Walking inside the Mo family, Xue Nu was deeply shocked, it turned out to be a place like a paradise, which made her unable to help showing a look of lingering.

"Xue'er, if you like this place, how about we stay here?"

"Really? Brother Mu?"

Xue Nu raised her head to look at Mu Han, her amber eyes showed excitement.It made Mu Han couldn't help stretching out his hand to scratch the bridge of her fair nose.

"Well, when the time comes, you will give Brother Mu seven or eight little Mu Hans."

"Uh! Brother Mu, you..."

Seeing Mu Han's serious words, Xue Nu couldn't help but feel very shy. Mu Han's words made her feel warm.

Her affection for Mu Han also flew up like a small rocket.

The big crowd showed their affection, which made everyone speechless for a while, Mu Han was really unusual.

Walking to the hall of the Mo family, he saw Kuang Xiu in plain clothes, and smiled at Mu Han: "Young Master Mu, I heard that you beat Xiao Gao with your piano skills outside Feixue Pavilion. ..."

"Teach me? You are too weak, don't humiliate yourself."

Mu Han looked at Kuang Xiu jokingly, making the latter flushed and very angry.

He didn't expect that Mu Han refused decisively, saying that he was too weak?

As the most famous luthier in the land of the Seven Kingdoms, is he weak? "

Chapter 4 Qin Art Competition, Kuangxiu worships (5/[-])

"Kuang Xiuqin is too weak?"

"He humiliated himself?"


Hearing Mu Han's words, everyone in the Mo family was surprised. They all looked at the confident Mu Han. The latter's eyes were playful, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer.

Although Mu Han was able to defeat Gao Jianli, everyone did not believe that he could defeat Kuang Xiu.

Kuang Xiu is the most famous luthier in the Seven Kingdoms.

It is said that listening to Kuangxiu's qin music is like being there, and it is hard to extricate yourself.I always lament the vicissitudes of the world, and it is hard to find a bosom friend.

And because he has climbed to the highest level of music, Kuang Xiu can't help lamenting the feeling that a bosom friend is hard to find.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han actually said that he was humiliating himself, that he was too weak.

I'm too weak?

Kuang Xiu rolled his eyes, this Mu Han is too arrogant, isn't he too arrogant?My own piano music is unique in the world, how can it be too weak?

This Mu Han looks down on people too much.

Kuang Xiu looked at Mu Han coldly, if his eyes could kill someone, Mu Han would have already been decapitated.

"Oh? Are you not convinced?"


Kuang Xiu snorted coldly, and continued to roll his eyes, you are pointed at your nose and told you are weak, will you be convinced?

He looked at Mu Han coldly, feeling that his lungs were about to explode.

"Oh? If you feel unconvinced, just play a piece and I'll give you some pointers."

Mu Han smiled coldly, Kuangxiu?The master of the piano in the land of the seven kingdoms?Hehe, in his eyes, he is even worse than scum.

He looked at Kuang Xiu provocatively, making the latter furious, he said angrily: "Mu Han, I will compete with you."

"Compete with me? Kuang Xiu, you are not qualified yet." Mu Han looked at Kuang Xiu and said bluntly.

"Hmph, Mu Han, don't you dare to compete with me?"

Kuang Xiu felt that Mu Han was just procrastinating on purpose, and when he thought of this, he snorted coldly.

"Oh? It seems that you are very confident, anyway, since you want to taste the feeling of being crushed, I will help you,"

Mu Han smiled faintly, revealing a cold killing intent, which made De Kuangxiu take dozens of steps back in fright.

"Mu Han wants to compete with Kuang Xiu?"

"He actually said he wanted to crush Kuang Xiu?"

Everyone in the Mo family showed disbelief, since Kuang Xiu is the most famous qin sage in the Seven Kingdoms, Mu Han actually said that he crushed him, which made everyone very curious, is Mu Han really so powerful?

Can it really crush Kuangxiu's piano skills?

Seeing that everyone was showing suspicion, Gao Jianli felt that Mu Han had the ability to crush Kuang Xiu.

Outside Feixue Pavilion, he felt that Mu Han's piano skills were indeed better than Kuang Xiu's. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that Kuang Xiu's absolute skill was humiliating himself.

"Hmph, Mu Han, I'll make you fall flat."

Kuang Xiu felt good about himself, he sneered, and played his piano music in front of everyone.


But seeing the sound of the piano, a strange scene appeared around.

