Feeling the darkness in front of him, he suddenly lost his sight, it was so dark that he couldn't see anything, and Qie Ku was furious, and he directly swung that terrifying punch, like overwhelming mountains and seas, towards Mu Han.

However, Mu (bide) Han did not dodge, his Xuanyin Twelve Swords formed a Xuanyin sword armor to protect his body.


That bitter, fierce and domineering punch crashed into the Xuanyin sword armor, but it didn't smash the Xuanyin sword armor in the air. On the contrary, the Xuanyin sword formed by the Xuanyin sword armor formed the bitter arms. Qi, smashed in the air.

This pause caused Qie to cry out in pain, his fists and arms were smashed by Mu Han's Xuanyin sword energy.


In a hurry, he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. Although his eyes were blinded by the blood, although he couldn't see Mu Han's figure, he could feel Mu Han's extremely arrogant sword intent.


This terrifying sword intent, like the power of destroying the sky and the earth, is impressively above the sky, and the true energy turns into a sword!


Following this unparalleled true qi sword, it descended from the sky, directly like a beam of sword light, submerging into the tormenting heavenly spirit cover.


Qieku opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood. He was shaken by the strength of the true energy transformed into the sword, his legs became weak, and he knelt on the ground. Immediately afterwards, he was directly nailed to the ground.

After killing Qie Ku, Mu Han looked up, but saw an extremely fast figure, intending to take Qie Ku's body away.

He directly swung a palm force like overwhelming mountains and seas, blasting and killing the figure with incomparable swiftness.


When the body of that figure was shaking, it was shattered directly, and Mu Han learned that this person was one of the twelve essences of Hidden Dragon Cave.

"You dare to kill Qie Ku, and also kill my Ji Di? Do you dare to come to the Tianji Panlong Formation and fight with me?"

At this time, on the Tibetan Dragon Ridge, a gray-clothed figure looked angrily at Mu Han who had killed Jidi.

Name: Dead Silence

Age: 60

Cultivation level: legendary level [-]

Status: One of the four generals of Hidden Dragon in Hidden Dragon Cave.

Mu Han looked up, and that person was Si Ji, the head of the twelve episodes of truth, and one of the four generals of the hidden dragon.

"Okay, I'd like to see the Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation."

Mu Han didn't refuse, and directly sneered.

"I? Where are you the emperor?"

Silence looked at Mu Han coldly, but his heart broke out in a cold sweat.

This person actually calls himself Zhen, obviously he is an emperor, it is unbelievable.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, Mu Han."

Mu Han stared at Death Silence coldly, causing the latter to be terrified and almost fell off the Hidden Dragon Ridge.

"Heavenly Emperor Mu Han? Are you Mu Han?"

Obviously, Si Ji also knew who Mu Han was. Although he had been in the Hidden Dragon Cave, this did not mean that the four generals of the Hidden Dragon were all weak and ignorant people.

"What do you think?"

Mu Han asked Si Ji back, which made the latter even more frightened and angry. He snorted angrily, turned around and disappeared on Hidden Dragon Ridge.

And after Mu Han smiled, he strode towards Hidden Dragon Ridge, thinking that he would encounter the Heavenly Dragon Formation.

The Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation is the place guarded by one of the four generals of the hidden dragon in silence. Compared with the determination and painstaking efforts, the deathly silence of the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation is terrifying.

In fact, before the Holy King, among the royal family of the Eastern Canglong Clan, although some people broke into the Hidden Dragon Cave and defeated Juanming and Qiku, they were directly killed in the dead and silent Panlong Formation.

As soon as the secret coiling dragon comes out, the dragon energy in the entire Hidden Dragon Cave will form a raging oriental black dragon!

At this time, Mu Han strode up to Hidden Dragon Ridge, and when he looked down, he saw that the dead and silent Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation had formed.

But I saw an incomparably terrifying oriental blue dragon hovering above the Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation.

Originally, this Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation was a formation formed by the combination of dead silence and other twelve episodes.

However, due to Mu Han's extremely terrifying voice, six of the twelve episodes died on the spot, and now, another one was killed by Mu Han. Therefore, among the twelve episodes, there are only five episodes, including dead silence. Truth, the rest are puppets of heavenly secrets!

Knowing all this in Xiong, Mu Han smiled slightly, and continued to look at the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation.

"Ding, congratulations master, you discovered the mortal formation, the heavenly dragon formation, do you want to deduce it?"


Mu Han's formation is only Dize Twenty-Four in the world of Tianxing Jiuge.

