Asahi tapped her head with a spoon, and said, "What are you thinking about? I can afford to raise a mere Yanzhu. I pushed off the matter of the research institute and wanted to find an easier job. I can free up more time. Accompany you."

"Ah, it's great to be unemployed!" Yeonju jumped up happily.

Rentaro asked concerned: "So, what is Asaba-san's plan for the future?"

"Maybe I will become a police officer." Asagi said with a smile, "Maybe we will become colleagues."

Yanzhu doubted: "You?"

"I don't doubt your erudition, the battle is just..." Rentaro looked embarrassed.

Asahi murmured: "If I were ten years younger, I would still be able to single out the Zodiac... Hey, what are your expressions, am I a bragging, stupid dad?!"

Yeon Joo smiled and said, "No one said that~"

Rentaro thought: If you were ten years younger, you would be younger than Enju.

After a joke, Asaba said casually: "Rentaro, stay for dinner tonight."

"No, thank you. I have returned to Zhao completely."

Rentaro got on his bicycle and pedaled vigorously, his figure disappeared at the end of the ramp.Asahi wanted to sigh in an old-fashioned tone: What a good boy.

Satomi Rentaro, an ordinary Japanese high school student, whose true identity is the experimental subject of the "New Human Creation Project" - a mechanized soldier.The right hand, right foot, and right eye have all been modified by Asaba and Muroto.Currently the "promoter" of Aihara Enju.

Hitomi Qianyu retracted her gaze and closed the door.During the meal, Asaha had been planning to open up the topic, so she couldn't be as lifeless as usual.On the way home, he detoured to the bookstore to buy some reference materials: "How to Be a Dad", "Raising a Daughter as a Wife", "A Father's Love Is Like a Mountain"...

I feel that my knowledge level has been greatly improved.

"What monster did you encounter today?"

Hitomi Asagi considered her tone.He was indifferent before, because with her IP ranking, the danger is no more than Phase II.

Sumire Muroto once said: "Asaba, you are so strong that you are not even an opponent at stage V. No matter what level of gastritis Enju defeated, you will not be taken seriously by you. That's how the child desperately wants Got your approval."

Yeonju seemed to be talking, and said happily: "Ah, there really are piranhas in reality. It's a guy infected with animal and plant genes. Because he can't move, he was knocked out by his concubine."

Asahi leaned on her face, listened patiently, and said with a smile, "As expected of my daughter."

Concubine... was praised?

Aihara Enju was stunned, and the sockets of her eyes turned red.

"Hey, why are your eyes red? Could it be the outbreak of the original enterovirus?" Qian Yu was in a hurry, just like taking care of a baby girl ten years ago.

"No, I'm just too happy."

Aihara Enju opened her big watery eyes with a lovely smile.The only fly in the ointment was that rice grains were on the corner of her mouth, and Asaba reached out to wipe it away.

Yeonju blushes pretty.Is it coming? It's the plot where the elder brother gently eats the rice grains on the younger sister's mouth!

Then, Asaba flicked away.

"Such an opportunity, shouldn't you pick it up and eat it?" Yanzhu smiled stiffly.

"No, it's unhygienic."

"Give back your tears to my concubine!"

After taking a shower at night, Aihara Enju ran around wrapped in a towel, sat on a small bench, and asked Asaba to help dry her hair.The whistling hot wind was blowing on her little face, and the little loli squinted her eyes, showing a comfortable expression like a kitten.The long orange hair fluttered in the wind, and there was even a trace of feminine charm.

Asagi smiled secretly: You are infected with the gene of the cat instead of the rabbit.

"It's time for an injection."

Hitomi Asaba held the injection gun and loaded it with a green reagent.This is the original enterovirus inhibitor, but the effect is very limited.Yeonju stretched out her arms obediently, pursed her lips, and stared intently.Asakusa pulled the trigger, leaving only a small bleeding point from the needle, and retracted the injection gun.

"All right."

Relieved, Yanju lay down on the tatami and said, "The task is finally completed!"

Asahi sneered: "You are still a child who is afraid of injections."

"Because, it really hurts." Yanzhu pouted.

For the rest of the day, Asagi accompanied Yanju to watch animations - her favorite show "Tenzhu Girls", a story about a group of lolitas transforming into monsters.

"Put your heart, heavenly punishment? Heavenly punishment?!"

A sweet voice came from the TV.Yeonju also learned to cheer, jumping up and down in a shameful pose, and muttering "Tian Zhu Tian Zhu!"

The bath towel couldn't cover the figure of the child, revealing a large area of ​​whiteness.

"At least put Pangji on!" Shouted Asaba.

While watching TV, Aihara Enju rolled on the tatami, like spring rolls spread out, revealing her naked body.She pressed the bath towel, wriggled like a cute caterpillar, and leaned in front of Asagi, puffing out her barren chest.If it wasn't for her beautiful long hair and lower body, she wouldn't be able to recognize her as a girl.

"Are you fascinated by my concubine's body?"

If he was really fascinated, it should be this weird smile.

"Yes." He said blankly, "It's time to sleep."

Amidst Yanzhu's protest, Hitomi Asaba turned off the TV, and pulled the towel with unceasing strength, like a superb whip technique.I saw Yanzhu rolled around involuntarily and was wrapped into spring rolls.Then, Asaba picked up the fragrant loli and threw it into the closet.

