"Get out!" Mu Han said lightly.

Now that Murong Fu has lost all his martial arts, Mu Han has no interest in killing him.

The reason why he didn't kill Murong Bo and (the captured Zhao) Murong Fu was not because of Mu Han's kindness.

Murong Bo and Murong Fu, father and son, did not have any deep hatred with Mu Han.

On the contrary, it was Mu Han who broke into Yanziwu, returned to Shishui Pavilion, abducted Azhu Abi, castrated Murong Fu, and abolished his martial arts. In the eyes of others, it was a bit too insulting.

What's more, Murong Bo and Murong Fu father and son have lost all their martial arts. Murong Bo entered Shaolin Temple to practice and no longer care about world affairs, and Murong Fu has many enemies in the world. passed him.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Murong Fu gave Mu Han a resentful look, turned and left.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing Ding Chunqiu, an innate double martial artist, you will get 400 system points and an additional reward of 2000 system points!"

At this time, a system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear, which made Mu Han a little surprised.

How is this going? "

Chapter 1 Fighting Wine Again, Mu Han's Reminder (3/[-])

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing Ding Chunqiu, an innate double martial artist, you will get 400 system points and an additional reward of 2000 system points!"

At this time, a system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear, which made Mu Han's face reveal a look of surprise.

How is this going?

It seems that he didn't kill Ding Chunqiu, but just planted a life and death talisman for Ding Chunqiu?

But after hearing the system's explanation, Mu Han finally understood.

Ding Chunqiu committed suicide outside the Shaolin Temple because he could not bear the torture of the Life and Death Talisman.

And the system also blamed Ding Chunqiu's death on Mu Han's head, and obtained the system point reward, which also made Mu Han feel that this Wanjie lottery system is quite humane!

Although 2400 system points are not too much for Mu Han now, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

"Brother Xiao, how about finding a place to have a drink?" Mu Han suggested with a faint smile.

"Okay, since Brother Mu has such an elegant mood, Xiao will certainly accompany him." Xiao Feng laughed loudly.

Now that the truth is revealed, the doubts in his heart are also swept away, and he is in a good mood. When he heard Mu Han's invitation, he naturally would not refuse.

The two immediately went down Shaoshi Mountain and found the biggest restaurant in the nearby town.

"Xiao Er, serve all your good dishes here at 430, and serve up twenty jugs of good wine!" Xiao Feng said loudly as soon as he entered the restaurant.

Twenty altars?

Hearing Xiao Feng's words, the waiter looked at the two of them, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe his ears.

"Two... ten... altar... wine?" the waiter stammered and asked.

"Yes, twenty jars, why are you in a daze, hurry up and get the wine." Xiao Feng said.

"Okay! Please wait a moment, the two guests!"

Only then did the waiter confirm that he had heard correctly, and hurried to get the wine.

As for the guests in the restaurant, they all looked towards Mu Han and Xiao Feng. Most of them were people from the Jianghu. After recognizing the identities of Mu Han and Xiao Feng, their complexions changed slightly. A look of awe.

This time they all came to participate in the martial arts conference held by Shaolin Temple, originally to elect the leader of martial arts, and jointly deal with Mu Han and Xiao Feng.

No one expected that Xiao Feng and Mu Han would appear in the martial arts conference successively.

However, with the appearance of Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, the truth came to light, and Shaolin abbot Master Xuanci passed away after being tortured. The position of abbot was temporarily delegated by Xuanji, and the martial arts conference was also over.

Now that I met Mu Han and Xiao Feng here, these people from the Jianghu were also a little worried about being retaliated by the two of them, so they left quietly.

Seeing these people from the rivers and lakes scared away by him, Mu Han and Xiao Feng looked at each other and smiled, and sat down at a seat by the window.

At this time, the waiter in the shop had already held two jars of wine, placed them on the table, and set out two wine bowls for the two of them.

"Brother Mu, this wine bowl is too small, it's not pleasant to drink, it's better to drink from the jar." Xiao Feng said, grabbed a wine jar, peeled off the mud, and handed it to Mu Han.

"Okay!" Mu Han nodded slightly, and took the wine jar.

And Xiao Feng grabbed another wine jar, also lifted the mud and said: "Brother Mu, do it!"


The two raised the wine jar, raised their heads and drank it. Under the gaze of everyone, they drank all the wine in the wine jar after a while.

"Good wine!" Xiao Feng wiped his mouth and praised.

Mu Han also nodded slightly, he didn't expect that there would be such delicious wine in this humble restaurant at the foot of Shaolin Temple Mountain.

While the two of them were drinking, the waiter had already greeted several other waiters, moved the remaining [-] altars of wine to the table, and brought up all the signature dishes in the restaurant.

With Mu Han and Xiao Feng's drinking capacity, it took less than one stick of incense to drink up twenty altars of wine, but they didn't eat a bite of the food on the table.

"Twenty more altars!"


Xiao Feng said loudly: "Xiao Er, come to another twenty altars."

"Twenty jars more?"

