The so-called heroes of the world, in his eyes, are just a bunch of jokes!

Mu Han had a good time all the way, but he also rushed to the Shaolin room on the day when the martial arts conference was held.

Now Shaolin Temple, all sects and sects gather here.

Thousands of people gathered in the dark at the foot of the mountain, watching, two figures, in the middle of the crowd, coming and going, fighting in full swing.

Seeing these two people, Mu Han couldn't help being happy.

These two people are Mu Han's acquaintances, one is Ding Chunqiu who was scared away by him, and the other is Murong Fu who was castrated by him.

Murong Fu resented Ding Chunqiu for proposing to join forces to deal with Mu Han in Leigu Mountain, but Ding Chunqiu sneaked away, which not only gave him a bad name, but more importantly, he was eunuched by Mu Han.

This time he came to participate in the martial arts conference, met Ding Chunqiu, hated him from the bottom of his heart, and also attacked Ding Chunqiu.

More importantly, killing the notorious Ding Chunqiu can greatly enhance Murong Fu's prestige and appeal in the world.

"Old Immortal Xingxiu, No. [-] in the world, his miraculous skills are world-class, and his power shakes the martial arts world!"

"Old Immortal Xingxiu, Dharma drives the Central Plains, is blessed like the East China Sea, and lives as long as the sky!"


The disciples of the Xingxiu sect on the side were all smiles and peaceful, shouting and shouting with all their might.

However, Mu Han, who was in the dark, noticed that among the Xingxiu Sect disciples, there was a strange guy with purple-black skin and a strange aura.

Poison puppet!

Through the system, Mu Han learned that that guy was actually a poison puppet refined by Ding Chunqiu through thousands of poisons.

This poisonous puppet's cultivation base is not high, and it has reached the level of innate first level, but its body contains extremely poisonous, even if it is contaminated with it, it will be highly poisonous.

Unexpectedly, this Ding Chunqiu actually had this kind of means to refine a poisonous puppet with the first level of innate ability.

Ding Chunqiu and Murong Fu fought fiercely for more than a hundred moves, but there was no winner.

"Murong Fu, I didn't expect that after Leigu Mountain, your martial arts will improve a lot." Ding Chunqiu retreated and said with a smile.

But in his heart, Ding Chunqiu was secretly amazed.

At the time when Gushan was placed, Murong Fu's cultivation was still weaker than his. He never expected that after he entered the early stage of the second level of innate ability, this Murong Fu would also reach the early stage of the second level of innate level, and could be comparable to himself.

However, Mu Han knew that this Murong Fu, after being rescued by Murong Bo, should have been instructed by Murong Bo, and his strength had increased greatly.

"Hmph, old monster Ding, today I will eliminate harm for the people and eradicate you, a big devil." Murong Fu scolded.

"Murong benefactor, please rest for a while, Xingxiu sent Ding Chunqiu, you came to my Shaoshi Mountain to provoke my Shaolin Temple, why did you do this?" Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, stood up and said.

Murong Fu's participation in the martial arts conference this time is mainly to win the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, he does not want to waste energy before winning the martial arts leader, so he took advantage of the situation and retreated when he heard Abbot Xuanci's words.

Seeing this, Mu Han shook his head slightly, Shaolin Temple was really hypocritical.

Abbot Xuanci saw Murong Fu and Ding Chunqiu fighting fiercely for more than a hundred rounds, before he made a move, he clearly wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, and he said that he was so tall.

"Hehe, Shaolin Temple is the Taishan Beidou of martial arts, but my Xingxiu sect is a little bit dissatisfied. In this martial arts conference, I, Ding Chunqiu, will definitely win the position of martial arts leader." Ding Chunqiu said with a sneer.

He has a hidden weapon like a poisonous puppet, and he speaks with confidence.

"Old Immortal Xingxiu, No. [-] in the world, his miraculous skills are world-class, and his power shakes the martial arts world!"

"Old Immortal Xingxiu, Dharma drives the Central Plains, is blessed like the East China Sea, and lives as long as the sky!"

Those Xingxiu sect disciples took the opportunity to start yelling again, causing everyone in the world to frown.

In this martial arts conference, although a leader of the martial arts is to be selected to deal with Qiao Feng and Mu Han together, but if Ding Chunqiu becomes the leader of the martial arts, how can it be convincing?

Murong Fu didn't expect that Ding Chunqiu would also want to take the position of martial arts leader, but he was happy to sit on the sidelines and watch the tigers fight.

When the Xingxiu Sect and the Shaolin Temple lose both sides in the battle, he can take the opportunity to win the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and as long as he wins the leader of the martial arts alliance, the hope of restoring the country will not be far away!

"If someone is not convinced, then stand up and compete with me, Ding Chunqiu." Ding Chunqiu said with a smile.


Abbot Xuanci proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then said: "The Xingxiu Sect belongs to the Western Region sect, not our Central Plains Wulin. What does our Central Plains Wulin election have to do with your Xingxiu Sect?"

"Yeah, how can we let a gang from the Western Regions do it for us, the leader of the martial arts in the Central Plains?"

"Yes, old monster Ding, get out of here."

People from the rivers and lakes at the side shouted and scolded one after another, which made Ding Chunqiu's expression become ugly.

"Abbot Xuanci, although the Xingxiu Sect is located in the Western Regions, I am from the Central Plains, and the Xingxiu Sea is just a place where I live temporarily. If I remember correctly, your Buddhism was also introduced from the Western Regions in 197. Could it be? Shaolin Temple is also a sect from the Western Regions?" Ding Chunqiu sarcastically said.

