Wu Yazi was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that Mu Han would say such a thing, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Wu Yazi's eyes flickered, his face changed, and he said after a long while: "I know you are an extraordinary person, so I won't play around with you anymore. Your appearance, intelligence and talent are all in line with this old man's standard. The Xiaoyao faction is destined, are you willing to worship the old man as a teacher, the old man can pass on all the skills of his life to you."


Mu Han shook his head and said, "I don't want to."

Mu Han's own cultivation has reached the second level of congenital, even if he is a master of the fourth level of innate, he may not be able to defeat him. Isn't it too bad to have Wu Yazi as his teacher?

"Congenital double?"

Wu Yazi felt the aura emanating from Mu Han, and his face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the young man in white in front of him was actually a master of the second level of innate talent.

"Ha ha!"

Wu Yazi was taken aback when he heard the words, apparently he didn't expect Mu Han to say such a thing, and there was a trace of weirdness in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "If you don't worship me as a teacher, how can I pass on my whole life's kung fu to you?" you?"

"If that's the case, then Mister should have found a successor again." Mu Han said lightly.

Mu Han turned around and started to leave.

"and many more!"

Wu Yazi said: "Your cultivation level is no less than that of the old man, if you were the old man, you may not agree."

"Thank you sir for your understanding!" Mu Han said.


Wu Yazi sighed lightly, and said: "The old man's time is approaching, there is no time to find a successor, since you don't want to worship the old man as a teacher, it's fine, but the old man will teach you the skills, and you have to promise the old man three things. "

What Mu Han did made Wu Yazi very depressed, but he had no time to find a new heir.

Moreover, Mu Han's conditions in all aspects meet his requirements, and he also possesses the martial arts of the Xiaoyao faction, so he is the most suitable candidate to take over the Xiaoyao faction!

But he always felt that it was not worthwhile for him to pass on his life's skills to Mu Han for nothing, so he also made three demands.

"Sir, please speak directly." Mu Han knew what Wu Yazi wanted to say, and said.

"The first thing, you have to take over as the head of the Xiaoyao Sect." Wu Yazi said.

"Okay!" Mu Han agreed without hesitation.

Wu Yazi took out a scroll from his bosom, was silent for a while, and said: "The second thing is that you have to find a way to find the person in the scroll, and if possible, take care of the old man."

Mu Han took the scroll, nodded and said, "This is fine, I will try to find her."

"Thank you."

Wu Yazi also understood in his heart that after so many years, it might not be easy to find it, but there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Then he said: "The third thing is to kill Ding Chunqiu for the old man, to avenge the old man, and to clean up the Xiaoyao faction."

"Please don't worry sir, I will definitely kill Ding Chunqiu!" Mu Han said solemnly. . "

Chapter 96 Passing on Gong, Congenital Triple Level (3/3)

"Okay, the old man will pass on his life skills to you now."

Wu Yazi said: "However, if you want to pass on your skill, I'm afraid you have to dissolve your original internal force. Otherwise, different internal forces exist in your body, which may be harmful to you instead of beneficial."

"Haha, it's okay."

Mu Han smiled lightly, if it was someone else, this matter would be rather troublesome, but for Mu Han, it is not a problem at all.

The Qiankun Shengyang Jue practiced by Mu Han also incorporates the magical power of Beiming. Wu Yazi's seventy-year internal energy is the purest true Qi of Beiming, and it can be regarded as the same root, so he wants to absorb Wu Yazi's Internal strength, there is no problem at all.

"In this case, now I will pass on all my life's skills to you." After Wuya-zi finished speaking, he raised his palms.

Seeing Wu Yazi's actions, Mu Han immediately knew that he was about to start imparting skills, and he was not a hypocritical person, so he immediately sat down cross-legged, stretched out his hands and merged with Wu Yazi's palms .

"I hope you can help me fulfill those three wishes." After looking at Mu Han for a moment, Wu Yazi smiled lightly, and then began to slowly inject his life's power into Mu Han's body.

Mu Han immediately felt that waves of pure Beiming zhenqi came from Wu Yazi's body and poured into his body through his palms.

Mu Han quickly operated the Qiankun Shengyang formula, absorbing and refining the true energy of Beiming from Wu Yazi.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour later, Mu Han had absorbed all of Wu Yazi's seventy years of skill.

The quality of the internal force cultivated by the Qiankun Shengyang Art is much higher than that of Beiming Zhenqi, and the seventy years of Beiming Zhenqi absorbed, after being refined and compressed, only twenty years remain.

However, the internal strength of these twenty years also gave Mu Han a breakthrough!

Congenital triple!

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, the cultivation base has broken through to the innate third level, and the system rewards 30000 points!"

A powerful breath swept out from Mu Han's body, causing Wu Yazi's face to change slightly.

"Triple congenital?" Wu Yazi showed surprise on his face!