The waiter in the shop was so surprised that his jaw (bcba) was about to drop, and he said with a sad face: "Guest officer, there is only one jug of wine left in this shop, and you all drank the rest."

The other guest officials ordered wine by the jug by the pot, but the two guest officials in front of them ordered twenty altars each.

"Brother Xiao, since that's the case, let's call it a day and have a good drink another day." Mu Han said.

"Disappointing! Serve the jar of wine quickly." Xiao Feng frowned and said.


The shop waiter brought up the last jug of wine in the shop, and Mu Han filled a bowl of wine for Xiao Feng and himself.

"Brother Xiao, now that the martial arts conference is over, what are your plans next?" Mu Han asked.

Xiao Feng picked up the wine bowl, touched the bowl with Mu Han, finished the wine in the bowl, and said: "I'm going back to Daliao tomorrow!"

"Brother Xiao, is he still going to be the Great King of the Southern Courtyard of Daliao?" Mu Han nodded slightly, not surprised by Xiao Feng's answer, but he still asked.

Because he knew that Xiao Feng was the Great King of the Southern Court of Daliao, and he was highly valued by Daliao Emperor Yelu Hongji. This time Xiao Feng returned to Daliao, and he believed that he would be sent by Yelu Hongji to attack Daliao Song soon.

In the original book, Xiao Feng refused to agree to attack Song and became Yelu Hongji's prisoner. After he escaped from prison, Xiao Feng even captured Yelu Hongji and forced Yelu Hongji to swear a poisonous oath not to attack again in his lifetime. Great Song.

Although a bloody battle was resolved, Xiao Feng became a traitor of the Khitan. Under guilt, he committed suicide, which is extremely tragic!

But in this chaotic version of Tianlong world, Mu Han doesn't know Xiao Feng's ending, what will happen?


Xiao Feng nodded, and asked suspiciously: "Brother Mu, why do you ask like that?"


Mu Han took a sip of his wine and said, "Brother Xiao, have you ever thought about what you would do if Yelu Hongji sent you to attack Song Dynasty?"

"This..." Xiao Feng was unprepared, being asked by Mu Han, he didn't know how to answer.

"Brother Mu, I will definitely not lead troops to attack Song Dynasty." Xiao Feng said.

"Brother Xiao, I know you don't know how to attack Song Dynasty, but you are the king of the South Courtyard, you should know what the consequences will be if you disobey the order?" Mu Han said lightly.

Xiao Feng remained silent, he knew that what Mu Han said would definitely happen, Yelu Hongji had mentioned to him many times about the attack on Song Dynasty, but because the time had not yet come, he did not put it into action.

If he really disobeyed the order, even if he was Yelu Hongji's brother-in-law, he might not escape death.

Seeing Xiao Feng's appearance, Mu Han shook his head slightly, left a piece of silver on the table, and then walked towards the outside of the restaurant.

He had already reminded Xiao Feng that as for the future, it was out of his control. "

Chapter 2 On Zen, Mu Han vs. Sweeping Monk (3/[-])

In the middle of the night!

In the forest, an old monk sat cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, and an invisible aura emanated from his body.

Zen meditation skills!

Sitting meditation, a compulsory homework for Shaolin monks, sit upright with eyes closed~ and meditate with concentration.

"Born to sit but not to lie down, dead to lie down and not to sit, with a stinky bone-head, what is the homework?"

An indifferent voice came from not far away, and immediately after that, a figure in white clothes walked slowly, wasn't it - who else could Mu Han be?

Seeing the sweeping monk sitting in meditation, Mu Han remembered a Buddhist Zen saying in his mind, and said slowly.

Zen language?

Hearing Mu Han's voice, the sweeping monk opened his eyes, but deep in his eyes, there was a flash of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han actually understood Zen language!

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that the benefactor could understand Zen language, which I admire." The sweeping monk clasped his palms together and said.

"The master laughed at me, I just understand a little bit!" Mu Han said.

Mu Han once studied Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures respectively in Shaolin Temple and Quanzhen Sect in the world of sculptures of the gods. He has a lot of attainments in both Buddhism and Taoism, and only then can he speak a Zen language with his mouth open.

"You don't have to be humble, Almighty! The Buddha nature in Almighty Mu is the most qualified person to become a Buddha among the people I have ever seen!" said the sweeping monk.

Hearing this, Mu Han smiled lightly, this was not the first time he heard someone say that.

Does the sweeping monk want to persuade himself to become a monk?

This is absolutely impossible. There are thousands of beautiful wives in his family, and Mu Han doesn't want to escape into Buddhism and cut himself off from the world of mortals!

"Master Mu, I wonder if you believe in heaven and hell?" said the sweeping monk.

Mu Han was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the sweeping monk suddenly talked about Zen with him.

Although he doesn't know the origin of the sweeping monk, Mu Han can be sure that this sweeping monk is a monk who became a monk halfway through. To be able to have such profound Buddhist and martial arts, he obviously experienced a huge change before he came to such a realization.

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