There was Yeonju's bed, although he did not spend the night safely.

"Gentleness is really a lie. I want to kill you, open the door!" Yanzhu slapped the closet.

Hitomi Asaba only learned one trick, the correct way to raise a loli.

Anyway, in the end, a certain loli would quietly crawl out of the closet, roll into Asagi's bed with skillful movements, and then start grabbing the quilt.

In the middle of the night, Qian Yutong woke up from the cold, couldn't see the strands of Yanzhu, and kicked off the quilt again at some point.

"What a careless fellow."

Qian Yu was afraid that Yanzhu would catch a cold, so she hugged her and got into bed together.

No matter how many times you will kick the quilt, let me be this quilt.

In her sleep, Yanzhu seemed to feel something, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.Asaba pressed against her forehead, unconsciously showing a happy smile.

"Good night, my precious girl."

The next day, a roar broke the morning silence.

"Yeonjoo, you drew a map again, and this time you pissed all over me!"

"Concubine, concubine... because it's too warm." Yanzhu said with a blushing face, "Don't be angry. It's a big deal, I will let you draw again..."

PS: The birthday of Loli Shrine!

Chapter 151


In the early morning, Hitomi Asayu was woken up in her sleep, rubbed her hair and went downstairs, exuding strong resentment.

"Come on, who is it?"

A sweet female voice sounded outside the door: "A courier."

When I opened the door, the girl was wearing a pink kimono, dazzling with flowers.Two bundles of long dark hair in a spiral shape hang down to her chest, holding a folding fan, exuding the temperament of a rich lady.A luxury car was parked outside the door, and the bodyguard in a suit and sunglasses handed over a heavy suitcase respectfully.

"Sima Weizhi?" Qian Yu asked in surprise.

Weizhi knocked on the fan, and said in a soft voice, "I'm here to give you equipment, Asaba~"

"speak English."

"It's really indifferent. I heard that you want to be a policeman, so I came here to care for you as soon as possible." Wei Zhi opened the fan to cover the delicate lower half of his face, "The gun you designed has already been made."

Sima Weizhi, the daughter of the president of Sima Heavy Industry Company, is also a long-term partner.Hitomi Asagi once helped Sima Heavy Industries develop many high-precision firearms, and also commissioned them to realize some wild ideas.The "express delivery" delivered this time is one of them.

Hitomi Asaba cleaned the coffee table, opened the suitcase, and revealed a pistol.To be precise, it is not a modern gun type, but more like a medieval musket.Single shot, the ammunition capacity is very small, so that the R&D personnel have never been able to understand the intention of Hitomi Asaba.He touched the exquisite texture of the gun body and showed a satisfied smile.

"What's the child's name?" Weizhi leaned over and asked.


The design of this gun is all about usability.At the same time, a variety of bullets of the same specification, armor-piercing bullets, Dum bullets, mercury bullets... can be adapted to different combat needs.There was a dazzling array of ammunition in the suitcase, and Asagi just glanced at it to confirm that it was correct, and then closed the suitcase.

Asaha issued the eviction order: "OK, I will test the performance myself. Go well, don't send it away."

"Wait, Asaha-chan, I saw through your hidden strength from the first time we met, and decided that you are my future husband. I really don't want to come to my police company..." Miori was in a hurry.

"Not interested in."

This woman acted like a cow, being pushed away by Qian Yu.

"Irreverent, what are you doing to Missy?!"

The bodyguards in black swarmed up and were thrown out one by one by Asaha.Under Sima Weizhi's soft and weak appearance, Sima Liu's profound meaning was hidden, closing the folding fan, it was like an unsheathed sharp sword piercing Qian Yu's ribs.The girl only felt light, and the fan fell into Qian Yu's hands.

Hitomi Asaba twirled her fingertips and stuffed the folding fan into the kimono, the depth of the cleavage was just right.Then, Sima Weizhi was also thrown out, and sat down at the door.Behind him, the door closed heavily.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong..."

Aihara Enju rubbed her eyes and said, "It's so noisy, the doorbell keeps ringing."

"No, you heard it wrong." Asagi remained unchanged, "Remember Yanzhu. If there are bad people knocking on the door, you must not open it."

That woman is too much trouble.

"Bastard, you can live alone with a gun as your wife!"

Miss Sima stomped her feet in anger, and suddenly smiled while rubbing her chest, a blush appeared on her cheeks.Recalling the moment when the folding fan fell into the kimono, is it skin-to-skin?You are so strong and handsome, so fascinating.

"Where is the sword, I'll look for it..."

Qian Yutong dug three feet into the ground and finally found Yaodao Murura.It has not been used for many years, and it is used to pad the table legs, causing the pearl to be covered with dust.When he wiped the blade carefully and put on the guard again, he felt a sense of blood boiling.

About ten years.Time can really change a lot of things.

Start being a police officer today.Hitomi Asaba put on a black trench coat, Evelyn plugged it in, and Murasame tied around her waist.Eyebrows starred and swords eyed, the instrument is imposing, exuding a biting aura.

"Let's go."

Yanzhu was slightly taken aback, blushing, and said: "Today Qianyu seems to have more noodles than usual."

"You're sweet."

Asaba sent Yanju to school, drove the navigation around the Tokyo area, and stopped at the door of a love hotel.He looked up, and there was a signboard of Tiantong Civil Security Company hanging in a remote corner.

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