"Master Mu Han, why don't you come and have a try?" Su Xinghe said.

"Mu Han?" 0

Hearing this, everyone's eyes followed Su Xinghe's and fell on Mu Han.

All the people present were focused on the Zhenlong chess game, and many of them did not participate in the hero meeting in Juxianzhuang. In addition, Mu Han stood aside, very low-key, so many people did not notice the existence of Mu Han .

Now that Su Xinghe said it, they all looked at Mu Han.

And Murong Fu, who was about to step out of the valley, also stopped, and then suddenly turned around to look at Mu Han.

Recently, Mu Han has been in the limelight, and has overwhelmed South Murong and North Qiaofeng.

Murong Fu also wanted to know who Mu Han was who stole his limelight.

Seeing Mu Han, Murong Fu showed surprise on his face.

Murong Fu was very confident in his appearance, but after seeing Mu Han, he felt ashamed of himself.

Moreover, he also discovered that Wang Yuyan, Azhu, and Abi were standing behind Mu Han.

"A'Zhu, Abi, cousin, come here." Murong Fu said unhappily.

"Young Master, we have already followed Mr. Mu Han." A'Zhu and A'bi whispered.

And Wang Yuyan also shook her head and said, "Cousin, I will not leave Brother Mu Han."


Murong Fu pointed at the three girls, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, he had already lost face because he didn't solve the chess game just now, but he didn't expect that the answer from the three girls would make him lose face even more... "

Chapter 92 Kill the Four Great Generals, Draw Murong Fu (2/3)

"No, no!"

Bao BuTong at the side stood up and said, "A'Zhu, Abi, as maidservants of Shenhe Village, you actually betrayed Mr. Murong, you deserve to be punished."

"Hmph, what are you, a servant of Shenhe Village, Murong Fu's running dog, dare to call me my woman?"

Mu Han took a step forward and stood in front of the flustered A'Zhu and A'bi.

Bao Tongtong's face turned red in an instant. He was eloquent, but he didn't know how to fight back.

What Mu Han said is not wrong, he is indeed a servant of Canhe Village and Murong Fu's general.

"Boy, if you dare to insult Third Brother Bao, I, Feng Bo E, will be the first to kill you. I heard that you are killing all directions in Juxian Village. I, Feng Bo E, want to experience it today." Feng Bo E said.

"Just you?"

Mu Han looked at Feng Bo E contemptuously, said "one twenty" with disdain and said, "You are not worthy of fighting with me."

Feng Bo'e's cultivation is in the first-class late stage, as long as Mu Han is willing, he can be killed with one move.

"Stop talking nonsense, take the call!"

Feng Bo'e was provoked by Mu Han, so he didn't say any more, and directly attacked.

Feng Bo'e took a step forward, and with a movement of his body, he was already in front of Mu Han, and the long knife in his hand slashed down towards Mu Han angrily.

Feng Bo'e is good at sharp knives, but his quick knives are as slow as a snail in Mu Han's eyes.

In front of Mu Han, the cultivation base in the super first-class late stage is like an ant.

Facing Feng Bo'e's sharp knife, Mu Han did not dodge, but stretched out his two fingers, and pointed towards Feng Bo's sharp knife.

"court death!"

Feng Bo evil sneered, the knife in his hand was three points faster.

But just when Feng Bo'e and everyone around him thought they were going to cut off Mu Han's two fingers, Mu Han's two fingers hit Feng Bo's sharp knife.


With a clear sound of gold and iron, the sharp knife of the wind and waves came out of his hand and broke in two.

"Is this the joint finger?"

Murong Fu's expression changed, and he recognized that what Mu Han cast was exactly his Murong family's unique ginseng finger.

"You two lowly maidservants actually leaked the young master's secret knowledge." Feng Bo cursed angrily.

"Hmph, the woman who scolded me is courting death!"

Mu Han's face darkened, and he pointed out with two fingers, and a fierce finger force shot out.

"Fourth, be careful!"

Deng Baichuan, Bao Butong and Gongye Gan said in surprise.

