The Spirit Evocation Wand continued to spew out terrifying fog barriers. Those horrible zombies shrouded in fog barriers, as if they were being shocked by electricity, first shook violently, and then, as if they had been slapped with chicken blood, the already hideous and terrifying cheeks, Become distorted.


These zombies rushed towards them one by one, and Demu Han smiled coldly. He swung his sword swiftly and thunderously across all directions, splitting into eight overbearing sword moves like shaking the sky and cracking the earth.

Every sword move has the terrifying tendency to destroy the sky, not to mention the eight sword moves, which cut off the besieging zombies one by one and turned them into clouds of mist.


Although seeing these zombies being killed made him feel extremely shocked, the exorcist still raised his spirit-evoking wand to make the surroundings even weirder.


Mu Han still swung across all directions, such a domineering horizontal swordsmanship, how could a mere exorcist be able to resist it?


First, the exorcist's spirit-evoking staff was slashed to pieces by the first sword move across all directions.

Then, the rest of the sword moves that traversed all directions hit the Exorcist critically in an instant.


Where can the exorcist resist?Just one move across all directions caused him to be slashed to pieces.

With just one move, the exorcist was killed, and Tian Ze's pair of red snake eyes narrowed into a slit.

He never thought that the exorcist would be killed with one move.

Involuntarily, he scolded Bai Yifei's blood-clothed 960 eighteenth generation ancestors all over the place.

And the exorcist was killed with one move, which made Tianze know that if he wanted to get the Baiyue box, he would have to pay a heavy price.

However, if you don't get the Baiyue Box, you won't get Huo Yugong's treasure.Without the support of Huo Yugong's treasure, it would be easier said than done to revive the land of Baiyue by himself?

"Mu Han, you are very strong, but the prince is not easy to mess with. If you hand over the Baiyue box, the prince will not hold you accountable for killing the exorcist."

The blood-red light fell coldly on Mu Han's body, and the red-browed dragon snake sneered coldly, causing Mu Han to shake his head involuntarily, with a playful expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Tianze, are you stupid? Do you think I will give the Box of Baiyue to an ant?"

"Mu Han, you are courting death!"

Looking at Mu Han's playful and contemptuous expression, Tian Ze really couldn't swallow his breath. His tall and tall figure showed his terrifying killing intent.


All of a sudden, Jie Jie, the King of Hundred Poisons, laughed strangely. With his big withered hand, he raised the Staff of Hundred Poisonous Snakes, and immediately, he heard a rustling sound.


Thousands of colorful venomous snakes emerged from the thick fog to demonstrate against Mu Han.

Under the control of the Hundred Poison King, these poisonous snakes formed a terrifying snake formation.

Hundred Poisonous Flying Snake Formation! . "

Chapter 51 Kill the King of Hundred Poisons, the Terrifying Tianze (1/3)

Hundred Poisonous Flying Snake Formation!

In an instant, Mu Hanru saw dozens of boa constrictors with thick bowl mouths, each with a pair of flying wings on their backs.

In an instant, the sky became as if it was splashed with thick blood. The unpleasant smell of snakes and the horrible smell of blood were intertwined, making Nongyu and others standing at the entrance of the strange town feel short of breath.

"Baiyue Poison Barrier?"

Mu Han burst out with a terrifying killing light. He is not afraid of poison, but he is worried about Mrs. Hu, Yan Lingji, and Nongyu Zhunv.

In the land of Baiyue, there are two sorcerers of expelling corpses and poisoning.

The technique of expelling corpses can bring the dead back to life, making them look like zombies for their own use.

The technique of Gu poison is different from ordinary poisons, this Gu poison can kill people silently.

Moreover, Gu poison has Gu insects, once it is contaminated with Gu poison, it will even be controlled by people, which is extremely terrifying.

This exorcist is the leader of the hidden witches of Baiyue, and the king of Baiyue is a person who is proficient in various poison techniques.

The poison of all poisons is Gu poison, and this terrifying poison barrier is obviously the Hundred Poisons Flying Snake Formation controlled by the King of Hundred Poisons.


Mu Han coldly looked at the hideous and terrifying Hundred Poison King, he didn't want all the girls to inhale this poisonous barrier, in an instant, he waved out a golden dragon-shaped zhenqi, which was like overwhelming mountains and seas, and with a sudden sound, the mist-like area was blown away. Poison barriers, all shot back.


The King of Hundred Poisons never expected that his own poison barrier would attack him in turn.

With this change, the Hundred Poison King had no chance to dodge at all, and the golden dragon-colored true energy, carrying these poison barriers, directly penetrated the Hundred Poison King's body.


In an instant, I saw the King of Hundred Poisons reaping the fruit of himself, being smothered beyond recognition by the counter-shocked poison barrier, and died unexpectedly.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, the dozens of giant python flying snakes in the Hundred Poisons Flying Snake Formation also collapsed and disappeared at the moment when the Hundred Poison King was poisoned to death.

