he was not injured at all, and he couldn't even see a trace of fatigue on his face.

With this level of strength, I am afraid that even the previous Qiao Feng is not as good as him.

Mu Han brought his four daughters to the gate of Juxian Village, no one dared to stop him.

Everyone on 4.4 was more or less injured, and they all looked at Mu Han in fear.

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