Then, he put the second dream in the Heavenly Palace. After chatting with the girls about "life" for a while, Mu Han came to a palace in the Heavenly Palace.

This palace is extremely hidden, and no one else came to disturb him. Mu Han sat cross-legged, sealed the room with innate qi, and entered into a state of tranquility.



The entire Heavenly Palace seemed to be bombarded by thunder and lightning. Dozens of silver dragon-shaped lightning flashed across the night sky, resounding like deafening thunder, resounding throughout the sky.

And in the dead of night, suddenly, a loud laugh came from a palace.

"Wu Ming, Mu Yingxiong, wait until you are slapped in the face by me in Mi Yin Temple."

At this time, Mu Han, who was sitting cross-legged in the room, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked coldly at the pitch-black night sky, feeling a little excited in his heart.

Legendary fifth level realm!

Immediately, he opened the system panel.

Name: Mu Han

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Items: Xuanyuan Sword (severely injured, eighteen pieces of immortal artifacts are needed to repair the sword spirit), Shennong Token, Dragon Vein, Sword World Pass {Expired]

Cultivation method: The tenth layer of Qiankun Shengyang Jue (integrating the inner strength and mental methods of various worlds.)

Martial arts: World martial arts in Qin Dynasty, Divine sculpture world martial arts, Tianlong world martial arts, Wan Jian Guizong, Sword Twenty-Three, Killing Kendo, Emperor Yinjue (introductory), Dahuang prisoner Tianzhi (introductory), Hetu Luoshu Mystery (Entry) God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength (the first level of entry realm), Maha Wuliang (God level), Destroying Demon Body, Moving Heaven God Art, Alluring Love, Three Points Returning to Origin Qi, Returning to Heaven Ice Art, Magic Sword , Chuang Dao...

Three Thousand Avenues: Great Teleportation

Formation: mortal formation method Dize twenty-four (mortal level, immortal level, god level, holy level...)

Supernatural skills: god-level deduction, god-level skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, alchemy

Alchemist realm: Huang rank alchemist, Dacheng realm (refining pills, etc.)

Skill: Falling Heart Flame, ranked fourteenth on the Abnormal Fire List.

World: Small world with me

Martial Arts Realm: Legendary Fifth Level Realm (Cultivating Inner Strength and Innate Qi)

Soul Master Realm: Level [-] Great Soul Master (Cultivation of Soul Power)

System points: 1550000 (points can be obtained for defeating and killing opponents, completing tasks and achievements)

The world we live in: Chaotic version of Fengyun World (the next world, waiting to be opened)

".〃Sure enough, the cultivation base has been upgraded to the legendary fifth level. In this way, you can't crush them when you go to Miyin Temple. Hmph, Wuming, Mu Yingxiong, I hope you will become stronger like me."

It is said that the fifth level is not low for Mu Han.

Although, in this wrong version of Fengyun World, Xiao Sanxiao, Di Shitian, Da Dangjia, Da Demon God and other masters against the sky have not yet appeared, but Mu Han knew that they would definitely find him.

Changing the Yuan Dynasty by himself, calling himself the Emperor of Heaven, in their eyes, is too domineering and too dazzling.

However, Mu Han also knew that his cultivation would never stop at the legendary fifth level.

Immediately, he stood up, looking at the sky with deep and indifferent eyes.

If he is Heiye, Di (King Nuo's) Shitian, laugh three times and they are all these lightning and thunder.

Although they are powerful and extremely terrifying, they still cannot escape the control of the night, nor can they escape the envelope of the night. In the end, they will all be swallowed and wiped out by the night until they are silent.

Thinking of this, Mu Leng smiled coldly. He returned to the palace, washed off the dirt formed by practicing in the past few months, and changed into a white dress at the same time.

He looked in the mirror, and he was still as handsome as a fairy, the handsome and unrestrained Heavenly Emperor Mu Han.

That night, Mu Han quietly left the Heavenly Palace. Before leaving, he ordered Sword Master, Wudao Kuangtian, Three Emperors of the Sword and other legendary masters to guard the Heavenly Palace.

"Miyin Temple, it is said that the presider is someone from Xiawangfu."

At the beginning, for the sake of Bing Po, he destroyed Xia Wang's mansion and destroyed Xia Wang's tomb. Presumably this host hated himself very much.

Mu Han smiled lightly, would he take it to heart?

Whoever stands in my way, die!Life."

Chapter 4 Emperor Shitian’s Ambition, Miyin Temple (4/[-])

Daxue Mountain, Tianmen General Altar!

The Tianmen General Altar, located deep in the Daxue Mountain, is located on the Wanzai Glacier, which looks majestic and majestic.


At this time, a strange figure flew past the Immovable Realm and Freedom Realm in the Tianmen Gate at an extremely fast speed, and directly entered the Void Celestial Realm.

I saw that this void and heaven seemed to emit a piece of golden light, which made that strange figure appear sincere and fearful.

At the same time, a terrifying spiritual pressure shook him all over.

Is this the power of heaven?

His eyes showed more and more fear.

"The Ice Emperor pays homage to the sect master."

Looking at the tightly closed void, the Ice Emperor bowed and waited quietly outside the door.

He has been living in the realm of freedom, this time because he detected an earth-shattering event in the martial arts, so he rushed to the gate of heaven without stopping.

