It's a fat monk in cassock!

Name: Dukong

Age: 50

Cultivation level: legendary level [-]

Status: Host of Miyin Temple, a member of Xiawangfu.

Xia Wangfu?

Mu Leng smiled coldly. It seems that this dukong already knew about his annihilation of Xia Wangfu and Xia Wang's tomb.

Immediately, he looked at Du Kong coldly, but Du Kong didn't know that someone was watching him from behind.

"The Buddha is merciful. This time Mu Han came to Miyin Temple and asked the Buddha to bless his disciples. He killed Mu Han. This Mu Han destroyed my Xia Palace and killed so many people in my Xia Palace. This disciple is very unwilling."

"Buddha, I only have this one request, please forgive me."

Du Kong clasped his hands together, showing a heartbroken expression.

Thinking that Mu Han had killed so many people in Xia Wang's Mansion, making his Lu family a descendant, he was furious.

At this moment, Du Kong, who had finished praying, stood up, turned around and was about to walk out of the Great Hall, but saw a man in white standing at the gate of the Great Hall, sneering at himself.

What the fuck?

Du Kong's eyelids were twitching, and his heart was beating wildly. What the hell, did he hit a ghost?

"You, who are you?"

Du Kong trembled and looked at the person standing in the hall. He felt that this person was very unusual. He was like a flat boat, standing on the turbulent sea, bearing the turbulent waves of the sea. "

Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

Looking at this strange figure in white with a wicked sneer, Du Kong, who is the abbot of Miyin Temple, suddenly felt a chill down his back. Who the hell is this person?Why did it come suddenly? As the abbot of Miyin Temple, he didn't even answer me when I asked him.

He is too arrogant!

However, Du Kong knew that the man in white was stronger than himself, he was simply a monster!

"Who are you? Why did you come to Miyin Temple?"

Du Kong looked at Mu Han coldly, this Miyin Temple is an important place of Buddhism, no outsiders can enter it.

What's more, in this Miyin Temple, an unprecedented competition is about to take place, so Dukong reveals the prestige of the master of a temple, and looks at Mu Han indifferently.

He knew that this man in white was definitely not waiting for nothing, but he still didn't know what he was doing in Miyin Temple?

Could it be that he knew about this competition and came to watch it?

Dukong shook his head, Miyin Temple sealed this matter tightly, who would dare to come to Miyin Temple to die?

Immediately, he stood up with a flick of his sleeves, revealing the majesty of a Buddhist master.

"Are you crossing the sky?"

Mu Han casually said this sentence, causing Du Kong to be shocked. This person is too arrogant, dare to shout directly?Really hateful!

"Hmph, this old man is Master Dukong, presided over by Miyin Temple."

Du Kong said the word host heavily, with a rather smug look on his face.

Although the reputation of Miyin Temple is not as good as that of Shaolin Temple, a treasure of Miyin Temple fascinates people in the world.

Therefore, in the Jianghu, Miyin Temple and Shaolin Temple can be said to keep pace with each other. The treasure of Miyin Temple and Shaolin Wooden Man Lane are also known as the twin treasures of Buddhism.

"Haha, an old bald donkey falsely claiming to be the host of Miyin Temple? Dukong, I heard that you are from Xiawangfu, isn't it?"

"You, how do you know that I'm from Xiawangfu?"

Du Kong's face changed suddenly, he was indeed from Xia Wangfu, but few people knew the details.

Could it be that what I just said in front of the Buddha was heard by this person?Thinking of this, Dukong's face gradually showed a murderous intent, and he knew that he would never spare this person.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Did you become angry from embarrassment? Du Kong, it seems that I was right."

"Zhen? You call yourself Zhen? Are you the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han?"

Du Kong was completely shocked, this handsome man in white was actually the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han?The murderer who killed hundreds of people in Xia Wang's mansion and destroyed Xia Wang's tomb?

At the beginning, Du Kong felt that Mu Han must be forty or fifty years old, just like Dugu Fang, Xiongba and other martial arts heroes.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han is so young, he looks less than twenty years old.

clap clap!

Crossing the sky is like being slapped in the face. This Mu Han is not yet twenty years old, but he changed the Yuan Dynasty, called himself the emperor of heaven, and called himself a monster. Isn't this too outrageous?

Although he was shocked by Mu Han's strength in his heart, Dukong still looked at Mu Han indifferently, that's right, it was him, who slaughtered Xia Wang's family.

"Mu Han, I know that you are going to fight Wuming and Mu Yingxiong today, but, as a member of the Xia Palace, I will never allow you to leave Miyin Temple alive. Hmph, you don't want to leave Miyin Temple."

"Oh? Really? Can you trap me?"

Mu Han looked at Du Kong jokingly, making the latter almost collapse in anger, your sister, you killed my Xia Wangfu full family, why are you justified?