This King of Hundred Poisons poisoned people all his life, but he was killed by his own poison, which made it hard for the red-browed dragon and snake to accept it for a while.

"Mu Han〃¨!"

The red-browed dragon snake shouted full of hatred, he broke away from the control of Bai Yifei in blood clothes, finally summoned the exorcist, and the king of all poisons returned to Baiyue.

Now, as long as you kill Mu Han, you can get the Baiyue Box and find Huo Yugong's treasure.

Unexpectedly, both the Exorcist Demon and the King of Hundred Poisons were killed by Mu Han, which made Tian Ze really unbearable.

He has suffered a lot of humiliation in the past ten years, and he doesn't want to suffer any more, and he doesn't want to be looked down upon.

He wants this sky, this land, and the people of these seven kingdoms to become the stepping stones for his Baiyue Tianze, the red-browed dragon and snake.


Above the sky, there is a looming black mist, and in the black mist, it is like a mirror, blood red like fresh blood.

The whole world was shrouded in this weird blood-red sky, so that Tianze, who was standing proudly high above, had six thick snake bone chains in his hands and waist, creaking and creaking.


The burly Tianze seemed to blend into the blood-colored sky, and the snake pattern on his chest suddenly emitted a faint blue light, which was already as sharp as soul-stirring. , collapsed.

"Ling'er, Yu'er, you and Mrs. Hu back off."

Sensing Tianze's terrifying attack, Mu Han was afraid that Yan Lingji, Nongyu, and Mrs. Hu's daughters would be injured, so he immediately ordered them to speak.

"Alright brother Mu, be more careful."

"You don't have to worry, we can protect ourselves, but you should not be distracted."

"Be careful, the red-browed dragon snake Tianze, he is very powerful."

Facing such a terrifying red-browed dragon snake, Mrs. Hu, Nongyu, and Yanlingji all nodded and stepped back.

However, the looks of the girls still showed concern, which warmed Mu Han's heart.

"Oh? Is it amazing?"

Mu Han smiled coldly and contemptuously, he slowly raised his head, looked at Tian Ze, who was bursting out with terror, with a playful expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Mu Han, originally I wanted you to hand over the Baiyue box, but now, I've changed my mind."


"Hmph, I, Tianze, the red-browed dragon snake, am the former prince of Baiyue. If I kill you, I will get the box of Baiyue and Duke Huoyu's treasure, and I, Tianze, will be able to restore the land of Baiyue. Haha, are you afraid? Did you? I know you're scared, aren't you, Mu Han!"


Seeing Mu Han's disdainful expression, Tian Ze, who was originally complacent, suddenly snorted coldly. He knew that Mu Han was very powerful, and if he didn't defeat him, he would never get the Baiyue Box.

"Hehe, red-browed dragon and snake Tianze, do you think you are awesome? Do you remember what I said just now? Ants are ants after all, no matter how much you toss about, no matter how much you fart, you are still an ant. Brazen people like you Ants, I'll take it as a joke."

Mu Han showed a gentle smile, which made him look very handsome even though he was already as handsome as a fairy.

His cold gaze fell on Baiyue Tianze, causing the former prince of Baiyue to look shocked on his evil cheeks.

This Mu Han actually belittled himself so much?Why don't you take yourself seriously?

He is so hateful!

All of a sudden, Tian Ze raised his hands to the sky, and saw the six snake bone chains on his body, like six boa constrictors with the mouth of a bowl, swirling away in a rage.


The violent wind was like forming a terrifying tornado in front of the red-browed dragon snake, destroying everything around it.

At this time, the entire sky was reddened like blood by the red-browed dragon snake's attack.

The vision of heaven and earth, the red-browed dragon and snake.Extinct the sky, Baiyue Tianze!

These nine snake bone chains transformed into six terrifying pythons are Baiyue Tianze's strongest killing move.

These six terrifying boa constrictors, like the red-browed dragon snake, broke out an offensive full of hatred and killing intent.

In an instant, the sky fissioned, and in the void, it was like a blood-red door opened, with signs of swallowing everything.

Mu Han (Nuo De Zhao) stood on the spot, motionless, his slender figure, and his three-dimensional facial features, which were like chiseled by an axe, all showed that he had a calm demeanor and did not put Tianze in his eyes.

"Mu Han, you die for me!"

Accompanied by Tian Ze's frightening and insolent voice, a bloody hand stretched out above the sky, fiercely covering Mu Han.

At the same time, six terrifying python chains exploded towards him almost instantly.

"not good!"


Seeing the flying bloody hands falling at a high speed, and the six-chained boa constrictor furiously curling up, Madam Hu, Yan Lingji, and Nongyu who were standing in the distance all showed expressions of disbelief.

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