"Destroyer Battle Armor!"

Looking at the Mieyin battle armor protruding from the ground in Hidden Dragon Ridge, Mu Leng smiled coldly, cast a large teleportation technique, and teleported there.

In the original book, Mieyin's battle armor is guarded by Duanming, but Mu Han came too fast, and his voice shook Duanming to death.

Therefore, after the Tianji Coiling Dragon Formation was broken, the Mieyin Battle Armor broke through the ground.

"Ding, congratulations, Master, you have obtained the Mie Yin Battle Armor."

Following the system notification sound, Mu Han took the Mieyin Armor into his hands, and he could feel that the Mieyin Armor was extraordinary.

"System, what's the use of the Mie Cause Armor?"

Mu Han had the Xuanyin Sword Armor body protection of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords on his body, and the Mieyin battle armor also looked extraordinary, so he immediately asked the system.

"Ding, this Mieyin Battle Armor is a weapon of the Eastern Canglong Clan. It is invulnerable and powerful. Wearing the Mie Yin Battle Armor is Di Shitian's Sacred Heart Art, and it can't do anything to the master." ····· ····Ask for flowers····· 0

"Ding, but the system recommends that the master wear this extinction armor when going to the Ise Shrine in Japan."

Following a series of prompts from the system, Mu Han also got a general understanding.

Right now, he has the Xuanyin Sword Armor to protect his body, but he doesn't need the Mie Yin Battle Armor, so he immediately put the Mie Yin Battle Armor on the system panel.


With a movement of his body, Mu Han left Hidden Dragon Ridge and entered the deeper part of Hidden Dragon Cave.

And in the deepest part of Hidden Dragon's Cave, Dao Guo had a sad expression, he could feel that it was clear that all suffering and death had been killed by Mu Han.

And Mu Han also broke through the Heavenly Mystery Panlong Formation and obtained the Mie Yin Battle Armor.

Thinking of this, Daoguo suddenly stood up and strode into a cave in Hidden Dragon Cave. .......... ...... 0


He pushed open the stone door, and saw that in the stone room, Dongfang Canglong, the first patriarch of the Dongfang Canglong clan, was enshrined.

"Patriarch, Hidden Dragon's Cave is suffering disaster, and three of the four hidden dragon generals have been killed. Now, Daoguo, in order to guard Hidden Dragon's Cave, specially asks Patriarch to give me the hidden dragon's relic!"

Daoguo looked indifferent, he knew that if he didn't get the hidden dragon relic, he might be killed by Mu Han.

Immediately, he looked up at the Eastern Blue Dragon, but saw a ray of light descending from the sky, and something fell into his palm.

"Hidden dragon relic?"

Looking at the hidden dragon relic in his hand, Dao Guo felt his heart pounding and was very excited.

He opened his mouth to swallow the hidden dragon relic, and then he felt full of strength.

Because of the hidden dragon relic, his cultivation has stepped from the first level of legend to the third level of legend!


Just when Dao Guo swallowed the hidden dragon relic, a long sword in the shape of a dragon suddenly appeared in front of him.

This dragon-shaped long sword exudes a powerful and powerful sword energy, and it is also like a dragon, hovering above the sky.

"The Sword of the Canglong Emperor? It turned out to be the Sword of the Canglong Emperor? Thank you, Patriarch!"

Daoguo was shaking with excitement. He had already taken the hidden dragon relic, and he could still get the Canglong Emperor Sword. It seems that the first patriarch of the Dongfang Canglong clan didn't want others to enter the hidden dragon lair!

"Patriarch, don't worry, Dao Guo will never live up to his trust!"

Dao Guo said this deafening voice, turned and left the stone room!and."

Chapter 2 The Arrogant Dao Fruit, Face Slap on the Spot (3/[-])

Mu Han strode towards the deepest part of the Hidden Dragon Cave. Although Duanming, Kuan, and Jiji among the four Hidden Dragon Generals were killed by one move by him, the deepest Dao fruit hidden by the Four Hidden Dragon Generals has not yet appeared.

"Although I got the Mie Yin Battle Armor, the Sword of Great Harmony must be in the deepest part of the Hidden Dragon Cave. It seems that only by finding the Dao Fruit can we find the Sword of Great Harmony."

Mu Han knew that the Great Harmony Sword, also known as the Canglong Emperor Sword, was a peerless magic weapon used by the first patriarch of the Eastern Canglong Clan.

The Canglong Emperor sword is three feet seven inches long and weighs more than forty catties. It can take people's lives invisible from a distance of one hundred feet, but the blade of the sword is not even stained with blood.

It can be seen that this Canglong Emperor sword is really evil!


This Hidden Dragon Cave is huge, but there are universes inside, besides Hidden Dragon Ridge, there is also a Hidden Dragon River, and in the open space beside this Hidden Dragon River, an old man dressed in white, "Four Seven "Zero" sat cross-legged, surrounded by a terrifying aura of the black dragon.

Name: Dao Guo

Age: 60

Cultivation level: legendary triple realm

Status: One of the four generals of Hidden Dragon in Hidden Dragon Cave.

It turned out that this gray-bearded old man was the Daoguo leader of the four hidden dragon generals, and his cultivation had actually stepped into the third layer of legend?

The cultivation of hidden dragon masters such as Duan Mingchek Shiji is said to be in the first stage, but the Daoguo is much higher than them. This made the corner of Mu Han's mouth twitch a sneer.

Although Daoguo has stepped into the legendary third-level realm, his cultivation base is far from the legendary sixth-level realm. Mu Han looked at Daoguo indifferently, and the aura of the blue dragon on his body seemed to be different.

