"Old benefactor Xiao, when I was outside the Yanmen Pass, I made a big mistake, all my brothers were killed by you one by one in order to protect me, today I will repay you with death, it's not too late." Xuanci said.


Everyone around was in an uproar, they didn't expect that the elder brother who took the lead back then was actually Abbot Xuanci! "

Chapter 1: Old Events, The Real Culprit (3/[-])


Everyone around was in an uproar, they didn't expect that the elder brother who took the lead back then was actually Abbot Xuanci!

Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji and others behind Abbot Xuan Ci were even more stunned.

Even Xiao Feng had a look of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, this leading brother turned out to be Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin Temple.

One must know that Abbot Xuanci is highly respected in the world and has a very high prestige. If Abbot Xuanci hadn't personally admitted it, no one would believe that he was the leading brother back then.

"Abbot Xuanci, are you really the big brother who took the lead? You really killed my mother back then and caused my family to be ruined?"

Xiao Feng stared at Xuan Ci, still couldn't believe it.

You know, he has been sheltered by Shaolin since he was a child, and he also worshiped Xuan Ku as his teacher. His feelings for Shaolin are self-evident, and he is extra polite to Shaolin monks, especially for this virtuous and respected Xuan Ku. The abbot is kind and respectful.

But when he heard that his mother died at the hands of Abbot Xuanci, he felt a little hard to accept for a while.


Xuanci clasped his palms together, proclaimed a Buddha's name, and said: "That's right, Xiao Feng, back then I misunderstood people's words and killed your mother and ruined your family. If you want revenge, please kill me." My old man."

"Master Xuanci, you really deserve to be killed, but I respect you as a generation of eminent monks, and I am willing to fight to the death with you!" Xiao Feng said coldly.

"Benefactor Xiao, please make a move!" Xuan Ci nodded and said.

"it is good!"

As soon as the words finished, Xiao Feng swung out his palm, unfolded the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and a huge Golden Dragon of True Qi condensed out.


The sound of the dragon's chant resounded, deafening, and an incomparably mighty golden dragon's palm force roared towards Xuanci.


But at this time Xuanci suddenly dissipated the body-protecting true energy, clasped his palms together, and proclaimed a Buddha's name!

Seeing this, Xiao Feng's face changed slightly, obviously he didn't expect that Xuan Ci didn't make any move, nor dodge the defense, with an appearance of accepting death calmly.

However, this palm, which he exerted with all his strength, was already difficult to take back.

And the people on the side, how dare they take this palm?

Few people in the world can catch Xiao Feng's palm with all his strength, even if they can catch it, they may not die or be disabled.

The Golden Dragon of True Qi roared out with mighty palm strength, and was about to land on Xuanci's body.

"boom."! "

But at this time, a white-clothed figure appeared in front of Abbot Xuanci, and he slapped it out.


Under the gaze of countless shocked gazes, Xiao Feng's True Qi Golden Dragon exploded one by one, and the strong wind rippled and swept all around.

"Mu Han, what do you mean?" Xiao Yuanshan looked at Mu Han with unkind eyes.

Originally Xiao Feng's palm was enough to kill Xuanci, but Mu Han actually blocked this palm, making Xiao Yuanshan quite vigilant.

You know, Mu Han's strength made him very afraid.

If Mu Han made a move, it would be very difficult for him to take revenge today.

"Hehe, Xiao Yuanshan, don't you want to know the truth of the matter?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"The truth of the matter?"

Xiao Yuanshan sneered, and said: "The truth of the matter is that he Xuanci led someone to kill my wife who doesn't know martial arts."

"Xiao Yuanshan, when your family was ambushed, someone sent a letter to the Central Plains Wulin, which caused the situation. And you just want to kill Master Xuanci, don't you want to know who sent the letter back then?" Mu Han said lightly. .

Hearing this, Xiao Yuanshan remained silent.

It is true that Xuanci was the direct murderer who killed his wife, but the person who sent the letter was the real culprit in the investigation!

"Brother Mu, who sent the letter back then?" Xiao Feng asked.

"That's what I'm going to ask him!"

Mu Han smiled faintly, his eyes turned, and fell on Murong Fu who was not far away.

Everyone's gazes were all looking towards Murong Fu, with surprise on their faces.

