"Ah Zi, don't be afraid, I have a brother-in-law!" Mu Han rubbed Ah Zi's little head and said with a smile.

Seeing Mu Han's gentle smile, Ah Zi also felt relieved.

"Hehe, Senior Brother, are you safe?"

A gloomy laugh came, an old man dressed in fine clothes was carried up the hill in a sedan chair by dozens of Xingxiu disciples, holding a Xiaoyao fan in his hand, looking at Su at the bottom of the Zhenlong chess game. Galaxy.

It was Ding Chunqiu, the old monster of Xingxiu!

Name: Ding Chunqiu

Sex: Male

Age: 61

Boundary: Innate first level late stage

Su Xinghe acted as if he didn't hear it, his face was calm.

"Hehe, I forgot, senior brother is deaf and dumb, so he can't hear me." Ding Chunqiu said with a big laugh.

"Ding Chunqiu, what are you doing here?"

Xue Muhua and others, fearing that Ding Chunqiu would hurt Su Xinghe, quickly stood up and stopped in front of Su Xinghe.

"Hehe, you are really a group of good apprentices of my senior brother? But haven't you been kicked out of the school by my senior brother? I'm talking to my senior brother, what are you doing?" Ding Chunqiu said sarcastically.

"You... Anyway, we don't allow you to hurt Master." Xue Muhua and the others said speechlessly.

"Bastards, you are getting more and more courageous, why are you talking to your uncle? Do you want to die?" Ding Chunqiu shouted.

"For Master, what is death?" Xue Muhua said solemnly.

"Yes!" Kang Guangling and others agreed.

Looking at the appearance of Xue Muhua and others, Ding Chunqiu sneered and said: "I just want to play chess with my brother, why are you so nervous?"

Xue Muhua and the others were speechless, and looked at Su Xinghe who was at the side.

Su Xinghe remained expressionless, and waved his big hand (caai), signaling Xue Muhua and others to get out of the way.

Ding Chunqiu came to Zhenlong Chess Game and looked at Zhenlong Chess Game.

"It's so lively!"

At this time, a faint laughter came, and a foreign monk flew over, making everyone pay attention.

Seeing that foreign monk, Mu Han couldn't help showing a smile.

Jiumozhi is also here!

"Pretend you don't know me."

Seeing Mu Han, Jiumozhi's expression changed slightly, and he was about to go, but was stopped by Mu Han's voice transmission in a secret language.

"Little Monk Jiumozhi, I heard that Mr. Su has set up a Zhenlong chess game, so I came here to try it today." Jiumozhi came to Su Xinghe and said.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly and nodded.

Jiumozhi folded his palms together, bowed towards Su Xinghe, and came under the Zhenlong chess game.

Looking at the Zhenlong chess game, Ding Chunqiu's mind fell into chaos, he couldn't help screaming strangely, he retreated a few steps, before he stopped, his face was covered in cold sweat.

And when they saw Jiumozhi at the side, the two of them looked at each other, and they both gave off a chill.

Jiumozhi looked at the Zhenlong chess game, after watching for a while, he also felt dizzy, the blood in his body was surging, just like Ding Chunqiu, he took a few steps back, and then stopped.

"Hehe, the heroes of the world gather here, it's really lively!"

At this time, another loud laughter came.

Everyone looked towards the voice, and saw a young man in his late teens walking slowly.

The young man was dressed in a light yellow shirt, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and he floated over, with a handsome face, unrestrained and elegant.

Name: Murong Fu

Sex: Male

Age: 28

Identity: Son of Murong Bo

Cultivation level: Innate first level middle stage

And behind Murong Fu, there are four people standing, they are Deng Baichuan, Gongyegan, Bao Budong and Feng Bo'e, the four generals of Murong's family.

"Gusu Murong Fu, pay homage to Senior Su." Murong Fu came to Su Xinghe, cupped his fists and saluted.

Su Xinghe nodded slightly.

"So it's Mr. Murong from Gusu." Ding Chunqiu sneered and said.

"Hehe, so it's Mr. Ding from the Xingxiu School." Murong Fu said lightly, but he had a disdain for Ding Chunqiu.

Murong Fu prides himself on righteousness, so naturally he doesn't associate with Ding ChunQiu.

When he came to the Zhenlong chess game, Murong Fu was also ready to give it a try.

"Mr. Murong, your martial arts are not bad, but you may not have any achievements in chess, right?" Jiumozhi said with a smile.


Murong Fu snorted coldly, he didn't say anything, he made a move first with Zhibai, he has been contemplating this chess game for a long time, he is confident that he has figured out how to understand it. . "

Chapter 91 Murong Fu, who felt good about himself, lost all face (1/3)

Seeing Murong Fu make a move, Su Xinghe moved his finger, Zhihei also made a move back.

