She knew that Mu Han's martial arts were strong, but she never thought that he was so powerful.

Although she hated this Li Qiushui to the bone, she had to admit that this Li Qiushui was extremely talented, even if she had practiced a lot of kung fu and martial arts, she could only compete evenly.

And this Mu Han was able to easily repel Li Qiushui, that is to say, even if he didn't use up his kung fu, he was not Mu Han's opponent.

Thinking of this, a trace of fear flashed in the depths of Tianshan Child Elder's eyes.

"¨` As the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, I can do it, not just with Baihong's palm!" Mu Han said with a smile.

After the words fell, he swung out a palm, which was the Yangchun Baixue among the six sun palms in Tianshan Mountain.


Li Qiushui and Mu Han clashed palms again, Li Qiushui backed up again, the stronger and the weaker, the judgment was made.

"Li Qiushui, I'll give you another chance. If you still don't bow down to the head, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Mu Han said in a low voice.


Li Qiushui said unconvinced: "Even if you are the head, why do you favor Wu Xingyun?"

"I am partial to Wu Xingyun?"

Mu Han smiled lightly: "Wu Xingyun has already served me as the master and returned to the Xiaoyao sect."

Li Qiushui gave Wu Xingyun a suspicious look, she didn't believe that Wu Xingyun, who was always proud, would succumb to Mu Han.

"Wu Xingyun, I have met the master." Tianshan Child Elder knelt on one knee and saluted Mu Han.

The maidservants of the Vulture Palace at the side all had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

And Li Qiushui was even more shocked.

How can this be?

Could it be that I was dazzled? . "

Chapter 100 Conquering Li Qiushui and resolving grievances (1/3)

Li Qiushui stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, and couldn't believe his eyes, Wu Xingyun, who had always been rebellious, would actually give priority to a boy under twenty years old.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it was real.

"Li Qiushui, how are you?" Mu Han glanced at Li Qiushui and said calmly.

"Hmph, you want me to serve you as master. There is no door. Although I admit that I am not your opponent, but if I want to leave today, you can't stop me." Li Qiushui said coldly.

"Li Qiushui, don't say whether you can escape today, even if you do escape, if Wu Xingyun recovers his skills and I join forces with her at that time, do you think you still have a chance to escape?" Mu Han looked at with a smile. Looking at Li Qiushui, he looked like he was convinced of her.

Hearing this, Li Qiushui remained silent.

She knew that what Mu Han said was right, even if she could escape from Mu Han's hands today, when Wu Xingyun recovered his skills and faced the combination of two innate triple masters, she might really have nowhere to escape.

You may not be able to fight well, but you can escape if you can escape. A monk cannot escape from the temple.

After weighing it for a while, Li Qiushui hesitated, knelt down on one knee, saluted and said, "Li Qiushui, I have met the master."

"Get up."

Mu Han nodded slightly, and said: "I know you may not be convinced in your heart, but it doesn't matter, if you feel dissatisfied, you can challenge me at any time, whether you are 430 or Wu Xingyun, as long as you beat me, the leader will be given to you. I also let you handle it."

Li Qiushui didn't say a word, with her current strength, she was no match for Mu Han, let alone in the future.

After all, she has encountered a bottleneck in martial arts now, and it is not an easy task to make a breakthrough.

And Mu Han was able to reach the third level of congenital at the age of less than twenty, and his future is limitless. He can't beat him now, and he won't be able to beat him in the future.

"Wu Xingyun, Li Qiushui, you two come with me, I have something to tell you two." Mu Han turned around and walked towards the hall of Vulture Palace.

Tianshan Child Elder was worried that Li Qiushui would suddenly kill him, so she also followed Mu Han closely.

Li Qiushui hesitated for a moment, and followed Mu Han into the hall.

"Sister Ah Zhu, are you okay?" Wang Yuyan who was at the side said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Young Master will take care of it." A'Zhu comforted.


In the hall, only Mu Han, Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui were left.

"The reason why I called you in is to resolve the grievances between you." Mu Han said directly.

"Impossible!" Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui glanced at each other and said almost in unison.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Mu Han also shook his head, and said: "Wu Yazi is dead, and you two are in your eighties and nineties, and you are still jealous of him. It's really sad."

"Brother died?" Hearing this, Li Qiushui was shaken physically and mentally, with a look of sadness on his face.

Mu Han nodded slightly, took out from the system space the scroll that Wu Yazi gave him before he died, and said: "This scroll was given to me by Wu Yazi before his death, and inside it is the appearance of his sweetheart drawn by him. "

"His sweetheart? Quickly open it for me to see." Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui said in unison with complicated expressions on their faces after hearing the words.

They all want to know, who is Wu Yazi's sweetheart?

But upon hearing the other party's words, Tianshan Child Elder glared at Li Qiushui, and said: "Li Qiushui, I advise you to stop watching, how could Junior Brother like you ugly bastard, Junior Brother likes me."

