Your sister, isn't the butler's young master his son?


The magistrate of Yangzhou only felt his eyebrows twitch, he turned to look at the housekeeper, causing the latter to step back several steps in fright.

"Master, the young master is indeed dead."

When the butler saw that the master had regained his composure, he reiterated his words, causing the Yangzhou magistrate to reach out and grab his collar.

His face was full of anger, obviously very angry.

He is just such a son, which god killed him, killed his son?This meal made the magistrate of Yangzhou very angry, he just felt that it was hard for him to swallow this breath no matter what.

"Master, the young master was killed by a man in white."

The housekeeper was so frightened that he knew that the magistrate of Yangzhou had always been ruthless, so he hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed with a thud.

"The man in white? What about others?"

He remembered that when his son went out today, he brought a lot of people. Why was he killed?

Could it be that the man in white is extremely powerful?Even if he is extremely powerful, it is impossible for him to be arrogant in Yangzhou City, right?

In an instant, the magistrate of Yangzhou really wanted to catch the man in white and kill him.

"Master, the man in white is gone."

"Missing? Hmph, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, I have to find it for the old man and draw his image immediately."

"Yes, master, the servant will do it now."

"My son was killed, my son was killed, is my son's body still there?"

"Master, the young master was killed with one move and turned into ashes."

"Damn it, he actually destroyed the corpse? Man in white, I must kill you."

The housekeeper looked at his master in shock, the magistrate of Yangzhou who covered the sky with one hand in Yangzhou City, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was so enraged that his eyes became red like blood due to hatred. · ··Ask for flowers· 0

He wants to catch the murderer who killed his son and crush him to ashes.

Thinking of this, the magistrate of Yangzhou clenched his fists and looked angry.

"Go, find the man in white."

The magistrate of Yangzhou felt that the man in white who killed his son was not far away, so he planned to send people to search everywhere. Even if the whole Yangzhou city was turned upside down, he still had to find the murderer who killed his son.

However, just as he was about to walk out of the government office, he saw the panic on the face of the housekeeper beside him. He looked up to the sky in surprise, which made the Yangzhou magistrate also look up.

I saw a handsome man in white clothes standing above the government office. His three-dimensional facial features with sharp edges and corners made the magistrate of Yangzhou feel ashamed. .......... .. 0

There is such a beautiful and handsome man in the world?

The magistrate of Yangzhou was a little confused. At the beginning, he didn't understand why the housekeeper showed a surprised look.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly realized that this beautiful man standing above the government office was dressed in white clothes and was spotless.

Could it be that he was the murderer who killed my son?

The magistrate of Yangzhou looked at the man in white with a little surprise, but his heart was full of anger.

"Hehe, the magistrate of Yangzhou, you left the house in such a hurry, are you looking for your son?"

This white-clothed man was Mu Han who had gone and returned. He knew very well that the servants of those Young Masters in Jin Yi would definitely tell the prefect of Yangzhou about his killing of Young Master Jin Yi.

Therefore, he went directly to the government office of the prefect of Yangzhou, and met the prefect of Yangzhou who hurried out.

When Mu Han smiled, he used his soul power to infiltrate it, broadcasting all the memories of the Yangzhou magistrate in front of him like a movie clip.

The magistrate of Yangzhou has done a lot of evil, and he is a fish and meat villager. He hurried out just to avenge his son.

Immediately, Mu Han looked at the magistrate of Yangzhou with contempt on his face, causing the latter to roar angrily: "Boy in white, I don't care who you are, if you kill my son, I will make you pay for it!"

Obviously, the magistrate of Yangzhou was blinded by hatred, he had no idea that if Mu Han wanted to kill him, all he needed was a finger.


Mu Han coldly looked at the magistrate of Yangzhou, causing the latter's expression to change suddenly, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.ten."

Chapter 45 Innocent Anu (please subscribe!)

In a hidden cave outside Yangzhou City, dozens of figures sat cross-legged, bursting out with an incomparably ferocious aura.


The leading man in black put a piece of white jade like a full moon in his arms on top of his head.

At this time, everyone bowed down to the white jade plate devoutly, only to see a milky white luster emanating from the white jade plate.

In an instant, a figure appeared on the white jade plate. He was tall and majestic, and his expression revealed an aura of arrogance.

"See the leader!"

"See the leader!"

Following the pious shouts of dozens of men in black in the cave, the figure in the white jade nodded in satisfaction.

It turned out that he was the Moon Worship Sect Master!

And these men in black are disciples of the Moon Worship Sect who came to Yangzhou City from Nanzhao Kingdom.

"Master, the subordinates and others have detected Mu Han's traces on July [-]th. Zhao Linger and Mu Han are together. Master, shall we do something?"

The leader of the Moon Worshipers looked at the Moon Worshiper with worship, and he informed the Moon Worshiper of all the news he had found in Yangzhou City.

It turned out that when Mu Han killed Young Master Jinyi, there were disciples of the Moon Worship Sect among those onlookers.

