
Mu Han said without hesitation in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, you have successfully practiced the top-grade Huang-rank martial arts Tianshan Zhemeishou, and the reward system points are 300 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, you have successfully practiced the top-grade Huang-rank martial arts Tianshan Liuyang Palm, and the reward system points are 300 points!"


A series of system prompts sounded in Mu Han's ears, and a lot of information also appeared in Mu Han's mind, all about the martial arts on the stone wall.

These martial arts, Mu Han has only reached the entry level, if he wants to reach the level of Dzogchen, he still needs to practice hard.

However, with Mu Han's current talent and aptitude, it is not difficult to cultivate these martial arts to the level of Dzogchen.

This time, he not only learned all the martial arts and martial arts on the stone wall, but also gained more than [-] system points.

Now Mu Han's system points have exceeded the one million mark.

However, more than one million system points, although it looks like a lot, can only be used for one advanced lottery draw.

"Let's go." Mu Han said.


Tianshan Child Elder looked at Mu Han in surprise, and said, "Don't you want to read the martial arts and martial arts on the stone wall?"

"Haven't you already seen this?" Mu Han said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Tianshan Child Elder was a little stunned, she thought that Mu Han was going to practice martial arts on the stone wall, but she didn't expect that he just took a quick look at it.

"Could it be that these martial arts and martial arts can't catch your eyes?" Tianshan Child Elder asked strangely.

"That's not true. I know all the martial arts and martial arts on the stone wall."

Hearing Mu Han's words, except for Wang Yuyan, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Wang Yuyan had seen Mu Han's magic in Langhuan Yudong, so she was not surprised.

"You know it all?"

Tianshan Child Elder snorted coldly, and said: "It's a bit exaggerated to brag."

"Hehe, don't you believe it?" Mu Han smiled.

"Of course I don't believe it."

Tianshan Child Elder didn't believe that Mu Han was able to learn all the kung fu and martial arts on the stone wall with less than a stick of incense.

"Okay, then you look good."

As soon as Mu Han finished speaking, he suddenly slapped out a palm, the palm was sharp and full of hot masculinity.

Yang Song Tianjun, Yang Chun Bai Xue...

"Six Sun Palms of Tianshan Mountain?"

Feeling Mu Han's fierce palm, Tianshan Child Elder's face showed disbelief.


Because she has already recognized that what Mu Han is using is Tianshan Liuyang Palm.

Tianshan Liuyang Palm is extremely powerful, and Baihong Palm is the most profound palm technique of Xiaoyao School. When the palm is released, the left and right palms can use different internal strengths of yin and yang, and it is in harmony with the life and death talisman. Using this palm technique can Dissolve the life and death talisman in the body.

It is absolutely impossible to comprehend such a profound palm technique in less than a stick of incense.

"Have you practiced Tianshan Liuyang Palm before?" Tianshan Child Elder asked.

Mu Han shook his head and said, "It's the first time I'm practicing Tianshan Liuyang Palm."

"It's absolutely impossible." Tianshan Child Elder shook her head and said.

"Hehe, nothing is impossible. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it." Mu Han said lightly.

"No wonder Junior Brother Wu Yazi passed on the headship to you?" Seeing that Mu Han didn't seem to be lying, Tianshan Child Elder said.

Such talent can be called terrifying!

Otherwise, it cannot be explained that Mu Han, who is less than twenty years old, possesses the third level of innate cultivation.

"It's a pity that Mr. Wu Yazi has passed away." Mu Han also said with some regret.

Hearing this, Tianshan Child Elder was shaken both physically and mentally, although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, but hearing the news of Wu Yazi's death, it was still a little hard to accept for a while. . "

Chapter 99 Misty Peak, Li Qiushui Appears (3/3)

"This Ding Chunqiu should be killed!"

After hearing Mu Han narrate the whole story, Tianshan Child Elder was so angry that she waved her palm, but now that her cultivation base has been greatly reduced, this palm is not very powerful, and it has no effect when it hits the stone wall.

"I have already promised Mr. Wu Yazi that I will kill this guy with my own hands." Mu Han said lightly.

"Thank you, head." Tianshan Child Elder gave Mu Han a grateful look, and said.

