Unexpectedly, Mu Han came to him like a ghost, causing his expression to change suddenly, and he took several steps back subconsciously.

Deng Deng!

The Yuelai Inn, which was so noisy like chickens and dogs jumping around, became completely silent. The servants and nurses brought by the young man in Jinyi all looked at the handsome Mu Han in white in surprise.

Who is this man in white?He is not afraid of Young Master Jin Yi?Don't you know that his father is the magistrate of Yangzhou?

However, because the Young Master in Jinyi did not issue orders, these servants and nursing homes all stood where they were, and none of them stepped forward to rescue them.

What's more, they, the guards, could feel the terrifying murderous intent emanating from Mu Han's body, which made them feel that Mr. Jinyi is under the control of others.

If they attack and kill the past, it is very likely that the man in white will be forced to take the risk and kill the young master.

This Young Master in Jinyi is the only son of the magistrate of Yangzhou, who of them can afford it?

Thinking of this, the entire Yuelai Inn became silent, Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and other girls stood beside Mu Han, making the young man in brocade clothes dazzled.

"You, who are you? Do you know that my father is the magistrate of Yangzhou? If you touch my finger at 710, my father will never forgive you."

The magistrate of Yangzhou is the parental official of Yangzhou City. The father of this young man in brocade clothes is greedy and covers the sky with only one hand in Yangzhou City.

If he stepped on the ground a few times, the whole city of Yangzhou would tremble. Therefore, although Mr. Jin Yi was afraid of Mu Han, he raised his head and pretended to be calm.

He knew that when Mu Han heard that his father was the magistrate of Yangzhou, he would be scared to death.

"Oh? Your father is the magistrate of Yangzhou?"

"That's right, my father is the magistrate of Yangzhou, boy in white, are you afraid? Haha, look at the whole Yangzhou city, my young master will tremble a few times if I stomp my feet. Now, if you obediently leave these little ladies , I will let you live."

Young Master Jin Yi saw Mu Han's calm expression, so he decided that Mu Han was afraid of him.

Since he was often reprimanded by his father for his misbehavior in Yangzhou City, he did not dare to blatantly snatch away Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and other girls this time.

He wanted to force Mu Han to withdraw voluntarily, and then, even if his father asked about it, he would be able to justify it.

Immediately, he looked at Mu Han with a proud and excited expression, which made Mu Han smile coldly.


Mu Han joked coldly, raised his hand and slapped the young man in brocade in the face, causing the latter to fly upside down like a paper kite with a broken string, and smashed straight to the door of Yuelai Inn with a bang.


The young man in brocade clothes was hit by the impact of this slap, including the person and the door, and fell from the Yuelai Inn to the street.

He only felt that the bones in his body seemed to be split, and his cheeks showed a bewildered expression. He didn't expect that this man in white would slap him across the face in full view of everyone.


Everyone present was in an uproar, they gasped in shock, they thought Mu Han was too powerful, right?

Dare to slap Mr. Jinyi in the face with a single slap, this clearly does not take the magistrate of Yangzhou seriously.

This surprise made everyone present look stunned, they didn't understand why Mu Han had the courage to slap Mr. Jinyi in the face.

Could it be that he didn't know that Young Master Jinyi's father was the magistrate of Yangzhou?


The young man in brocade clothes opened his mouth and spit out a few teeth, he pointed at Mu Han angrily, but for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

And those family guards were all stunned, looking at the young master in Jinyi who had been brutally slapped by Mu Han.

Although everyone present was sweating for Mu Han, they also admired him for being able to slap Mr. Jinyi.

You know, this young man in brocade clothes is used to being domineering in Yangzhou City, and everyone has long disliked him.

However, his father is the magistrate of Yangzhou, and everyone is weak, so they can only turn a blind eye.

If you meet him on the road, you must avoid him and run away.

But now, Mu Han slapped Mr. Jinyi with a slap, which made everyone excited (bfej) from the bottom of their hearts.

"You, you dare to slap me? My father is the magistrate of Yangzhou."

Young Master Jinyi yelled again extremely arrogantly, he couldn't believe that Mu Han slapped him in the face in full view.

You especially made him lose face in front of all the girls, this made Mr. Jinyi furious, he really wanted these guards to kill Mu Han.

However, the guards of these servants had already been frightened by Mu Han's ability to slap Young Master Jinyi, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Although everyone didn't know what Mu Han's background was, they were also shocked to the bottom of their hearts.

"Oh, your father is the magistrate of Yangzhou."

"My father is the magistrate of Yangzhou. Are you tired of working on Tai Sui's head?"

Obviously, Mr. Jinyi was still very arrogant. Although he was so scared that Mu Han covered his face, his expression was still extremely proud and arrogant.

