When Mokui went deep into the abyss at the beginning, his devilish energy could also control the scorching heat, so Mu Han and Mokui could enter the abyss calmly.


As one walked deeper into the abyss, not only did the hot feeling become stronger, but even the entire tunnel became extremely dazzling, emitting a dazzling red light.

Although the fire unicorn in Lingyun Grotto has quite strong flame power, but after going deep into the abyss, one realizes that the heat of the fire unicorn is completely different from the magma in the depths of the abyss.

The Great Tribulation Knife was placed by Mo Kui on a statue of a god in the middle of the magma.

Fire God Zhurong!

This majestic statue located in the center of the magma in the abyss is none other than the god of fire, Zhu Rong.

And in the hand of Vulcan Zhu Rong, there was a strange weapon.

Great robbery knife!

That's right, the Great Tribulation Knife is above the statue of Zhu Rong in the center of the magma, emitting infinite power of fire.

"Mokui, why did you put the Great Tribulation Saber on this statue of Zhu Rong in the first place~"? "

Seeing that the Great Tribulation Knife was emitting a scorching flame, Mu Han turned to look at Mo Kui, is this guy out of his mind?Put the Great Tribulation Knife so far away?

"Master Mu, the Great Tribulation Knife can absorb the flame power of the magma in the depths of the abyss and turn it into its own demon energy. Now, the statue of Zhu Rong placed by the Great Tribulation Knife on the magma in the abyss is exactly Erjiazi."

"More than a hundred years? You really are willing to do it, okay, I'll take a look at the Great Tribulation Knife."

Since the Great Tribulation Knife has been placed on the statue of Zhu Rong for so many years, Mu Han knew that it was almost enough to absorb the flames and hostility of the magma. Immediately, he moved and landed on the statue of Zhu Rong, ready to pick up the Great Tribulation Knife.


In an instant, when Mu Han was about to take the big robbery knife, the heart of the big robbery knife suddenly woke up.


Following the buzzing sound of resistance from the heart of the Great Tribulation Saber, Mu Han felt that the entire statue of Zhu Rong was extremely unstable.

The magma around the statue of Zhurong rose to a height of tens of feet, causing all the magma to pour into the statue of Zhurong.

However, Mu Han was not afraid. His extremely powerful sword intent and killing intent made the heart of the Great Tribulation Saber tremble suddenly.

And just when the heart of the Great Tribulation Knife was trembling, Mu Leng smiled coldly, took the Great Tribulation Knife in his hand, and turned around to go back to the tunnel.


After the Great Tribulation Saber was taken down by Mu Han, the entire statue of Zhu Rong was submerged in the magma, and the ferocious magma rolled in, making Mu Han and Mokui all leave the abyss and come to the original site of the Demon Palace above.

"This is the Great Tribulation Knife!"

Mu Han felt the infinite sword intent in the Great Tribulation Saber, almost reaching the point of destroying heaven and earth.

Since the heart of the Great Tribulation Knife does not submit to Mu Han, the Great Tribulation Knife is shaking all the time, intending to leave Mu Han's control.

But, will Mu Han let it go?The heart of the Great Tribulation Saber gradually became submissive under Mu Han's extremely powerful sword intent, and Mu Han smiled indifferently, and turned to look at Mo Kui.

At this time, the handsome Mu Han had a sneer on his lips, and the sound of his sneer made Mokui feel extremely shocked.

At the beginning, he put the Great Tribulation Knife deep in the abyss, firstly to increase the hostility of the Great Tribulation Knife, and secondly because he felt that he could not control the Great Tribulation Knife, and he might be swallowed by the Great Tribulation Knife at any time.

Now, seeing Mu Han pick up the Great Tribulation Saber so easily, Mokui felt uneasy.

".〃Master Mu, you have already obtained the Dao Knife, so please let me go."

"Let you go? Mokui, did I ever say I let you go?"

Seeing that Mo Kui wanted to leave, how could Mu Han give him this chance?He looked at Mokui coldly, causing the latter's cheek to change drastically.

"What? Mr. Mu, are you going to go back on your word? You said you got the Great Tribulation Knife, so you let me go. Now that you have the Qianqiu Sword and the Great Tribulation Knife, what do you want to do?"

Mo Kui looked at Mu Han in shock. Could it be that Mu Han didn't intend to let him go?He can crush himself.He also got the Dajie Dao and Qianqiu Sword, which is quite terrifying. How can I be his opponent?

"Hehe, I said to let you go, but the Great Tribulation Saber does not intend to let you go."

"Great Robbery Knife?"

In an instant, Mo Kui's face (Qian's) cheeks suddenly changed color, and he suddenly felt that the great robbery knife in Mu Han's hand erupted with a terrifying suction force, making him unable to move at all. Gradually, Mo Kui felt the catastrophe The knife is absorbing his spiritual power!

"Mu Han, you, you are so ruthless!"

Mo Kui looked at Mu Han with fear on his face, he knew what Mu Han wanted to do, and he felt the breath of death.

"Is it cruel? I don't think so, Mo Kui. It is your honor to be able to be used by me after you fuse with the Great Tribulation Saber."

This Great Tribulation Saber is formed by thousands of demonic thoughts, if it is fused with the Demon Kui, it will definitely become a terrifying demonic sword.

Seeing that Mo Kui had no power to resist, after being absorbed by the heart of the Great Tribulation Saber, he gradually merged and used it for himself, the corner of Mu Han's mouth revealed an indifferent sneer,

After merging the Dajie Dao with Mokui, next, he should deal with Jianbei who intends to seal the sword pond.

