This red-browed dragon snake is too strong.

"Haha, Mu Han, I really didn't expect that you are so weak, this Baiyue box belongs to me."

The red-browed dragon snake smiled coldly, raised his slender eyebrows, and looked at Mu Han who was about to be crushed coldly and contemptuously.Kay."

Chapter 52 Unexpected harvest, Mu Han shot (2/3)


There was another earth-shattering muffled thunder, and the eyes of the red-browed dragon snake became cold and terrifying.

The six wild pythons and the big hands of the blood prison smashed towards the motionless Mu Han amidst the bang.


In an instant, the blood prison's big hands crushed in the air, and six terrifying pythons opened their bloody mouths in an instant, swallowing Mu Han instantly!

"Brother Mu will be all right?"

"Master Mu is so powerful, he will definitely not be killed by Tianze."

Seeing the big hands of the Blood Prison and the six pythons, which had already turned Mu Han and his surroundings into nothingness, thinking of Mu Han's Nongyu, his face turned pale, and he was already crying.

Mrs. Hu is also from the land of Baiyue, the former prince of Baiyue, Chimei Longsnake Tianze, she also knows some rumors about him.

Now, seeing Mu Han being smashed into nothing by the six pythons, Madam Hu couldn't help but tremble.

She finally fell in love with Mu Han, could it be that heaven and man are separated forever?She couldn't help but put her arms around Nongyu, she just felt that Mu Han was killed, and she almost didn't want to die.

"You, killed him?"

The sexy and charming Yan Lingji also had difficulty controlling her emotions.

Mu Han was killed, and Yan Lingji couldn't help showing a ferocious expression, those ice blue eyes seemed to be brewing with terrifying flames.


In an instant, a terrifying sea of ​​flames erupted from Yan Lingji's body.

She wants to avenge Mu Han and fight Tianze to the death!

"Oh? Yan Lingji, are you betraying your master? You want to avenge Mu Han? For this man, are you worth it? Besides, how can you kill me, the red-browed dragon snake?"

The red-browed dragon snake looked at Yan Lingji with great interest. This charming, sexy and enchanting woman actually betrayed her master for a man?

Can't help but make Tianze a little confused, what kind of tricks does Mu Han have?Make Yan Lingji willing to die for him?

For a moment, Tian Ze looked at Yan Lingji playfully, he did not take away the six python chains.

"Tianze, you and I have nothing to do with each other from now on. This time, I, Yan Lingji, want to avenge Mu Han."

The ice-blue eyes looked sadly at the place where the six pythons exploded, which made her feel heart-wrenching pain.

Perhaps it was at the moment when Mu Han was killed that Yan Lingji truly felt his importance.

Is it too late for all this?

Yan Lingji couldn't help showing fierce eyes, since Mu Han was killed by Tian Ze, she killed Tian Ze herself to pay for his life.

"I also want to avenge Brother Mu."

Nongyu, who was wearing a long moon white dress, walked slowly to Yan Lingji's side holding the prince's Changqin.

Her cheeks were full of sadness, it was obvious that seeing Mu Han killed, she was in great pain.

"Master Mu!"

Although Mrs. Hu wanted to die for Mu Han like Nongyu and Yan Lingji did, she was afraid that Nongyu would find out, so she could only endure the pain and silently pray for Mu Han's safety.

"Oh? Two overwhelmed women, hmph, since you want to be buried for Mu Han, I'll make it happen for you."

"Oh? Red eyebrow dragon snake, you want to kill my woman?"

Just when the red-browed dragon snake snorted coldly, and when a group of faint blue flames suddenly rose above his hands, he heard a joking voice.


In an instant, like the fury of a thunderbolt, a golden dragon-shaped zhenqi surged like a hurricane, blowing away all the six iron chains of the python.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in white clothes soared into the sky, like a crane soaring into the sky, descending from an immortal, and gracefully landed in front of Yan Lingji and Nongyu.

He was as handsome as a fairy, covered in snow-like white clothes, spotless, his extremely three-dimensional facial features were flawless in the rough, and his pair of frivolous and deep eyes made the red-browed dragon snake involuntarily look shocked.

His slender figure and evil smile all showed his unique temperament.

