And Mu Han didn't bother to compete with him at all, he just defeated him with one hand, making De Kuangxiu's cheeks flushed, and he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.thousand."

Chapter 5 Xuanyuan Sword, Master Xu and Fengbeard's Shock (5/[-])

The scene seemed a little awkward for a while.

"Master Mu, can I show this sword of yours?"

The qin music that makes the sea change and the world changes, also shocks the gray-haired wind-beard.

However, Feng Huzi paid more attention to the sword on Mu Han's waist.

This is a simple and unsophisticated sword that exudes a special material.

The sword body of this sword is engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains, rivers, plants and trees on the other.

On the hilt of the sword, on the one hand, the policy of unifying the world is written, and on the other hand, the map of the nine states of the world is written.

This sword is domineering and lore, but also soft and gentle. It is not only a sword of killing, but also a sword of saving people.

The entire sword edge has a dense luster, giving people an extraordinary texture.

"Young Master Mu, your sword seems... It seems a bit weird, it seems to be the sword of the holy way."

Feng Huzi is a master swordsman of the state of Chu, and has countless swords in his life, ranking among the top ten famous swords in the world.

He saw that the sword in Mu Han's hand was held differently, and the more he looked at it, he seemed to be trapped in a nightmare, which made him unable to extricate himself.

This sword seemed to have a very mysterious force that was gradually devouring him, making him only feel parched and restless.

This sword is extremely weird.

After finally breaking free from the engulfment of the sword, Feng Huzi suddenly felt that he was sweating profusely.

Yao thought about how many swords he had faced and how many precious swords he had endured. However, in front of Mu Han's sword, he was like an ant, like dung.

In the vast Kyushu, within the Seven Kingdoms, there is probably no sword that can match this sword.

But isn't the sword of the holy way said to have been lost?

How could it fall into the hands of the young man in white in front of him?

In an instant, Feng Huzi looked up at Mu Han, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"The sword of the holy way?"

Six Fingers Heixia's expression changed suddenly, the sword of the holy way was the sword of a saint, and immediately, he couldn't help but look at Mu Han more.

The young swordsman, the sword of the holy way, this Mu Han is truly the proud son of heaven, the king of swords.

"The sword of the holy way? Let me take a look."

While talking, a thin old man with a goatee walked over quickly.

When he touched Xuanyuan Sword for the first time, he fell into a deep shock, his mouth felt dry and he wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to start.

"This sword, this sword is so terrifying. Even my mother, Mrs. Xu, may not be able to forge such a sword. In other words, my mother may not even be able to find the material of this sword. I will see this sword in my lifetime. Sword, death without regret. Mr. Mu, please be respected by this old man."

The thin old man stared at the sword intently, and fell into a situation where he couldn't extricate himself. He looked up at Mu Han, saw him standing proudly, and could not help but bow.

Name: Master Xu

Sex: Male

Age: 50

Status: One of the leaders of the Mohist School, a master swordsmith, and a descendant of the Xu family.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.This master Xu is the lord of the sword, and his mother, Madam Xu, is the dragon-slaying sword that forged Can Hong and Yuan Hong.

Now, even he was in shock, and everyone looked at the sword.

"The broken Xuanyuan sword is actually the sword of the holy way? If you find eighteen pieces of immortal artifacts and spirits, what grade is this Xuanyuan sword?"

Thinking of this, Mu Han couldn't help but smile a little, even if he couldn't wait to repair the Xuanyuan Sword, in the world of Tianxing Jiuge, he couldn't find the fairy artifact at all.

Can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, Mu Han sighed inwardly.

"Mr. Mu, please be respected by the old man. The old man Fengbeard has used countless swords in his life. Now, he can see the sword of the holy way, but he doesn't know its material. This really makes the old man feel ashamed. Moreover, as Master Xu said, he can see With this sword, you can die without regret, Mr. Mu, thank you very much."

Feng Huzi also saluted, with a look of admiration on his cheeks.

Mu Han nodded slightly, he accepted Master Xu and Fengbeard's salute frankly.

In fact, like Xu Fuzi forging swords, the wind beard and the sword have already reached the state of madness.

They forgot to sleep and eat, just to forge swords and swords. Although to others, they think they are too serious, but they take it for granted.

Master Xu could not forge this sword, and Feng Huzi could not figure out the material of this sword. Seeing this sword, the two of them had a broad vision and were not limited to one place. At the same time, they also deeply comprehended Come, there is a sky beyond the sky, and a sword beyond the sword!