Murong Fu has been contemplating this chess game for a long time, and he is confident that he has figured out a way to understand it, but Su Xinghe's move is beyond his expectation, the whole plan that he had originally planned has completely failed, he has to think about it from the beginning, after a long time, just now Another son.

Ding Chunqiu looked at the two, his face sank slightly, and a murderous gleam flashed in his eyes.

If Murong Fu breaks Zhenlong's chess game, if he joins hands with Su Xinghe, he may suffer disaster.

Although he thought he could easily defeat Su Xinghe, he had never fought against Murong Fu, so he didn't know Murong Fu's strength.But since the other party can be called South Murong North Qiaofeng together with Qiao Feng, it must be a difficult character to deal with.

If the blow fails, it will actually make Murong Fu and Su Xinghe join hands. After thinking about it, the scheming Ding Chunqiu still decided to wait and see what happens.

Mu Han glanced at Ding Chunqiu, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, for Ding Chunqiu, Mu Han had already decided to kill him.

Anyway, when the time comes, I have to promise Wu Yazi to kill Ding Chunqiu!

What's more, for the peace of mind of AhZi beside him, this Ding ChunQiu must die.

As for Murong Fu, he must be going crazy.

And the scene that Mu Han was looking forward to, did not wait too long.

At first Murong Fu still had a calm face, playing chess as usual.

But soon, his expression gradually changed, sometimes frowning, sometimes soothing, sometimes ferocious, his breathing became more and more rapid and heavy, and cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

After playing less than ten moves, Murong Fu also became more and more anxious, almost the moment Su Xinghe made a move, he followed suit, and the anxious expression on his face became more and more intense.

As for Su Xinghe, with a smile on his face and a calm expression on his face, this chess game has already fallen into his rhythm and is fully under his control.

And Murong Fu became anxious, his eyes became a little empty and dazed, he stared blankly at the chess game, with a look of bewilderment on his face.

In Murong Fu's mind, the chess game in front of him turned into a battlefield, and the generals and soldiers he commanded fell one by one in front of him, and soon he was the only one left in the entire battlefield!

And around him, there were blood and corpses everywhere, like a purgatory on earth!

Seeing this horrific scene, Murong Fu couldn't help raising his head to the sky and screaming, the roar was full of grief and indignation, and then he laughed like crazy.


Murong Fu suddenly roared, woke up from the hallucination, and muttered in his mouth: "Fate is inevitable... Fate is inevitable, Murong's strength is exhausted, I have exhausted my whole life, but in the end it is just a dream. Shi Ye Fate...what can I say!"

At the end, Murong Fu suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and wiped it towards his own neck, ready to kill himself on the spot!


Bao BuTong, Feng BoE and the other four exclaimed in unison when they saw this, but it was too late to make a move.

No one thought that Murong Fu would kill himself!

Seeing this, Su Xinghe waved his sleeve robe, and a powerful gust of wind roared out, shaking the long sword in Murong Fu's hand away.

At this time, Murong Fu also woke up like a dream, rubbing his head with abdominal pain, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and an indescribable complexion appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, Mu Han smiled slightly. In the original book, Duan Yu rescued him, but now, it was Su Xinghe who helped.

He is also becoming more and more interested in this Zhenlong chess game.

This Zhenlong chess game is really powerful, and it can actually arouse the demons hidden deep in people's hearts.

No wonder only Xu Zhu can solve it in the original novel, because Xu Zhu is stupid and naive, without any obsession in his heart.

"Hehe, senior brother, you really like to meddle in other people's business."

Ding Chunqiu saw Murong Fu committing suicide, his face also flashed with excitement, but being stopped by Su Xinghe made him very unhappy.

Su Xinghe cast a glance at him, and said calmly: "Ding Chunqiu, our account will not be too late after today's Zhenlong chess game is over."

"Senior brother, it's really difficult for you to pretend to be dumb all your life." Ding Chunqiu sneered.

Su Xinghe ignored Ding Chunqiu, cupped his hands towards Murong Fu, and said: "Mr. Murong, I'm really sorry, but you lost this game of chess."

Murong Fu took a deep breath, and finally managed to stabilize his mind. After hearing the words, he smiled helplessly, then cupped his hands, and said: "Mr. Su, you are too polite. If you hadn't helped me just now, I am afraid I would have died. Thank you Mr. Su for saving your life, I am willing to lose."

After speaking, he also stood up, turned around and walked out of the valley.

What happened just now made him feel very ashamed. He, who has always been conceited and self-respecting, felt that it would be embarrassing to stay here, so he didn't want to stay any longer.

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