Chapter 3 Healing Li Qiushui, the Princess' Thoughts (3/[-])

Xixia Palace!

Facing the bronze mirror, Li Qiushui stroked the four hideous scars on his face, with complex expressions on his face.

She got the news that after Mu Han's treatment, Tianshan Child Elder not only regained her normal figure, but also kept her appearance at about twenty years old.

"Could it be that he can really heal the scar on my face?" Li Qiushui murmured, full of anticipation in his heart.

Li Qiushui's knots in his life, all the scars on his face, if Mu Han can heal, the grievances with Tianshan Child Elder will be wiped out!

After all, Wu Yazi is dead!

Li Qiushui didn't want to continue fighting with Tianshan Child Elder.

Not only is it meaningless, but she is really tired!


Li Qiushui looked towards the window, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he scolded.

"Hehe! It's really amazing, you can even discover my existence."

Mu Han's figure slowly appeared in front of Li Qiushui, looked at Li Qiushui with a smile, and said.

"Li Qiushui, meet the head!"

Li Qiushui hesitated for a moment, then clasped his fists at Mu Han and saluted.

"I'm here this time to treat the scar on your face." Mu Han nodded slightly, and said lightly.

"Thank you Sect Leader!" Li Qiushui said.

"However, if you want to heal the scars on your face, you must re-cut these scars and treat them with my true energy." Mu Han said.

"It's okay, please feel free to take action, Sect Leader, don't worry."

Li Qiushui smiled lightly, her face had already been ruined anyway, so what if she ruined it again?

Mu Han nodded slightly, didn't say any more, came in front of Li Qiushui, brushed his fingers over Li Qiushui's face, his finger force was like a sharp sword light, cut the scar on Li Qiushui's face again, and blood flowed out.

The pain came, but Li Qiushui suppressed it and didn't even hum.

Mu Han didn't hesitate anymore, he patted Li Qiushui's shoulder with his palm, and injected the innate qi into Li Qiushui's body.

"Take it down~`!"

With the other hand, Mu Han handed Li Qiushui a pill, Li Qiushui hesitated for a moment, swallowed the pill without asking.

After Li Qiushui swallowed the elixir, Mu Han injected the innate qi into his body again.

With the injection of Mu Han's innate qi, the scars on Li Qiushui's face began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, scabs formed, and finally fell off completely, revealing a beautiful face.

The whole process lasted for an hour!

Mu Han retracted his palms and let out a sigh of relief.

It worked!


Mu Han grasped the palm of his hand and performed the Dragon Capturing Kung Fu. He sucked a bronze mirror on the table far away into his palm, and handed it to Li Qiushui.

Li Qiushui took the bronze mirror, looked at himself in the bronze mirror, and was stunned.

Is it yourself in the bronze mirror?

In the bronze mirror, a peerless beauty with good looks appeared, with a smooth and fair face, and there was no terrifying scar that twisted like a centipede before.

And not only did the scars on his face disappear, Li Qiushui also found that his appearance had returned to his twenty-four or five-year-old appearance, how could he look like an eighty or ninety-year-old old woman?

Under the innate energy of Zhuyan Dan and Mu Han, Li Qiushui returned to his twenty-four or five-year-old appearance.

Seeing Li Qiushui's current appearance, even Mu Han was moved.

Li Qiushui is Li Qingluo's mother, and even Wang Yuyan's grandmother.

Seeing Li Qiushui's current appearance, Mu Han finally knew why Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan were so beautiful, it turned out that they had such powerful genes as Li Qiushui.

"It's really good! It's really good!"

Li Qiushui touched his smooth face and murmured, his beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

Li Qiushui originally thought that Mu Han could only heal his own scars, but he did not expect that he could really rejuvenate himself and restore his youthful appearance.

"Li Qiushui, what's the matter, have I lied to you?" Seeing Li Qiushui's appearance, Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Sect Leader! Li Qiushui will not hesitate to give you any orders from Sect Leader in the future!" Kneeling on one knee, Li Qiushui bowed to Mu Han.

Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "Get up, I do have something to tell you to do."

"Sect Leader, what's the matter?" Li Qiushui asked.

"First, the grievances between you and Wu Xingyun will be written off," Mu Han said.

"Yes!" Li Qiushui nodded and replied.

"Second, I ask you to control the imperial power of Xixia." Mu Han said immediately.

