"Brother Mu Han is going to win~"."

Looking at the chess game, Wang Yuyan also showed joy on her face.

"Really?" Ah Zi's chess strength is the weakest, and she hasn't fully understood it yet.

"Mmm! Young Master is going to win!" A'Zhu and A'bi also said excitedly.


Jiumozhi and Xuannan uttered the Buddha's name almost at the same time, with expressions of amazement on their faces.

Both of them have good attainments in Go, and they have already seen that White, who was originally at an absolute disadvantage, is now in a stalemate with Heizi, and this Zhenlong chess game is about to be broken.

"Young master Mu Han's chess skills are really brilliant!" Jiumozhi said secretly.

Soon, Mu Han and Su Xinghe had already played more than ten moves of chess, and these dozen moves had already reversed the game.

And the people on the side also started talking in low voices.

Those who can come to Leigu Mountain are not weak in chess, and they have noticed the changes in Zhenlong's chess game.

Mu Han's first move was a suicide move, but it was this suicide move that opened up the situation and reversed the situation.

This kind of thinking made everyone amazed.

Su Xinghe stared at the chessboard with a solemn expression, and did not make a move for a long time.

Hei Zi, who originally had an absolute advantage, fell into a complete disadvantage after Mu Han's dozen or so moves.

"Mr. Su, it's your turn." Mu Han reminded with a slight smile as he looked at Su Xinghe in a daze.

Su Xinghe hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly gave up.

"Mr. Su, are you sure you want to take this step?" Mu Han glanced at the chess board and smiled lightly.

"No regrets!"

Su Xinghe turned his head, looked at Mu Han, and said softly: "Young master, please give me a son."

Although he fell into a disadvantage, Su Xinghe is still very confident in his chess skills. Although this move has no achievements, it is safe for himself.

"it is good!"

Mu Han smiled, waved out a white chess piece, and landed on the chessboard.


When Mu Han made a move, an uproar erupted in the crowd.


Seeing this move, Su Xinghe was also dumbfounded, speechless for a while.

But Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and other women all covered their mouths lightly, with expressions of surprise and disbelief on their faces.

Following Mu Han's move, the situation on the entire chessboard was instantly determined.

This move, like the finishing touch, brought the whole white game to life, occupying half of the chessboard.

And the black chess can only live in a corner, lingering on.

But just now, the move that Su Xinghe thought was perfect was actually a rotten move that just blocked black's way out.

"Hehe, good! My son is talented, congratulations!" Su Xinghe stared at the chessboard for a long while, not only did he not look depressed, but smiled happily.

Su Xinghe stood up, bowed to Mu Han and said: "My master set up this situation, and no one has been able to solve it for [-] years. My lord, I will be grateful to you for unraveling this treasure."

For the past thirty years, Su Xinghe has studied this Zhenlong chess game, but it has been fruitless. Now that Mu Han has cracked it, his heart is like a hanging boulder, and it finally landed on the ground. There is also a sense of relief in his words.

"My lord, please follow me." Su Xinghe stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Hearing Su Xinghe's words, Mu Han also smiled slightly.

He naturally knew who Su Xinghe was taking him to meet.

Naturally, the current head of the Xiaoyao Sect, Wu Yazi.

"Okay!" Mu Han nodded and said.

Su Xinghe came to the bottom of the mountain wall opposite the chess game, and under the mountain wall were engraved with the words "Xiaoyao".

"My lord, please!" Su Xinghe looked at Mu Han, said with a smile, and made a gesture of please.

Mu Han turned his head, and said to the four daughters (the moneyed one): "Yuyan, A'Zhu, A'Zi, A'Bi, you are waiting for me here, I will come as soon as I go."

"En!" The four girls nodded obediently.

"Mr. Su, they will ask you to take care of him outside temporarily." Mu Han said with his fists clasped.

"Of course, please rest assured, my lord, as long as the old man is alive, he will guarantee that the four girls will be unharmed." Su Xinghe said.

