Murong Fu came in front of Murong Bo, knelt down, and said: "Father, are you trying to feign death for the safety of my country and the Murong family?"

Murong Bo nodded, and helped Murong (bcdj) back up.

"Murong Bo, you are really powerful, you have been hiding all this time, and you don't care about your son's life or death." Mu Han said with a smile.

"Mu Han, the grievances between you and my father and son, my father and son will definitely settle with you."

"Really? You should think about it first, how will you survive today?"

"Old benefactor Murong Bo, don't you feel any guilt when you faked the message back then and caused a tragedy in the world?" Looking at Murong Bo's expression of no remorse, Xuan Ci asked.

"Hehe, without sacrifice, how can you achieve great success?" Murong Bo said with a sneer.

"Sigh, it's a pity that your so-called great event turned out to be nothing in the end, killing so many innocent people for nothing." Xuanci said with a sigh.

"Hmph, Xuanci, don't talk about yourself so noblely. If you didn't want to establish your Shaolin prestige back then, how could you believe me?"

Murong Bo snorted coldly, and said: "Back then when you went around asking for information about me, I had to feign death. For so many years, I have been hiding in the Shaolin Buddhist scripture pavilion, but you have never found out. It's really ridiculous."

"That figure is you!" Xiao Yuanshan shouted.

"Yes, it's me!"

Murong Bo nodded, and said: "Hehe, I never thought that the masked person I often meet in the Buddhist scripture pavilion is actually you, Xiao Yuanshan."

Hearing the two people's words, Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji and others' faces became more and more ugly. The dignified Shaolin Temple was regarded as nothing, and they came and went freely, but they didn't notice it at all. It's really shameful.

Hearing Murong Bo's words, all the martial arts heroes in the Central Plains glared at them. They did not expect that the culprit was actually Murong Bo who had been "dead" for many years.

Murong Bo turned his head, looked at Mu Han, and said, "Mu Han, what I find strange is how do you know about my Murong family?"

"Father, he broke into Huanshui Pavilion and went to your cemetery, he must have found our family genealogy there." Before Mu Han could speak, Murong Fu said smartly.

Seeing that Murong Fu helped him explain, Mu Han also nodded slightly. He can't tell everyone that he is a time traveler, right?

"Murong Bo, even though Master Xuanci took the lead in the Yanmen Pass incident, you were the chief culprit, and today I want you to pay with blood." Xiao Feng said in a deep voice.

"eye for eye?"

Murong Bo said with a smile: "That depends on whether you have the strength?"

"Take your life!"

Seeing that Murong Bo didn't show any remorse, Xiao Feng couldn't bear it any longer, he slapped Murong Bo hard with his palm.


The sound of the dragon chant resounded, and the golden dragon's true energy roared out, sweeping towards Murong Bo.

Murong Bo sneered, and waved out the same palm.

Mighty Vajra Palm!


A gust of strong wind swept away, Xiao Feng's figure receded, and Murong Bo also took advantage of this opportunity, grabbed Murong Fu, and swept towards the Shaolin Temple, the speed was so fast that it was startling unexpected.

Murong Bo has been hiding in Shaolin for nearly [-] years, he is more familiar with Shaolin than most Shaolin monks, he also wants to use the terrain of Shaolin Temple to get rid of everyone's pursuit.

"Want to escape?"

Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan snorted coldly, their gazes were cold and severe, their bodies moved, and they chased after him.

Mu Han also smiled faintly, and disappeared strangely.

"Shaolin is an important place, others should not break into it?"

Everyone wanted to chase in, but they were stopped by Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji and others, Xuan Nan said angrily.

Shaolin lost all face today, making Xuannan feel a fire in his heart.

Seeing the ferocious look on Xuannan's face, all the martial arts heroes in the Central Plains hesitated for a moment, but stopped in their tracks.

Shaolin Temple is the Taishan Beidou of the Central Plains martial arts, and no one wants to offend this behemoth.

The heroes of the Central Plains martial arts can only wait quietly outside the door.

"I obey the order, find them all." Xuannan shouted at the Shaolin disciples.


The Shaolin monks also entered the temple after hearing Xuannan's order, looking for Murong Bo and others. "

Chapter 3 Xuanci passed away, the sweeping monk (3/[-])

"Amitabha, I made a big mistake. According to the temple regulations, I should be punished with a stick one hundred times. However, as an abbot, I should be punished with a double stick. The punishment is two hundred. Execute the law and execute the punishment!" Xuanci said softly, calling out the Buddha's name.

"Abbot..." Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji and others all wanted to dissuade him.

"You don't need to say too much. As the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, the old monk killed innocent people indiscriminately and ruined the reputation of the Shaolin Temple."

