More than a dozen cave masters and island masters finally couldn't stand Mu Han's torment, and armed with weapons, they attacked Mu Han.

(caec) "Looking for death!"

Mu Leng snorted, and unleashed the Six Meridians Excalibur.

Several sharp sword qi shot out, shooting towards more than ten island masters and cave masters in an instant.


The fierce sword qi pierced through the vital points of the bodies of those cave masters and island masters.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the dozen or so cave masters and island masters were instantly killed by Mu Han.

The system prompts also kept ringing in Mu Han's ears, but these cave masters and island masters were not high-level, they killed more than ten people, and only got less than a thousand system points.

"Anyone else up?"

Mu Han raised his head, his eyes swept over the others, while the remaining cave masters and island masters were pale, and they involuntarily took a few steps back.

Although they were numerous in number, facing Mu Han was like a herd of sheep facing a ferocious tiger.

"Run away!"

Some cave masters and island masters also turned around and wanted to escape.


Looking at those fleeing figures, Mu Han's expression darkened, and he let out a low drink.


A series of screams sounded, and those who fled were horrified to find that a ball of flames burst out of their bodies out of thin air, and it continued to burn and expand. I suppressed it with internal force, but made the fire more and more intense.


In the next instant, an invisible flame devoured those people mercilessly, and before they could utter a scream, they were burned into nothingness, not even a single ashes remained.

So weird!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Wu Boss, Sangtu Gong and others changed dramatically.

Those who escaped disappeared strangely!

Mu Han shook his head, he had just obtained the Falling Heart Flame not long ago, and he was not yet proficient in controlling and using the Falling Heart Flame, otherwise, those people might not even have a chance to use their internal energy to suppress the Falling Heart Flame, and they would be burned into nothingness.

"The magic, the magic..."

Some were pale with fright, their eyes glazed over.

"Anyone else want to attack me and run away?" Mu Han smiled lightly.


A scream attracted everyone's attention.

Boss Wu killed a cave master beside him with a single sword

Seeing Boss Wu's actions, Lord Sangtu also attacked an island owner next to him.

All of a sudden, the remaining island owners and cave owners of the [-]th Island and the [-]nd Cave started fighting each other.

They all know that if they don't kill one of the island masters or cave masters, everyone's lives will be confessed here.

Mu Han's intention was also very simple.

Thirty-six holes and seventy-two islands are killing each other like this, and it is impossible to rebel in the future.

But Granny Yu, Fu Minyi, Mei Lanzhuju and other women from the Vulture Palace were all dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.

Soon, only half of the [-] cave masters and island masters in the thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands were left. Boss Wu and Lord Sangtu survived easily because of the sneak attack.

"very good!"

Mu Han looked at the rest of the people, turned his head and said, "Grandma Yu, give them the antidote for the Life and Death Talisman."

"Yes!" Granny Yu nodded, and ordered the maidservant of Vulture Palace to distribute the antidote to Boss Wu, Lord Sangtu and others.

"Thank you sir!"

Boss Wu, Lord Sangtu and the others took the antidote and knelt down towards Mu Han.

"Clean up this place, then go back to your territory and wait for orders." Mu Han said lightly.

The reason why Wu Boss, Sangtu Gong and others were given the antidote was that Mu Han gave a jujube with a stick, giving both kindness and power.


Boss Wu, Lord Sangtu and others didn't dare to say any more, they hurriedly carried away the corpses all over the ground, and left in a desperate manner.

After this battle, they were completely terrified and never dared to rebel again.

Granny Yu, Fu Minyi, Meilanzhuju and other women all surrounded them, knelt down to Mu Han and said, "Thank you for saving my life, my lord."

If Mu Han hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid they would all suffer this time.

After all, facing masters like Murong Fu and Zhuo Bufan, they are hard to beat.

"Get up."

Mu Han turned his head and said to the jungle beside him, "Aren't you coming out yet?". "

Chapter 1 Mu Han vs Tianshan Child Elder (3/[-])

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Mu Han turned his head and said to the jungle beside him.

After the voice fell, a beautiful figure slowly walked out of the jungle and appeared in front of everyone.

"I have seen your lord!"

Seeing that beautiful figure, Fu Minyi knelt down on one knee and saluted.


Granny Yu, Mei Orchid, Bamboo Ju and other women in Vulture Palace looked at each other. Although the peerless beauty in front of them looked familiar, - but is this their lord?

"Shouldn't you be polite when you see this lord?" Tianshan Child Elder said coldly.

Hearing Tianshan Child Elder's familiar tone and irresistible majesty, Granny Yu, Mei Lanzhuju and other girls hurriedly knelt down and said, "See Your Honor."

"Get up."

Just now Tianshan Child Elder nodded, walked up to Mu Han, and said, "I want to see how you deal with those bastards."

"Then are you satisfied with what I have dealt with?"

Mu Han said indifferently, but his eyes were unscrupulously sizing up Tianshan Child Elder.

The Tianshan Child Elder who has returned to her normal figure is really beautiful!

Against the backdrop of a red robe, her slender figure was vividly highlighted. Her fair skin and beautiful face carried an indescribable majesty.

Using the words of her previous life to describe her, she is a proper queen!

"If it were me, I would kill them all." Tianshan Child Elder said.

"If you kill them all, won't the Vulture Palace become an empty shell then?"

Mu Han smiled faintly: "Those people, it's still useful to keep them."

"What's the use of a bunch of trash?" Tianshan Child Elder said, curling her lips.

"You'll find out later."

Mu Han glanced at Tianshan Child Elder, and said, "That's right, congratulations, you've reached the fourth level of congenital."

"This is thanks to the head."

Tianshan Child Elder hesitated for a moment, and said: "Master, I want to learn about the master's tricks."

Mu Han nodded slightly. Now that Tianshan Child Elder's strength has returned to the peak, she has broken through the shackles and reached the initial stage of the fourth level of congenital. It is inevitable that she is a little dissatisfied with herself, and it is normal to want to fight with herself.

"Yes, but if you want to fight against me, if you lose, you will have to pay a price." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"What price?" Tianshan Child Elder asked.

"If you win, I will give you the position of head. If you lose, you must let me handle it." Mu Han said with a smile, his eyes sized up Tianshan Child Elder.

"it is good!"

Tianshan Child Elder said without hesitation.

"Hehe, that's good, let me see, how amazing is the congenital quadruple?" Mu Han laughed loudly.

"call out!"

Before Mu Han's laughter fell, Tianshan Child Elder took a step forward, and suddenly came to Mu Han's body.

Now that she has returned to normal, all kinds of martial arts are much stronger than before, and even her body skills are much faster.

Granny Yu, Fu Minyi, Mei Lanzhuju and other women were all dumbfounded when they saw Tianshan Child Elder's movements.

too fast!

With my own eyes, I couldn't catch Tianshan Child Elder's figure at all.

And although the girls have seen Tianshan Child Elder make a move, they don't know the true strength of Tianshan Child Elder, because every time Tianshan Child Elder kills, it only needs one move.

"Good come!"

Seeing Tianshan Child Elder approaching him bullyingly, Mu Han said with a smile.

Tianshan Child Elder slapped out a palm, and slapped Mu Han's chest heavily, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

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