Live to save face and suffer!

But the next moment, Murong Bo let out a scream.

Tens of thousands of needle pricks made Murong Bo miserable every day, so Murong Bo exchanged his life for the golden opportunity of Yan Guo's restoration.

"Father, are you alright?" Murong Fu said in panic.

"Lady Xiao, are you really unwilling to heal the wounds of old layman Murong Bo?" The sweeping monk looked at Xiao Yuanshan and asked.

"You want me to treat old man Murong's wounds?"

Xiao Yuanshan said: "He killed my wife and ruined my life. I wish I could tear him into pieces. Don't say I can't. Even if I could, I wouldn't treat him."

"Since old layman Xiao has such a great resentment towards old layman Murong, then I will help old layman Xiao to resolve this hatred." The sweeping monk said.

As soon as the words fell, Murong Bo suddenly felt a sharp killing intent coming towards him, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

But it was too late at this time, the floor sweeping monk had already pressed his palm on Murong Bo's celestial spirit cover!

Murong Bo was furious on the spot!

"Father! Father!"

Only then did Murong Fu come to his senses, hugging Murong Bo's body, with a look of sorrow on his face, then he turned his eyes to the sweeping monk, and said fiercely: "You old monk, full of compassion and Dharma, actually killed my father! "

"Old Layman Xiao, how are you? Now your hatred should be resolved." The sweeping monk walked towards Xiao Yuanshan and said.

Xiao Yuanshan looked at Murong Bo's body and didn't speak for a long time.After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Now that all the enemies are dead, the old man's worries are over..."

The sweeping monk said: "But this young man Murong mourns his father's death and wants to avenge you and this old monk, so what should he do?"

"If you want to kill the old man, just kill him."

Seeing that his enemies were all dead, Xiao Yuanshan had a feeling of despair in his heart, and wanted to go down early to accompany his wife.

"Old Layman Xiao, if Young Master Murong kills you, then your son will definitely kill him to avenge you."

The sweeping monk said: "When is the time to repay the injustice, it is better to attribute all the sins to the old monk."

After finishing the words, the sweeping monk slapped Xiao Yuanshan with his palm.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Xiao Feng didn't expect that the floor sweeping monk would strike at his father, and in a hurry, he also used all his strength to unleash the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

However, the floor sweeping monk slapped Xiao Yuanshan's Tianling Gai firmly with his palm, and his back also forcibly received Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!


Xiao Yuanshan suddenly died of exhalation!

The floor sweeping monk instantly killed Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, two innate triple masters with one palm, and even received Xiao Feng's palm without incident, which shows his strength, incredible!

This sweeping monk, although 763 cultivation base is at the peak of the fifth innate level, but he has pure Shaolin internal strength, even ordinary sixth level innate warriors are far from his opponent.

Mu Han secretly calculated, if he fought against the sweeping monk, what were his chances of winning?

"Hehe, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are worthy of being the number one palm technique in the world!"

The sweeping monk shook Xiao Feng away, smiled faintly, grabbed Xiao Yuanshan's and Murong Bo's corpses, and jumped out of the Sutra Pavilion.

"Let go of my father!"

Xiao Feng was shocked, he didn't expect that the sweeping monk also took away his father's body.

"Brother Xiao, don't be impulsive! The master has no intention of doing this!" Mu Han reminded from the side.

"Any intention?" Xiao Feng asked in surprise.

But soon Xiao Feng seemed to understand again.This floor-sweeping monk has profound and unpredictable martial arts, even if he wanted to kill himself, it would be easy, so why bother to take away his father's body.

"But why did he do this? What is his intention?" Xiao Feng asked.

"Hehe, you'll know if you go and have a look!" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"it is good!"

Xiao Feng nodded, glanced at Murong Fu behind him, ignored him, and chased out with Mu Han.

Murong Fu hesitated for a moment, but also followed..."

Chapter 3

When Mu Han and Xiao Feng arrived outside the Shaolin Temple, they could see from afar that Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo were sitting cross-legged facing each other, with their palms together, and the floor sweeping monk would slap the two of them from time to time.

Only then did Xiao Feng realize that the sweeping monk was really treating his father's hidden illness.

It's just that Xiao Feng still had an unbelievable look on his face, in the world, there is actually a way to beat people to death first, and then heal the wounds?

Xiao Feng looked at Mu Han gratefully, if Mu Han hadn't stopped him, he might have delayed the sweeping monk to heal his father.

Mu Han looked at the sweeping monk curiously, the way the sweeping monk healed Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan was really strange.

Turtle breath therapy!

However, although it is a bit strange, it is of no use to Mu Han. The innate true energy he cultivated through the Qiankun Shengyang formula is comparable to any magical medicine.

It didn't take long before Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo's heads were filled with white air, and as time passed, the white air above their heads became more and more intense.

