"Are you okay?" Mu Han smiled slightly.


Li Qinglu blushed pretty blushingly, and said, "My lord, can you let go of your hand?"

"it is good!"

Mu Han let go of his hand, but Li Qinglu didn't stand upright, and fell backward again. Mu Han stretched out his hand, and hugged Li Qinglu in his arms again, and this time, he held another mountain peak.


Li Qinglu's pretty face flushed, and she didn't know if Mu Han did it on purpose.


Those bandits raised their swords again and charged towards Mu Han and Li Qinglu.


With the other hand, Mu Han unleashed the Six Meridians Excalibur, with fierce sword energy, and killed all those bandits.

However, the cultivation of these bandits was too low, and Mu Han only got more than two hundred system points in total. .. ...

"Little brother, it's all right!"

Mu Han said with a smile, he didn't expose Li Qinglu's disguise as a woman.

"You are so good at martial arts, why didn't you fight back just now?"

Li Qinglu thought of Mu Han's stunned appearance just now, and she was kind enough to save him, but she didn't expect that he would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, so she didn't have to rescue him at all.

"You attracted these bandits, so of course you should deal with them." Mu Han said innocently.


Li Qinglu was a little annoyed, but after thinking about it carefully, Mu Han was right. He sized him up and said, "You are a Han, what are you doing in Xixia?"

"I don't need to tell you what I came to Xixia for, you're not a princess?" Mu Han jokingly said.

"Bold, this is..."

Xue'er, the maidservant at the side, just wanted to reveal Li Qinglu's identity, but she was glared at by Li Qinglu, and then swallowed the following words back into her stomach.

"Hmph, don't you want to be the son-in-law of Xixia?" Li Qinglu pouted and said.

"No, but after hearing what you said, I want to try it."

Mu Han smiled faintly. If he guessed correctly, this Princess Yinchuan of Xixia was probably dissatisfied with the wedding ceremony that the Emperor of Xixia wanted to organize for her, and she was about to flee abroad now?

"Do you know what Princess Xixia looks like? I heard that Princess Xixia looks very ugly." Li Qinglu threatened.

"I haven't seen it, how do you know?"

The corner of Mu Han's mouth curled up, and he jokingly said, "I've heard that Princess Yinchuan of Xixia is as beautiful as a fairy." "

Chapter 1 Molested the Princess, Taught Zong Zan (3/[-])

"I haven't seen it, how do you know?"

The corner of Mu Han's mouth curled up, and he said jokingly, "I've heard that Princess Yinchuan of Xixia is as beautiful as a fairy."

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

Hearing Mu Han's praise, Li Qinglu was quite happy. What woman doesn't like to hear others praise herself?

"I see that you are very skilled. Would you like to be my guard and go to the Central Plains together?"

Li Qinglu secretly ran out with the Emperor Xixia on his back. The Emperor Xixia wanted to rely on her to recruit a capable son-in-law, which aroused Li Qinglu's dissatisfaction.

Taking advantage of the exchange of guards in the palace, Li Qinglu and her maid Xueer sneaked out of the palace, but they didn't expect that the outside world was so dangerous, and just after they left Lingzhou City, they encountered bandits.

If I hadn't met Mu Han, I'm afraid I would have suffered disaster today.

Seeing that Mu Han was good at martial arts, he came up with the idea of ​​recruiting Mu "Qi Liu Qi" Han as his guard, so that he wouldn't have to worry about encountering bandits.

"Is there any benefit to being your guard?" Mu Han asked with a faint smile.

Li Qinglu glanced at Mu Han and said, "I can give you a lot of money."

"I'm not short of money." Mu Han shook his head and said.

"Then I can let you go to Xixia to be a big official." Li Qinglu said.

"I'm not interested in being an official." Mu Han still shook his head and said.

"Then what do you want?"

Li Qinglu is a little strange, don't men generally pursue money and rights?

Why is this white-clothed young man in front of him not asking for money or being an official?

