Feeling Mu Han's fiery gaze, Li Qinglu buried her head directly in Mu Han's chest in shame. There was still a flush on her pretty face that hadn't faded.

"But I'm not done yet?" Mu Han said with a smile.


Li Qinglu was a little "scared".

This Mu Han is too strong, he is exhausted and unable to fight any more, yet he is not finished yet...

Looking at the shy Li Qinglu, Mu Han also laughed, and whispered in Li Qinglu's ear, "There are people outside the door!"

"Who?" Li Qinglu's pretty face suddenly changed upon hearing this.

If you dare to eavesdrop in front of Princess Xixia's room, you will die! ... .. ...

"Don't be afraid, I'll catch her in."

Mu Han smiled slightly, stretched out his palm lightly, and used the Dragon Capturing Kungfu. The door suddenly opened, and a strong suction force grabbed Xue'er, who was already somewhat limp, to his side. Close it again.

"Xue'er, you..."

Seeing the pretty blushing Xue'er, Li Qinglu didn't understand that the fight between herself and Mu Han just now had been seen by Xue'er.

"Princess, I..."

Seeing that Mu Han and Li Qinglu were still being honest with each other, Xue'er also became more and more flustered.

"Hmph, you actually peeked at this princess, to see how this princess punishes you."

Li Qinglu's beautiful eyes turned suddenly, and she stretched out her jade hand, and amidst Xue'er's exclamation, she directly removed Xue'er's clothes.

"Didn't you have fun yet? Just punish her for this princess!" Li Qinglu pretended to say viciously.


Hearing Li Qinglu's words, Mu Han was also dumbfounded.

Did this happiness come too fast?

"Princess, is what you said true?" Mu Han asked with a smile.

"Of course, if you don't punish her severely, I won't spare you." Li Qinglu said with a straight face.

"In this case, I will help you punish her."

Hearing Li Qinglu's words, Mu Han stopped being hypocritical and walked towards Xue'er.


Soon, Xueer's low moans of pain came..."

Chapter 3 Elopes With The Princess, Reunites The Girls (3/[-])

A fierce conquest, which lasted for an hour, finally came to an end.

Mu Han severely "punished" Xue'er for Li Qinglu, and the three of them lay together on the bed, the two girls' pretty faces were flushed, full of shyness, and there was a trace of fatigue between their brows.

The two daughters are newcomers, so Mu Han didn't bother them too much.

"Why don't you come with me." Mu Han said with a smile as he put his arms around the two girls.

"Then what about the father? If I escape, the father will definitely be angry." Li Qinglu's pretty face showed a worried look.

"Didn't you also run away today? Besides, I'll take care of your father's side for you." Mu Han smiled lightly.

He has already confessed to Li Qiushui, Li Chengqian, Emperor of Western Xia, is Li Qiushui's own son, how dare he not listen to Li Qiushui?

"However, it's very difficult to go out. The "August [-]" father strictly guards me. There are many secret whistles outside. As long as we go out, we will be discovered." Li Qinglu said.

"Hehe, you forgot how I got in?" Mu Han said with a smile.

Although the Xixia Palace is tightly guarded, but in Mu Han's view, these guards are like a fake.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Li Qinglu nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Li Qinglu was already a little dissatisfied with her father's recruitment of a consort, since Mu Han proposed to "elope", it also made her a little excited.

Mu Han looked at Xue'er at the side, and asked, "Xue'er, what do you mean?"

"Wherever the princess is going, I will go." Xue'er said hastily.

"In that case, let's go now." Mu Han said with a slight smile.


In the early morning of the next day, several maidservants came to Princess Yinchuan's room and found that there was no one in Princess Yinchuan's room. They were so frightened that they turned pale and couldn't stand upright.

The princess is gone again!

"Hurry up and report to Your Majesty, the princess has run away again." A maid said in a panic.

But what is surprising is that after learning the news of the princess's escape, the Emperor Xixia was not as furious as last time, but ordered everyone to keep quiet and canceled the plan to recruit a son-in-law.


Misty Peak, Vulture Palace.

"Master, you are back!"

Mu Han took Li Qinglu and Xue'er, and as soon as they returned to Misty Peak, the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum greeted them.

Mu Han nodded slightly, and introduced each other to Li Qinglu, Xue Er, and Mei Lan Zhu Ju.

The four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum looked at Li Qinglu and Xue'er, and they were secretly amazed. The two women beside Mu Han were as beautiful as angels, which was enviable.

