"You, Mr. Mu, didn't we say that before? Mr. Mu got what belonged to Mokui, and I got the Sword Realm. Why did Mr. Mu go back on what he said?"

Jian Bei was a little confused and anxious, did Mr. Mu really forget the previous agreement?Or, does he have other plans?

"That's right, I said it, but I didn't get anything from Mo Kui, so you have no part in this sword world!"

Naturally, Mu Han would not tell Jian Bei all about the Qianqiu Sword and the Great Tribulation Saber, he smiled coldly, this sword world is in his palm, how could he give it to Jian Bei?

"I don't have a share? Mr. Mu, do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge? Hmph, even if the old man agrees, the old man's Yuantian Sword Art will not be accepted."

Jian Bei was completely enraged, although he was afraid of Mu Han, but Mu Han was forcing him to a dead end, and he had no choice but to break the boat.

"Yuantian Sword Art? It is indeed very powerful, but do you think Yuantian Sword Art can kill me? Jianbei, you are so pathetic, a clown who jumps on the bridge, also wants to control the sword world?"

Mu Leng looked at Jian Bei coldly. With a movement of his body, while Jian Bei was still in shock and hadn't used Yuan Tian Sword Art, he raised his hand and slapped Jian Bei fiercely in the face.


Jian Bei didn't expect Mu Han to slap himself directly, he looked at Mu Han in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Mu Han actually slapped himself?How is he so powerful?


Jian Bei gasped involuntarily, although he was still afraid of Mu Han, Yuan Tian Sword Art had already killed him.

He knows that now is the moment of life and death, if he wants to get the sword world, he must kill Mu Han! "

Chapter 1 Killing Sword Sadness, the Legendary Sixth Stage (4/[-])

Yuantian Sword Art!

This Yuantian Sword Art is Jianbei's peerless martial art, and it is also a high-grade Xuan-level swordsmanship.

This time, Jian Bei just felt that he was played by Mu Han, he wanted revenge, he wanted to kill Mu Han with Yuan Tian Sword Art.

"Ding, congratulations master, you discovered the Yuantian Sword Art, do you want to deduce it?"


This Yuantian Sword Art is very similar to Sword Twenty-Three, but they are quite different.

The Yuantian Sword Jue is also a sword strength that surpasses that of a spiritual body, and its speed is extremely fast, so fast that it is like teleporting, and it is swung out with a single sword.

But it looks like a sword, but it can release endless sword intent.

Now, Mu Han has directly practiced Jianbei's Yuantian Sword Art to the state of Dzogchen~.

"Jianbei, you are too pathetic."

Before Mu Han's voice fell, the sword reached the person, as if it had been separated from the body, the terrifying spirit body sword intent, in an instant, rushed in front of Jian Bei, and violently struck out a sword that destroyed the sky and the earth.

The power of the sword was like shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, which made Jianbei dumbfounded, he was shocked, and felt that he had seen a scene of life and horror.

"Yuantian Sword Art? How do you know Yuantian Sword Art?"

"Want to know? You'll never know."

Seeing Jianbei's shocked expression, Mu Han didn't give him any chance at all. He directly hit Jianbei with a sword, causing Jianbei to spit out a mouthful of blood, and the Shihuang Sword in his hand fell on the ground in an instant. land.


Jian Bei opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He didn't expect that Mu Han would know his own Yuantian Sword Art, isn't it too terrifying?

Why did he use the Yuantian Sword Art, and Jian Bei could tell that Mu Han's Yuantian Sword Art was much stronger than him.

He actually cultivated the Yuantian Sword Art to the point where he has reached the state of perfection?

Jian Bei completely collapsed, what the hell is going on?He covered his chest that was severely injured by a sword, opened his mouth to spit out blood, and then looked up at Mu Han.

With a shocked expression on his face, he really wanted to know why Mu Han knew his own Yuantian sword art.

"Jian Bei, the more you want to know, the less I will tell you, die!"

Mu Han used the Yuantian Sword Art which was reaching its limit again, almost making the sword fly backwards like a broken paper kite.


Jian Bei fell heavily to the ground, and he instinctively wanted to stand up, but he felt a terrifying sword intent from the heart of his Shihuang Sword.


Jianbei looked at Shihuangjian in extreme horror, this Shihuangjian actually took advantage of his unpreparedness, and suddenly thrust the sword into his chest!

At the same time, the sword edge of Shihuang's sword was also frantically absorbing the sword intent from Jian Bei's body. In an instant, Jian Bei seemed to be old, and his appearance gradually became haggard. The heart of the sword draws away all the intent of the sword.

And Jian Bei also turned into a piece of fly ash in an instant and dissipated.

"This Emperor's Sword is so powerful?"

Mu Han knew that Jian Bei could live to be 500 years old, all relying on the sword intent on his body, now, the sword intent was taken away by Shi Huang's sword, and Jian Bei, who had died hundreds of years ago, turned into powder, Dissipate away.


