Now, being caught in Mu Han's words made him feel a chill in his heart.

"Hehe, Miss Zi Nu, help me see off my guests."

Mu Han didn't answer his words, he chuckled, and saw the door opened, and the owner of Zilanxuan, with that mature and charming figure, had already appeared at the door. . "

Chapter 11 Mu Han's advice hits the nail on the head (2/3)

"Purple girl?"

"Purple girl?"

When Han Fei and Zhang Liang heard the door open, a pleasant fragrance permeated the room instantly.The two turned around at the same time, and suddenly saw a beautiful woman.

This is a charming and enchanting woman, wearing a long purple dress, and her purple hair is like a phoenix crown, adding a bit of luxury.

With that charming and graceful figure, she walked slowly to Han Fei and Zhang Liang, and said, "Please, please."

Such a beautiful voice makes Zhang Liang and Han Fei feel as if they have passed away. Her voice is like whispering in the ear, calling you softly.

Her every frown and smile are enough to be proud of Fanghua, and the purple patterns like butterfly wings covered by fluffy bangs make her exude the charming charm of a mature woman.

This is the owner of Zilanxuan, the purple girl who is known to everyone in Xinzheng City.

Just a word from Mu Han made Zi Nu open the door to see off the guests, Han Fei and Zhang Liang were struck by lightning, their eyes were extremely shocked.

Miss Zi Nu is the hottest woman in Korea. Many dignitaries who come to Zi Lanxuan, if they can talk to Zi Nu for a while, they will definitely attract envious and jealous eyes from others.

Now, Mu Han just sent off a guest, which made Zi Nu see off Han Fei and Zhang Liang. Although this honor had never been done before, the two of them turned their shocking eyes to the point where they were pouring wine into the wine bottle. On Mu Han of the wine.

What is the connection between Mu Han and Zi Lanxuan?

His relationship with Zi Nu seems very unusual.

Could it be that he is also from Zilanxuan?

Although Zilanxuan is a land of love and moon, the owner of Zilanxuan is a woman that no one dares to offend.

The relationship between Mu Han and Zi Nu was so close that Han Fei and Zhang Liang showed no signs of leaving.

"Oh? Don't you two plan to leave? That's all I've said, what else can I say?"

Mu Han smiled slightly. Although Han Fei's cultivation had reached the sixth level of congenital, he did not show a look of fear. On the contrary, the arrogance and indifference in his eyes made Han Fei and Zhang Liang feel that the air in the room suddenly became cold. down.

Mu Han raised his head and gave Zi Nu an approving look, she did not leave, but stood outside the door to eavesdrop, and smiled at her involuntarily.


Zi Nu seemed to sense that Mu Han had noticed that he hadn't left, his eyes kept sizing up his graceful and charming figure, which made her snort softly.

This enigmatic man was indeed very unusual, which made me feel a little more fond of him.


The delicate-looking Zhang Liang changed his expression that did not match his age. Suddenly, without warning, he knelt on the ground, startling Han Fei beside him.

"Ovary, you~" Han Fei showed an unbelievable expression. Even if Mu Han and Zi Nu knew each other, he shouldn't be kneeling on the ground.

what happened to him?

The grandson of South Korea's Xiangguo, if he does not make mistakes, will become the mainstay of South Korea in the future. He actually knelt in front of Mu Han, which made Han Fei a little puzzled.

"Hehe, interesting~"

Zi Nu's frowns and smiles were still so radiant, she looked at Zhang Liang, then at Mu Han, her starry eyes fell on the wine bottles on the table.

"My lord, this ghost soldier borrowed [-] military pay. Although it was found out that it was Shui Xiaojin, who did it? Liang Bai couldn't figure it out, so I asked you to give me some pointers."

Although cracking the [-] military salary was a waste of money, he used the ghost soldiers to make an excuse, playing tricks and blinding people's eyes, but he didn't have any clue as to who did all of this.

Seeing that Mu Han was going to see off his guests, if he didn't know the whereabouts of the [-] military pay, the Zhang family might suffer such an unreasonable catastrophe. Immediately, Zhang Liang was so anxious that he knelt on the ground.


Hearing Zhang Liang's request for guidance, Mu Han let out a sigh, picked up the wine bottle, and drank it down, but did not answer his words.

"You...I, Han Fei, are the ninth sons of the King of Han. This wife is the grandson of Xiangguo. We are all princes and nobles. You should not be too arrogant."

Han Fei couldn't bear Mu Han's contempt for a long time. Although he was not welcomed by King Han, he was only in the royal family.

Even Xiangguo's general, Ji Wuye, didn't dare to belittle him face to face. This Mu Han, who was only a commoner, did so, which made Han Fei very angry.

"Oh? Princes and nobles, are you very powerful? Miss Zi Nu, since these two people are noisy here, why don't you see them off?"

"Hey, even if we send them away, they will come to Zilanxuan to look for the young master again. Why don't you just tell them?"

"Haha, Miss Zi Nu is really smart!"

Mu Han said approvingly, Zi Nu gave it to him, and Han Fei and Zhang Liang stepped down.

"Hmph, don't flatter me. What's between you guys, I'm a woman, so I can do it myself."

Zi Nu glanced at Mu Han with meaningful eyes, saw her delicate figure, walked out of the room and closed the door, Mu Han smiled slightly.


Han Fei was so angry that he waved his sleeves and stood aside. In fact, he also wanted to know about the ghost soldier's excuse from Mu Han, so he stopped talking immediately.

He was targeting Mu Han so much because he was actually jealous.