They saw Mu Han slap Young Master Jinyi with their own eyes, so they hurried back to the secret base of the Moon Worship Sect in Yangzhou City, and the sub-ruler of the Moon Worship Sect told the Moon Worship Sect Master about this.

The white jade plate is the communication device for the disciples of the Moon Worship Sect to communicate, and it can show their silhouettes.

"Oh? Mu Han has already arrived in Yangzhou City? It seems that he is getting closer and closer to the Nanzhao Kingdom. You wait for the opportunity and rush back to the Moon Worship Sect immediately after getting Zhao Ling'er."

The deep and indifferent gaze of the Lord of the Moon Worship came out from the white jade plate, making the dozens of Moon Worshipers feel a chill in their hearts.

I saw a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then heard the frosty voice of the Moon Worshiper.

"Yes, the leader can rest assured, the subordinates and others will definitely take the princess away."

The leader of the Moon Worshipers knew that if they snatched the princess to Nanzhao Kingdom, they would definitely be reused by the Moon Worshiper. Perhaps the leader had a whim and appointed them all as protectors.

Thinking of this, these dozens of Moon Worshipers were all very excited, with even more smug expressions on their cheeks.

"Oh, by the way, it is said that Elder Shi also came to the Central Plains, have you ever met him?"

Thinking that the elder Shi, the elder of the dynasty, also came to the Central Plains, intending to snatch Zhao Ling'er away, the voice of the Moon Worshiping Sect Master became more and more cold.

That Elder Shi used to be his mentor, and he didn't want to tear himself apart with him, so these Moon Worshipers were not allowed to disturb Elder Shi.

"Reporting to the leader, it is said that Elder Shi met Mu Han, and those warriors from the Nanzhao Kingdom were killed by Mu Han."

"Mu Han killed a warrior from the Nanzhao Kingdom, where is Elder Shi?"

The Patriarch of the Moon Worship suddenly felt tense in his heart. He was ruthless and ungrateful. He had no emotions or desires. Why did he still have emotional fluctuations when he heard the news that Elder Shi was in danger?

This meal made the Moon Worshiper feel very puzzled, but after he calmed down for a while, he suppressed this emotion.

"Elder Shi is still alive. He was not killed by Mu Han. It is said that Elder Shi has already gone to Nanzhao Kingdom."

The Moon Worshiper didn't know why the Moon Worshiper cared so much about Elder Shi. He told the leader what he knew, which made the Moon Worshiper heave a sigh of relief.

"Well, I understand, you must be careful about robbing the princess, by the way, did Anu find it?"

The master of worshiping the moon suddenly thought that the girl Anu had gone somewhere, so he sent her to the Central Plains to find the princess. The little girl should have arrived, but there was still no news.

"Master, Anu has not been found yet. The Central Plains is vast and rich in resources. Our abilities are limited, and Anu has not been found yet."

The Moon Worshiper didn't lie either, he really didn't find any trace of Anu, this little girl seemed to evaporate from the world after leaving Nanzhao Kingdom.

"Bai Yue uncle, Anu is here!"

Suddenly, a young girl of the Miao nationality appeared in the cave. She was delicate and charming, and she was extremely beautiful.

The Miao girl seemed to appear out of nowhere, causing the dozens of Moon Worshipers to be stunned.

But when these moon worshipers were at a loss, they saw Anu pull out dozens of small bugs from his arms.

"not good."

Seeing Anu's movements, the Moon Worshiper in the white jade plate was shocked and hurriedly let the Moon Worshipers leave.

Unexpectedly, before these Moon Worshipers could recover, Anu's scalloped fingers shot these bugs onto these Moon Worshipers.


These small insects will disappear when they touch the skin, and these dozens of Luna worshipers feel their whole bodies are soft, and they all fainted amidst a thumping sound... …

And when the leader of the Moon Worshipers was about to throw the white jade plate on the ground, Anu hurriedly took the white jade plate in her hand, and she giggled at the Moon Worshiper in the white jade plate.

"Uncle Baiyue, I'm good, these are sleepy Gu, they got sleepy Gu, they wake up after falling asleep."

Anu was innocent and innocent, he had no intention of harming these Moon Worshipers, so he told the Moon Worshiper about the Gu worms they had.

"Oh, it turned out to be Sleepy Gu, Anu is really powerful, did the princess find it?"

The leader of worshiping the moon smiled awkwardly, your sister, I was able to catch the princess with great difficulty, and this little girl, Anu, came to spoil my good deeds again.

Fortunately, the master of worshiping the moon is very well-trained, and he also knows that he is using Anu, and he can't tear himself apart with Anu, so he rubs his hands and looks awkwardly at the dozens of worshiping moons lying on the ground sleeping soundly believers.

Don't look at Anu's innocence, but she has the essence of Miao Gu art. These sleepy Gu will only make these Luna worshipers sleep, and will not hurt them.

This meal made the Moon Worshiping Sect Master heave a sigh of relief. It seemed that the plan to snatch the princess could only be shelved for a day.

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