"Who? How dare you trespass on Misty Peak?"

More than a dozen maidservants from Misty Peak flashed out of the jungle, stopped Mu Han and the others, and pointed at Mu Han with a flashing sword.

"Hurry up and tell your Tianshan Child Elder that Mu Han, the new head of the Xiaoyao Sect, has arrived, and tell her to come out to greet her quickly," Mu Han said flatly.

"You are Mu Han? Mu Han who is famous in Juxian Village?" asked the leading maid.

Mu Han smiled and said, "I never thought you'd heard of me, it seems that you're pretty well informed about the news about Misty Peak."

"Young Master, please wait a moment, I will report now." The servant girl saluted Mu Han, and then flew the pigeon to pass the letter to the top of Misty Peak.

"My lord, the lord "[-]" is here to invite you."

After a while, the servant girl received the reply letter sent by Fei Ge, after reading it, she clasped her fists to salute Mu Han, and then led the way ahead.

"Let's go."

Mu Han said to the girls, and followed the maidservant up the mountain.

Originally, I wanted Tianshan Child Elder to come down to greet her, but thinking that Tianshan Child Elder should be in the period of rest, there is absolutely no possibility of going down the mountain to greet her, so Mu Han also gave up this plan.

Misty Peak is shrouded in clouds and mist, with jagged rocks, towering trees, and lush greenery. The scenery made Mu Han, Wang Yuyan and others secretly amazed.

The servant girl led Mu Han and the others into a grand hall, bowed and said: "Please wait here for a while, my lord, the lord will come after a while."

After the maid stepped down, not long after, a twelve or thirteen-year-old maid came in with tea.

This maid was dressed in a red dress, with fair skin, a pair of big eyes, watery, very agile, and a small face carved with jade, very cute.

Name: Wu Xingyun (Tianshan Child Elder)

Gender: Female

Age: 96

Identity: Senior Sister Wu Yazi, Master of Vulture Palace

Cultivation: second-rate early stage (innate triple late stage)

Tianshan Child Elder carefully held the tea, and there was a look of nervousness and panic on her pretty face, which made Mu Han secretly smile.

This Tianshan Child Elder is really a powerful acting master!

No wonder he was able to fool Boss Wu in the original book.

But judging from this appearance, Tianshan Child Elder practiced the Eight Desolation and Six Harmonies Self-Respecting Kungfu, and it is time to re-train the Sangong, otherwise she would not only have the strength of the second-rate early stage.

"Everyone, please use it slowly!"

After Tianshan Child Elder served the tea, she sized up Mu Han and the others, said softly, and was about to leave the hall.

"Tianshan Child Elder, don't you kneel and worship after seeing the head?" Mu Han picked up the tea offered by Tianshan Child Elder, took a sip, and smiled lightly.

"Boy, do you know my identity?" Child Elder Tianshan said with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

The voice is sweet and pleasant, with a hint of childishness.

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and other girls all showed surprise on their faces, they never thought that this cute little girl in front of them was actually the famous Tianshan Child Elder.

"Child Elder of Tianshan Mountain, you have practiced the Eight Desolation and Six Hegemony Kung Fu, and you will rejuvenate once every [-] years. Counting the time, it should be time for you to re-practise San Kung Fu."

"Who are you? Did that bitch send you here?"

Hearing this, Tianshan Child Elder's body suddenly tensed up, looking at Mu Han with a stern expression on her face, she shouted in a deep voice.

Mu Han's ability to tell his secret accurately made Tianshan Child Elder both shocked and angry.

"Hehe, if I were sent by Li Qiushui, I'm afraid you would have died long ago."

Mu Han smiled faintly, stretched out his palm, revealing the ring of the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, and said, "Wu Xingyun, when you see the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

"Boy, you are worthy of being the head of the Xiaoyao Sect?" Wu Xingyun said disdainfully.

"Isn't it worthy?"

Mu Han laughed, and a powerful aura swept out of his body, which surprised Tianshan Child Elder.

"Innate triple?"

Tianshan Child Elder can feel that Mu Han's cultivation has reached the third level of innate, and his aura is even better than her own.

In the next moment, Mu Han slapped out his palm, powerfully, and blasted towards Tianshan Child Elder.

Tianshan Child Elder's complexion changed, her current cultivation is still at the stage of twelve or thirteen years old, it is impossible to resist the palm of a congenital triple master.


However, with a wave of Mu Han's sleeve, his powerful palm landed on the coffee table beside him, smashing the coffee table to pieces.

"Northern true energy? Baihong's palm strength?"

The astonishment on Tianshan Child Elder's face became more and more intense

"Wu Xingyun, how about it? Am I worthy to be the head of the Xiaoyao Sect?" Mu Han asked.

Tianshan Child Elder remained silent.

Seeing this, Mu Han said indifferently: "Wu Xingyun, your current situation is not very good, is it? Li Qiushui will definitely come to chase you down, and the people from Thirty-six Caves and Seventy-two Islands under your command are also ready to move. rebel."

Hearing Mu Han's words, Tianshan Child Elder was silent, she knew that what Mu Han said was true.

