The Tubo prince Zongzan at the side, seeing that something was wrong, also jumped up from the reclining chair, and rushed to Mu Han and the others with dozens of guards.

"So what if you kill him?" Mu Han looked at Zong Zan contemptuously and said.

"You... come here, kill him for me."

Zong Zan was quite domineering at 4.2 in Tubo, and he was also quite annoyed to be despised by Mu Han, so he waved his hand and said.


Mu Han didn't hold back at all. Looking at the Tubo guards swarming up, he unleashed the Six Meridian Excalibur, killing them all in an instant, and then looked at Zongzan with cold eyes.

"Ah... National Teacher, help!"

Sensing Mu Han's cold gaze, Zong Zan was so frightened that he fell to the ground and yelled.

But at this time, a figure flew towards Mu Han, and slapped Mu Han with a palm.

Without any fear, Mu Han slapped out the same palm.


When the two palms met, a dull sound erupted, and the figure flew out backwards, retreating dozens of steps before stopping.

And looking at that figure, Mu Han also had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Kumochi! . "

Chapter 2 Arriving in Lingzhou, the Reluctant Princess (3/[-])

"National Teacher, this brat is bullying me, kill him soon." Zong Zan came to Jiumozhi's side and said pitifully.

When Jiumozhi saw Mu Han, he was taken aback, with a look of awe on his face.

"Jumozhi, you are so courageous, you dare to attack me." Mu Han smiled faintly.

Jiumozhi looked embarrassed.

Just now he was eager to protect the lord, and before he saw who the other party was, he rashly shot at Mu Han, otherwise, even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to attack Mu Han.

And with that palm just now, Jiumozhi noticed that Mu Han's cultivation was becoming more and more unfathomable, far surpassing his own.

"Young master, Jiumozhi has offended you a lot. I hope you will forgive me. Prince Zongzan is young and ignorant, and offended you. Please forgive me." Jiumozhi said.

Mu Han had warned Jiumozhi before not to expose their relationship without his permission, so in the presence of the crowd, Jiumozhi bowed to Mu Han and said respectfully.

Hearing this, Mu Han was also speechless.

Please, you are still young, this Prince Zongzan is thirty-five years old, still not sensible?

Seeing this scene, Zong Zan was stunned.

Unexpectedly, not only did Jiumozhi not teach Mu Han a lesson, but he was respectful to Mu Han instead.

"Master, why didn't you teach him a lesson?" Zongzan 20 said.

Hearing Zong Zan's words, Jiumozhi wished he could blow this dead fat man away, he had no eyesight at all.

But he is the prince of Tubo after all, Jiumozhi also said in a low voice: "Prince, we can't afford to offend this person, it's better not to offend him?"

"National Teacher, aren't you even this kid's opponent?" Zong Zan said in surprise.

In Zongzan's perception, Jiumozhi was invincible in the world, how could he be defeated by a mere young man in white?

"Shut up!" Jiumozhi yelled angrily.

Jiumozhi is the tutor of the Tubo Kingdom, the ruler of the Tubo Kingdom respected Jiumozhi very much, so when he saw Jiumozhi get angry, Zong Zan was too frightened to speak again.

"Prince, please apologize to this young master." Jiumozhi said.

Hearing Jiumozhi's words, Zong Zan reluctantly walked up to Mu Han and said, "I'm sorry!"

Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "For Jiumozhi's sake, please spare your life, go back to your Tubo, and don't step into Xixia again."

"Yes, thank you for your magnanimity, young master." Jiumozhi was afraid that Zongzan would make trouble, so he quickly agreed on Zongzan's behalf.

As soon as the words fell, Jiumozhi hurried away with Zongzan.

"You are really good, it seems that you are chosen as a guard, yes!"

Seeing Jiumozhi and Zongzan leaving, Li Qinglu came to Mu Han's side and said excitedly.

Although Li Qinglu's martial arts is not high, she has also met many masters in Xixia Yipintang. She can be sure that the great monk has good martial arts, but seeing Mu Han is like a mouse seeing a cat.

It can be seen that Mu Han's martial arts must be very high.

