Mu Han slashed at the sweeping monk with his sword.

Turn qi into a sword, use qi to control the sword, human and sword become one!


A sharp sword energy, with an indescribable aura, slashed down at the sweeping monk angrily!

This sword, compared to the sword that confronted Tianshan Child Elder, is more fierce and terrifying!

Feeling this sword, the hair on the sweeping monk's body burst open. From this sword, he could feel a strong dangerous aura.

However, he knew that there was no way to dodge this sword, so he waved his palms, and the shadows of his palms filled the sky, whistling out, and slapped towards the sword energy angrily...


Facing all this, Mu Han's face was calm and extremely calm.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sword qi slashed down angrily, and the shadows of palms filled the sky, and they cracked upon hearing the sound.

This sword shocked the world, shocked ghosts and gods, and crushed everything!


The floor-sweeping monk shot out backwards, spurting out a mouthful of blood, his old face was pale, and the blue monk's robe was cut to pieces by the sharp sword energy, leaving it in tatters.

And the next moment, a figure appeared in front of the sweeping monk, the tip of the Xuanyuan sword was only half an inch away from the sweeping monk's throat.

"Amitabha, thank you, Master Mu, for your mercy. I have lost this battle." The sweeping monk softly proclaimed the Buddha's name and said.

Mu Han put away the Xuanyuan Sword, and with a smile on his face, he said, "Master, I've offended you!"

Although Mu Han was suspected of relying on the divine weapon Xuanyuan Sword in this battle, after all, the sweeping monk was two levels higher than himself. If he didn't rely on Xuanyuan Sword, it might not be so easy to defeat him.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for defeating the innate fifth-level martial artist Sweeping Monk, you will be rewarded with 500 system points and 5000 additional system points." At this time, the system prompt sounded in Mu Han's ears.

"Mu benefactor has comprehended the meaning of the sword at such a young age. Congratulations. In the whole world, I am afraid that no one can beat Mu benefactor at 1.8." The sweeping monk said softly, with a look of praise on his face .

"Master, you've praised me a lot. The injury of the master is not serious. You should go back to the temple for recuperation. I will visit you another day." Mu Han said.

With the strike just now, Mu Han could feel that the sweeping monk had already suffered serious internal injuries and needed to be recuperated.

"Okay! The old monk will take a step first." The sweeping monk nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Looking at the figure of the sweeping monk leaving, a smile appeared on the corner of Mu Han's mouth.

I finally defeated the number one master of Tianlong!

However, in this battle, I have gained quite a lot, not only the system point rewards, but also my understanding of martial arts!

Fighting against masters is the most effective way and means to improve your strength! "

Chapter 1 Returning to the Vulture Palace, the Blessing of Everyone (3/[-])

After the battle with the sweeping monk, Mu Han also decided to go back to the Vulture Palace first.

Now the Martial Arts Conference is over, XingXiu Sect Ding ChunQiu died and vanished, unable to make trouble anymore, Xiao YuanShan and Murong Bo converted to Buddhism, Shaolin Abbot XuanCi passed away due to torture.

It can be said that the entire Central Plains Wulin has been seriously injured because of the grievances between Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo!

And the emperor of Daliao, Yelu Hongji, probably wouldn't miss this opportunity, and he should be preparing to attack the Song Dynasty in the south.

Even though Song Ting was fatuous and incompetent, Mu Han couldn't stand by and watch the Daliao cavalry invade his Vulture Palace in Misty Peak.

Now he has controlled the forces of Dali, Xixia and Tubo, and he has already been preparing to control Song Ting.

When Mu Han climbed up Misty Peak, Wu Xingyun and other girls had already been waiting in front of Vulture Palace.

Seeing Mu Han, all the girls cheered and hurriedly gathered around, all of their beautiful faces were filled with charming smiles.

"Xingyun, how is everything? Is everything okay?" Mu Han looked at the girls and asked with a smile.

Wu Xingyun nodded, and said to 01: "Please rest assured, the head of the Vulture Palace is not a place where anyone can come if they want."

"Is there any news in Jianghu recently?" Mu Han asked.

He had been on his way for the past few days, and Misty Peak Vulture Palace was well informed, so he asked casually.

Wu Xingyun said: "Murong Fu is dead, he was killed by the enemies."