Immediately, Du Kong let out a violent shout, and saw that Mu Han hadn't recovered from his senses before he was thrown into the Great Hall by an iron cage made of refined steel.

These fine steels are the thickness of bowls, and they are held extremely hard. Seeing Mu Han trapped in his own iron cage, Du Kong couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, Mu Han, aren't you arrogant? Aren't you awesome? Hmph, I will let you know how powerful I am today."

Dukong yelled, saliva splashed, he felt that he would be able to kill Mu Han, even if Mu Han was a monster, he couldn't jump out of the iron cage that was as thick as a bowl, right?

"Hehe, Dukong, it seems that you are very confident and think you can kill me!"

Mu Han sneered disapprovingly, this is just a broken iron cage, can it trap his mother?

"Mu Han, don't be so arrogant, you killed so many people in my Xia Wang's mansion, you also destroyed the Xia Wang's tomb, and made my ancestor Xia Wang disappear into ashes, and you even stole Bing Po, all these evil deeds, today I am afraid I will settle the accounts for you one by one, as many people as you have killed, I will cut you a few times first, and I will make it impossible for you to survive or die."

The more Du Kong talked, the more excited he became, he felt that if he didn't kill Mu Han, he would really have no face to see the undead in Xia Wang's Mansion.

In an instant, he walked towards Mu Han slowly, with an expression of anger and complacency at the same time. ················································

"Hehe, Dukong, just want to trap me in an iron cage?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and his white hands naturally grasped the thick steel on the iron cage.

"Damn, Mu Han, do you want to break free from this cage? Hmph, you are really wishful thinking, don't waste your energy, just accept death obediently."

Seeing Mu Han wanting to break the cage, Du Kong looked at Mu Han with disdain.

He knew that his iron cage was extremely powerful, and it would be easy to kill Mu Han.

Therefore, he felt that Mu Han must not break out of the cage.

"Oh? Really? I'm so weak?"

Mu Han still looked at Du Kong jokingly, but the expression on Du Kong's face suddenly changed. It turned out that when he saw Mu Han, he broke apart the fine steel lightly, and walked away slowly from the iron cage. come out. .. .. 0

Deng Deng!

In an instant, Du Kong was stunned, this Mu Han was able to break open the iron cage?Is this all fine steel with a thick bowl mouth?Why is he so evil?


Mu Han strode forward, making Du Kong unable to back up in front of the Buddha statue in the Daxiong Hall, he felt his heart beating so hard that a heart was about to pop out of his throat.

"Mu Han, why did you come out?"

"Because I am stronger than you."

Mu Han looked at Du Kong indifferently, with a playful expression on his face, which made the host of Miyin Temple still in shock.

This Mu Han is too monstrous, too heaven-defying!

"You, are you better than me?"

Du Kong was even more surprised, he had never met such a master as Mu Han that made him feel scared, he just felt trembling all over, if Mu Han's strength was like the sea, he might be a small boat on the sea.

"That's right, I'm stronger than you, Dukong, don't you want to avenge the Xia Palace? Hehe, I'm right here, give me a try?"

Mu Han looked at Du Kong jokingly, causing the latter's expression to change suddenly in fright.

"Mu Han!"

Du Kong suddenly yelled, he leaned his back in front of the Buddha statue, grabbed a handful of incense ash with quick eyes and hands, and threw it on Mu Han's cheek.

At the same time, Du Kong moved his body, intending to run away. He knew that he couldn't beat Mu Han, not only now, but also in the future, and now he could only run away and disappear forever in the rivers and lakes.

But does he have a chance to escape?Long."

Chapter One hundred and twelve

Dukong found the right time, intending to escape, but the handful of incense ash he spilled did not take seriously in Mu Han's eyes.

Mu Han volleyed in the sky and swung out a Heaven-Exterminating Palm Strength, as if turning this incense ash into countless sword lights, he directly counterattacked and slashed at Du Kong's body.


Du Kong was rejoicing that he ran several feet away, but Mu Han counterattacked the incense ash that hit him.

On the spot, Du Kong spurted blood wildly, he slammed on the Buddha statue with a bang, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Mu Han, you are so ruthless!"

Du Kong felt as if his internal organs had been shattered, and he looked at Mu Han angrily, feeling very flustered.

Originally, he planned to kill Mu Han to avenge the whole family of Xia Wangfu, but he was crushed by Mu Han, and he was seriously injured with one move.


Du Kong looked at Mu Han in horror "six four three" as he slowly walked up to him. Looking at the emperor in white, he suddenly felt that he had failed.

Mu Han is like a god, aloof, so that he has no chance to resist.

"Dukong, if I'm not cruel, how can I get the entire Celestial Dynasty? You remember, you are a remnant of the chivalrous mansion, and you deserve to die. No wonder I'm cruel."

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