"Hehe, let's go." Mu Han smiled lightly.


"Xiaoer, bring me a jar of good wine, two catties of beef, and two of your signature dishes."

Mu Han took Li Qinglu and Xue'er into a restaurant in Lingzhou, picked a seat by the window, and sat down.


The waiter in the shop responded, and ran to the back hall, and after a while, brought up the wine and dishes.

The three of Mu Han had been starving for a long time, and when the food and wine were served, they started to feast on them.

"Xiao Er, hurry up and serve me all the good wine and food from your shop."

However, the three of them were having a good time eating, when a group of vicious people from the rivers and lakes walked into the restaurant, shouting loudly, and said viciously.


The waiter in the shop turned pale with fright, and responded repeatedly.

Those gangsters spoke loudly, causing diners in the restaurant to frown slightly, but seeing the fierce faces of these gangsters, they did not dare to speak.

"Haha, brothers, eat a good meal and keep your spirits up. I heard that the emperor of Xixia is going to recruit a son-in-law. Maybe I will become a son-in-law. When the time comes, I will eat delicious food and drink spicy food. I won't have to worry about it for the rest of my life." said with a big laugh.

"Brother is right, the son-in-law of Xixia must be the eldest brother."

The others all laughed and agreed.

Li Qinglu looked at this group of people, frowned slightly, and said contemptuously: "With this appearance, do you still want to be a son-in-law?"

Li Qinglu's voice was not loud, but she didn't deliberately lower her voice, so she was heard by people in the rivers and lakes.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Among the gang of Jianghu people, the big man at the head grabbed a handful of chopsticks and waved them at Mu Han and the others with a hidden weapon.

Dozens of chopsticks, like sharp arrows, shot towards Mu Han and the three of them, each of which contained considerable strength.


With a wave of Mu Han's palm, a mighty gust of wind swept out, and when he saw those wooden chopsticks, he immediately went back the same way.

With his way, he will also be used to his body!

"Fighting to the stars?"

Seeing this scene, those people from the Jianghu changed their expressions drastically, but it was already too late. Those people from the Jianghu were all hit in the vitals by the wooden chopsticks, and all of them were killed!

Everyone in the restaurant, seeing that someone was killed, fled the restaurant one after another.

The shopkeeper and waiter of the restaurant also hid behind the counter, trembling with fright.

"Who dares to make trouble in Lingzhou?"

At this time, a tall Xixia general, leading many soldiers, broke into the restaurant.

They were patrolling the street and rushed over when they heard the movement from the restaurant.

Xixia spread the word that they were going to choose a son-in-law for Princess Yinchuan, so the patrolling in Lingzhou was much stricter than usual.

Name: Helian Iron Tree

Sex: Male

Age: 45

Identity: General of Xixia

Cultivation: the peak initial stage

"Boy, did you kill these people?" 267 Helian Tieshu scolded.

Mu Han smiled faintly, nodded, but did not speak.

"Come here, take him away for interrogation!" Helian Tieshu waved his hand and said.


Li Qinglu on the side suddenly said.

Helian Tieshu looked at Li Qinglu who was dressed as a man and recognized Li Qinglu, and quickly knelt down and said, "See the princess."

"Meet the princess!"

The Xixia soldiers behind Helian Tieshu also knelt down and said in unison.

"General Helian Tieshu, he killed these people to protect me." Li Qinglu said.

Helian Tieshu broke out in a cold sweat from fright when he heard Li Qinglu's words.

If something happened to Princess Yinchuan, then he might not be able to keep his head.

"Thank you son for protecting the princess!"

Helian Tieshu clasped his fists at Mu Han, and then said to Li Qinglu: "Princess, Your Majesty is very worried about you, please follow me back to the palace."

Li Qinglu knew that she had exposed her identity, so she had no choice but to go back with Helian Tieshu.

"I'm leaving." Li Qinglu reluctantly said to Mu Han.

Mu Han nodded slightly, smiled, and said, "Princess, maybe we will meet soon."

"You are not allowed to lie to me!" Li Qinglu said.

Helian Tieshu on the side showed a strange expression, as if there was a special story between the princess and the young man in white..."

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