He originally thought that with his seventy years of internal strength, Mu Han would be able to break through at least to the fourth level of congenital and even the realm of fifth level of congenital, but he did not expect that Mu Han could only break through to the third level of congenital.

However, Mu Han, who was at the third level of innate, exuded a stronger aura than ordinary fighters at the fourth or even fifth level of innate level.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Wu Yazi coughed again.

At this time, Wu Yazi's face was haggard and wrinkled, and his breath became extremely sluggish.

"Mr. Wu Yazi..." Mu Han said, seeing Wu Yazi's current appearance, although he was mentally prepared, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm already ninety-three years old this year, and I have passed on my skills to you all my life, and today's deadline has come." Wu Yazi said.

Wu Yazi took off the ring of the head of the Xiaoyao faction from his own hand, and said: "Come on, take this ring of the head of the Xiaoyao faction, you will be the head of the Xiaoyao faction."

Mu Han sighed and came to Wu Yazi's side.

Wu Yazi put the head ring on Mu Han, with a comforting smile on his face.

Although Mu Han was not accepted as a disciple, there were successors in the Xiaoyao Sect, which made her very comforted.

"Hahahaha, I finally have a successor to my Xiaoyao faction!"

Wu Yazi said with a smile, but the laughter stopped abruptly.No breath.

The head of a generation of Xiaoyao Sect passed away.

Seeing Wu Yazi's gradually stiff body, Mu Han glanced at the master ring in his hand, sighed lightly, and said, "Mr. Wu Yazi, don't worry, I will definitely kill Ding Chunqiu, because You take revenge."

After lightly cupping his fists to salute Wu Yazi's corpse, Mu Han stepped out slowly.

"Brother Mu Han, you're here." Wang Yuyan and the girls were also relieved to see Mu Han come out safely.

They were still very worried about Mu Han before.

Everyone also looked at Mu Han, and found that there was a slight change between Mu Han and before entering the cave, but they couldn't tell the specific change.

"Young master, my master is gone?"

Seeing Mu Han, Su Xinghe looked sad and asked.

"Yes!" Mu Han nodded.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, Su Xinghe still felt a bit unacceptable for a while, his body flickered, and he was about to lose his footing.

"Master!" 0 asking for flowers··········

Seeing Su Xinghe's appearance, Kang Guangling, Xue Muhua and others hurried over and supported Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe saw the Sect Leader's ring on Mu Han's hand, and quickly knelt down and said, "Su Xinghe, I have met the Sect Leader."

And Kang Guangling, Xue Muhua and others at the side were stunned for a moment, they also knelt down together and said, "I have seen the head."

Everyone was stunned, why did Mu Han become the head of Su Xinghe and others after entering the cave for a while?

Moreover, the Eight Friends of Hangu are all well-known figures in the Jianghu. Their master Su Xinghe founded the deaf-mute sect, and his reputation is not small. He can become their master. This Mu Han is really more and more unsightly Thoroughly.

"Get up." Mu Han said lightly. 0

"Everyone, today's Zhenlong chess game is over. I still have a lot of things to deal with. I hope you will come again next time. I'm sorry." Su Xinghe clasped his fists and said.

All the people present knew that Su Xinghe had issued the order to chase away guests, so they all rushed to Su Xinghe to salute, bid farewell and left.

"Mr. Su, I'm leaving too." Xuannan saluted Su Xinghe and said.

"Master, I'm sorry, I will become Shaolin someday to make amends for Master." Su Xinghe clasped his fists and said.

"Okay, welcome anytime!"

Xuannan gave Mu Han a meaningful look, then turned and left.

Soon, all the people from the rivers and lakes present left one after another, Jiumozhi also saluted and left with Su Xinghe and Mu Han.

The entire Leigu Mountain became quiet.

"Mr. Su!" Mu Han said.

"Sect Leader, just call me by my name." Su Xinghe said.

"Okay, Su Xinghe, Mr. Wu Yazi has passed away, you are responsible for his funeral." Mu Han ordered.

"Sect Leader, please rest assured, the disciple will make proper arrangements for Master's funeral." Su Xinghe said.

"Okay, I have something to deal with, so I'm leaving for now. If I have anything to do, I will send you a letter." Mu Han said.

"Yes!" Su Xinghe quickly responded.

"Yuyan, let's go." Mu Han said lightly.

"Congratulations to the head!" Su Xinghe brought Xue Muhua, Kang Guangling and others, saluted Mu Han, and watched Mu Han and others leave... "

Chapter 97 Vulture Palace, Tianshan Child Elder (1/3)

After leaving the Valley of the Deaf and Mute, Mu Han took the four daughters and headed directly for Vulture Palace on Misty Peak.

After several days of rushing, Mu Han, Wang Yuyan and others finally arrived at the foot of Misty Peak.

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