Mu Han took a glance and found that Xu Zhu was shrinking in the corner, trembling.

Almost forgot about him.

"Xu Zhu, go to Dali, find a person named Ye Erniang, tell her the nine scars on your back and butt, and she will tell you, who are your real parents?" Mu Han used secret language to transmit voice Said to Xu Zhu.

Hearing the sound transmission of Mu Han's secret language, Xu Zhu looked around suspiciously, although he couldn't find anyone who spoke, but he firmly memorized Mu Han's words.

"Let's go."

Mu Han left with the four daughters, and everyone could only watch Mu Han leave.

But what Mu Han didn't expect was that after the battle of Juxian Village, his reputation had spread completely, and he became the object of discussion by everyone in the world. . "

Chapter 88 An Invitation from the Deaf-Mute Gate, the Reckless Star Picker (1/3)

Name: Mu Han

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Item: Xuanyuan Sword (can be obtained through system point lottery)

Kung Fu method: the third level of Qiankun Shengyang Jue (integration of Nine Yang Scriptures, Nine Yin Scriptures, Innate Skills, Beiming Magical Skills, and Yi Jin Jing) (can be obtained through the system points lottery, or you can find exercise secrets to practice yourself)

Martial arts: Dugu Swordsmanship (Dzogchen), Lightning Divine Step (Dzogchen), Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms (Dzogchen), Dog Beating Stick (Dzogchen), Left and Right Fighting Technique (Dzogchen), Lingbo Weibu ( Dzogchen)... (can be obtained through the system points lottery, or find martial arts cheats to practice by yourself)

Supernatural skills: god-level deduction, god-level skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting

Realm: Congenital Double

System points: 934800 (points can be obtained for defeating and killing opponents, completing tasks and achievements)

The world we live in: the chaotic version of Tianlongbabu world (the next world, waiting to be opened)

Looking at the data on the system panel, Mu Han glanced at the four girls Wang Yuyan, Abi, Azhu, and Azi who were lying beside him, and also grinned.

Last night, when he was doing double training with the four women, 20 himself also successfully broke through to the second level of congenital.

Although Mu Han usually practiced hard, he found that the strength of dual cultivation was improved faster.

And after the four girls double-cultivated with Mu Han, their cultivation bases also improved to varying degrees, and even Wang Yuyan also cultivated her inner strength.

Wang Yuyan is extremely intelligent, proficient in martial arts all over the world, and after cultivating internal strength through dual cultivation, her cultivation reached the second-rate early stage in just one month.

And Mu Han now has more than [-] system points, and he is less than [-] system points, so he can conduct an advanced lottery draw.

Therefore, Mu Han also forcibly presses the desire to draw a lottery.

The primary lottery draw and the intermediate level lottery draw, the things drawn are not ordinary things, but if you don't know the advanced lottery draw, what will you draw?

Mu Han was looking forward to it.


After waking up, Mu Han took his four daughters to the downstairs of the inn to have breakfast.

But at this time, a servant walked into the inn and walked towards Mu Han and the others.

"I've met Mr. Mu Han." The servant clasped his fists and said.

"Who are you?" Mu Han asked softly.

"I come from the Valley of the Deaf and Mute, and by the order of my master, send an invitation to Mr. Mu Han." The servant said.

"The Valley of the Deaf and Mute?"

Mu Han was taken aback for a moment, then smiled knowingly.

It must be the deaf-mute old man Su Xinghe who held the Zhenlong chess game, inviting young and promising people from all sides to break the game, the purpose is to choose a successor for Wu Yazi.

The servant took out an invitation card and handed it to Mu Han, saying: "On the fifteenth day of this month, my master will hold a Zhenlong Chess Game Conference in Leigu Mountain, and invite young talents from all over the world to come and break the game. I have specially ordered you to send the invitation card."

Mu Han took it over, opened it, looked at it, nodded slightly, and said, "Understood, please tell your master that on the fifteenth day of this month, I will definitely come to the appointment on time. But aren't all of you deaf-mute disciples deaf-mute?" ? Why do you talk?"

"I'm just a servant of the Deaf-mute Sect, not a disciple of the Deaf-mute Valley." The servant said.

"So that's the case, then you go down." Mu Han nodded and said.

"My lord, I will take my leave." The servant cupped his fists and turned to leave.

"What is Zhenlong Chess Game?" Ah Zi asked curiously.

"The Zhenlong Chess Game is an end game..." Wang Yuyan was well-informed, and she also slowly explained the origin of the Zhenlong Chess Game.

"I want to go to such a fun thing." Ah Zi said with a smile.