Li Qiushui also retorted: "How could senior brother like a dwarf like you? I advise you not to watch it, it would be bad to get mad again."

Seeing Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder quarreling again, Mu Han shook his head helplessly, and slowly opened the scroll.

And the two of them also looked at the woman painted in the scroll at the same time.

But when they saw the woman in the picture scroll, the faces of Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui showed stiffness.

The woman in the picture scroll looks somewhat similar to Li Qiushui. At first glance, Li Qiushui was a little excited, but the next moment, he found something different, because the woman in the picture scroll had a mole on the corner of her mouth, while Li Qiushui was a little excited. There is no mole on the corner of Qiushui's mouth.

"It's's her..." Li Qiushui murmured.

"How could it be her?" Tianshan Child Elder also had an unbelievable look on her face.

Neither of them thought that the woman in the picture scroll was not any of them, but...

Looking at the woman in the picture scroll, Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui both laughed, but tears flowed from the corners of their eyes, looking at each other, they felt pity in their hearts.

For Wu Yazi, the two fought each other, fought openly and secretly for decades, but they never thought that Wu Yazi's sweetheart was not them at all, they were just pretending to be affectionate.

Looking at the appearance of Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui, Mu Han didn't make a sound, he knew that the emotions of the two needed to be vented.

The two cried and laughed for a whole stick of incense, and then sat blankly, silent.

Mu Han put away the scroll, put it into the system space, and said, "Now you know that the person Wu Yazi likes is not you at all, so you don't have to fight anymore."


Li Qiushui suddenly tore off the veil, revealing his real face. The originally pretty face showed several scars, crooked like a centipede, and looked extremely hideous and ugly.

"This bitch ruined my appearance, I have to take revenge." Li Qiushui said through gritted teeth.

"Hmph, where are you going?"

Tianshan Child Elder snorted coldly, and said: "You took advantage of the critical moment of my practice to sneak attack on me, and made me go mad, and never grow up again. I, I still have to settle accounts with you."

"Li Qiushui, what if I can heal the scar on your face?" Mu Han said to Li Qiushui.

Hearing this, Li Qiushui said dubiously: "Really, can you remove the scar on my face?"

"Not only can I heal the scars on your face, but I can also restore you to your youthful appearance and keep you young forever." Mu Han smiled lightly.


In the depths of Li Qiushui's eyes, there was a flash of hope, but there was still a hint of doubt on his face.

"If you don't believe it, forget it." Mu Han said lightly.

"If you can really do it, I'm willing to let go of my grievances." Li Qiushui said without hesitation.

Mu Han smiled slightly, turned his head, looked at Tianshan Child Elder, and said, "Wu Xingyun, if I can help you restore your normal body shape, can I also make you stay young forever?"

"I am willing too." Wu Xingyun nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, Li Qiushui, you go back to Xixia first, after a while, I will go to Xixia to find you, and then treat you." Mu Han ordered.

"Okay, I hope the master will not break his promise."

Li Qiushui glanced at Mu Han, turned and left... "

Chapter 2 Lucky Draw!Falling Heart Flame!A rank one soul refiner! (3/[-])

"Wu Xingyun, choose a quiet place tomorrow, and I will treat you."

Watching Li Qiushui leave, Mu Han turned around and said to Tianshan Child Elder beside him.

After solving the hidden danger of Li Qiushui, the crisis in the Vulture Palace was resolved. As for the mob in the Thirty-Sixth Cave and the Seventy-two Island, Mu Han didn't take it seriously.

With the innate true qi cultivated by Mu Han's Qian Kun Sheng Yang Jue, even a broken bone can be healed, not to mention the several scars on Li Qiushui's face.

As for Wu Xingyun's strange disease, it's even simpler.

On the stone wall, Mu Han has already comprehended the Eight Desolation and Liuhe Supremacy Kungfu, and it has been perfected through the Wanjie lottery system. As long as the disadvantages of the Eight Desolation and Liuhe Supremacy Kungfu are treated, Wu Xingyun can be restored to normal.

As for eternal youth, only one Zhuyan Pill is needed to solve the problem.

The reason why Mu Han didn't treat Li Qiushui for the time being was that he could see that Li Qiushui was still a little dissatisfied with him, so he decided to let her let her figure it out first.

"Apart from a quiet place, do you need to make any preparations?" Tianshan Child Elder asked.

"No, take a good rest tonight. By the way, arrange the four girls I brought. It will take some time for our treatment. Make sure to ensure their safety." Mu Han urged.

"Yes!" Tianshan Child Elder replied.


In the middle of the night, in the room.

"System, I want to draw a lottery, exchange it for an advanced lottery card for me."

Looking at the system panel in front of him, his system points have reached as many as 1108360, which is enough to exchange for a high-level lottery card.

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