
After being silent for a while, Xiao Feng suddenly said: "The revenge of killing my mother, how can it be regarded as a business transaction? Even if I die today, I will kill you to avenge my mother, and I will not let Song Liao go to war and make life miserable , the people suffer!"  …

"Brother Xiao is right."

Mu Han at the side smiled faintly, shook his head, and said sarcastically: "Murong Bo, Murong Fu has become an eunuch now, even if you succeed in restoring the country, so what?"

"It's not because of you?"

Murong Bo scolded angrily: "Mu Han, what enmity do I Murong have with you? Why do you treat me Murong like this?"

"Hehe, there is no reason? I just want to see that you are not happy! For your ridiculous dream of restoring the country, the world will be in chaos and the lives will be destroyed. In my opinion, you deserve to die! Castrating Murong Fu is still light."

"Mu Han, I'll fight with you!"

Murong Fu yelled, and stabbed at Mu Han with his sword.

On one side of Mu Han's body, he avoided Murong Fu's sword, and slapped Murong Fu's dantian with his palm.


Murong Fu spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards, Murong Bo wanted to catch it, but the two of them still retreated more than ten steps, before they stopped.

"Father, my martial arts... are gone!"

Sensing a sense of powerlessness welling up in his body, Murong Fu turned pale.

If there is no martial arts, how can we talk about restoring the country?

"It's just for those innocent people to ask for some interest." Mu Han said lightly.

At this time, an old voice came.

"It's good! It's really a blessing for the common people to be able to care about the common people in the world, benefactor Xiao and Mu benefactor!"

Hearing that old voice, Mu Han's heart moved.

The sweeping monk finally appeared!one."

Chapter 1 Appeared, a well-intentioned sweeping monk! (3/[-])

"It's good! It's really a blessing for the common people to be able to care about the common people in the world, benefactor Xiao and Mu benefactor!"

An old voice came, and a skinny old monk in a green robe, holding a broom, flashed out from the corner of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion like a ghost.

This old monk, with white hair and beard, moved slowly, his eyes were blank, expressionless, he looked like he was about to die, judging from his clothes, he was just a monk in Shaolin Temple.

Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan and others would not regard this old monk as an ordinary monk in Shaolin Temple.

Surprised expressions appeared on their faces, because this old monk appeared here without a sound, and they didn't notice it at all.

In the whole world, there are probably no more than five fingers of "zero six zero" who can get close to them without anyone noticing, without them even noticing.

"Who are you? How long have you been hiding here?" Murong Bo scolded.

In the depths of Murong Bo's eyes, a flash of panic flashed, now the situation is very unfavorable to him, his son Murong Fu has been abolished in martial arts, and now a mysterious old monk appeared, he looks like an enemy rather than a friend.

Looking at the situation today, it is quite dangerous.


"Old Layman Murong Bo asked me how long I have been hiding here?"

The sweeping monk shook his head and said with a smile: "It's been too long, I can't remember clearly."

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Murong Bo gave a cold shout, and slapped the floor sweeping monk with his palm, the fierce palm force swept towards the floor sweeping monk.

However, when the fierce palm force came three feet in front of the floor sweeping monk, it disappeared invisible as if it was stopped by an invisible wall of air.

"Ding! Found a three-foot air wall of Huang-rank top-grade martial arts, do you want to deduce it?" The system prompt sounded in Mu Han's ear.

"Deduction!" Mu Han said without hesitation.

Although the three-foot air wall is not a high grade, it is a very practical martial art. It uses one's own internal strength to transform into a three-foot air wall for defense, and ordinary offensives will be invisible.

Only people with high cultivation base and profound skills like the sweeping monk can use it freely.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Feng and Murong Fu showed surprise on their faces.

One must know that Murong Bo's strength has reached the peak of the triple congenital, even stronger than Xiao Yuanshan.

But Murong Bo's fierce palm was actually vanished into nothingness. It is conceivable what kind of cultivation level this old Shaolin monk in front of him has.

Only Mu Han smiled faintly. Through the system, he learned that the cultivation base of the sweeping monk had reached the peak of the fifth innate level. It would be a breeze to kill Murong Bo instantly.

However, Mu Han has also spent a thousand system points to deduce the three-foot wall of energy. With Mu Han's current cultivation base, he can also display the three-foot wall of energy.

Seeing the sweeping monk, Mu Han was also a little eager for skills, and wanted to compete with the sweeping monk.

He would like to know whether he is stronger or the sweeping monk who is the number one master of Tianlong is stronger.

After this period of cultivation and double cultivation, Mu Han's cultivation has also reached the peak of the innate triple layer, and he is only half a step away from breaking through.

However, the skill he cultivated, Qian Kun Sheng Yang Jue, has reached the peak of the third level, and his innate qi is far beyond that of warriors of the same realm. Therefore, even if he competes with the sweeping monk for internal strength, Mu Han is not in vain.

"Old Layman Xiao Yuanshan, old Layman Murongbo, why do you make the Sutra Library so messy every time you come?"

The sweeping monk shook his head, complained a little, and "picked up" the martial arts Buddhist scriptures scattered on the ground due to the previous fight, and put them back on the bookshelf.

But Xiao Yuanshan and the others were dumbfounded when they saw the way the sweeping monk picked up and placed the books.