Sword sad?

Mu Han smiled coldly, it's really sad! "

Chapter 4 The Shock of Sword Sadness, Yuantian Sword Art (4/[-])


Bearing the great robbery knife absorbing his spiritual power, the extremely painful feeling made Mo Kui feel like he was being skinned and cramped. He looked up to the sky and cried out, feeling that half of his body had been swallowed by the big robbery knife.

Could it be that he, the majestic king of the sword world, is going to be swallowed by the Great Tribulation Saber and controlled by Mu Han?

Thinking of this, Mo Kui was very unconvinced.But, now, can he still change?


The heart of the Great Tribulation Saber was still devouring Mokui, but Mu Han looked at Mokui's expression coldly, he smiled faintly, and said, "Mokui, this is your fate, you can't escape from my palm at all." Heart!"

Mu Han's words made Mo Kui disheartened. He has controlled the Sword World and Sword Pool for so many years, but in the end it became Mu Han's weapon and was controlled by him.For a moment, Mo Kui felt that he really couldn't swallow this breath.

"Mu Han, you are so ruthless!"

He gritted his teeth and shouted these words, and was swallowed by the Dajie Dao. In an instant, Mokui felt his body merge with the heart of the Dajie Dao, and they all surrendered to Mu Han's powerful sword intent. middle.

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for getting the Great Tribulation Knife, and successfully fused the Great Tribulation Knife with Mo Kui."

At this time, the system prompt sound broke Mu Han's silence, and he directly placed the Dajie Dao on the system panel at 923, ready to break the sword seal and sword mountain covering the sword pool?

Outside the sword pool, Jian Bei, who breathed a long sigh of relief, felt as if his whole body was overdrawn, and he finally sealed the sword pool.

With the enhanced version of the Sword Seal and Sword Mountain, Jian Bei suddenly felt that Jianchi was much calmer. He thought it was the result of both Mu Han and Mokui's mutual injuries, which made Jianshan and Sword Seal return to calm. Immediately, he sat cross-legged , ready to regain strength.


At this time, there was a sudden thumping sound from the sword pool, causing Jian Bei, who was standing outside the sword pool, to change his expression suddenly, as if seeing the most terrifying scene in his life.

"This is? The sword pool has been sealed, yet it can still be shaken? Could it be Mu Han and Mo Kui?"

Jian Bei was terrified when he saw it, he hurriedly retreated tens of feet away, not daring to look at the sound of banging in the sword pool.

He could feel a terrifying sword intent seeping out from the sword pool, making it useless for him to seal the sword pool again.


Jian Bei immediately used the Yuantian Sword Art, waiting for Mu Han and Mo Kui to appear at any time, and the Yuantian Sword Art hit him with one blow.

Boom! (bffg)

In an instant, the sword mountain on the sword pool was shattered by this powerful sword intent.

Then, the sword seal that sealed the sword pool was also broken by the shock.

At this time, Jian Bei was taken aback, he saw a figure in white walking out of the sword pond.

His demeanor was unrestrained, his expression was indifferent, and there was a playful sneer on his handsome face, which made Jian Bei's heart thump.

This man in white is none other than Mu Han!

"He didn't die?"

Jian Bei's expression suddenly changed in shock, he could see that Mu Han was unscathed, and his white clothes were also spotless, which made Jian Bei feel uneasy.

Could it be that Mu Han killed Mo Kui?However, he was not injured. How did he kill Mokui?

In an instant, Jian Bei was completely in a mess, only felt that Mu Han was too powerful, right?To be able to kill Mokui without getting hurt, this is completely different from what I imagined before.

This also made Jian Bei not kill Mu Han with the Yuantian Sword Art. He knew that he was not Mu Han's opponent, and he also knew that Mu Han had said before that if he gave him the sword world, he would just get the treasure of Mo Kui himself.

"Mr. Mu? Haha, Mr. Mu killed Mokui? That's amazing, really amazing."

Jian Bei hurriedly apologized with a smile, he was still afraid of Mu Han, so he didn't go forward, just stood there so far away, waiting for Mu Han to speak.

"Jianbei, why did you seal the sword pond? You also covered it with the sword mountain. What is your intention?"

Mu Leng looked at Jian Bei coldly, causing the latter to show an embarrassed look. His eyeballs rolled, knowing that he couldn't hide it.

"Haha, Mr. Mu, the old man is afraid that the devil will escape from the sword pond. Once he returns to the sword world, if we look for the devil, it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. Therefore, I decided to seal the sword pond. Mu Young master, don't blame me."

Jian Bei hurriedly explained that he thought his explanation was reasonable and would not make Mu Han suspicious.

"Oh? It turns out that you were trying to prevent Mo Kui from escaping from the sword pool. Well, I blamed you wrongly. Jian Bei, you can go."

"Oh, I see. Huh? Where is the old man going?"

Seeing that Mu Han didn't blame himself, Jian Bei nodded hastily. When he was about to leave Jianchi, he suddenly thought why did he leave?

It should be Mu Han who left the sword world, he is about to become the master of the sword world, why leave?

"Where are you going? You are a master of the sword sect, so you will naturally return to the sword sect, oh? If you can't break through the sword world, I will help you."

"Back to Jianzong? Mr. Mu was joking, this old man is the master of the sword world."

"The master of the sword world? Who told you that you are the master of the sword world?"

Mu Leng looked at Jian Bei coldly, his face full of teasing, he had not promised Jian Bei anything before, and he mocked Jian Bei's self-proclaimed master of the sword world.

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