Otherwise, when Tianshan Child Elder ordered them to sleep with Mu Han, they didn't resist in the slightest, instead they had a hint of joy, even the sisters around them were quite envious.

"Get up."

With a wave of Mu Han's robe, the five girls immediately felt an invisible force, lifting them up.

"Thank you son!" the fifth girl whispered.

"My lord, we will help you undress!"

Fu Minyi and plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum came up to Mu Han, both of them stretched out their white arms, and undressed Mu Han blushingly.

Just now Tianshan Child Elder told them that if Mu Han doesn't serve her well tonight, she will be severely punished.

Mu Han looked at the beautiful five girls, with a smile on his face, and hugged Fu Minyi and Mei Jian who were closest to him (cadi) into his arms.

"Don't worry, after tonight, you will be my women, Mu Han, and I will love and protect you well." Mu Han said with a smile.

"Thank you son!"

The two girls blushed and responded softly.

"Huh? You're still so polite?" Mu Han pretended to look down, and his big hands were also swimming on the two girls.

"My lord, we dare not." Fu Minyi and Mei Jian said with a light smile.

All of a sudden, the somewhat dull atmosphere became much more relaxed.

With a smile on the corner of Mu Han's mouth, he also hugged Fu Minyi and Mei Jian, and put them gently on the bed, while Zhu Jian, Ju Jian and Lan Jian also came up to meet them.

Soon, the six of them treated each other frankly, and their clothes were all over the floor.


A moment later, Fu Minyi heard a soft moan of pain.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, I got Fu Minyi's first kiss, and the reward system points are 5000 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, you have obtained Fu Minyi's virginity, and the reward system points are 20000 points!"

A system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear, causing a faint smile to rise from the corner of his mouth.

Under Mu Han's gentle technique, Fu Minyi's pain quickly faded away, replaced by endless happiness.

However, Fu Minyi, who had just experienced personnel affairs, was Mu Han's opponent. After a while, she couldn't hold on and surrendered.

Seeing Fu Minyi who was almost fainted, Mu Han smiled slightly, and turned his gaze to the four girls beside him.

Soon, the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum cried out in pain, and a system notification sounded in Mu Han's ears.

The four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum also had new experience in personnel affairs, and their combat effectiveness was not strong, so they also surrendered soon.

But at this time, Fu Minyi had already woken up.

After all, Fu Minyi is a top-notch fighter, and while Mu Han was fighting fiercely with the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, her physical strength had already recovered.

Mu Han looked at Fu Minyi who had woken up, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. Amidst Fu Minyi's soft exclamation, Mu Han pulled him into his arms again.

Facing the five girls, Mu Han took the initiative to provoke a wheel-to-wheel battle, and the six of them started a night-long battle of double cultivation.

It was just dawn, and the five girls were already exhausted, with a look of exhaustion on their beautiful faces, and fell asleep drowsily.

After a night of double cultivation, the five girls have also benefited greatly, and their internal strength has improved to varying degrees.

Looking at the sleeping five girls, Mu Han also had a smile on his lips.

This night, he also gained a lot. Not only did his internal strength improve a lot, but the first kiss and virginity of the five girls directly added 125000 system points to Mu Han.

It's so cool! . "

Chapter 3 To Xixia, Princess Yinchuan (3/[-])

After Fu Minyi and the five daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum sacrificed their lives, Mu Han's life became more leisurely.

And as Zhong Ling's mother and daughter, Mu Wanqing's mother and daughter, Li Qingluo, Ruan Xingzhu and other daughters came to the Vulture Palace, Mu Han was like an emperor, worried about whose room to go to at night.

He really wanted to be slept with, but he still had some scruples in his heart.

Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, Wang Yuyan and Azhu Azi all vaguely knew about the relationship between Mu Han and their mother, but all the daughters knew it tacitly.

The girls tacitly agreed, and Mu Han saved a lot of trouble.