After a while, Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo moved slightly and opened their eyes at the same time, but they glanced at each other and quickly closed them again.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Feng and Murong Fu were both pleasantly surprised and relieved.

Xiao Yuanshan's face was flushed, Murong Bo's face was blue, the breathing of the two also became heavy and rapid, in the end, Xiao Yuanshan's face seemed to be bleeding, while Murong Bo's face was as green as a leaf.

Looking at this appearance, Xiao Feng and Murong Fu also knew that Xiao Yuanshan's yang energy was too strong, and his virtual fire rushed upwards, while Murong Bo's yin energy was too strong, and his inner body was blocked by wind and cold.

The intention of the sweeping monk is also to make the two people's internal breaths correspond, to use yin to help yang, and to use yang to transform yin.

No wonder the sweeping monk said just now that Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo can only save each other, there is no other way.

The time for two sticks of incense is fleeting!

Only Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo could hear, their complexions gradually returned to normal, and a tyrannical aura emanated from their bodies!

Innate Fourfold!

The two took advantage of the mutual assistance of yin and yang to break through the bottleneck of the third level of innateness and reached the fourth level of innateness!

Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo stood up hand in hand, came to the floor sweeping monk and knelt down together.

"Master, I have been hiding in Shaolin Temple for [-] years, but I have not realized the slightest bit of Buddhism. I implore Master to accept me as a disciple. I am willing to dedicate myself to the Buddha and stop meddling in worldly affairs. I hope that Master will complete it!" Xiao Yuanshan said loudly.

After finishing the words, Xiao Yuanshan kowtowed three times to the sweeping monk!

"Are you going to avenge your murder of your wife?" the sweeping monk asked calmly.

"I have killed countless people in my life. If the relatives of the people I kill come to seek revenge from me, even if I die hundreds of times, I will not be able to settle. I am willing to let go of the revenge of killing my wife!" Xiao Yuanshan said.

The sweeping monk nodded slightly, looked at Murong Bo at the side, and said, "Where is old layman Murong Bo?"

"Common people are like dust, and emperors are like dust. It will be empty if the Yan is not restored to the country, and it will be empty to restore the country. The disciple originally intended to light up the ancient Buddha, and was taught by the master, and I hope the master will complete it!" Murong Bo said.

"Amitabha! Goodness is goodness!"

The sweeping monk looked at the two of them and said, "It's my Buddhist school's fortune that the two old laymen devote their whole heart to the Buddha."

"Thank you Master!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo smiled at each other, put their palms together, and performed a Buddhist salute towards the sweeping monk.

The next moment, Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo lost all of their skills at the same time, and became an ordinary person from a peerless master of the fourth level of innate talent!


Both Xiao Feng and Murong Fu were startled, they never thought that their father would choose to disperse kung fu.

"Father, don't you want to recover Dayan with me?" Murong Fu said with a miserable expression.

His martial arts were abolished by Mu Han, and now Murong Bo also abolished his own martial arts. Without strong martial arts to rely on, it is almost hopeless to restore the country.

"Fu'er, now my father has escaped into Buddhism and no longer cares about the secular world. Dayan, whether it is restored to the country or not, it has nothing to do with my father."

Murong Bo said softly: "Fu'er, go back to Yanziwu, be an ordinary person, and live your life in peace."

After finishing the words, Murong Bo folded his palms together, softly proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then stood behind the sweeping monk.

"Father, when I go back and resign from the position of Great King of the South Courtyard, I will come back to serve you." On the other side, Xiao Feng said.

Xiao Yuanshan shook his head and said: "I have decided to practice with Master, you don't have to miss me anymore, just do what you want to do."

Seeing the resolute look on Xiao Yuanshan's face, Xiao Feng also understood that his mind had been made up, and he was no longer attached, and said: "Well, please take care, Dad."


The floor-sweeping monk softly proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said, "Benefactor Xiao, benefactor Murong, please rest assured that I will take good care of Layman Xiao and Layman Murong."

". Thank you, master!" Xiao Feng and Murong Fu both clasped their fists and said.


The sweeping monk once again proclaimed the Buddha's name, put his palms together, then turned and walked towards Shaolin Temple.

Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan followed behind, and soon, the figures of the three disappeared from the sight of Mu Han and others.

Looking at the disappearing figure of the sweeping monk, a smile appeared on the corner of Mu Han's mouth. He had just made an appointment with the sweeping monk through voice transmission in a secret language, to talk about Buddhism here at three o'clock tonight.

Although the sweeping monk didn't verbally agree, he didn't refuse either.

Mu Han's eyes turned to Murong Fu who was at the side.

"What do you want to do?" Murong Fu felt Mu Han's cold gaze, his heart shivered, and he said.

Now that he has lost all his martial arts, if Mu Han wants to kill himself, it may be as easy as pie.

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