However, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze on his face before it dissipated.

Because Tianshan Child Elder found that her palm passed through Mu Han's chest without hindrance, and her figure gradually disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Fu Minyi, Mei Lanzhuju and other women all exclaimed: "My lord, be careful!"

Because they saw that Mu Han's figure appeared behind Tianshan Child Elder like a ghost.

"Wu Xingyun, your body skills are not bad, but compared with mine, you are still a little bit worse."

Mu Han whispered in Tianshan Child Elder's ear, the hot air from his mouth was blowing on Tianshan Child Elder's crystal earlobe, making Tianshan Child Elder's pretty face blush.

Tianshan Child Elder was terrified, if Mu Han attacked her at this time, she might be defeated, so she thought about it, and slapped her back with her back, but the slap was in vain.

Turning around and looking, Tianshan Child Elder saw Mu Han standing on the top of the tree, looking at herself with a smile, with a careless smile hanging on the corner of her mouth. 0 looking for flowers·····

If it was a normal confrontation, Mu Han would not dare to be careless. If he only compares his movement skills, Dzogchen's Lightning Walk and Lingbo Weibu, he is not a vegetarian.

Tianshan Child Elder's figure moved, and once again flew in front of Mu Han, a fierce aura erupted from her body.

Sensing the aura of Tianshan Child Elder, Mu Han nodded slightly. This time, he didn't dodge, he slapped out with a palm, the sound of dragon chant resounded, and a golden dragon of true energy condensed out behind Mu Han.

Eighteen palms to subdue the dragon, Kanglong has regrets!

Sensing the aura emanating from the true energy golden dragon behind Mu Han, Child Elder Tianshan's face suddenly changed, and she swung her palms out without daring to be careless. 0

Tianshan Liuyang Palm!

Tianshan Child Elder waved her palms, making a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and slapped towards Mu Han.

Although Tianshan Child Elder's palms look extremely strong, but her left palm contains yang and her right palm contains yin, yin and yang complement each other, so the true and false are uncertain.

If the opponent is a little careless, the yin and yang qi will invade the body, and then it will be impossible to survive or die.


Facing the Tianshan Six Suns Palm of Tianshan Child Elder, Mu Han did not dodge, the two palm techniques, under the nervous eyes of everyone, shocked each other.

A violent wind ripple, like a storm, swept towards the surroundings, the surrounding trees were swept away, and even the ground was shattered, and cracks emerged like spider webs , and then spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

Child Elder Tianshan had a proud expression on her face, because she felt that the yin and yang energy in her palms had already invaded Mu Han's body.

But in the next moment, Tianshan Child Elder's beautiful face has an ugly look.

Because she discovered that the yin and yang qi that had invaded Mu Han's body were swallowed up by Mu Han's innate qi.

The Qiankun Shengyang Jue practiced by Mu Han is a fusion of Beiming's magical power, and it's just a piece of cake to refine the yin and yang energy of Tianshan Child Elder.


With a muffled sound, the figure of Tianshan Child Elder flew upside down, making everyone's faces look shocked.

Tianshan Child Elder lost? . "

Chapter 2 With a shocking sword, Tianshan Child Elder is defeated! (3/[-])


Wu Xingyun's figure retreated dozens of steps in mid-air before stopping, and there was a look of surprise on his pretty face.

She finally knew why Li Qiushui surrendered to Mu Han!

Mu Han's internal force is pure and powerful, like an unfathomable volcano, capable of erupting powerful power at any time, and this kind of strength is much stronger than ordinary innate triple-layer warriors.

But with Tianshan Child Elder's character, it is impossible to admit defeat easily.

You know, if you lose, you have to let Mu Han deal with it.

"That's right, the congenital quadruple is stronger than I imagined." Mu Han nodded slightly and said.

"Come again!" Tianshan Child Elder's beautiful face revealed a hint of stubbornness.

Mu Han is a little helpless, it seems that she won't give up on "Five Five Seven" if she doesn't completely defeat Tianshan Child Elder!

Mei Lan Zhuju, Fu Minyi and others on the side had shocking expressions on their faces. In their hearts, Tianshan Child Elder was invincible in the world, but now she was at a disadvantage in front of Mu Han, why not surprise them?

"Wu Xingyun, let me show you my true strength. If you accept my sword, then I will surrender." Mu Han said lightly.

Mu Han grasped the palm, and an ancient sword appeared in his palm.