Now, Mu Han who heard the system prompt directly deduced it. After all, he received too few formations.

Although the Tianji Panlong Formation is only a mortal formation, Mu Han feels that this Tianji Panlong Formation is not just a mortal formation.

Compared with Di Ze Twenty-Four, the Tianji Panlong Formation still has a lot of room for upgrading.

Immediately, Mu Han deduced the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation without thinking. Since he knew the principle of the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation, he naturally also knew the method to break the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation. "

Chapter 1 Breaking the Formation, Killing and Killing Silence (3/[-])


The Tianji Panlong Formation is a huge stone formation hidden in the depths of Hidden Dragon Ridge, and because Mu Han deduces the Tianji Panlong Formation, he knows that the furious oriental blue dragon is the center of the Tianji Panlong Formation , transformed by Tianji Zenbi!

"Mu Han, do you dare to break the formation?"

Si Ji looked at Mu Han proudly, his face was full of sadness, he knew that Qi Ku was killed by Mu Han, and he judged that it might be bad luck.

Immediately, he asked the rest of Jidi and the Tianji puppet to run the Tianji Panlong Formation together, intending to kill Mu Han.

"Hehe, how dare you block my way with a mere Heavenly Mystery Panlong Formation?"

Mu Han has already deduced the Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation, and knows how to break the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation.

Immediately, he smiled coldly, and the great evil king erupted with a sword intent that could destroy the sky and the earth.


The saber intent swirled furiously, like the power to split the sky, and the expression of death suddenly changed. He suddenly felt that the place where this terrifying saber intent slashed violently was the Tianji Chanbi who had transformed into Dong~Fang Canglong!


Siji didn't expect Mu Han to be able to find the weakest part of the Tianji Panlong Formation. Obviously, he knew the flaw of the Tianji Pan-Dragon Formation.

In an instant, Jidi and Tianji puppets, headed by Death Silence, all swarmed up, exuding a terrifying force like destroying the sky.

However, none of their combined power could block the evil strike of the Great Evil King.


I saw the fierce sword intent of the Great Evil King, directly piercing through the hovering Eastern Blue Dragon.

In an instant, the Dongfang Canglong let out a miserable cry in the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation as if it had been critically struck.


Siji waited for Jidi, the puppet of Tianji, all of them spurted blood wildly. They didn't expect that Mu Han, the great evil king, would severely damage the Tianji Panlong Formation with a single blow.

"He actually knew the flaws of the Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation?"

"How did he know about the Heaven's Mystery Panlong Formation?"

Si Ji and the other Ji Di were all taken aback, and suddenly felt their hearts beating. They knew that Mu Han's single knife cut the Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation almost to pieces.

If he strikes again, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation will be shattered by him.

The Dead Silence and other Jidi, the Heavenly Mystery puppets, are all integrated with the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation. Once the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation is broken, they will probably be implicated and even killed.

With this in mind, will Mu Han break through the heavenly secret and coiling dragon array, such as death and silence?


These celestial puppets rushed towards Mu Han like ghosts, and all of them unleashed extremely terrifying killing moves.

Unexpectedly, the Xuanyin sword energy on Mu Han's body formed the Xuanyin sword armor, which directly caused these heavenly puppets to be strangled to death by the Xuanyin sword energy before they fell into Mu Han's body.

And Mu Han looked at Shi Ji coldly, making the latter take several steps back involuntarily.

"Dead silence, I have said it before, the Heavenly Mystery Coiling Dragon Formation can't stop me at all."

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and waved out the fierce, domineering and murderous Great Evil King, causing the Eastern Blue Dragon to be sliced ​​open with a single knife, and shattered into powder.

And the Eastern Blue Dragon was shattered, and the Tianji Chanbi of the Tianji Panlong Formation also shattered.

The stone array of the entire Tianji Panlong Formation was shattered as if the sky had collapsed and the earth had collapsed.


This shattering force caused those Ji Di to be killed, and Shi Ji was also shaken to the point that his internal organs were shattered. He knelt down on the ground with a pair of eyes showing fear.

Why is Mu Han so powerful?Why was he able to break through the Heavenly Secret Coiling Dragon Formation?

Dead Silence was completely shocked, he felt that he had failed too much, he couldn't help getting angry, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.


After Shi Ji spat out this mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground, motionless.

And as Siji was killed, and the Tianji Coiling Dragon Formation was destroyed, a ray of light suddenly radiated from the Hidden Dragon Ridge.

Then, as a looming oriental blue dragon hovered, the Mieyin battle armor slowly rose out of Hidden Dragon Ridge.

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