As for when they can sleep with Zhong Ling, Gan Baobao or Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian under the big quilt, they can only plan slowly.

More haste less speed!

After living with the girls in Vulture Palace for more than half a month, Mu Han also decided to leave for Xixia.

After all, he promised Li Qiushui that after a while, he would go to Xixia to heal the scars on her face.

And he also wants to control Xixia through Li Qiushui!

Wu Xingyun originally planned to go to Xixia with Mu Han, but Mu Han refused.

After all, the turmoil in the Vulture Palace had just subsided, so Wu Xingyun needed to sit in charge, and Wu Xingyun was also responsible for the safety of the women.

Now Mu Han has quite a few enemies. Although all the girls practice hard, their internal strength has improved a lot during the double cultivation, but the foundation is too weak, and they are still no match for strong enemies.

Under Mu Han's order, Wu Xingyun had no choice but to give up.

Mu Han went to Lingzhou, the capital of Xixia. Although Xixia had a smaller territory compared with Liao and Song, it was still a big country in the west.

Li Qianshun, Emperor of Xixia, if Mu Han remembered correctly, should be Li Qiushui's biological son.

At this time, the government of the Xixia Dynasty was peaceful, the country was peaceful and the people were safe, and the people lived a life of adequate food and clothing.

The closer Mu Han gets to Xixia, the more he can appreciate the customs of the Western Regions.


When he was about to arrive in Lingzhou, when Mu Han passed a secluded forest, he suddenly heard a noise and a cry for help from behind.

Mu Han turned around and saw two handsome young men rushing towards him in a hurry.

And behind the two handsome young men, there is a group of bandits, armed with weapons, clamoring to chase them.

Seeing the handsome appearance of those two teenagers, Mu Han also had a faint smile on his lips.

These two handsome teenagers were obviously disguised as men.

Out of curiosity, Mu Han also checked the identity information of the two women disguised as men through the system.

However, under investigation, Mu Han's expression became a little strange.

Name: Li Qinglu

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Identity: Princess Yinchuan of Xixia

Cultivation: Third-rate Early Stage

Name: Cher

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Identity: Maid of Princess Yinchuan of Xixia

Cultivation: Third-rate Early Stage

"Young master, help!"

After seeing Mu Han, Princess Yinchuan and Xue'er hid behind Mu Han with panicked faces as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

The gang of bandits chased after them and surrounded Mu Han, Li Qinglu and Xue'er. One bandit looked at the bandit boss and asked.

The bandit boss looked Mu Han up and down. Mu Han was well dressed, and he looked like a son of a rich family. He must have a lot of silver on him.

"What should we do? Of course, kill him and take away his valuables." The bandit boss said with a sinister smile.

Hearing the words of the bandit boss, Mu Han's mouth also curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

It's been a long time since I encountered robbery!

If the robbery hit him on the head, it was bad luck for the bandits.

This group of bandits, the highest level of cultivation is only second-rate early stage, it is easy to kill them, but Mu Han wants to tease this Yinchuan princess.


The two bandits slashed at Mu Han with their knives, but Mu Han didn't respond, as if he was petrified.

"You don't know martial arts?"

Seeing Mu Han's appearance, Li Qinglu never expected to meet someone without martial arts.

Li Qinglu was kind-hearted, and couldn't bear to see the young man in white being implicated by him, so he pulled the young man away, flew up, and kicked the two robbers away.

However, Li Qinglu was also staggered by the backlash, and fell backwards.


When Li Qinglu thought she was going to fall, she let out a cry of surprise, but found that she fell into a warm embrace.

Li Qinglu looked up, and a handsome face came into her eyes, it was that handsome young man in white.

The young man in white had a gentle smile on his face, and a pair of star-like eyes were also looking at Li Qinglu.

But the next moment, Li Qinglu's pretty face turned red, because she realized that Mu Han was holding her hand, which happened to be on top of one of her own mountains.

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