"I believe it!" Mu Han nodded slightly and said.

"Does Lord Namu know where the kingdom of heaven and hell are?" asked the sweeping monk.

"Heaven and hell, everywhere!"

Mu Han said softly: "One flower is one world, one grass is one heaven, one tree is one floating life, one leaf is one Tathagata, one sand is one bliss, one side is one pure land, one smile is one world, one thought is one tranquility."

"Since benefactor Mu believes in heaven and hell, is benefactor Mu afraid of going to hell?" asked the sweeping monk.

"Hehe, whoever will go to hell if I don't!" Mu Han said with a faint smile.


The floor-sweeping monk folded his palms together, and said softly: "Master Mu has great wisdom and virtue, and has quite a root of wisdom. This old monk is willing to bow down."

As soon as the master makes a move, he will know if there is one!

Although they only exchanged a few words of Zen with Mu Han, the sweeping monk already knew that the young man in white in front of him was obviously a master of Zen Buddhism and proficient in Buddhism.

"Master, I've won the award. Now that I have discussed Zen, I've heard about the great name of the master for a long time, so I want to discuss it with the master, how about it?" Mu Han said lightly.

"Master Mu, please!"

The sweeping monk nodded slightly. Since he came to the appointment, he already knew Mu Han's intentions and did not refuse.

The sweeping monk stood slowly, and the two stood facing each other. The mountain wind blew past, making their robes rattle.

"Master Mu, I've offended you!"

The sweeping monk obviously knew how powerful Mu Han was, and his actual combat power was far beyond his superficial cultivation, so his slightly cloudy eyes suddenly burst out with a burst of brilliance, the majestic innate qi like the sea, like a tsunami , swept towards Mu Han.

Mu Han smiled faintly, and the same invisible energy surged out of his body!

Two waves of air, like sea tides, slammed into each other fiercely, making a dull loud noise, and violent wind ripples, like a storm, swept from the center.

The surrounding leaves and rocks were all rolled up and flew around. Even the surrounding ground had cracks emerging, like spider webs, spreading rapidly towards the distance.


Mu Han stretched out his hands suddenly, and six sharp sword qi shot out, respectively shooting at the vital points of the sweeping monk.

"Dali Six Meridians Excalibur really deserves its reputation!"

The sweeping monk's majestic internal force swept away, forming a wall of Qi in front of him.

Three feet air wall!

Mu Han knew at a glance that this was the floor sweeping monk's three-foot air wall, which possesses extremely strong defensive power! · ··Ask for flowers... 0

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Six sharp sword qi hit the three-foot wall of qi, causing invisible ripples and six ear-piercing air explosions.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

Mu Han took a step forward, and with the sound of a dragon chant resounding through the air, an almost real Qi golden dragon condensed out and blasted towards the three-foot Qi wall.


The Golden Dragon of True Qi whizzed out, but landed on the three-foot wall of Qi, as if trapped in a quagmire. It was difficult to move forward even half a step. The next moment, it burst open with a dull sound.


Mu Han laughed loudly, it's been a long time since I've had this feeling of meeting my opponent!

He also wanted to know, with his innate triple peak cultivation base, could he break through the three-foot air wall of the sweeping monk? ... ... ... ... ...

Immediately, Mu Han used the eighteen subduing dragon palms one by one.


In the mountains and forests, the sound of the dragon chant resounded throughout the world, and the fierce and domineering golden dragon's true strength slammed heavily on the three-foot air wall.


Only a slight sound was heard, and on the invisible three-foot wall of air, there seemed to be a tiny crack emerging, and then it spread.


In the end, the three-foot air wall shattered like porcelain.

Seeing that the three-foot air wall was broken, even the sweeping monk's face changed slightly.

"call out!"

With a movement of Mu Han's body, he had already approached the sweeping monk, and he unleashed his Kongming Fist, attacking the sweeping monk.

The sweeping monk in front of him has reached the peak of the fifth innate level, and he has also cultivated pure Buddhist inner strength. His strength is unfathomable. Even Mu Han did not dare to be careless and went all out.