"So what can the magistrate of Yangzhou do? He's just an ant."

The corner of Mu Han's mouth twitched into a sneer, his extremely cold voice surprised Young Master Jinyi.

"You, what did you say?"

He subconsciously stepped back a few steps, unable to believe that Mu Han actually said this sentence.

The magistrate of Yangzhou looks like an ant?

Everyone present gasped in shock, who is this person?Why is he not afraid of the magistrate of Yangzhou?

In an instant, everyone's expressions suddenly changed in fright, fearing that they would avoid it.

And Mr. Jinyi was even more restless. Before he could recover, he saw Mu Han's figure falling in front of him again.

"Your father is nothing but an ant, but you are worse than an ant."

These words were like the sound of death, causing Young Master Jinyi to be torn into pieces by an external force amidst the miserable screams and in full view of everyone.

However, Mu Han and the others left the Yuelai Inn amidst everyone's panic-stricken expressions.

Zhao Ling'er and the other women only felt that they were happy, that young man in brocade clothes was too arrogant, he deserved death.


Mu Han, Zhao Ling'er and other girls soon arrived outside Yangzhou city.

After he settled his daughters, he returned to Yangzhou City alone.

If the magistrate of Yangzhou knew that his son was killed in the Yuelai Inn, then the Yuelai Inn and the onlookers would definitely be persecuted.

How could the magistrate of Yangzhou not know his son's nature?He will definitely make Yangzhou City bloody and bloody, and there will be no peace.

This is also one of the reasons why Mu Han returned to Yangzhou City.


Outside the city of Yangzhou, before Mu Han left the girls, he set up the five-spirit magic circle to guard against evil spirits attacking the girls.

All the girls knew that Mu Han would come back soon, and they watched Mu Han transform into a sword light and go straight to Qing Ming.

In an instant, Mu Han, who was dressed in white like snow and as handsome as a fairy, went away with his sword and disappeared! "

Chapter 44 The furious magistrate of Yangzhou (please subscribe!)

Maybe it was because I was too tired from playing last night, and the magistrate of Yangzhou didn't wake up until the sun was three poles.

After he put on his plain clothes, he saw that the concubine was still sleeping on the bed, so he touched her soft and sexy cheek.


The little concubine grabbed the wrist of the magistrate of Yangzhou coquettishly, which made the chubby magistrate feel very uncomfortable in his arms.

This little concubine was the number one at the Yihong Courtyard in the Slender West Lake in Yangzhou City back then, but now, isn't she trained by herself to be submissive?

Thinking of this, the magistrate of Yangzhou felt a sense of accomplishment. He knew what this annoying little fairy wanted, so he reached out and patted her extremely smooth back.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you today, obediently wash it at home, and the master will listen to you at night."

The magistrate of Yangzhou knew that he could not indulge in it for too long, so he hurriedly said this sentence, causing the concubine to hang her head shyly and laugh out loud under the quilt.

The magistrate of Yangzhou stepped out of the room, and just as he was about to leave the room and step out of the door, he suddenly bumped into a figure outside the door, almost bumping into his arms.

The figure seemed flustered and almost knocked him to the ground. He looked up at the man, only to realize that he was the housekeeper of the mansion, and the servant who accompanied his son all the time.

Seeing the flustered expression of the housekeeper, the magistrate of Yangzhou couldn't help but frowned slightly. Could it be that this bastard is running amok again in Yangzhou city and causing trouble?


"what happened?"

Seeing the flustered appearance of the housekeeper, the magistrate of Yangzhou was full of anger. He gently closed the door and strode into the courtyard.

A patter of rain fell from the sky, making the air extremely fresh, but it was hard to wash away the boredom in his heart.

He has always told his son to keep a low profile and not to be arrogant. Although he is the magistrate of Yangzhou, he also knows how much he is.

Now, the housekeeper hurried over, and the Yangzhou magistrate knew that nothing good would happen.

"Master, something is bad."

"what happened?"

The butler's hesitant and hesitant expression made the Yangzhou magistrate really want to slap him.

Your sister, did you take the wrong medicine?Or is the sky falling?Can you finish the sentence at once?

Looking at the butler's bitter face, the magistrate of Yangzhou really wanted to kick him.

"Master, the young master is dead."

"Oh, let's die."

The magistrate of Yangzhou followed the butler's words casually, which made the butler dumbfounded. The young master died, but the master didn't care?

Usually, the young master bumped into each other, and the master was anxious like an ant on fire, but now it was extremely abnormal, making the housekeeper think that the master didn't hear clearly?

The magistrate of Yangzhou didn't understand at all. Fortunately, he was relieved and suddenly thought that he seemed to have missed something somewhere.

Master is dead?

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