Although the Shihuang Sword took away the sword intent of Jianbei, it was extremely vigilant towards Mu Han. Mu Han looked at the infinite sword intent emanating from Shihuang Sword indifferently, which made Shihuang Sword's heart feel fear.

"Shihuang Sword, help me draw away the sword intent of the sword world."

Mu Han smiled faintly, he stepped forward, stretched out his hand to grab the Shihuang sword, the Shihuang sword resisted Mu Han for a while, and then gradually stabilized.

At this time, Mu Han felt that the entire sword world was no longer in danger, so he sat cross-legged beside the sword pond, and opened the system panel by the way.

Name: Mu Han

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Items: Xuanyuan Sword (severely damaged, need [-] celestial artifacts to repair the sword spirit), Shennong Token, Dragon Vein, Sword World Pass Card (ineffective), Mirror of Heart, Peerless Sword, Sword of Destruction, Sword of Thousand Years, Great Tribulation Knife……

Cultivation method: The tenth layer of Qiankun Shengyang Jue (integrating the inner strength and mental methods of various worlds.)

Martial arts: World martial arts in Qin Dynasty, Divine sculpture world martial arts, Tianlong world martial arts, Wan Jian Guizong, Sword Twenty-Three, Killing Kendo, Emperor Yinjue (introductory), Dahuang prisoner Tianzhi (introductory), Hetu Luoshu Mystery (Entry) God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength (the first level of entry realm), Maha Wuliang (God level), Destroying Demon Body, Moving Heaven God Art, Alluring Love, Three Points Returning to Origin Qi, Returning to Heaven Ice Art, Magic Sword , Chuang Dao, Yuan Tian Sword Art, Xuan Yin Twelve Swords...

Three Thousand Avenues: Great Teleportation

Formation: mortal formation method Dize twenty-four (mortal level, immortal level, god level, holy level...)

Supernatural skills: god-level deduction, god-level skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, alchemy

Alchemist realm: Huang rank alchemist, Dacheng realm (refining pills, etc.)

Skill: Falling Heart Flame, ranked fourteenth on the Abnormal Fire List.

World: Small world with me

Martial Arts Realm: Legendary Fifth Level Realm (Cultivating Inner Strength and Innate Qi)

Soul Master Realm: Level [-] Great Soul Master (Cultivation of Soul Power)

System points: 1550000 (points can be obtained for defeating and killing opponents, completing tasks and achievements)

The world we live in: Chaotic version of Fengyun World (the next world, waiting to be opened)

"The Sword of the First Emperor, I got it in the sword world, now, you need to help me."

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and placed the Shihuang Sword in front of him.


In an instant, the Sword of the First Emperor seemed to be hovering in the sword world, absorbing the endless sword intent from the sword world, guiding it into Mu Han's body.

"Boom!" ...... 0

The sword intent in the sword world was already extremely powerful, but now, being drawn by Shihuang's sword, it poured directly into Mu Han's body, making Mu Han feel this infinite sword intent without any impurities.

This kind of infinite sword intent, surging and surging, formed a furious tornado of sword intent outside of Mu Han's body.


The entire sword world was like thunder and lightning, shaking the sky and cracking the earth, but seeing more and more sword intent in the sword world, it was all injected into Mu Han's body.

And as Mu Han raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl, there was also a thumping sound from his body. In an instant, Mu Han's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and his whole body exuded a very unusual look.


Mu Han only felt the majestic sword intent in his body, and when he stopped absorbing the sword intent from the Shihuang Sword, he felt that his cultivation had finally broken through.

The legendary sixth level realm!

Mu Han smiled faintly, his cultivation had already grown from the fifth level of legend to the sixth level of legend.

At that moment, Mu Han received the Shihuang Sword into the system panel, and at the same time, his spiritual sense scanned the item column.

"Xuanyuan Sword needs to be repaired by an immortal artifact, and there is indeed an immortal artifact in the wrong version of Fengyun World."

With a thought in Mu Han's mind, this artifact is the key to promoting the Great Tribulation, and it is a fusion of divine weapons from the wrong version of Fengyun World.

It is immortal for thousands of years, and the catastrophe is ruthless.

Shihuang Evil King, Peerless Divine Soldier!

Mu Han smiled faintly. Now, he has obtained a few of these magic weapons, and only needs to get the other ones to forge immortal weapons and restore Xuanyuan Sword.

"Ding, congratulations master, if you get the sword world, do you want to put the sword world in the small world?" Eight."

Chapter 2 Nine Sky Unbounded Pass Card, Goodbye Huang Rong (4/[-])

"Okay, put it in the portable small world."

Although the sword world is a different world, it is a different world independent of other worlds.

If it is placed in the portable small world, as long as Mu Han does not open the sword world, it will not be affected.

Moreover, Mu Han felt that with the sword world, Huang Rong and the little dragon girls who were in the small world with him would definitely be able to enter the sword world, practice swordsmanship, and improve their cultivation base.

What's more, the evil sword intent in the sword world was dispersed by Mu Han's infinite sword intent, and Mu Han was not worried that the girls would be unsafe.

"Ding, congratulations master, the sword world was successfully put into the portable small world."

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