Her deadly enemy, Li Qiushui, would definitely take advantage of her weakness to come and chase and kill her, and the group of people from the Thirty-six Cave and the Seventy-two Islands under her command are also gathering to rebel. These days, she is fighting for This is troublesome.

Today, she received the news that a new head of the Xiaoyao Sect came down from the mountain. She was curious for a moment, and she also disguised herself as a maidservant to see what happened. Unexpectedly, the new head saw it through.

"Then what do you want?" Tianshan Child Elder stared at Mu Han and said in a cold voice.

"Speaking to the head, is this your tone?"

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "I will help you through this crisis, I will serve you as my master.

Mu Han's goal is also very simple, through controlling the Tianshan Child Elder, he can then control the Vulture Palace, the Thirty-six Caves, the Seventy-two Islands and other affiliated forces of the Vulture Palace.

"Serve you as master?"

Hearing this, Tianshan Child Elder said disdainfully: "I, Wu Xingyun, when did I get so down that I need to rely on others to protect my life?"

"Hehe, Wu Xingyun, you are not afraid of death? But do you want to fall into Li Qiushui's hands? I want to kill you, it's easy, I can also hand you over to Li Qiushui, so that you will be tortured to death." Mu Han drank He took a sip of tea and said.

Hearing this, Tianshan Child Elder's face turned slightly terrified, she was not afraid of death, but she was afraid of falling into the hands of that bastard Li Qiushui, that would really make life worse than death.

Seeing Tianshan Child Elder's appearance, Mu Han smiled slightly, and suddenly changed the topic, saying: "If you are my master, I can not only protect your life, help you recover your martial arts, but also help you perfect the eight wildernesses." Liuhe is the only self-respecting skill, so that you will no longer have to sip your kung fu once in thirty years, and your cultivation level can continue to be improved."


Hearing Mu Han's words, Tianshan Child Elder's eyes lit up, and she said in doubt.

Can it perfect the Eight Barrens and Six Harmonies Solitaire Kung Fu?Can you continue to improve your cultivation without using Sangong anymore? . "

Chapter 98 A lot of harvest, the shock of Tianshan Child Elder (2/3)


Hearing Mu Han's words, Tianshan Child Elder's eyes lit up, and she said in doubt.

"It's no good for me to lie to you? If it's about controlling the Vulture Palace, I can easily control the Vulture Palace as long as I kill you. You are the only one who can see the entire Vulture Palace. If you die, the spirit Among other things, the Eagle Palace, even the mob of Thirty-six Caves and Seventy-two Islands can't stop them." Mu Han said lightly.

Tianshan Child Elder was silent, she knew that what Mu Han said was right, the reason why the Vulture Palace can maintain its majesty is entirely due to the effect of her life and death talisman, if she really died, I am afraid that the Vulture Palace will be destroyed in an instant. Went out.

Looking at the ring in Mu Han's hand, Wu Xingyun hesitated, knelt down on one knee, and said, "I've met the leader!"

Tianshan Child Elder hesitated for a moment, but still chose to submit.

If Mu Han wanted to kill her, she would not frown, but if he handed her over to Li Qiushui, she would not accept it.

There is a deep hatred between her and Li Qiushui. Even if she dies, she must die behind the other party. She must not fall into Li Qiushui's hands and see the ugly face of the other party.

"Get up."

Mu Han said lightly: "Since you agree, then you can retreat from tomorrow, and let me take care of all 20 of Vulture Palace."

Although Tianshan Child Elder chose to surrender, Mu Han believed that Tianshan Child Elder was not convinced, and did not really recognize her as the master in her heart.

But Mu Han has his own way.

"I heard that there is a cave in your Vulture Palace, there are many profound martial arts engraved on the stone wall, now take me to see it." Mu Han said.

Tianshan Child Elder hesitated for a moment, then led the way ahead.

Most of the martial arts on the stone wall are the martial arts of the Xiaoyao Sect. As the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, Mu Han is naturally qualified to practice.

But Tianshan Child Elder still has a lot of doubts in her mind, she doesn't know how Mu Han got the Ring of Sect Leader.

Tianshan Child Elder brought Mu Han and others to a cave, and there were four maidservants guarding the entrance of the cave.

Seeing Tianshan Child Elder, the four maidservants all had awe-inspiring expressions on their faces, and they saluted: "See Your Honor."

"Open the stone gate." Tianshan Child Elder said.

"Yes, your lord!"

The four maidservants opened the mechanism, and the stone door opened slowly.

Tianshan Child Elder entered the cave, the cave was dimly lit, but along the way, there were fire lights from time to time.

After walking for about half an hour, Mu Han and the others finally came to the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave, there is a huge stone wall, and the stone wall is full of graphics and words.

On the stone wall, all the unique skills of Vulture Palace are recorded.

"Ding! Discovered the top-grade Huang-rank martial arts Tianshan Zhemeishou, do you practice it?"

"Ding! Discovered the top-grade Huang-rank martial arts Tianshan Liuyang Palm, do you practice it?"

"Ding! Discovered the low-level martial arts of the Xuan level, the only self-respecting skill in the world, do you want to practice it?"


A series of system prompts sounded in Mu Han's ears.

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