"It's fine to be your bodyguard, but I'll go to Lingzhou to do something first, and then I'll be your bodyguard later, and accompany you to the Central Plains." Mu Han said.

"Okay, I'm very familiar with Lingzhou, why don't we go to Lingzhou to handle your affairs, and then go to the Central Plains." Li Qinglu said.

Meeting the bandits just now frightened Li Qinglu. Without Mu Han's protection, Li Qinglu would not have dared to take Xue'er outside to take risks.

Back in Lingzhou, as long as he hides well, he should not be discovered.

"it is good!"

Mu Han nodded, since the Princess Yinchuan offered to go with him, why would he not do it?

Although this princess of Yinchuan disguised herself as a man, she couldn't hide her beauty. Even the maid Xue'er was only slightly inferior to Li Qinglu.


On the pass road leading to Lingzhou, there stood two burly men with burly stature and hulking backs, one holding a big iron pestle and the other holding a copper hammer, guarding the pass fiercely.

In the surrounding area, there are already many people from the world who have been beaten to vomit blood.

"Prince Zongzan of the Tubo Kingdom has an order: this gate will be closed for ten days, and it will not be opened until the Mid-Autumn Festival in August. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, women are no more than men, monks are no more than vulgar, old are too young, and life is no more than life! This is called 'Four over four but not'." A big man shouted loudly.

And behind the two big men, a fat man in brocade clothes was lying on his back on a bamboo chair, tasting the fruit leisurely, looking at the people blocked by him, with a smile on his lips.

Behind the fat brocade-clothed man stood dozens of Tubo guards.

Name: Zong Zan

Sex: Male

Age: 35

Identity: Prince of Tubo

Cultivation: Early second-rate

Seeing the message of the fat man in brocade clothes, Mu Han also smiled.

Unexpectedly, I met Zongzan here.

"It's really overbearing."

Princess Yinchuan next to Mu Han heard the Tubo man's "four passes and four passes", said angrily, and walked towards the pass.


Two Tubo men stretched out their hands to stop Li Qinglu and Xue'er.

The two women were still disguised as men, and the two Tubo men didn't recognize them, so they still stopped Li Qinglu and Xue'er.

"Why don't you let it go? This is Xixia, not you Tubo." Li Qinglu scolded.

"Boy, are you not convinced?"

The big Tubo man holding the pestle said angrily, stretched out his left hand, condescendingly, and grabbed Li Qinglu's chest.


Li Qinglu also screamed when she saw the big Tubo man holding a pestle grabbing towards her chest.

But just as the Tubo man holding the pestle stretched out his left hand, Mu Han reached out and grabbed it firmly.

The big Tubo man holding the pestle was extremely powerful, but when Mu Han grabbed his left hand, it was like cast iron, and he couldn't struggle at all.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The Tubo man with the pestle was furious, and with the other hand, he swung the iron pestle and threw it at Mu Han.

Mu Han stretched out his two fingers, and lightly touched the iron pestle. The Tubo man who was holding the pestle suddenly felt an incomparably powerful force coming from the iron pestle. out 0 .

Mu Han waved his palm casually, and slapped on the chest of the big man holding the pestle.


The big Tubo man with the pestle spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down, and then fell heavily on the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole and kicking up a cloud of dust.

When the Tubo big man landed, he was already dead, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Seeing that his companion was killed, the big Tubo man with a copper hammer smashed towards Mu Han with a pair of hammers.

"call out!"

A sharp sword energy shot out, easily passing through the throat of the big Tubo man.


Blood splattered, and the huge figure of the Tubo man fell heavily to the ground.


Everyone gasped when they saw this scene.

Just now they were beaten by two big Tubo men until they vomited blood and fell to the ground, but when Mu Han killed these two big Tubo men, it was like crushing two ants to death.

Even Li Qinglu and Xueer's eyes were shining.

"Boy, do you dare to kill my people?"

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