"Thank you!" Mu Han clasped his fists and said.

With the protection of Su Xinghe and Jiumozhi outside, the four daughters of Wang Yuyan should not have any problems.

Mu Han stepped forward slowly, pressed lightly on the stone wall, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Mu Han mobilized his inner strength, and a huge force suddenly erupted from his palm, and the entire mountain wall was directly shattered, revealing a hole.

"Mr. Su, I'm going in."

Mu Han smiled slightly at Su Xinghe, and walked slowly into the cave. . "

Chapter 95 Wuyazi, three conditions (2/3)

Mu Han walked slowly into the cave.

Although the cave was dark, but Mu Han had lived in the ancient tomb for a period of time, and with the improvement of his cultivation, the darkness had no effect on Mu Han at all.

Suddenly, from the depths of the cave, there was an extremely strong wind, as if trying to suck him in.

Mu Han smiled slightly, this should be Wu Yazi's blow to him.

Mu Han's body shook, and he released an extremely fierce breath, which scattered the strong wind away.


At this time, there was a slight surprised sound suddenly sounded.

Mu Han smiled, raised his legs and walked slowly, until he came to a stone gate.

"Come in!" An old voice came from inside the stone gate.


Without hesitation, Mu Han blasted the stone door open with his palm, and walked in.

Behind the stone door is an empty stone room, at the end of the stone room, there is an old white figure sitting cross-legged quietly.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, his face is like a crown jade, without the slightest wrinkle.

Name: Wu Yazi

Sex: Male

Age: 93 years old

Identity: Head of the Xiaoyao faction

Cultivation: Congenital Quadruple

This Wu Yazi actually possessed the fourth level of innate cultivation!

Seeing the system information, Mu Han was a little surprised.

If Wu Yazi hadn't been plotted against by Ding Chunqiu back then, I'm afraid his cultivation level over the years would definitely be more than the fourth level of congenital, perhaps even the sweeping monk of Shaolin Temple might not necessarily be Wu Yazi's opponent.

Thinking of this, Mu Han couldn't help feeling a little sorry for Wu Yazi.

It's a pity that Ding Chunqiu plotted against a dignified innate strong man, and ended up like this.

And in order for the Xiaoyao faction to pass on, it is really pitiful to hide in such a dark place.

For this alone, Mu Han admired Wu Yazi very much.

Can bend and stretch!

"That's right, with handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament, Su Xinghe finally found a good seedling." Wu Yazi sized up Mu Han, nodded with satisfaction on his face.

For Wu (cacj) Yazi's praise, Mu Han did not show the slightest joy.

For his appearance, Mu Han has enough confidence!

"Mu Han, I met Mr. Wu Yazi." Mu Han cupped his fists at Wu Yazi and said.

Mu Han called Wu Yazi his husband, not his senior, which made Wu Yazi a little unhappy.

But for the sake of the future of the Xiaoyao faction, Wu Yazi also suppressed this unhappiness.

"Do you know who this old man is?" Wu Yazi asked in shock, looking at Mu Han's indifferent expression.

"Hehe, by accident, at the foot of the Wuliang Mountain, I accidentally obtained the Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu, and I have heard about it, sir." Mu Han said lightly.

Hearing this, Wu Yazi nodded, and then laughed: "Hehe, the old man set up the Zhenlong chess game, just to find a predestined person to inherit the old man's mantle. I didn't expect you to be so lucky to get the martial arts of my Xiaoyao faction." study."

Mu Han secretly smiled, this is not luck at all, but something he went looking for on purpose.

Of course, he wouldn't say that.

"This old man's chess game has been laid out for thirty years, and no one has cracked it. Today, you are able to break this old man's chess game. It is considered a fate, and this old man will give you a gift." Wu Yazi said.

"You don't get rewarded for nothing, since the master wants to give me a gift, it's obvious that he has something to ask for." Mu Han said lightly.

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