"Ice Emperor, what do you want to see this deity?"


Following this majestic voice, the gate of the void world was slowly opened by an external force. In an instant, the Ice Emperor looked up and saw a middle-aged man wearing a mask and dressed in black. Stride 393 beyond the void sky.

He looked coldly at the panic-stricken Ice Emperor with an extremely indifferent expression.

This void is the place where he lives and cultivates alone. Ordinary Tianmen disciples cannot enter this void.

He has lived for thousands of years, and he has long cultivated a restrained state. He still looks at the Ice Emperor calmly, making the latter feel a thorn in his back and tremble.

"Sect master, my subordinates got a piece of news from Shenzhou that the Supreme Zen Master of Wulin, Mu Han."

The ice emperor's words were not surprising, he knew that Di Shitian, the master of Tianmen, had been staying in Tianmen, and he didn't know about the change of the Shenzhou Dynasty, so he immediately told Di Shitian the truth.

He also knows that the sect master has been accumulating strength over the years, and when the time is right, he will definitely control the Shenzhou Wulin.

As for the fact that Emperor Mu Han changed the Yuan Dynasty, he must tell the head of the sect, Di Shitian!

"Mu Han? Who is this person? He actually has the strength to change the Yuan Dynasty? It seems like a strong enemy."

To be able to change a dynasty in the Yuan Dynasty, this Mu Han is too monstrous, and it made Di Shitian's heart suddenly.Fantasizing, who is this Mu Han?

Originally, he felt that he was not strong enough, so he never took action to destroy the dynasty, but unexpectedly (bdbi), someone was there first, which made Di Shitian very angry.

"That's right, Sect Master, this Mu Han changed the dynasty into the Celestial Dynasty and called himself the Emperor of Heaven. He also summoned many legendary masters to guard the Heavenly Palace. Sect Master, if this person is not eliminated, there will be endless troubles."

"Heavenly Emperor Muhan? He dares to call himself the Heavenly Emperor? Or the Heavenly Emperor? Hmph, he has aroused the interest of the old man. Ice Emperor, where do you think Mu Han is now?"

"Master, Mu Han's whereabouts are uncertain, and the subordinates don't know where he is."

Seeing Di Shitian's playful sneer, the Ice Emperor felt chills down his back. He knew that Di Shitian was ruthless and murderous without blinking an eye. Immediately, his expression changed suddenly, and he did not dare to look up at Di Shitian.

"Did you know that Mu Han changed the Yuan Dynasty and called himself Emperor of Heaven in the past few days in Shenzhou Wulin? You don't even know whether he is in Tianchao Tiangong or traveling in Shenzhou Wulin?"

Di Shitian endured the anger in his heart, he really wanted to slap the Ice Emperor in the face, even if he couldn't do this well, he dared to come to the Void Heaven Realm?

"Master, this subordinate will do it now. Please rest assured, the subordinate will definitely find out about Mu Han's whereabouts."

The Ice Emperor was so frightened that he knelt down and kowtowed. He knew that Di Shitian's strength was against the sky, and a look could make him terrified and disturbed.

He also knew that if he didn't pay for his crimes, he might never leave the Tianmen alive, so he immediately looked at Di Shitian with trepidation.

Di Shitian, as the head of the Tianmen Gate and an old goblin who lived for thousands of years, naturally guessed what the Ice Emperor was thinking. Immediately, he looked at the Ice Emperor coldly, making the latter dare not look up at him. The Ice Emperor knew that if he didn't find Mu Han, he might be killed by the sect master.

"If you can't find Mu Han's whereabouts, this deity will tear you to pieces, so go!"

"Yes, Sect Master."

The Ice Emperor agreed, and hurriedly backed away, which made Di Shitian sneer again, he strode into the void, and with a surge of internal energy, he slammed the door shut.

"Heavenly Emperor Mu Han? In this world, only this deity can claim the title of heaven. Mu Han, what are you? Hmph, when this deity finds you, I will surely tear you to pieces."

Di Shitian murmured viciously to himself, in fact, he and Mu Han had never known each other before, and the reason why he hated Mu Han so much was because he also wanted to occupy the imperial city and dominate the Chinese martial arts.

Unexpectedly, he had been plotting a plan for a long time, but Mu Han took the lead, which made him feel that if he didn't kill Mu Han, he would never be able to swallow this breath.

What's more, after killing Mu Han, wouldn't the world of Shenzhou come under his control?

"The divine dragon of the water tribe is about to be born. When I succeed in slaying the dragon and get the power of the dragon, my skill will be multiplied. Mu Han, by then, this deity will be your nightmare, haha."


A sneeze!

Seeing that Miyin Temple was not far away, Mu Han, who teleported all the way from Tianzhao to Miyin Temple, sneezed suddenly.

"Fuck, who the hell is talking about me?"

Mu Han raised his eyebrows lightly, revealing a sneer like a joke, Miyin Temple is not far away, I don't know if Wuming and Mu Yingxiong are here?


With a movement of his body, Mu Han had already landed on the gate of Miyin Temple.

At this time, he did not push the door to enter, but went over the house and came to the Daxiong Hall of Miyin Temple.

In the Great Hall of Great Heroes, there was a figure kneeling impressively.

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