Xuanci took off his monk's clothes, sat cross-legged, and said, "Monk, enforce the law, execute the punishment, no falsification is allowed!"

The two Shaolin law enforcement monks had no choice but to hold sticks and began to enforce the temple rules against Xuanci!


Xuanci noticed that the two law enforcement monks were not strong enough, suspected of favoritism and fraud, and scolded.

"Bang bang bang!"

In desperation, the two law enforcement monks had no choice but to use all their strength to hit Xuan Ci with their sticks, making a dull sound.

In just a few strokes, Xuanci's back was already torn apart and blood was flowing, one couldn't bear to look directly at it.

With Xuanci's strength, if he used the exercises, even if the two law enforcement monks exerted their full strength, they would not be able to hurt Xuanci at all.

But Xuanci dissipated the protective qi and relied entirely on his physical body to carry the two hundred sticks. Considering his age of over sixty years old, I'm afraid it would be more or less auspicious.


With the last two strokes of the stick, the two hundred sticks were finally finished.


Xuan Ci looked at Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji and the others, smiled slightly, and passed away with a trace of regret.


The Shaolin monks all knelt down towards Xuanci's corpse.


Inside the Shaolin Buddhist Scripture Pavilion!

The three parties formed a triangle, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dignified.

Murong Bo and Murong Fu are in the southeast corner, Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng are in the northwest corner, and Mu Han is on the side, with his arms folded, watching this scene leisurely, condescending from time to time, looking towards the corridor outside the window.

Now that Mu Han is practicing soul power, his perception ability is ten times better than before, but he was secretly surprised that he didn't find the trace of the sweeping monk.

Whether it is Xiao Yuanshan or Murong Bo, they were able to hide in Shaolin Temple for thirty years without being discovered. Apart from their high martial arts skills, they are also good at hiding their tracks.

But outside Shaolin Temple, Mu Han still noticed the two of them!

As for the Sweeping Monk, Mu Han couldn't detect the aura of this person at all. It is conceivable that the Sweeping Monk's martial arts may have reached an extremely high level. Mu Han speculated that it may have reached at least the level of the fifth level of congenital.

"Murong Bo, you can't escape!" Xiao Feng scolded.

"Feng'er, don't talk nonsense with him, let's fight together, kill their father and son, and avenge your mother." Xiao Yuanshan sneered, and shot directly at Murong Bo.

Seeing this, Xiao Feng also made a move, and slapped Murong Bo with his palm.

Murong Bo sneered, waved his palms, one against two, fighting with Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng.

Murong Bo's cultivation has reached the peak of the third level of congenital, he is stronger than Xiao Yuanshan, but under the joint efforts of Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng, he is also somewhat defeated, without a few moves, he falls into the disadvantaged.

"Father, I'll help you!"

Although Murong Fu was injured, he still had some fighting strength left, and he had already joined the battle group.

But obviously, Xiao's father and son have completely gained the upper hand!


Murong Bo retreated with Murong Fu, and said: "Brother Xiao, I have something to say, please listen to it."

"Murong Bo, no matter what you say, I will kill you to avenge the murder of my wife!" Xiao Yuanshan said coldly.

"Hehe, brother Xiao, even if you kill my father and son today, I'm afraid you will have to pay a lot of price. I can guarantee that one of you father and son will die here. Brother Xiao, if you say what I say, Is there any reason?" Murong Bo asked.

Xiao Yuanshan nodded slightly, and said: "I admit that what you said is reasonable, but why should I be afraid, even if I die, I will avenge my wife."

"Hehe, although Brother Xiao is not afraid of death, but I have a better idea, which can allow Brother Xiao to avenge your wife without bloodshed." Murong Bo said.

"you say!"

Xiao Yuanshan would not think that Murong Bo would be caught without a fight.

"Brother Xiao, I have been shouldering the important task of restoring the country. If the country is to be restored successfully, the world must be in chaos. That's why I made such a thing thirty years ago to sow discord and want Song and Liao to have a war. .”

Murong Bo continued: "My son is the king of the Southern Court of the Liao Kingdom. He holds a military talisman in his hand and sits in Nanjing. If he sends his troops to the south, he can occupy all the land north of the Yellow River in the Southern Dynasty and make great achievements. How about it?"

"You don't need to say more! I already understand."

Xiao Yuanshan instantly understood what Murong Bo meant.

Murong Bo smiled and said: "Since Brother Xiao already understands, as long as Brother Xiao is willing to let your son send troops, he can come to take Murong Bo's life and avenge his wife. Murong Bo will definitely not make any resistance."

After saying that, Murong Bo flipped his palm, took out a dagger out of thin air, and stuck it on the table.

Xiao Yuanshan was stunned!

Unexpectedly, Murong Bo actually told the truth.

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