Hearing this, Li Qiushui was slightly taken aback, never expecting that Mu Han would make such a request.


Li Qiushui still nodded in response, she didn't tell Mu Han that the Western Xia imperial power had always been under her control, after all, the Western Xia emperor Li Chengqian was her own son, and he obeyed her orders.

"¨` The third thing is Li Qinglu's recruitment of a son-in-law." Mu Han said.

"Master, do you want to become a son-in-law?"

Li Qiushui said with some embarrassment: "Although Qinglu has a dignified character, she is gentle and virtuous, but the son-in-law needs to be chosen by her personally, but whoever she chooses, even I can't decide..."

"I didn't let you make the decision, I just want you to ask the Emperor Xixia to cancel the matter of recruiting a son-in-law." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"There's no problem." Li Qiushui breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Mu Han's words.


After leaving Li Qiushui's room, Mu Han's figure moved, and he quietly sneaked towards Princess Xixia's palace.

Although the defense of the Xixia Palace is extremely strict, in Mu Han's view, this kind of defense is like a fake.

"Princess, it's late at night, it's time to rest."

When Mu Han came outside Princess Yinchuan's room, he heard Xue'er's voice. (had it)

Through the window, Mu Han saw Li Qinglu lying on the table, propping his chin with his hands, in a daze.

At this time, Li Qinglu had changed back into women's clothes, wearing a light green long dress, revealing snow-white fragrant shoulders, a slender waist, and a full grip, and jet-black hair, like a waterfall, hanging from her back to her waist , a beautiful face, between the brows, revealing a noble and elegant atmosphere.

"What a nice view!"

Seeing Li Qinglu's appearance, Mu Han couldn't help exclaiming.

Li Qinglu disguised herself as a man during the day to conceal her beauty, but now that she has recovered her daughter's body, her beauty is not inferior to that of Wang Yuyan.

And Xueer beside her was also very pretty.

"Princess, you are not missing Mr. Mu Han during the day, are you?" Xue'er said with a smile.

"Xue'er, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Qinglu's pretty face flushed with embarrassment when Xue'er broke her mind. "

Chapter 1 Two Girls Frolicking, A Frivolous Princess (3/[-])

"Xue'er, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Qinglu's pretty face flushed with embarrassment when Xue'er broke her mind.

"Princess, you don't have to worry. Mr. Mu Han said that we will meet soon." Xue'er said.

"I don't know what he's doing now?"

Li Qinglu murmured, thinking of the handsome face she met today.

"Princess, why don't I go find Mr. Mu tomorrow, and relieve your lovesickness?" Xue'er said with a smile.

"You're the one talking too much?"

Li Qinglu glared at Xue'er coquettishly, but the yearning for Mu Han in her heart became more and more intense.

Mu Han's handsome appearance, superb martial arts, and extraordinary temperament attracted her deeply.

When I was with Mu Han, I didn't feel it, but after I separated from Mu Han, I missed him more and more.

As the princess of Yinchuan of Xixia, Li Qinglu lived in the palace all the year round and did not have many contacts with men.

Seeing Li Qinglu's appearance, how could Xue'er, a maidservant, not understand Li Qinglu's thoughts, and said, "Princess, you are sick."

"I am sick?"

Li Qinglu looked at Xue'er, and asked doubtfully, "I don't feel 200 times uncomfortable?"

Xue'er smiled and said: "Princess, you are not sick physically, but you are sick in heart, lovesickness."

"You stinky girl, dare to tease this princess, seek a beating."

Li Qinglu put on a pretty face on purpose, pretending to be angry, and then went to scratch Xueer's itch.

Xue'er served Li Qinglu since she was a child. Although she was Li Qinglu's maid, the two were like sisters. Therefore, Xue'er immediately launched a counterattack when facing Li Qinglu.

The two girls were laughing, and suddenly Xue'er exclaimed, her clothes were torn off by Li Qinglu, revealing a beautiful body, snow-white skin, and a small red bellyband.

"I didn't expect that this Xue'er has such a good figure."

Mu Han outside the window exclaimed secretly, this Xueer, even compared with Zhong Ling and Abi, is not inferior in appearance, and her figure is also uneven, and her capital is quite strong.

However, birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. It is not strange that Li Qinglu has such a beautiful servant girl by her side.

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