Li Qinglu and Xue'er also knew that there were many women around Mu Han.

Li Qinglu was used to it. After all, in the imperial palace, there were three thousand beauties in the emperor's harem. There were naturally many capable men and women around him.

Especially for someone like Mu Han who is handsome and strong in martial arts, there is no shortage of women around him.

Moreover, Li Qinglu had learned how powerful Mu Han was, if she didn't share with others, she might suffer disaster.

"Young master, you are really powerful. You went to Xixia and abducted Princess Xixia back." Mei Jian said in a low voice.

"I'm not very powerful, don't you know?" Mu Han jokingly said in a low voice.

Hearing Mu Han's pun, Mei Jian also blushed with embarrassment.

Seeing Mei Jian's embarrassed appearance, the three daughters of Zhulanju also laughed.

"Where's Wu Xingyun?" Mu Han asked.

"Honorable Master is instructing several wives and elder sisters to practice martial arts!" Mei Lan Zhuju replied.

Mu Han nodded slightly, and before leaving, Mu Han told Wu Xingyun to teach Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing and other women to practice.

"Let's go and have a look." Mu Han said with a faint smile.

When he came to the practice field, Mu Han could see from a distance that Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, A Zhu, A Bi and other women were practicing diligently, even Wang Yuyan was practicing hard, with Wu Xingyun pointing out.

On the other side, Ruan Xingzhu, Gan Baobao, Li Qingluo, and Qin Hongmian are not so serious. They were enemies before, but under Mu Han's mediation, they are now like sisters.

Among them, Ruan Xingzhu also played a huge role.

In the original book, Qin Hongmian once took Mu Wanqing to the Fangzhu Forest in Xiaojinghu to assassinate Ruan Xingzhu, but Ruan Xingzhu said a few words to get closer, and went to Kang Min to settle accounts with Kang Min.

And in this chaotic world of Tianlong, Ruan Xingzhu's ability to reconcile is unexpectedly strong. Without Ruan Xingzhu's help, it would be difficult to mediate the relationship between Gan Baobao, Qin Hongmian and Li Qingluo... 0

"Brother-in-law, you are back!"

AhZi's eyes were sharper, and she saw Mu Han who was coming back at a glance, and hurried towards Mu Han, and threw herself into Mu Han's embrace.

And Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling and other women also came up to meet them. As for Qin Hongmian, Gan Baobao and others, although they also came over, they were not as eager as Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling and others.

After all, although their relationship with Mu Han had already been known by all the girls, they hadn't put it on the table, so Qin Hongmian and the other women seemed a little reserved in public.

Mu Han hugged Ah Zi, lightly patted her buttocks twice, and said, "Do you miss brother-in-law?"

A'Zi Qiao blushed, nodded, but didn't make a sound.

Although Ah Zi is stubborn, but in front of Mu Han, she behaved like a good child.

After being cleaned up by Mu Han several times, Ah Zi no longer dared to mess around in front of Mu Han.

"Hey, who are these two younger sisters?" Mu Wanqing asked beside him.

Mu Han introduced Li Qinglu and Xueer to the girls.

"Everyone will be good sisters from now on." Wang Yuyan said with a smile while holding Li Qinglu and Xueer's hands.

Li Qinglu and Xue'er both looked a little shy.

"Yuyan, in terms of relationship, she is really your cousin." Mu Han said with a smile.

Wang Yuyan was a little confused, and looked at Li Qingluo. 2.6

Li Qingluo also told Wang Yuyan the fact that she and the Emperor Xixia are siblings.

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan took Li Qinglu's hand even more, and said, "Sister Qinglu, then we are so destined."

Seeing the girls getting along in harmony, Mu Han also heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Master, I heard that Shaolin is holding a martial arts conference and is going to deal with you and Qiao Feng." Wu Xingyun came to Mu Han and said softly.

Hearing this, Mu Han nodded slightly, he had already heard about it on the way back.

"Let me handle this matter. You are responsible for guiding them to practice and protecting their safety."

"En." Wu Xingyun nodded.

As Mu Han looked into the distance, it was time to settle everything. "

Chapter 1 Martial arts conference, gathering of heroes (3/[-])

After spending a leisurely time in Vulture Palace on Misty Peak, Mu Han bid farewell to all the girls, and also left for Shaolin Temple to participate in the so-called martial arts conference.

Although this martial arts conference was to deal with him and Qiao Feng, Mu Han was still fearless.

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