Xiangjian forging swords is just like their wives and children, and others can't appreciate the beauty of it.

"Master Mu, I don't know if this sword has a name?"

"Yes, the old man also wants to know what the name of this holy sword is."

Xu Fuzi and Feng Huzi looked at each other, then turned to look at Mu Han, seeing that Mu Han was still hugging Xuenv, looking at her dotingly, these two masters of sword making and sword making, both felt Mu Han is different.

"This sword is named Xuanyuan..."

Mu Han said coldly, his deep and lofty gaze swept across the Mo family.

In an instant, everyone in the Mo family could feel the sharp edge of the Xuanyuan Sword, showing its coldness.

"Xuanyuan Sword? This sword is Xuanyuan Sword? It really is the sword of the holy way!"

"It is said that Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor collected gold from the Shoushan Mountain and forged a peerless heavenly sword, which can slay demons and demons, open up territories, and unite the nine states. Could it be this sword?"

Feng Huzi and Master Xu were all in shock. If this sword is really Xuanyuan Sword, they will die without regret.

"Yes, this sword is the Xuanyuan Sword."

Although the Xuanyuan Sword has been damaged, it still has the demeanor of a divine weapon.



Xu Fuzi and Feng Huzi were both so startled that their legs went limp and they knelt down.

Mu Han smiled lightly, was he so shocked with just a Xuanyuan Sword?Have you ever seen the world?

In fact, except for Feng Huzi and Master Xu, everyone in the Mohist school did not know Xuanyuan Sword's domineering lore. This sword of the holy way, even in the world of Tianxing Jiuge, where all the swords are reshaped, cannot compete with Xuanyuanjian.

And Xuanyuan Sword completely abused these precious swords.

After all, pearls and dust are not of the same grade.

Everyone in the Mo family looked at Xu Fuzi and Feng Huzi who were kneeling on the ground, just kneeling on the ground for a sword?

Too scary, right?

Immediately, they all looked at the owner of the Xuanyuan Sword.

His master was hugging Xue Nu, not caring about the speechless eyes of everyone. 1.5

"Xuanyuan Sword? A good sword, Mr. Mu, it really opened my eyes...why do I feel all over..."

The Mohist giant, who was praising Mu Han, suddenly felt pain all over his body. He hurriedly pulled his arms away, and saw more than a dozen colorful meridians appearing on his arms.

At the same time, these colorful colors are slowly extending, causing Six Fingers Heixia to suddenly feel a terrifying atmosphere, rushing up.

Six Souls Curse?

He was hit by the Six Souls Curse?

Six Fingers Heixia shouted in his heart, unable to conceal the fear in his heart.

The Six Souls Curse of Fear, the nemesis of the Mohist martial arts, unless the Mohist inner strength and mind method has been cultivated to the tenth level.

However, he has not cultivated to the tenth level, so he cannot control the spread of the Six Souls Curse at all.

In an instant, the shadow of death shrouded the head of Heixia Six Fingers, causing everyone to look shocked. "

Chapter 1 The Six Souls Fear Curse Reappears, Teaching Robber Zhi (5/[-])

"Six Souls Curse?"

"Six Souls Curse?"

In an instant, the shadow of death not only enveloped Six Fingers Heixia, but also enveloped all the Mohists.

The Six Souls Fearful Curse is one of the Eight Yin Meridian Curses, and it is also the most terrifying curse seal.

Only by cultivating to the tenth level of Mohist martial arts, can one restrain the six soul terror curses.



Gao Jianli and the rest of the Mohists all showed panicked expressions.They rushed forward together, looking at the giant who was tortured by the Six Souls Curse.

Today, the Mohism's inner strength mental method practiced by Six Fingers Heixia has only reached the eighth level.

Thinking of this, everyone in the Mo family is worried.

"The Six Soul Fear Curse is one of the Eight Yin Meridian Curses. Six-fingered black man, unless your inner strength reaches the tenth level, you will die a miserable death."

Mu Leng looked at the six-fingered black man coldly. The six-fingered black man's internal strength had not yet reached the tenth level, so he would die from the six-fingered fear curse.

"Mu Han, don't think that the Mo family is easy to bully just because you are powerful. If you dare to curse the giant, I will never let you go."

As soon as Mu Han's words fell, a tall and burly figure, more than ten feet long, came striding forward.

He is muscular, 14 holes are powerful, and he is quite courageous.

Name: Big Hammer

Sex: Male

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