However, this killing intent suddenly disappeared, only Mu Han's playful laughter was heard.

"Honorable guest? Han Fei, you can't protect yourself, and you still want to invite me over? I'm afraid your mansion can't accommodate me. Come and see me when you sit in Si Kou's seat."


Hearing Mu Han's voice, the contemptuous and arrogant (bgdi) Han Fei felt as if someone had slapped him, which made him very angry.

I am honored as a king and grandson, and asking him to be a guest is to praise him, but this person doesn't know how to praise, it is really abominable.

"Han Fei, you are very unconvinced, aren't you?"

Mu Han looked coldly at the ignorant person in front of him, and casually put the wine bottle on the table.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise that made the room shake unceasingly, and the cases in front of Mu Han were shattered out of thin air.

Still holding the wine bottle in his hand, his indifferent expression made the air suddenly cold.


Zhang Liang couldn't help taking a breath, he turned behind Han Fei, and secretly reached out and tugged at his sleeve.

Han Fei's face was pale. It seemed that both he and Zhang Liang were frightened by Mu Han's actions.

"It seems that Mr. Mu was drunk and broke up several cases. You two, why don't you have a long talk after Mr. Mu sobers up?"

The door opened, looking at the shocked Han Fei and Zhang Liang, Mu Han who was showing an evil smile, and Zi Nu's pair of star eyes fell on the shattered table.

Her frowns and smiles are always so fascinating that Zhang Liang and Han Fei dare not look up at her eyes.

"In that case, I will not disturb Mr. Mu."

Seeing that Zi Nu gave a step, Zhang Liang hurriedly said, and pulled the stubborn Han Fei away from Zi Lan Xuan.

"Master Mu, you are too impatient. You tell them such an important clue, do you want them to be used by you?"

Zi Nu glanced at Mu Han with special meaning, she smiled slightly, picked up the jug on the side, and poured some wine into the wine bottle.

"Haha, I'm already drunk, and Miss Zi Nu wants to pour me wine. Isn't this going to make me even more drunk? Since Miss Zi Nu said they will be used by me, which one do you think will be killed by me?"

Mu Han leaned his neck and drank the bottle of wine. If Zi Nu poured him wine, he would definitely become the target of all the guests of Zi Lan Xuan.

"Oh? Maybe both of them will be used by you, maybe one of them has no value to be used, and maybe you will kill it, Mr. Mu, are you right?"

"Haha, no one knows me better than Miss Zi Nu, Miss Zi Nu is really the roundworm in my stomach, she knows everything."

"Bah, who is your bug, you are the bug."

There was a shy look in Zi Nu's eyes, her charming eyes gave Mu Han a blank look, which made Mu Han laugh out loud.

"Haha, redemption, redemption, I made a slip of the tongue, Miss Zi Nu is really smart."

Mu Han flashed across the embarrassing atmosphere with a smile, causing Zi Nu to snort, and said, "Hmph, stop flattering, tell me, how long are you going to live in Zi Lan Xuan?"

"Oh? Is Miss Zi Nu a treat? It can be half a month at least, or as long as it is, until Miss Zi Nu drives me away."

"Hmph, it's cheap and good-looking. My Zilanxuan is unusual. Don't provoke him, lest you get into trouble."

Gently exhorting Mu Han a few words, Zi Nu suddenly felt that her affection for him had deepened a lot, she blushed slightly, turned and walked out of the room. . "

"Chapter 13 Wei Zhuang's shock, across all directions (1/3)"

Everything is quiet!

On the top floor of Zilanxuan, amidst the endless starlight, Mu Han, dressed in white and as handsome as a fairy, looked at the brightly lit Korean palace not far away.

After Han Fei and Zhang Liang left Zilanxuan, he did not go to the room arranged by Zinu, but went to Nongyu's room and taught her a song.

Naturally, Nongyu also took some advantage during this process, which made Nongyu's pretty face blush, and her delicate body, separated by the moon white dress, was soft and slippery.

Mu Han didn't have any further communication, he knew it was not the time yet, not to mention, there were so many people in Zilanxuan.

Afterwards, Mu Han asked Nongyu to practice the song for a while, and he performed the lightning magic step, like an afterimage like lightning, he came to the top floor of Zilanxuan in a blink of an eye.

Mu Han didn't know that when he landed outside Zilan Pavilion, Nongyu, who was sitting in the room, looked shy and cute with her pretty face blushing.

"Where did Brother Mu go?"

As Nongyu's personal maid, Hongyu only helped Nongyu get something, but did not find Mu Han.

She looked up and saw Nongyu's shy expression, so she asked softly, causing a red cloud to flash across Nongyu's cheek.

"Hong Yu, your brother Mu is gone, don't you keep your brother Mu long, brother Mu short, okay?"

"Hmph, you're still talking about me, don't you also call him brother Mu? Hee hee, sister Nongyu, brother Mu is really powerful. At that time, he didn't use a sword to kill ghost soldiers, but Hongyu knew that His sword skills are very powerful."

"Shh, why are you so open-minded, don't you know that there is a master swordsman living next door?"