Unexpectedly, the person who sent the letter back then was actually related to Murong Fu.

"Mu Han, don't be bloody. I wasn't even born when the Yanmen Pass was fought?"

Murong Fu did not expect that Mu Han was quite annoyed when he drew everyone's attention to himself.

I don't seem to have any deep hatred with Mu Han, why does Mu Han always target me?

"Hehe, you were indeed not born during the Yanmen Pass battle."

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "But it has something to do with your identity?"

"My identity?"

Murong Fu's face changed slightly, unexpectedly, Mu Han knew his identity.

And the people around were stupefied.

This Murong Fu is from a family of martial arts, so what is his status?

"¨You, Murong Fu, are from the Xianbei clan, from the Murong family lineage of the nobles of the Yan Kingdom, am I right?" Mu Han said slowly.

"how do you know?"

Murong Fu was extremely surprised, he did not expect that Mu Han revealed his origin.

All the people around were surprised, they didn't expect Murong Fu to have such an identity.

"Because you are a descendant of the Murong family of the Yan State, you have always wanted to restore the country. Your word Fu means to restore the country. It always reminds you to restore the country and proclaim yourself emperor. You want to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, but also to restore the country. .”

"Don't spout blood!" Murong Fu said angrily after being exposed by Mu Han.

"You, Gusu Murong, will do whatever it takes to restore the country."

Mu Han looked at Abbot Xuanci, and said, "Abbot Xuanci, you should understand now."

Abbot Xuanci (Zhao Wangzhao) just suddenly realized, and murmured softly: "So that's how it is... so that's how Murong Bo spread false news back then and lied to me that the Khitan people were going to Shaolin to snatch martial arts secret books, with the purpose of instigating Da Song A war with the Liao Kingdom!"

Hearing Abbot Xuanci's words, all the people present were shocked.

Unexpectedly, in this martial arts conference, a shocking secret from thirty years ago would be revealed.

And everything, the culprit is actually Murong Bo?

"Not bad!"

Mu Han nodded and said, "As long as Song and Liao go to war, he can fish in troubled waters and have a chance to recover Yan."

"Mu Han, don't slander my father, these are all your one-sided words, what proof do you have?" Murong Fu scolded angrily.


Mu Han smiled lightly, and said, "Call Murong Bo out to confront him, won't you know?"."

Chapter 2 Murong Bo Appears, The Truth Comes to Know (3/[-])


Mu Han smiled lightly, and said, "Call Murong Bo out to confront him, won't you know?"

"Hmph, what a joke, my father has been dead for thirty years. At that time, many people saw it for all to see. Mu Han, if you want to slander my father again, I will fight you." Murong Fu said angrily.

Quite a few people nodded their heads. These people are all the older generation of Central Plains Wulin. At that time, they all attended Murong Bo's funeral and saw Murong Bo's body buried in the ground with their own eyes.

"Real death or fake death, you will know immediately."

Mu Han turned around, looked in a certain direction, and shouted: "Murong Bo, you still haven't shown yourself?"

After a while, there was no movement in that direction.

"It seems that you don't plan to show up on your own initiative, so I can only 'please' you to come out."

Before the words fell, Mu Han stretched out his palm and grabbed it in the air, which was the skill of capturing dragons.

Even Xiao Feng was secretly surprised when he saw Mu Han's Dragon Capture Kungfu.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han not only knew how to subdue the dragon with eighteen palms, but also knew how to capture the dragon himself, and the power he used was much stronger than himself.


The courtyard wall not far away exploded, and a gray figure shot out, appearing in front of everyone.

A gray-clothed masked man, with a slightly thin body, but with a strong breath, is obviously a master.

"Old benefactor Murong Bo, you really are not dead?" Abbot Xuanci looked at the masked man in gray and said in shock.

"Hehe, master abbot, I never thought that your eyesight is still so sharp after not seeing you for more than [-] years."

The gray-clothed masked man said with a smile, and tore off the mask on his face, but when he glanced at Mu Han, there was a hint of resentment and fear in the depths of his eyes.

This Mu Han not only killed his Murong clan, but also hurt him at the foot of Misty Peak!

"Father, are you still alive? You were the one who saved me that day?"

Seeing Murong Bo, Murong Fu showed surprise on his face, he never thought that his father Murong Bo was still alive and had saved him.

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