"Master Mu is good at martial arts!"

Although the sweeping monk noticed that Mu Han's cultivation had only reached the peak of the third level of congenital, but his real strength, even he did not dare to underestimate it, and used Shaolin's unique skills to resist Mu Han's offensive.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull sound kept ringing, endlessly.

Both of them shot very fast, and amidst the surge of internal force, strong winds were set off and swept in all directions. Even if the innate triple masters were affected by these strong winds, they would probably be severely injured.and."

Chapter 3 Top Confrontation, Sweeping Monk Lost (3/[-])

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull sound kept ringing out continuously, and the berserk wind also swept away.

Mu Han's heart was also shocked.

Since the confrontation, the sweeping monk has been defending, not attacking, and he has displayed twenty-four Shaolin stunts.

You must know that among the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin Temple, only one eminent monk in the early Northern Song Dynasty has practiced twenty-three unique skills. There has never been a second person who has practiced more than twenty skills. Xuan Cheng, who is talented and the number one in martial arts, has only practiced thirteen unique skills.

"Master Mu is good at martial arts!"

The sweeping monk gave a light praise, and he stopped blindly defending and keeping his hands. He realized that if he didn't attack again, he might really be defeated!

As soon as the words fell, the sweeping monk suddenly slapped Mu Han. "Two Eight Zero" Vajra Prajna Palm!

This palm technique is known as the number one palm technique in Shaolin, and it is performed by a sweeping monk, the power is even more terrifying!

The sweeping monk's palm was fierce and powerful, and Mu Han could feel that a gust of scorching palm wind came towards him, making his breathing tremble slightly.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong!"

Facing the astonishing palm of the sweeping monk, Mu Han did not choose to retreat, but used the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu to the extreme, and with the power of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, he went up to the sweeping monk.


A violent ripple of vigor also swept away like a storm, destroying the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, leaving them in a mess.


The figure of the floor-sweeping monk involuntarily took a few steps back before stabilizing his figure, and a look of shock welled up in the depths of his eyes.

He didn't expect that Mu Han could beat himself back!

Although Mu Han didn't retreat, he still felt numbness in his palms. It was obvious that the Vajra Prajna palm that the floor sweeping monk had just cast was powerful and unmatched!

"Master Mu is proficient in martial arts all over the world, he is really powerful!" said the sweeping monk.

"Master, I'm so honored. I'm afraid no one in the world can match Master's Vajra Prajna Palm." Mu Han also nodded slightly, and said.

"This old monk is two levels higher than Mu Shizhu. If he is below the same level, this old monk will definitely lose!" said the sweeping monk.

"Master, do you want to continue?" Mu Han smiled.

"I don't hold back any more, please be careful." The sweeping monk said.

"Then please enlighten me, Master!" Mu Han said.

"it is good!"

The sweeping monk's eyes suddenly burst into light twice, and an invisible aura swept out of his body, which was much stronger than before.

Mu Han also knew that the sweeping monk finally exerted his full strength under his persecution, and he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. When he turned his palm, Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand.

"Master, I'm going to use the sword, so be careful!" Mu Han said loudly, holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

"Thank you, Master Mu, for reminding me."

The sweeping monk looked at Mu Han, his face became serious.

Because he found that Mu Han's aura suddenly became much fiercer, giving him an extremely dangerous feeling.

"call out!"

Mu Han raised the Xuanyuan Sword, swung it out, and a sword energy, with a shocking sword intent, slashed towards the floor sweeping monk at an incredible speed.

Sword Intent!

The sweeping monk did not expect that Mu Han's sword actually contained sword intent.

Facing this sword, the sweeping monk felt irresistible.

The sweeping monk waved his palms, and a three-foot wall of air condensed out in front of him again.


The three-foot wall of air, under this sword, was easily torn apart like tofu.

Seeing this scene, the sweeping monk's expression finally changed!

Although Mu Han had also broken his three-foot Qi wall just now, after all, he used Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, eighteen consecutive palms, to break the three-foot Qi wall. Unlike this time, one sword easily tore open his three Air wall.

"Master, take my sword!"

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