He has always wanted to control South Korea's criminal law, and he is a little cautious about Zi Nu. How can he not be jealous when he sees a man who is more handsome than himself and is also favored by Zi Nu?

"Young master, the Zhang family is in danger now. If you can save the Zhang family, Liang will definitely repay you for your great kindness."

"Oh, why is the ovary like this!"

Seeing that Zhang Liangchang couldn't kneel down, and his words were sincere, Mu Han smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to support him.

"Zifang, do you know who the five presiding judges who were killed were?"

Standing with one hand behind his back, Mu Han glanced sternly at the five wine bottles on the table.

"The five presiding judges (Zhao Hao) who died strangely are Nangong Cuo, Li Xi, Wang Kai, Nangong Ling, and Yao Feng."

Seeing that Mu Han's expression became indifferent, without the playfulness and contempt just now, Han Fei took a deep breath and named these people.

He wasn't stupid, and he knew everything. Seeing that Mu Han got to the point, the next message might be even more exciting. Immediately, he sat and listened quietly, for fear of missing something.

"These five chief judges, I heard from my grandfather, are all his disciples and people recommended by him. Could it be that this has something to do with the ghost soldier's way?"

Zhang Liang knew very well that the five chief judges were all killed overnight, and the death conditions were horrific, as if ghost soldiers were asking for their lives.

Suddenly, there was a chill in my heart. Could it be that there is really some conspiracy hidden in the middle?

"Perhaps, someone used ghost soldiers as an excuse to eradicate the Zhang family and make the family dominate."

Mu Han said it sharply, which surprised Zhang Liang and Han Fei. . "

Chapter 12 Han Fei's Solicitation, the Smart Purple Girl (3/3)

"Using ghost soldiers to eradicate the Zhang family, who is so vicious?"

Zhang Liang's youthful and handsome face revealed an angry expression. The Zhang family has five generations of relatives, and their status is very high in South Korea, but they have never offended others, nor have they covered the sky with one hand.

Now, I don't know who, in vain, turned the [-] military salary into water consumption gold, making the Zhang family blamed.Isn't such a vicious conspiracy to destroy the Zhang family?

"Master Xiangguo has only one opponent in the court and in the opposition. Could it be that the one hundred thousand military salary disappeared by this ghost soldier, and the five presiding judges died one after another overnight, all because of this person?"

"General Ji Wuye?"

Both Han Fei and Zhang Liang are extremely intelligent people, and after being touched by Mu Han, they suddenly showed a look of enlightenment. In their hearts, they thought of one person at the same time.

General Ji Wuye!

This person covered the sky with one hand in South Korea, and had power over the government and the public. No one in South Korea would dare to disobey him, even the king of Han was not looked down upon by him.

"I'm afraid Ji Wuye is the only person who can make such a bizarre and treacherous ghost soldier without leaving a trace. My son, I wonder if Han Fei's guess is right?"

Han Fei was completely convinced, and Mu Han solved the problem they hadn't known all night in a few words, which made Han 870 feel awe and admiration.

"Hehe, it doesn't seem to be the usual style of you who want to be a Si Kou to accuse a murderer who may be behind the scenes without substantive evidence. Shouldn't Si Kou show evidence to convict him? Wait until you find the military salary and find it. Ji Wuye is behind the scenes to instigate this matter, come find me again."

Mu Han put down the wine bottle, with an evil look on Jun's face, he closed his eyes slightly, feeling the ubiquitous wind in the room.

"The wind is unpredictable, but with a reference, can the wind hide it? Ovary, do you understand?"

Mu Han slowly opened his star pupils, a sharp light burst out from those eyes, like an unsheathed long sword, slashing across the place covered by clouds and mist.

The clouds and mists were gradually dispersed, and the bright sun shone on Han Fei and Zhang Liang, sweeping away the haze in their hearts.

"Thank you son, Liang has been educated."

Zhang Liang stretched out his arms and leaned forward deeply, showing admiration.

I just felt that Mu Han was shocked as a heavenly man, and he explained this weird and treacherous ghost soldier's excuse, as well as the way to get the one hundred thousand military salary, all in a few words.

If the Zhang family turns the corner, he will definitely not forget Mu Han's great kindness.

"Young master, Han Fei is the ninth son of King Han, and also a grandson of a nobleman. Now, the son is at the place where Zilanxuan is a woman. Isn't it a loss to the son? If not, he will go to Han Fei's house and be a guest. Han Fei will naturally not treat the young master badly."

Although Han Fei is the ninth son of South Korea, he has never been seen by the royal family. There is no power in the court or in the opposition to rely on, let alone no one recommends him to be a Sikou.

Now, if Mu Han is enshrined as the guest of honour, and the case of the [-] military pay is solved, and the Zhang family is saved from danger, Xiangguo Zhangkai will definitely recommend him.

Besides, Mu Han can point to clues in a few words, which shows that he is good at strategy.If you use it for yourself, isn't it your own powerful arm?

Thinking of this, Han Fei smiled slightly.

People like Mu Han should be underappreciated for their talents, so they live in Wenrou Township.

I let him be the honored guest, second only to myself, I'm afraid he will be very grateful.

Immediately, Han Fei held his head high, triumphant, and was ready to accept Mu Han's gratitude.

Unexpectedly, Mu Leng smiled coldly, and tapped a few tables lightly with his left hand. The evil smile in his eyes made the air suddenly cold.

Everything in the house became silent.

Gradually, Zhang Liang, who was standing together, showed a look of surprise on his delicate cheeks, and he seemed to feel the murderous intent brewing on Mu Han.

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