And this hidden dragon river is quite like the dragon veins of the entire Eastern Canglong clan.

"Why did you come to Hidden Dragon Cave? Where did the Holy King go?"

Daoguo knew that Juanming, Qiku, Siji and others all died at the hands of Mu Han, so he directly asked Mu Han why he was able to find the Hidden Dragon Cave?Without the help of the Holy King of Fuyu Kingdom, Mu Han would never have found this place.

However, Mu Han was the only person who entered Hidden Dragon's Lair. It stands to reason that the Holy King is ambitious, and he would never let the Canglong Emperor Sword and Mieyin Battle Armor be given to others, right?

"Holy King? He has been killed."

Mu Han's expression was extremely calm, and he couldn't see any waves. He looked at Daoguo coldly, and saw the latter's closed eyes suddenly opened, making the air around the entire Hidden Dragon Dark River become icy cold. repressed.


At this time, the Xuanyin sword energy on Mu Han's body formed the Xuanyin sword armor, which directly blocked Daoguo's killing intent, and made Daoguo feel his heart pounding, as if he felt a breath of death.

"What? You killed the Holy King?"

Daoguo looked at Mu Han in surprise, and really wanted to slap him. The Holy King is the direct descendant of the Dongfang Canglong clan. If the Holy King is killed, the entire Dongfang Canglong clan will become extinct.

Thinking of this, Daoguo suddenly stood up from the ground, the aura of the blue dragon on his body directly turned into a blue dragon that was furiously flying on the hidden dragon lair, and looked at Mu Han fiercely.


At this time, the hovering blue dragon turned into a sword of the Canglong Emperor with a majestic sword intent, emitting an incomparably powerful Canglong sword energy.

And Daoguo looked at Mu Han coldly, with a ferocious killing intent erupting all over his body. Daoguo knew that if the Holy King was killed, the Dongfang Canglong clan would have no descendants, and this Hidden Dragon Cave would no longer exist. value.

Moreover, among the four generals of the Tibetan Dragon, except for himself, all of them were killed. Now that he has obtained the Canglong relic and the Canglong Emperor sword, as long as he runs out from under Mu Han's hand, he will be able to shock one side.

Immediately, that Daoguo looked at Mu Han viciously, he watched all directions, listened to all directions, and wanted to find a way to escape.

However, under Mu Han's powerful sword intent, Daoguo felt that his surroundings were blocked by Mu Han's sword intent, and unless he killed Mu Han, there was no possibility of escaping.

Immediately, Daoguo felt that Mu Han was too arrogant. Could it be that even with the Canglong relic and the Canglong Emperor sword, he couldn't resist Mu Han?

"Hehe, Daoguo, do you think you can resist me if you get the Canglong relic and the Canglong Emperor sword?"

Mu Han looked at Daoguo with a calm expression, there was no wave between his brows, as if he had nothing to do with the world.

However, the not-too-distant Daoguo felt a terrifying and suffocating breath rushing towards him.


Even with the Canglong relic, even with the Canglongdi sword, Daoguo was still disturbed by Mu Han's burst of breath, and spit blood from his mouth.

He didn't expect that Mu Han was so powerful that it was just a word, a single word, which could make him in the third level of legend feel extremely depressed.

He finally understood that Mu Han is an evildoer who dominates the world, but he won the Canglong relic and the Canglong Emperor sword, and he would never give it to Mu Han...


As this thought emerged in Daoguo's heart, the aura of the blue dragon that spread all over his body suddenly turned into the power of countless blue dragons, and rushed towards Mu Han like a surge.

But Mu Han still stood there, looking at Daoguo coldly, which made the latter feel even more uneasy.

He didn't understand why Mu Han didn't even dodge. Could it be that he was really that powerful?

"Mu Han, this old man used the Canglong Emperor sword to kill you today."

Dao Guo glared at Mu Han angrily. As the fourth general of Hidden Dragon in Hidden Dragon Cave, he has never been so underestimated by others.

Now, he knew in his heart that if he didn't kill Mu Han, it would be impossible for him to escape from Hidden Dragon's Lair.

Immediately, the incomparably ferocious Canglong killed Mu Han crazily, but Mu Han still didn't move.

"Hehe, some people just like to overestimate their capabilities and like to be brave."

Mu Han smiled faintly, he took a step forward suddenly, and saw that the Xuanyin sword armor of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords smashed all the power of the rushing blue dragons like destroying the sky and the earth.

At this time, Mu Han was merciless, and the true energy of the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin turned into swords, rolling in like six thunders and sword energy, making Dao Guo's heart suddenly thump.


The power of the thunder was like shaking the sky and cracking the earth, and the entire Hidden Dragon Cave seemed to collapse.

And those incomparably fierce sword qi also surged furiously, killing this black dragon's qi, with a tendency of 5.7 to disintegrate.

"What? Even the power of the Canglong can't resist Mu Han's move?"

Dao Guo was completely shocked, like being slapped in the face, his eyes widened, and he looked at the Canglong Qi in panic, all of which were shattered by the Xuanyin Twelve Swords in the air.

Such a terrifying scene was unexpected, and he didn't expect that he would lose so quickly.


When Daoguo was still in shock, the Xuanyin sword energy smashed the dragon's energy and did not let him go.

In an instant, he saw several horrific sword qi, killing them directly, causing the sky to split, Daoguo's expression changed suddenly, and he knew that he couldn't dodge it!


Those streaks of mysterious Yin sword energy directly penetrated Dao Guo's body, causing him to open his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. "

Chapter 3 Fusion, Legendary Seventh Realm (3/[-])

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