"Hmph, do you still dare to tease this princess?" Li Qinglu said triumphantly.

But the next moment, the princess also (cafb) exclaimed.

It turned out that Xue'er took advantage of Li Qinglu's inattention and tore off the belt around Li Qinglu's waist.

Immediately, Li Qinglu's long green dress slipped off her shoulders, revealing her beautiful figure.

Seeing this scene, even Mu Han almost let out a cry of surprise.

It seems that this time, he is right!

What a feast for the eyes!

The figure of this Yinchuan princess is indescribable in words.

The skin is crystal clear, the waist is as slender as a willow, and it is unbearable to hold. She is wearing a close-fitting white underwear, revealing her snow-white skin.

Especially the two mountain peaks propped up an exaggerated arc.

The two girls were laughing and playing, showing a lot of spring, which also feasted Mu Han's eyes.

However, the obscene clothes on the princess and the apron on Xue'er were not taken off in the end, which also made De Muhan feel a little regretful.

"Who? There are assassins!"

Suddenly, behind Mu Han, there was a scolding sound from the patrolling guard.

Mu Han was so busy watching the two girls fighting that he forgot to hide his figure.With a movement, Mu Han broke into the princess' room, causing the princess and Xue'er to scream.

"Don't call, it's me!" Mu Han quickly covered the mouths of the two girls and said.

Looking at Mu Han's handsome face, Li Qinglu's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Could it be that Mu Han has been outside all the time, seeing himself and Xue'er fighting?

But now, she is only wearing a thin obscene garment, and she can faintly see the scenery inside.

"Princess, are you alright?" came the guard's voice from the door.

Mu Han let go of the princess's mouth, and Li Qinglu said softly: "It's okay, the assassin seems to be running to the side, you guys hurry up and chase after him."


The guards at the door breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the princess was safe and sound. If something happened to the princess, they might all be killed.

Hearing that the Xixia guards were leaving, Mu Han also let go of his hand covering Xue'er, but his eyes began to scrutinize the two girls unscrupulously.

"What are you looking at, why don't you turn your head away?" Li Qinglu scolded, but she said so, but she didn't have the slightest hint of anger in her heart, but shyness and joy in her heart.

Mu Han smiled slightly, but also turned his head away.

The two daughters, Li Qinglu and Xue'er, also quickly got dressed.

"Princess, Xue'er will leave first." Xue'er blushed pretty, and saluted Li Qinglu, and fled the princess' room as quickly as a frightened little rabbit.

"Did you see everything just now?" Li Qinglu asked angrily.

"No, I didn't see anything." Mu Han naturally wouldn't admit it, and said.


Li Qinglu looked directly at Mu Han, making Mu Han a little overwhelmed.

Western region women are generally more bold and unrestrained, and they are much more open about emotional matters than Jiangnan women.

"Hmph, you broke into the palace at night, peeped and offended the princess, you will kill the nine clans!" Li Qinglu said seriously with a pretty face, but a pair of big watery eyes flashed a sly look .

"Then what should we do? In order to save his life, Mu Han had to offend!" Mu Han said with a naughty smile.

You princess, if you dare to tease me, then I will do whatever I can!

Before the words fell, Mu Han's body moved, and he was already approaching the princess's side. With his big arms, he put them directly on the princess's slender waist. Amid the princess's exclamation, he hugged Li Qinglu into the into his arms.

Although Mu Han was hugged into his arms during the day, it happened suddenly, but this time, Mu Han obviously did it on purpose.

The strong masculine aura rushing toward her face, as well as the warmth from the big hands around her waist, made Li Qinglu's pretty face suddenly show a look of panic, and her beautiful face suddenly turned red.

"What are you going to do, let me go!" Li Qinglu said softly.

"Since the capital crime has already been committed, it is no longer necessary to add another crime." Mu Han smiled lightly, and gently supported Li Qinglu's chin with his hand.

At this time, Li Qinglu's pretty face was flushed and charming, and her beautiful eyes were full of shyness, carrying a kind of exotic beauty.

It made Mu Han's heart flutter.