Mu Han nodded, this time Zhenlong Chess Game, there will definitely be many people going, and Murong Fu will naturally go too.

Last time he didn't meet Murong Fu in Yanziwu, but this time, he will have a good time with Murong Fu.

"It's only a few days until the fifteenth day of this month. We'll leave after breakfast." Mu Han said lightly.

"Good!" All the girls cheered happily.


"Brother-in-law..." Ah Zi said in a panic.

When Mu Han brought his four daughters to a remote place in the mountains and forests, a group of young people in different clothes walked towards him.

The leader was a young man with a strange figure and a coquettish appearance.

Seeing the young man, Ah Zi's face suddenly changed, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Name: Zhai Xingzi

Sex: Male

Age: 28

Identity: Senior Brother of the Xingxiu School

Cultivation: super first-class late stage

"Junior Sister, I had a hard time looking for you. I advise you to be obedient and go back to see Master and his old man with me, and make amends to him!" Seeing Ah Zi, Zhai Xingzi sneered.

"Eldest brother, if you don't want to die, then you should leave quickly." Ah Zi sarcastically said.

She doesn't have the slightest liking for the Xingxiu faction.

The reason why she ran out from the Xingxiu faction was because Ding Chunqiu saw that she looked more and more beautiful, so he was moved and wanted to attack her.

Fortunately, Ah Zi was very clever, and before Ding Chunqiu could attack her, he stole the Shenmu Wangding and escaped.

If I escaped too late, I am afraid that I have become Ding Chunqiu's plaything now.

And she also loathes this elder brother, Zhai Xingzi.

Zhai Xingzi always bullies and suppresses her by virtue of his status as a big brother, and seeing that he is very talented, he stumbles in the dark. If it is not for his cleverness, he may have died a long time ago.

Seeing that Ah Zi refused to go back with him, Zai Xingzi's complexion darkened, and he said coldly: "Stinky girl, don't toast or eat fine wine, come back with me!"

"Hmph, I'm not going back! Brother-in-law, they bullied me." Ah Zi snorted softly, hid behind Mu Han, and said pitifully.

Zhai Xingzi looked at Mu Han, his expression turned cold, and he said: "Boy, get out of here quickly, this is a matter of our Xingxiu Sect, I advise you not to meddle in your own business."


But as soon as the words fell, Zhai Xingzi suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, his face was already in burning pain, and his figure also took a few steps backwards.


Zhai Xingzi touched his already red and swollen face, slightly startled in his heart.

"Hahahaha, Zhai Xingzi, I advise you to get out of here. If you annoy my brother-in-law, I'm afraid I don't know how to write dead characters?" Ah Zi said with a happy smile, and made gestures to Zhai Xingzi from time to time. grimace.

Zhai Xingzi looked at Mu Han with a gloomy expression, but there was already a hint of fear in his heart, and he asked, "You... who are you?"

"You are not qualified to know my name." Mu Han said lightly.

"If you provoke my XingXiu faction, you will die!"

Zhai Xingzi said angrily: "What are you still doing here? Don't kill this kid for me, the woman next to you belongs to you."


Hearing Zhai Xingzi's words, and taking another look at the four peerless beauties who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect all had red eyes, and rushed towards Mu Han desperately... "

Chapter 89 Poor Zhai Xingzi, Enemy's Road is Narrow (2/3)


For these Xingxiu sect disciples, Mu Han had no intention of showing mercy at all, he unleashed the six-veined sword, and the sound of piercing wind resounded, and the sharp sword energy criss-crossed, killing all the Xingxiu sect disciples.

Seeing this scene, Zhai Xingzi's face also became extremely ugly. He did not expect that this young man in white could have such terrifying skills.

"Brother-in-law, you are amazing!" Ah Zi said.

"Are you Mu Han?" Zhai Xingzi looked at Mu Han, and a name came to mind, and said.

"You know my brother-in-law's name?" Ah Zi said proudly.

Zhai Xingzi didn't expect that the young man in front of him turned out to be Mu Han, who has been rumored in the world recently, and he wanted to quit.

"What, you want to run?" Mu Han asked with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Mu Han's face, Zhai Xingzi felt fear welling up in his heart, and he didn't hesitate anymore, and with a movement of his body, he flew towards the distance.

"I want to run, it's too late."

Mu Han flicked his fingers repeatedly, and with four fingers, he shot precisely at Zhai Xingzi's limbs.


Zhai Xingzi let out a scream, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

With a burst of energy, Mu Han hit Zhai Xingzi's dantian, making him completely useless.

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