Mu Han smiled, looked at Wang Yuyan, and said, "Yuyan, you really agree."


Wang Yuyan nodded shyly, her voice was inaudible, and her fair skin was flushed with a faint blush.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's appearance, Mu Han was overjoyed, and pulled both Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan into his arms.

A great battle has begun again! . "

Chapter 2 Mu Han's Layout, Liao Kingdom Invades (3/[-])

Since Mu Han returned to Vulture Palace, he has lived a life like a fairy.

After piercing the last layer of window paper with the girls, Mu Han often enjoys the blessing of being equal and sleeps together!

And after double cultivating with the girls, not only the girls' cultivation has been improved, but Mu Han has also broken through to the fourth level of congenital, and his martial arts have improved to a higher level.

If you fight against the sweeping monk again, I'm afraid it will be much easier to defeat the sweeping monk.

And Mu Han also got the news that the Emperor of Daliao, Yelu Hongji, had dismissed Xiao Feng from his position as King of the Southern Court, and put Xiao Feng in prison.

This also means that soon, Yelu Hongji will personally lead the army of the Liao Kingdom to attack the Song Dynasty in the south.

However, Mu Han was not worried about the Great Liao's conquest of the Song Dynasty.

For this battle, he had planned for a long time.

The current emperor of the Song Dynasty was also detained by Mu Han, and the current emperor above the Song court was a fake Zhao Qing.

And he has already sent a letter to Li Qiushui, Duan Yanqing and Jiumozhi to gather troops from Xixia, Dali and Tubo to jointly fight against Liao.

No matter how powerful the Liao army is, it may not be an opponent of the forces of the four countries!


On the peak of Vulture Palace, Mu Han stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the cloud scene in the distance.

At this time, Wu Xingyun came over and said, "Master!"

Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "Xingyun, has the Liao Kingdom dispatched troops?"


Wu Xingyun nodded and said, "Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Liao Kingdom personally led an army of [-] troops from the Liao Kingdom to the Yanmen Pass!"

"Six hundred thousand?"

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "Is there any news about Li Qiushui, Duan Yanqing and Jiumozhi?"

"Li Qiushui assembled a [-] Xixia army to go to Yanmen Pass, and Duan Yanqing also sent [-] elite troops from Dali. As for Jiumozhi, he persuaded the Tubo king to send [-] troops to go to Yanmen Pass." Wu Xingyun replied.

"What about Zhao Qing?" Mu Han asked.

"Zhao Qing ordered [-] Song troops to arrive at Yanmen Pass yesterday," Wu Xingyun said.

"The combined strength of the four countries is [-], surpassing the Liao army in number."

Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "What about the Central Plains Wulin?"

"Wulin of the Central Plains heard that the Liao Kingdom was invading, and all sects and sects also sent out experts to gather at Yanmen Pass."

Wu Xingyun said: "But there are no real masters."

"I never counted on those trash." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Master, are you planning to go to Yanmen Pass too?" Wu Xingyun asked.


Mu Han nodded and said with a smile, "How can I not go and see the good show I've planned?"

"Then I'll go with you." Hearing Mu Han's words, Wu Xingyun said hastily.

"We're going too!"

At this time, Li Qingluo, Wang Yuyan and other girls came over and said in unison.

"Okay, since you all want to go and have a look, then follow me tomorrow." Mu Han laughed loudly.

In this battle, he has a certain chance of winning, so it doesn't hurt to let the girls go and see.

Nowadays, the martial arts of all the girls are not weak, and they can be regarded as first-class masters in the Jianghu. Except for Shaolin, other schools in the Jianghu are probably enough to sweep them away.

The next day, Mu Han and his daughters set off to Yanmen Pass, and along the way, they saw people from the Jianghu rushing towards Yanmen Pass.

Facing the critical moment of life and death, the Central Plains Wulin finally united.

However, Mu Han didn't pay attention to these people from the rivers and lakes. Almost all the masters of the Central Plains martial arts were dead. Whether they took action or not was irrelevant to the overall situation.

A few days later, Mu Han and the others finally arrived at Yanmen Pass.

"I've seen your son!"

The people in Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Island, when they saw Mu Han and the others, rushed up to greet him, and saluted Mu Han, with a look of awe flashing in their eyes.

Mu Han had already ordered the people from the Thirty-six Cave and the Seventy-two Island to gather at Yanmen Pass in advance.

Mu Han nodded slightly, his gaze swept to the other side.