Mu Han didn't hesitate anymore, he lowered his head slightly, and directly sealed Li Qinglu's lips. "

Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen


Li Qinglu let out a cry of exclamation, but Mu Han sealed her lips, but it turned into a low whimpering sound, her whole body was as stiff as if struck by lightning, and her brain went blank for an instant.

Li Qinglu never expected that Mu Han would be so domineering without giving him time to react.

However, Li Qinglu didn't resist at all, instead she felt a kind of freshness and curiosity, with a touch of sweetness and secret joy in her heart.

Just now she was still thinking about Mu Han, but she didn't expect that Mu Han actually appeared in front of her, and bullied~ herself with an irresistible arrogance.

Li Qinglu was in the palace, and the servants were obsequious and respectful to her, not daring to disobey her in the slightest.

But Mu Han's dominance gave her a sense of freshness!

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for getting Li Qinglu's first kiss, the reward system will be 5000 points." The system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear.

Just as Mu Han wanted to let go, Li Qinglu unexpectedly stretched out his hands and put his arms around Mu Han's neck, not letting Mu Han leave.

Mu Han was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Princess Yinchuan would be so proactive, and she stopped being polite, picked up Li Qinglu by the waist, and carried her directly to the bed.

Li Qinglu just came back to her senses, her heart was pounding like a frightened fawn, and her chest heaved and heaved, causing a turbulent wave.

"No!" Li Qinglu said shyly.

Looking at the blushing Princess Yinchuan, Mu Han also had a wicked smile on his lips, and said, "Princess, it's too late now."

Before the words finished, Mu Han's hand twitched suddenly, and pulled the silk belt around Li Qinglu's waist.

A piece of spring is coming!


Li Qinglu exclaimed, but Mu Han sealed her lips again.

The dress slipped off, and by the time Li Qinglu realized it, the two had already treated each other frankly.

"don't want……"

Li Qinglu said vaguely, but anyone could tell that her words of refusal did not mean any refusal at all, but seemed to be encouraging Mu Han.

Hearing Li Qinglu's "encouragement", Mu Han naturally wouldn't be lazy and "work harder".


Not long after, a suppressed low cry came from Li Qinglu's mouth.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, you have obtained Li Qinglu's virginity, and the reward system points are 20000 points."

Li Qinglu was a newcomer to human affairs, and she was a princess with a rich body, so Mu Han was also very gentle, which made Li Qinglu's pain fade away quickly, followed by waves of joy.



Outside the door, a pretty figure watched the fierce battle in the room through the crack of the door, his pretty face was flushed, and his breathing became different.

If it wasn't Li Qinglu's handmaid Xue'er, who else would it be?

Xue'er's beautiful eyes were wide open, for fear of missing the wonderful scene, and in her heart, there was also a strange feeling, as if there was a flame burning blazingly.

She even thought that it would be great if she could exchange identities and positions with the princess at this moment.

Seeing Mu Han today, Xue'er was also shocked.

How could there be such a good-looking man in the world?

But she knew her identity, she was a maid, and she was not qualified to compete with the princess for Mu Han.

Tonight, Mu Han suddenly broke into the princess's room. Although he had a complete view of the princess, even he saw it.

This made Xueer feel quite complicated.

Although Xixia women are quite bold, they are not so bold that they don't mind being seen by men.

And Xue'er was amazed at the speed at which Mu Han and the princess progressed.

It looks like the two just met today.


Mu Han, who had a fierce confrontation with the princess in the room, naturally sensed the presence of Xue'er outside the room.

If it was a man, Mu Han would have shot and killed it immediately, but if it was a beautiful woman, it would be a different matter.

Mu Han didn't mind at all, and showed his great strength in front of Xue'er, so he worked harder and harder, which also made Li Qinglu throw away his helmet and armor in an instant, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Xue'er outside the room also became more and more shy, the flame in her heart seemed to burn herself into ashes.

The fierce battle lasted for half an hour, and Li Qinglu raised the flag to surrender, which made De Muhan feel a little unsatisfied.

"Princess, do you still want to kill me?"

Mu Han stroked Li Qinglu's black hair, and said with a smile. ·· 0 for flowers···

"Bastard, you are dead."

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