Xuanyuan Sword!

Although Xuanyuanjian's sword spirit was injured, it was still not comparable to ordinary weapons.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Tianshan Child Elder's pretty face revealed a dignified look.

Because she knew that Mu Han dared to say this, this sword must be no small matter!

Tianshan Child Elder has never seen Mu Han use a sword, even when fighting Li Qiushui, he never used a sword.

Could it be that his strongest skill is swordsmanship?

Holding the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, Mu Han adjusted his breathing slightly, and slowly raised the Xuanyuan sword.

Suddenly, a fierce momentum burst out from Mu Han's body, soaring to the sky.

At this time, Mu Han's energy and energy were also poured into Xuanyuan Sword with all his attention.

With the improvement of Mu Han's cultivation base, his swordsmanship is also improving, especially the last move of Dugu's swordsmanship comprehended in the sword mound of Dugu Qiubai!

Turn qi into a sword, use qi to control the sword, human and sword become one!


Sensing the terrifying aura exuded by Mu Han, Granny Yu's complexion changed, and she also shouted at the girls of Vulture Palace.

All the women in the Vulture Palace retreated more than a hundred feet before they stopped, because they felt that Mu Han's sword would shake the heavens and earth, and if it hit them, they would be severely injured even if they were not dead.

On the other hand, the Tianshan Child Elder opposite Mu Han had a dignified expression, and the innate qi in her body was fully functioning, ready to resist Mu Han's shocking strike.


With a low shout from Mu Han, the Xuanyuan Sword suddenly slashed out, and a sharp and huge sword energy slashed down towards Child Elder Tianshan angrily.

Looking at this sword, all the women were shocked, and they couldn't describe this sword in words.

The sword energy was cut out, and a huge crack emerged from the ground below the sword energy, and then extended rapidly towards the distance.

Seeing the rapidly expanding sword energy in her pupils, Tianshan Child Elder did not resist, because she found that no matter how she resisted, it was futile.

She couldn't take this sword at all.

In front of this shocking sword, he was extremely small, not to mention resisting, even dodging.

"My lord, be careful!"

Seeing the sword energy cutting towards Tianshan Child Elder, all the girls exclaimed.

This unparalleled sword energy, with an indescribable aura, slashed down towards Tianshan Child Elder angrily.

In Tianshan Child Elder's heart, there is a feeling of death.

Could it be that he was going to be beheaded by a sword?

On Tianshan Child Elder's pretty face, there was a smile, and a pair of beautiful eyes, slowly closed.

Being able to die under this sword is not in vain!


Tianshan Child Elder closed her eyes, only heard a loud noise in her ears, and then there was a complete silence.

not dead?

Tianshan Child Elder slowly opened her eyes, and found that she was safe and sound, but there was a sword mark of several tens of feet on a mountain not far behind her.

Seeing this terrifying sword mark, everyone gasped.

Tianshan Child Elder was unscathed, but a terrifying sword mark was left on the mountain behind her. This kind of control power is unparalleled in the Jianghu.

Tianshan Child Elder looked at Mu Han, but found that Mu Han was holding the Xuanyuan Sword, and his posture remained motionless.

Get settled!

Tianshan Child Elder is no stranger to this state, Mu Han is comprehending the sword intent 0

With the sword just now, Mu Han had some comprehension again, and only then did he enter this state.

Tianshan Child Elder took a look at Granny Yu and the others, and gestured for everyone to keep quiet.

Then, at the foot of Misty Peak, a strange scene appeared.

More than a thousand women quietly looked at a handsome man who looked like a sculpture.


I don't know how long it took before Mu Han breathed out a foul breath, put away the Xuanyuan sword, looked at the girls, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After unleashing this shocking sword just now, Mu Han realized something and entered a state of deep comprehension.

If Tianshan Child Elder or other people are hostile to him, he can also find out in time and withdraw from the meditation.

But that would be a pity for this time of enlightenment, after all, it is not always possible to enter the state of enlightenment.

Tianshan Child Elder and the daughters of Vulture Palace looked at Mu Han as if they were looking at a monster.

That sword just now, how can a warrior be able to display it?

That kind of swordsmanship completely overturned everyone's cognition.

This Mr. Mu Han, who is less than twenty years old, how could he have such a profound cultivation?Such a terrifying strength?

"I lost!" Tianshan Child Elder forced a smile on her beautiful face and said.

And the girls looked at Tianshan Child Elder in disbelief.


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