People from all walks of life in the Central Plains martial arts gathered on the other side, as well as Shaolin masters, Monk Xuannan who Mu Han was more familiar with.

"Listen to me, when the time comes to fight the Liao army, you must obey my orders, otherwise, don't blame me, Mu Han, for being ruthless."

Mu Leng said in a low voice, the voice reverberated in the mid-air under the wrapping of internal force, shaking the ears of martial arts practitioners in the Central Plains to buzz.

Hearing Mu Han's words, all the heroes of the Central Plains martial arts did not dare to refute.

"When will the Liao army arrive?" Mu Han asked.

"According to the news, it should arrive tomorrow!" Wu Xingyun said.

"Send people to scout the movements of the Liao army, and the rest of them should rest and prepare for the battle," Mu Han said.

"`.Yes!" Wu Xingyun responded.


A day is gone in a flash.

But in the distance outside Yanmen Pass, a large cloud of dust was raised, covering the sky and the sun, and the earth suddenly shook. After a while, the [-] troops of Daliao appeared in everyone's sight.


Standing on the city wall, Mu Han looked at the Liao army in the distance, with a smile on his face.

However, when the heroes of the martial arts in the Central Plains saw the majestic Liao army, there was a hint of fear in the depths of their eyes.

Although their martial arts were much higher than those of Liao's sergeants, when it came to fighting in real battles, their martial arts came second.

No matter how high your martial arts are, it will be difficult to resist the rush of thousands of troops!

Many Central Plains martial arts practitioners turned pale.

In this battle, I am afraid there will be death but no life!

The [-] troops of the Liao Kingdom are slowly approaching the Yanmen Pass. The emperor of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Hongji, is standing on a (good) carriage, looking at the Yanmen Pass in the distance, with excitement and excitement in his eyes .

As long as Yanmen Pass is conquered, the army of the Liao Kingdom will be able to drive straight in and capture the Song court, and he himself will become the only emperor in the world!

"Xiao Feng, I will deal with you after I have conquered Great Song. Today I will show you how I defeated Great Song." Yelu Hongji also had a flash of anger on his face when he thought of Xiao Feng.

"Yelu Hongji, if you retreat now, can you spare your life?"

Just when Yelu Hongji was about to give the order to attack Yanmen Pass, a voice came faintly, suppressing the voices of the [-] Liao troops.

Yelu Hongji looked intently, and saw a figure in white clothes standing proudly after the Yanmen Gate was closed.

The figure in white clothes is as handsome as a fairy, with an extraordinary temperament, especially a pair of black eyes, which has a unique charm.

Who else would it be if it wasn't Mu Han? . "

Chapter 3 Yelu Hongji's Shock, The Great War Begins! (3/[-])

"Hmph, what a bold tone. Today, our [-] soldiers from the Liao Dynasty are gathered here. If we don't capture the Northern Song Dynasty, we swear that we won't move our army back to the dynasty!" Yelu Hongji said with a soft snort.

"In this case, you and your [-] soldiers will all be buried here." Mu Han said lightly.

Yelu Hongji looked at Mu Han, then raised the horsewhip in his hand, pointed at the Jiang Hu people around Mu Han, and said with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, as expected, the ignorant are fearless, just relying on the savagery around you, you can Stop me [-] Da Liao good men?"

If they were fighting alone, the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom would naturally not be the opponents of these Central Plains martial artists in front of them.

But when it comes to fighting, I am afraid that these Central Plains martial arts people are not enough for their own [-] troops to squeeze their teeth?

"Hehe, Yelu Hongji, it seems that you are very confident in your [-] army, and you haven't even got the most basic information." Seeing Yelu Hongji's appearance, Mu Han said with a sneer.

"What news?" Yelu Hongji asked, his face darkening.

Mu Han ignored Yelu Hongji and looked at Wu Xingyun beside him.

Wu Xingyun nodded, took a step forward, and fired a signal flare.

"call out!"

The signal flare soared into the sky, and then exploded, sending out a thick red smoke. 597 Boom...

The next moment, the earth trembled, and smoke and dust billowed suddenly to the right of the Liao army, and a large number of soldiers and horses rushed out like a tide.

The [-] troops of the Song Dynasty!

"Song Jun? Is this where your confidence lies?"

Yelu Hongji sneered, with a look of disdain on his face.

Because he knew that the Song army was weak, not to mention that the Song army in front of him was probably only more than [-], and it would not be difficult to annihilate it.

Mu Han didn't speak, and Li Qinglu at the side took out a signal flare and sent it off!

"call out!"

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