The moon-white figure walked slowly outside the house. Through the gap between the door and the window, she saw that the person was still inside the house. Nongyu breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around with a blaming look in her eyes, causing Hong Yu's pretty face to change slightly. He stuck out his tongue involuntarily.


Nong Yuhongyu didn't know that when the two of them were talking, the handsome and cold man in black and silver hair disappeared from the room.

He was like a ghost, falling on another roof outside Zilanxuan, his aloof and cold demeanor was like the stars in the night, bright and profound.

It was getting late.

As Korea's most romantic place, this Zilanxuan has just kicked off a happy prelude.

No one would notice the two figures on the top floor, the woman from Zilanxuan was enough to attract them, not to mention the fine wine from Zilanxuan, which already exuded an intoxicating fragrance.

Name: Wei Zhuang

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Cultivation level: Congenital seventh level

Identity: Disciple of Guigu, successor of Hengjianshu

Wei Zhuang?

Mu Han smiled slightly, as expected of a disciple of the Guigu Sect, the successor of horizontal swordsmanship, his cultivation has reached the seventh level of innateness, which is two realms higher than his own.

However, this did not arouse Mu Han's fear, or fear.


Black-clothed and silver-haired, the cold and capable Wei Zhuang has an identity that is enough to overwhelm the martial arts of the Seven Kingdoms.

He also owns the top ten famous swords in the sword manual, which makes his sword skills reach the pinnacle and be extremely overbearing.

These honors made Wei Zhuang always look down on all living beings with a cold gaze.

In his eyes, the law of the world is the law of the jungle, and the Mu Han in front of him is the weak in his eyes.

"Oh? So it's Brother Wei Zhuang, a disciple of the Ghost Valley Sect."

Mu Han smiled slightly, showing an expression neither arrogant nor humble, he stood proudly, dressed in white snow, handsome as a fairy, with three-dimensional facial features, a wicked smile appeared, which made Wei Zhuang look indifferent.

"Oh? You are Mu Han, the man who killed the ghost general in Broken Soul Valley? You must know that there are only two kinds of people who can stand in front of me. After the war, the dead people I killed. What kind of person do you think you are?"

Wei Zhuang's cold and arrogant expression caused his capable silver hair to be blown back, and the shark's teeth on his hands gradually showed a terrifying edge.

A terrifying murderous intent shone in those stern star pupils, making the air suddenly chill.

"Hehe, apart from these two types of people, there is no third type? Or become brother Wei Zhuang's friend."

"If you want to be my friend, you must first defeat me, and secondly, you must have the conditions for me to be your friend. Mu Han, although I don't know your purpose for coming to Zilanxuan, you don't want to be in Zilanxuan." get something."

"Haha, Brother Wei Zhuang is too worried. I have heard for a long time that the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship of the Guigu School is the best in the world. I will learn it tonight."

Looking at Wei Zhuang whose expression was getting colder and colder, Mu Han didn't give him a good look, which made Wei Zhuang snort coldly, and the shark-tooth sword was full of murderous aura.

The Demon Sword Shark Tooth was originally the nemesis of many famous swords, but now, with Wei Zhuang's innate seventh-level cultivation, the horizontal sword technique of the Guigu School is enough to stand out in the world of martial arts. 0 for flowers 0

However, the formidable enemy that Wei Zhuang faced was Mu Han who was also against the sky.


Shark Tooth was originally a domineering demon sword, but Wei Zhuang was as cold as a block of ice, apart from anything else.

The shark-toothed sword was as violent as the wind, as fierce as the waves, and its aura shook the sky. The slashing momentum made the place where the sword passed was like a swirling sword energy, shaking the sky and the earth around it.

Moreover, the sword moves are extremely fast, and there is no chance for others to breathe at all.

Mu Han smiled slightly, Wei Zhuang is really cold.

"Ding, I found that Xuan-level middle-grade martial arts traverses all directions. May I ask if you want to deduce it?"

"Deduction!" Mu Han said without hesitation.

Crossing all directions is the highest sword skill of the Guigu School's horizontal swordsmanship, and it complements Guigu School's other move of the hundred-step flying sword. 0

This Wei Zhuang has just come down the mountain, although he has received the true instruction of Guigu School's horizontal swordsmanship, he has not practiced it to the point of perfection.

Now, the terrifying sword force inspired by his Demon Sword Shark Teeth traverses all directions.

This crossing across the four directions, although far less overbearing than crossing the eight directions, it also caused a mess around.


Although it seems that there is only one move across the four directions, four weird and domineering changes occur in the instant it erupts. Each change is as fast as lightning and fleeting.

And at the moment of disappearing, the deadly sword move had already taken the opponent's life.

A smug look flashed across Wei Zhuang's stern eyes, his traversing all directions, extremely domineering, this Mu Han would definitely not be able to resist.

Since Guigu's debut, he has encountered countless arrogant opponents, all of whom were killed by his shark-tooth demon sword.

Now, Mu Han is just a dead soul under his shark-toothed sword.

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