But it was too late, that sharp finger directly sank into Feng Bo'e's throat, piercing his throat.

Blood spurted out wildly!

Feng Bo evilly clutched his throat, his eyes widened, and he lowered his head for a look, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Mu Han could really kill himself with one move.

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for killing the super-class martial artist Feng Feng'e, the reward system points will be 80 points, and the extra reward system points will be 300 points." The system notification sounded in my ears.


Seeing this scene, the three of Bao BuTong felt like tearing apart.

"I am going to kill you!"

The three of Bao Tong shot together and rushed towards Mu Han.

And Murong Fu didn't stop him, he also wanted to get a feel for Mu Han's situation through Bao Tong and the other four.

"Good come!"

Mu Han laughed, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Bao BuTong also insulted A'Zhu and A'Bi just now, and it would be hard to vent Mu Han's hatred if he didn't kill him.

Anyway, there is already a grudge with the Murong family, and keeping these people is a disaster, and killing these three people can also get some more points.

Deng Baichuan, Bao Butong and Gongyegan used all their strength, and the attack was quite fierce.

But Mu Han was quite indifferent, flicked his fingertips, and three sharp fingers shot out, killing the three of them!

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing the super-class martial artist Deng Baichuan, the reward system points are 80 points, and the extra reward system points are 300 points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, the package for killing a super-class fighter is different, the reward system points are 80 points, and the extra reward system points are 300 points."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing the super-class martial artist Gongye Qian, the reward system points are 80 points, and the extra reward system points are 300 points."

Three consecutive system prompts sounded.

"Mu Han, if you kill my four generals, you will be punished for your crime!"

Murong Fu hated Mu Han deeply.

The four famous generals died tragically at the hands of Mu Han, and his cousin Wang Yuyan was also kidnapped by Mu Han, and even Abi and Azhu rebelled against him.

This made him lose face!

Although Murong Fu wanted to restore the country wholeheartedly and ignored Wang Yuyan, but when Wang Yuyan really left him and followed Mu Han, Murong Fu felt a kind of betrayal.

"Brother Mu Han..."

Just as Mu Han wanted to make a move, Wang Yuyan said softly.

"Murong Fu, today, for Yu Yan's sake, I will let you live, so get out of here." Mu Han said lightly.

Murong Fu didn't expect Mu Han to be so rude to him. Thinking that he is a dignified Murong, who is well-known in the Jianghu, and was humiliated by Mu Han, he couldn't bear it anymore, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and stabbed at Mu Han. .

Ding Chunqiu looked at the two, a strange look flashed in his eyes, these two will be his strong opponents in the future, he also wants to find a chance to get rid of them.

Unexpectedly, the two actually took the initiative to fight, watching Mu Han and Murong Fu fighting fiercely, Ding Chunqiu showed joy, and took the opportunity to see if there is any chance to make a profit!

But to everyone's surprise, Murong Fu's long sword pierced Mu Han's body.

But soon, the smile on Murong Fu's face froze.

Because he felt that his long sword pierced through Mu Han's body without hindrance.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified expressions of everyone, Mu Han's figure slowly dissipated away.

It was an afterimage!

"Afterimage? How is it possible?"

Murong Fu 0.2 stared wide-eyed, with an unbelievable look on his face, he never thought that there would be someone in the world with such a swift movement that could leave an afterimage on the spot.

But before Murong Fu recovered from the shock, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a strange figure appeared in front of him.


Before Murong Fu could react, there was a sharp pain on his face.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Murong Fu flew upside down and landed heavily.

Nan Murong was sent flying by Mu Han's slap.


Seeing this scene, everyone gasped, with shock on their faces.

This Mu Han's cultivation is really terrifying, no wonder he was able to kill many people from the Central Plains in the battle of Juxian Village. . "

Chapter 93 The Two Teamed Up, Absolutely Overwhelming (3/3)


Murong Fu touched his red and swollen face, with an unbelievable look on his face, he couldn't believe it was real, but the stinging pain on his face made him have to accept this fact.

An inexplicable shame instantly filled his heart, and there was also a look of unwillingness on his face.

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