"That's right, let's talk about today's martial arts conference, the winner is determined by martial arts, not by words of mouth, old monk, if you think you are no match for our Xingxiu old fairy, then quickly admit defeat and elect our Xingxiu old fairy to be the leader of the martial arts alliance. "

The disciples of the Xingxiu Sect were all sycophants, seeing this, they also said hastily.

"Okay! Today, the old monk will learn the kung fu of Master Ding."

Abbot Xuanci said loudly: "Benefactor Ding, please make a move."

"it is good!"

Ding ChunQiu sneered, jumped up, condescendingly, and slapped Abbot XuanCi with his palm.

Ding Chunqiu's cultivation has reached the early stage of the second level of congenital, coupled with his poison kung fu, Abbot Xuanci did not dare to underestimate him, with a wave of his sleeve robe, the cassock on his body instantly flew up, and he performed the cassock subduing demon kung fu.


Vigorous innate qi surged out and collided fiercely in mid-air, and the violent wind rippled and swept away.

Although Abbot Xuanci's cultivation is at the late stage of the first level of innate, a small realm lower than Ding Chunqiu, but Xuanci's pure Shaolin internal strength, for a while, did not fall behind.

The two of you come and go, fighting fiercely with more than a hundred moves.

Mu Han shook his head, Xuanci is about to lose! "

Chapter 2: Qiao Feng Makes a Move, Mu Han Appears (3/[-])


Ding Chunqiu and Xuan Ci fiercely exchanged palms, a muffled sound resounded, and the violent wind rippled like a storm, sweeping away.

The figures of both of them retreated backwards.

Feeling the bone-piercing pain in the palm, Xuanci looked down, the palm of his right palm was already purple-black, and it spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xuanci's expression changed slightly, he quickly circulated his innate qi, trying to force out the poison in his right palm.

However, Ding Chunqiu's poison is extremely powerful, he can't force it out for a while, he can only temporarily suppress it, but if he wants to use his kung fu forcefully again, the poison in his body will spread, and even if Da Luo Jinxian descends to earth, he will not be able to There is no way to recover.

"XingXiu Sect's martial arts are indeed formidable!" Xuan Ci said while looking at Ding ChunQiu with his eyes slightly downcast.

"Hehe, Abbot Xuanci, Ding admires his superb martial arts skills, and I will take Ding's palm again!"

Seeing Xuanci's appearance, Ding Chunqiu let out a strange laugh, moved his body, and once again slapped Abbot Xuanci with his palm.

Ding Chunqiu also knew that this was a good opportunity to kill Xuanci.


Seeing this, the Shaolin monks on the side all exclaimed, but they were far away, and it was too late to make a move.

And Murong Fu's eyes lit up at the side, it seems that this is a good opportunity to show, if Xuanci is saved, Shaolin will be grateful to him, and will look forward to it when the time comes.


But just as Murong Fu was about to make a move, there was a sound of dragon chant, and a burly figure suddenly appeared beside Ding Chunqiu and Xuanci, and then with one palm, Ding Chunqiu was knocked back.

Joe Feng!

Seeing that burly figure, everyone's pupils shrank slightly, and recognized that figure was Qiao Feng, the former leader of the Beggars' Clan, and the target they were going to deal with in this martial arts conference.

Seeing Qiao Feng, Murong Fu also had a look of resentment in his eyes.

If he saves Xuanci from Ding Chunqiu, he will definitely be appreciated by Shaolin, the position of the leader of Wulin has already reached half of his position.

But he didn't expect that Qiao Feng would come out halfway.

"Qiao Feng~"?" Murong Fu said.

"My surname is Xiao now, please call me Xiao Feng in the future." Xiao Feng said loudly.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you are Qiao Feng or Xiao Feng, you Khitan dog, kill my brother, today I will kill you." A person from Jianghu snorted coldly, and came towards Xiao Feng with a big knife in his hand.


As soon as Xiao Feng heard that Jianghu person calling himself a Khitan dog, his expression suddenly sank, and he slapped out with a powerful palm force, which instantly slapped that Jianghu person until he vomited blood, and died directly.

"Don't be impulsive!"

The rest of the Jianghu people who wanted to make a move were persuaded by the people around them.

"Help Master!"

Wu Changfeng and all the disciples from the Beggar Gang, when they saw Xiao Feng, they also said aloud.

Without Xiao Feng, and with the death of Xu Chongxiao and other elders, the strength of the Beggar Clan has been greatly reduced, and its status in the world has also declined rapidly.

"I am no longer the leader of the beggar gang."

Xiao Feng waved his hands at the Beggar Gang and the others, then turned to Abbot Xuanci and said: "Abbot, I know that you held the martial arts conference here to deal with me, and I appeared here today to settle the grievances with the Central Plains martial arts .”

Hearing that, Abbot Xuanci was a little silent, this martial arts conference was also to deal with Mu Han and Xiao Feng, but Xiao Feng saved him from Ding Chunqiu just now, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Brother Xiao, you are a Khitan hero, but you treat our heroes of the Central Plains as nothing. Gusu Murong Fu wants to learn your master's tricks today. Even if you die under the hands of Brother Xiao, it will be considered a contribution to the Central Plains martial arts. Death is an honor." Murong Fu said loudly.

Now that Abbot Xuanci has been poisoned by Ding Chunqiu, and Ding Chunqiu is cast aside by the Central Plains Wulin people, as long as he kills Xiao Feng, his reputation in the Wulin will definitely reach a peak, and he will be the leader of the Wulin. Easy to get.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu also burst into a smile, he also wanted to see, what is so great about this Beiqiao Peak who is as famous as himself?

Murong Fu's impassioned words won the applause of many people in the world for a while.

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