Mu Han nodded slightly, this was within his expectation, Murong Fu had made many enemies over the years, now that he lost all his martial arts, it's no wonder he didn't die.

"Ah Zhu, are you done with what I told you?" Mu Han said, looking at A'Zhu who was at the side.

"My lord, it's done." A'Zhu smiled playfully, then patted his palms lightly.

A middle-aged man in a dragon robe walked out from the side, came to Mu Han, clasped his fists and said, "My lord."

Mu Han looked the man in the dragon robe up and down, nodded, and said, "It's really like it, Ah Zhu, your makeup skills are really getting better and better."

"Thank you, son, for your compliment!" Hearing Mu Han's compliment, A'Zhu smiled brightly like a flower.

Mu Han asked, "What's your name?"

"Sir, the younger one is Zhao Qing!" said the man in the dragon robe.

"Do you have the guts to ask you to go to the palace to pretend to be the Emperor of Song?" Mu Han asked.

"Working for the young master, I will never give up!" Zhao Qing knelt down quickly and said.

Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly, go down."

"Yes!" Zhao Qing retreated respectfully.

"Ah Zhu, you need to train him more on his demeanor, don't let him show his feet and ruin the big thing." Mu Han warned.

"Yes, my lord!" A'Zhu nodded and replied.



In the hall of Vulture Palace, there was a large table filled with delicious food and wine.

The girls sat down according to their seats, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Mu Han was a little strange. Normally these confidante, although they were friendly on the surface, they were still divided into several factions in private, competing secretly.Mu Han is still thinking about how to make these confidantes get along in harmony.

But today's dinner was different from the usual ones. All the women's faces were filled with bright smiles. More than a dozen confidante chatted happily, leaving Mu Leng aside.

After dinner, all the girls went back to their rooms, leaving Mu Han alone in the hall.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to stay alone in the empty room?" Mu Han said to himself.

But at this moment, Mrs. Wang Li Qingluo blinked at him, and then drifted away.

"Hmph, my Qingluo is better!"

Mu Han smiled badly, and after everyone dispersed, he walked towards Li Qingluo's room.


Mu Han gently pushed the door, and the door opened in response, secretly happy in his heart, it was indeed unlocked!

"You came!"

Li Qingluo leaned against the head of the bed, her body was covered with a layer of tulle, her waist-length black hair exuded some damp breath, obviously she had just showered.

Looking at Li Qingluo with a charming face and her proud figure, Mu Han closed the door and walked towards Li Qingluo without saying a word.


Before Li Qingluo could speak, Mu Han had already sealed Li Qingluo's lips. Not long after, there was a low whimpering sound from the room.

A fierce conquest battle broke out in an instant.


"You are really my enemy!" Li Qingluo snuggled into Mu Han's arms and said angrily.

"Hehe, don't you like it?"

Mu Han chuckled and said, "What's going on with you today, why do you feel weird."

Li Qingluo smiled and said, "Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingluo walked to the door and patted her palms lightly!

Mu Han looked at Li Qingluo curiously, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Li Qingluo's gourd?

But the next moment, Mu Han was dumbfounded.

Because at the door of the room, a pretty figure appeared.

"Yuyan?" Mu Han said in surprise.

Although Wang Yuyan knew about the matter between him and Li Qingluo, she didn't expose it. It's enough for everyone to know.

But now being smashed by Wang Yuyan, Mu Han didn't know how to explain it. 117

But what surprised Mu Han was that Wang Yuyan walked in with a shy face, while Li Qingluo looked at Mu Han and said, "It's cheap for you!"

Seeing this scene, how could Mu Han not understand what's going on?

"How did you do it?" Mu Han asked in surprise.

"Yuyan is my daughter after all, so naturally she has to think about me." Li Qingluo said proudly.

Looking at Li Qingluo, Mu Han couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.

Older gingers are more spicy!

He was still thinking about how to pierce the window paper between him and Li Qingluo to Wang Yuyan, but he didn't expect that Li Qingluo would take the initiative to settle this matter.

It saved Mu Han a lot of trouble.

"Not only Yuyan, but also Ling'er, Wanqing and Azhu Azi all know about your affairs with Gan Baobao, Qin Hongmian and Ruan Xingzhu." Li Qingluo said.

"You really think of me."

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