"Mu Han, are you still alive?"

The red-browed dragon snake looked coldly at the thorn in his side, the thorn in his flesh. Originally, he thought that with his six iron chains of the python and the big hands of the blood prison, (bdad) killing Mu Han would be as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

Unexpectedly, when she was happy, she was slapped in the face by Chi Guoguo.

Not only was Mu Han not injured by the six python chains, on the contrary, his white clothes were still spotless.

"This... is absolutely impossible!"

Baiyue Tianze only felt that [-] grass-mud horses galloped in and roared away. Isn't this too weird?

Mu Han stood in front of him unscathed.

Is he human?Or a ghost?

"Brother Mu!"

"Brother Mu!"

Nongyu, Yan Lingji didn't believe her eyes at first, thinking that Mu Han was dead.

Unexpectedly, seeing Mu Han suddenly, the two girls couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and they both hurriedly rubbed their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the two girls threw themselves on Mu Han at the same time.

"Haha, what happened to me? This Baiyue Tianze is just an ant."

Mu Han laughed out loud. After this incident, he realized that Nongyu and Yanlingji's affection for him was about to explode.

This is really an unexpected harvest, the red-browed dragon snake came too timely.

If it wasn't for him, Nongyu and Yan Lingji's affection would not have been so close to breaking the chart so quickly.

Mu Han turned to look at Mrs. Hu, with a hint of warmth in his eyes.

Madam Hu also noticed Mu Han's eyes, and sensed something from his eyes, she couldn't help but blushed, and lowered her head.

Seeing that Mu Han did such a thing openly in front of him, he obviously didn't take him seriously.In an instant, Baiyue Tianze's gaze became very angry.

"Mu Han, you die for me!"


A faint blue mist shrouded Tian Ze's body, making these python iron chains also stained with a lot of mist.

This mist is the poison barrier.

He also wanted to have a good relationship with Nongyu and Yanlingji, but he didn't expect that this Tianze was so ignorant that he would disturb him.

In an instant, Mu Han exuded a murderous intent, since Tian Ze was ignorant, I let him be sensible.

Gradually, Mu Han let go of his big hand caressing the back of the second daughter,

"Don't worry, brother Mu will be fine, I'll deal with Baiyue Tianze."

Gently scratching the tip of Nongyu's and Yanlingji's noses, Mu Han showed a doting look.

He didn't want the girls to be poisoned, and he also wanted to kill Tian Ze in an instant.

"Well, Brother Mu."


The two daughters, Nongyu and Yanlingji, left knowingly.

"Red-browed Dragon Snake, I know you are for the Baiyue box, but do you think you can get the Baiyue box? I'm afraid, Bai Yifei is already on his way to Baiyue."

Mu Leng smiled coldly, how could this blood-clothed Hou Bai Yifei allow Tian Ze to get the Baiyue box?

It seems that this trip to Baiyue will be a bloody battle.

Mu Han smiled slightly and touched his nose.

But is he afraid? "

Chapter 53 Defeat Tianze with one move, meet Xue Yihou (3/3)

"What? How do you know..."

The red-browed dragon snake couldn't help being taken aback, and said in disbelief, showing an expression of disbelief.

This Mu Han, how could he know?

Bai Yifei in Bloody Clothes imprisoned himself in Snow Cloth Fort for more than ten years, almost only himself and Bai Yifei knew about it.

Even the Korean general Ji Wuye and Han Wangan didn't know about it.

Now, this Mu Han actually knows all of this?Looking coldly at Mu Han who was showing contempt and joking, Tian Ze felt that he didn't seem to be lying.

So, who on earth let him know about this?

He, Baiyue Tianze, the red-browed dragon snake, has always been proud and arrogant. Now that Mu Han knew that he was imprisoned in Xueyi Castle in humiliation, his heart to kill Mu Han was strengthened.

"Tianze, let me tell you very clearly, I only need one trick to kill you ant!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, revealing a domineering, arrogant aura, staring down at the furious Tianze.

"Say, how on earth do you know?"

The long dark blue hair floated behind him, causing Tian Ze to look at Mu Han viciously.

Although De Muhan was not injured by the terrifying blow just now, but this time, he will never miss.

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