With a wave of the sweeping monk's sleeves, the books scattered on the ground flew up automatically, and then returned to the bookshelf neatly, just like the original appearance.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yuanshan and the others showed disbelief on their faces, even Mu Han was quite surprised.

This skill, even Mu Han, would probably find it difficult to do it!

"Just now, old layman Murong Bo asked me how long I've been hiding here? I really can't remember."

The sweeping monk showed a smile on his face, and said: "Anyway, the old layman Xiao came here for the first time, and when he found a copy of "The Finger Book of Wuxiang Jie", the old monk must have been here for more than ten years, and later the old layman Murongbo also came. It’s the first time I found a copy of "Nianhua Fingering", and I went there happily. It should be more than forty years now..."

Hearing the words of the sweeping monk, both Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo were shocked. At first they thought that the sweeping monk was playing tricks, but they just heard their own words outside the Shaolin Temple.

But this old monk can even tell what book he read for the first time, obviously he has already found his trace when he first came to the Shaolin Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

Before Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo were still complacent about hiding in the Shaolin Cangjing Pavilion for thirty years without being discovered by the Shaolin Temple, but now, their old faces are slightly hot.

This old Shaolin monk had noticed him a long time ago, but he hadn't noticed the existence of this old Shaolin monk. Just talking about this point alone, he was already a complete failure!

The sweeping monk talked to himself about all the martial arts secret books that Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo had read when they came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion thirty years ago, and then smiled helplessly: "Hehe, two old laymen, have you read the Buddhist scriptures Pavilion? It made a mess, and the old man had to clean it up."

"How...how do you know such details?"

The shocked look on Murong Bo's face became more and more intense, his every move in the Shaolin Buddhist scripture pavilion, turned out to have fallen into the eyes of this old Shaolin monk.

But why didn't he notice it at all?

Thinking about 2.5, it is extremely terrifying.

If this old Shaolin monk wanted to take his own life, it would be as easy as pie!

"Although my old man is getting old, his eyes are a bit blurred, but his heart is still bright!"

The floor-sweeping monk tidied up the Buddhist scriptures pavilion while talking, and said: "The two old lay monks are extremely talented. They have learned Shaolin Kungfu, which can be described as a rapid progress. However, all the painstaking efforts of the old monk are wasted in vain."

"As soon as the two old laymen came, the old monk knew that the two old laymen had become demons since then, and I wanted you not to fall deeper and deeper, so the old monk purposely put the Buddhist scriptures such as the Lotus Sutra next to the martial arts secret books, hoping that the two of you can understand the Dharma. , to resolve the hostility, but unfortunately the two old laymen turned a blind eye, hey..."

Having said that, the sweeping monk sighed, his old face also showed a look of helplessness..."

Chapter 2 The Sweeper Monk Makes Shots, With Usual Purposes (3/[-])

"Master, please clarify, why do you say that my father has become a demon?" Xiao Feng asked in confusion.

Although he has worshiped Xuan Ku as his teacher since he was a child, but he has very little knowledge of Buddhism.

"Brother Xiao, what this master means is that Shaolin martial arts, although extremely powerful, run counter to the cultivation of the body and character of Buddhism. Therefore, Buddhism is needed to dissolve the hostility in it."

Mu Han said indifferently: "If you practice forcefully, although your martial arts will improve, it will easily form a bottleneck, and the hostility in your body will accumulate more and more deeply, and eventually go mad. Xuan Cheng, the number one master in Shaolin for two hundred years, is probably because of That's how you become useless."

After saying that, Mu Han turned his eyes to the sweeping monk beside him, and said with a smile: "Master, I don't know if I'm wrong?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, even the sweeping monk's eyes flashed with astonishment.

After Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo heard the words, they were shocked immediately.

They finally understood why after practicing the martial arts of Shaolin Temple, although their cultivation level increased greatly, but no matter what, they still failed to break through the shackles of the third level of innateness, and even developed a hidden disease.

"Amitabha! Donor Mu is young, but he has extensive knowledge and knowledge, which I admire."

The sweeping monk softly proclaimed the Buddha's name, turned his head, looked at Xiao Yuanshan at the side, and said, "Lady Xiao, have the two acupoints Liangmen and Taiyi on your lower abdomen been aching and numb recently?"

Xiao Yuanshan's expression changed, and he said in a surprised voice, "How do you know?"

"Since the divine monk knows that my father is suffering from a secret illness, please show mercy and relieve my father's troubles." Xiao Feng knelt down on one knee and begged.

"Benefactor Xiao, get up, your father's injury can only be saved by old layman Murong Bo."

Pointing at the monk's sleeve robe, Xiao Feng felt an invisible force lift himself up.


Even Murong Bo's face showed surprise.

He didn't even know that Xiao Yuanshan had a hidden disease, how to cure it?

"Hmph, even if I die, I won't ask old Mr. Murong for treatment." Xiao Yuanshan said with a soft snort.

"I still won't save you?"

Murong Bo retorted, but at this moment a look of pain suddenly appeared on his face.

"Old Layman Murong Bo, the three acupoints on your body will suffer from tens of thousands of needle pricks every day, but Old Layman Xiao opposite you can relieve it." Seeing this, the sweeping monk said.

"It's nonsense, the old man is fine!"

Murong Bo forcibly pretended to be okay, causing Mu Han, who was at the side, to show a sneer on his face.

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