In an instant, like the stars supporting the moon, a round of mid-autumn moon slowly walked out of the background of the floating clouds.

At this time, I saw the mountain mist shrouded, and in the mist, I could vaguely see a waterfall with clear springs and flowing waves under the waterfall.

In an instant, the waterfalls in the clouds and the clear springs in the mountains all give people a sense of coolness.


When the sound of the zither ended, everyone in the Mohist family suddenly felt relaxed and happy, as if the lingering sound lingered on the beam for a long time.

At the same time, everyone showed admiration, this Kuangxiu is indeed a master of the qin, his qin skills have reached the point of perfection.

"Master Mu, what do you think?"

Kuang Xiu looked at Mu Han coldly, his face full of complacency, his voice was full of provocation, and he felt that even if Mu Han had excellent piano skills, he couldn't compare to his own song of mountains and rivers.

Suddenly, Kuang Xiu put his hands on his back and looked at Mu Han arrogantly.

"I have heard for a long time that Zhao Guokuang was practicing, and the sound of the zither makes people feel like they are there, but I don't know that seeing it today is just a mere sight."

"You, Mu Han, don't be too arrogant."

"I'm arrogant, you can hit me if you have the ability."

Seeing Mu Han's face full of contempt and joking, De Kuangxiu was very angry.

He knew that he couldn't beat Mu Han in terms of cultivation, and he could only be a little complacent about his piano skills.

"Kuangxiu, you dare to compete with me with this broken song?"

Mu Han sneered sarcastically, he was still holding Xue Nu with one arm, and began to play the piano with the other hand.


"He actually played the piano with one hand?"

Everyone was completely dumbfounded, isn't this too arrogant?Playing the piano with one hand?Can one hand defeat Kuang Xiu?

"You actually use one hand?"

"One hand is enough to beat you."

Mu Han smiled coldly, his angry Kuangxiu was messed up in the cold wind.

"From ancient times to the present, no one has played the piano with one hand. Mu Han is truly the first person in history."································

Gao Jianli couldn't help sighing, he finally understood that if he didn't make progress, the gap between him and Mu Han would definitely grow wider and wider.

"This Mu Han is indeed a monster."

Seeing Mu Han playing the piano with one hand, the Six Fingers Heixia's eyes lit up, and he felt that he saw a different dawn.


The sound of the zither sounded, and everyone felt that they were in the clouds and mist. The sound of killing shook the sky in their ears, and the majestic fighting spirit rolled in, and everyone who was crushed was sweating profusely.


The killing sound gradually came, and the surrounding nature was silent, only the green pines in the quiet night were blown by the breeze, making rustling sounds.


Gradually, the vicissitudes of life have changed, the world has changed dramatically, and everything around has turned into a blue ocean.

Above the vast ocean, a round of bright moon walks between the sea and the sky. .......... .. 0


When the sound of the zither ended, everyone showed shocked expressions, even Kuang Xiu was shocked.

"The vicissitudes of life are fleeting, and a hundred years of life is but a short time. The song of Mr. Mu, this giant worships."

Six Fingers Heixia struggled out from the sound of Mu Han's zither. He only felt that the sound of the zither was vast and boundless. Everything in the world, the vicissitudes of life, will be fleeting, reduced to the bubbles of history, and will be rolled over by this wheel called history. , into dust.

"Young Master Mu, Kuang Xiu admires him. I wonder if Kuang Xiu can worship Young Master Mu as his teacher?"

Kuang Xiu was completely shocked, he only felt that Mu Han's piano sound was too vast, and he was nostalgic for the scene of high mountains and flowing water, which was far less vast and far-reaching than Mu Han's piano sound.

In an instant, Kuang Xiu seemed to see a wider piano path, and he himself was like a frog at the bottom of a well.

What's more, Mu Han is still playing the piano with one hand, and he can play such a fascinating piano sound, it's simply too heaven-defying.

"Teacher? Mr. Kuangxiu praised me. I, Mu Han, am not good at learning, how can I become the master of Qin Sheng?"

Mu Leng smiled coldly, he stood up, still hugging Xue Nu, and didn't want to talk to Kuang Xiu at all.

Kuang Xiu rolled his eyes, Mu Han's words were obviously rejecting himself, and he was not good at learning?

If you are not good at learning art, wouldn't I just learn superficially?

Kuang Xiu only felt that he was slapped in the face by Mu Han, and it was because he despised Mu Han too much that he ended up like this.

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