"Senior Sister, Junior Sister has traveled thousands of miles to Misty Peak, why don't you come out to greet her?" At this time, a slightly gloomy voice resounded throughout Misty Peak.

Hearing this voice, Tianshan Child Elder's expression suddenly changed.

No need to guess, this voice must be Tianshan Child Elder's junior sister and also Tianshan Child Elder's deadly enemy, the Empress Dowager of Xixia, Li Qiushui!

"Go, go out and have a look." Mu Han said with a smile.

Tianshan Child Elder glanced at Mu Han, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

When they reached the top of Misty Peak, Mu Han and the others saw a slender figure with his back turned to them.

And around, there are already many Lingjiu Palace disciples.

That figure turned around and looked at Tianshan Child Elder, Mu Han and the others with a smile, but there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Name: Li Qiushui

Gender: Female

Age: 89

Status: Empress Dowager Xixia, Junior Sister Wuyazi

Cultivation: Innate triple late stage

Li Qiushui was dressed in white, with a slender figure and long hair like white snow, but his face was covered with a veil, making it difficult to see his appearance.

It can be seen that Li Qiushui is well maintained and looks only thirty years old, but through the veil, one can still vaguely see that there are several shocking bloodstains on Li Qiushui's face, even the veil Can't cover it.

"What do you bitch come to my Misty Peak?" Tianshan Child Elder looked at Li Qiushui with an expression of wanting to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Senior Sister, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why do you speak ill of each other when we meet? My little sister counts these few days as a happy day for you to rejuvenate, so I specially went to Misty Peak to visit you〃~." Li Qiushui said with a smile, his voice Quite beautiful.

"Hmph, if it's normal, would you dare to come?" Tianshan Child Elder sneered.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there would be such a handsome young man in your Misty Peak. Senior sister, you are an old cow eating tender grass."

Li Qiushui didn't pay attention to Tianshan Child Elder, but looked at Mu Han.

Seeing Mu Han, Li Qiushui's eyes lit up slightly.

What a handsome young man.

With an appearance as handsome as a fairy, and a temperament as rich as jade, even she has never seen such a peerless and beautiful young man.

"What's none of your business?" Tianshan Child Elder said.

Li Qiushui didn't take Tianshan Child Elder seriously, Tianshan Child Elder was in the stage of dispersing kung fu, now if he wanted to kill her, it would be like crushing an ant to death.

Mu Han walked forward slowly, showed the ring of the head of the Xiaoyao faction, and said, "Li Qiushui, what do you think this is?"

"The master ring? Where did you get it?" Li Qiushui asked with a look of surprise.

"As the new head of the Xiaoyao Sect, I have a ring of the head, is that so unusual?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"You liar, why did senior brother Wu Yazi pass the headship of Xiaoyao Sect to you, a young brat." Li Qiushui shouted.

"Hehe, believe it or not!"

Mu Han's face darkened, and his voice suddenly became stern, and he said, "Li Qiushui, the Xiaoyao School's sect rules, seeing the head ring is like seeing the head, and seeing me, why don't you kneel down and salute? You want to betray the sect? ?"

Li Qiushui's face darkened, and he waved his palm suddenly, a white rainbow's palm force directly patted towards Mu Han.

Li Qiushui has been submerged in the power of Baihong's palm all his life, so the power of one palm is extremely powerful, it makes a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and the speed is also extremely fast.

"Baihong Palm? I will too."

Mu Han smiled lightly, and greeted him with a palm, which was Bai Hong's palm.

In Mantuo Mountain Villa, Mu Han got the power of Baihong palm, and now he has already reached the level of Dzogchen.


Two powerful white rainbow palms collided together, erupting a tyrannical wind ripple, sweeping away like a storm, and even cracks on the ground, like spider webs, spread towards the surroundings Come.


Li Qiushui's figure retreated more than ten steps, leaving deep footprints on the ground before stopping.

"How do you know how to use Baihong Palm?"

Li Qiushui looked at Mu Han with an unbelievable look on his face. He never thought that this young boy would have such terrifying strength.

Even Bai Hong's palm strength, which I have always been proud of, is not as good as the opponent's, and my late third-level innate state will be repulsed by his early-stage innate triple-level cultivation base.

The Tianshan Child Elder beside her was also shocked.

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