"Is it here? The police company that Rentaro and Enju belong to." Asaha was not sure.

It's too shabby too.

He knocked on the door of the office, only to see the powerful calligraphy on the wall - "grinding through the iron inkstone".What came into view was a narrow room. A long, black, straight girl lay weakly on the desk, clutching her stomach.As he got closer, he faintly heard Su Sui Nian.

"I'm so hungry. Let's save a breakfast for weight loss. I'm so hungry that I don't want to go to school anymore. Let's just use 'period' as an excuse. Will there be too many menstrual holidays this month?"

Hitomi Qianyu suppressed a smile and cleared her throat: "Excuse me, is this the Tiantong Office?"

The girl sat up excitedly, looking like an elegant and dignified lady, and asked expectantly: "Breakfast?"

In short, if there is an entrustment to come to the door, it means that the Jianghu rescue will deliver breakfast.The poor young lady looked at Qian Yutong with something wrong, and her saliva was about to flow out.The black long straight girl has a delicate and beautiful face, Qian Yu turned over and over and only saw two words - "eating people".


The girl got down again, waved her hand and said, "Last month's utility bills have already been paid, and we will pay next month. This is not a Love Hotel, please go downstairs for compensation."

"I want to be a policeman."

This falls within the scope of business.

The girl looked up and down, and then glanced at the luxury car with the Sima Heavy Industry logo downstairs.Probably a rich second generation who came out to prostitute, and thought the police were so fun.She has no interest in reminding, as long as it can generate income.


"Shallow Hitomi."

"Come here and scan your face."

Hitomi Asagi's identity information popped up on the computer screen.The girl glanced at it and frowned slightly.Except for the name and photo, the file was locked, and only the words S-level top secret were written.

What level of wealthy family does this have to be?Asaba...even I haven't heard of it, people from other regions?

"Strange, have you ever been a policeman before?"

Asaha recalled for a while, and said: "It seems to be true. I killed some gastritis before, and then gave me an IP address."

"Is it the IP ranking? It is stipulated and issued by the International Initiator Supervisory Organization (IISO for short), and the ranking is based on the number of gastrulations defeated and the results established."

"Ah, that's it!" Qian Yu suddenly realized.

The IP address... so stupid, it was bought with money, right?The kind outside of hundreds of thousands of people.

The girl puffed up her face and tried hard to hold back her smile.

"Where's your starter?"


The civilian police adopt the method of cooperating with promoters and initiators.Promoters are generally normal people, while initiators are "cursed children".This is surveillance in disguise.If necessary, kill the accursed son on the spot before he becomes gastrulated.There are also some rich people who like perverted games.

No one cares whether the cursed son lives or dies.Such rich people can be replenished at any time as many as they die.How many have been replaced?

Thinking of the poor red-eyed loli, Tiantongmu's heart darkened even more.

PS: Some people say that they want the weapon of the blood curse, so I will take Evelyn.

Chapter 152 Tendo Kigeng

The loli in this world are assigned by the package, it is simply a paradise for lolicon.

"This firm does not provide starters, you can report to the IISO Association and wait for assignment."

The attitude of the black, long and straight girl was suddenly cold, so women are really fickle.

Hitomi Asaba probably guessed that the other party misunderstood.He didn't say anything, but said: "No need, I can do it alone. I also want to try to find a partner that suits me, let's go with the fate."

Tiantongmu murmured in his heart: Hmph, I am so confident.

"Exchange the contact information, and I will transfer the police call request to you. Install the positioning system on the mobile phone, and only issue tasks with difficulty in stage I for you, no problem?" Mu Geng's eyes revealed a sly look.


The girl crossed her arms, posed in an elegant pose, and smiled brightly: "Then, let me introduce myself. I am the president here, Tendo Kisara."

"Shallow Hitomi."

Asahi raised the corner of her mouth and asked deliberately: "The current number of policemen under him is..."


Mu is a bit more difficult to talk about. When he slaps the table, the most impressive thing is the breast shaker.A black sailor suit can't hide his proud figure at all.Being the president at a young age, although very poor, is quite admirable.

"One day | I will also be able to start a big company!"

"Oh, then you go on." Asahi said casually.

Mu Geng complained: "Shouldn't new employees show their loyalty by saying 'President, I'll help you'?"

"Sorry, Miyoshi employees let Rentaro do it. I am here to find a reliable partner, at least as strong as Enju."

"Do you know..."

Hitomi Qianyu didn't explain, put down a bento box and turned around to leave, leaving only a light sentence: "Don't starve to death before then, poor president."

He made Yeon-joo a bento and made an extra one by the way.If you are a police officer, you may not have time for lunch.Give it to someone now.

This guy is super annoying.

Tendoki even wanted to throw the bento box into the trash can.Maybe after taking the medicine, the lover's hotel is downstairs, wouldn't it be too dangerous to go through a train!The girl grabbed the bento box, smelled the overflowing aroma, and couldn't help swallowing again.

Really fragrant.

Mu Geng devoured it so voraciously that he almost bit off his tongue.As expected of a chef hired by a wealthy family, it's a bit like childhood.It wasn't a fond memory, though.

In the girl's mind, Hitomi Asaba's title was upgraded from "cannon fodder" to "meal ticket".

Hitomi Asaba was driving on the streets of Tokyo.There is a signal light on the roof, which means "the police are on duty, and the idlers leave."The pitch-black ferocious steel beast roared, bursting out with exaggerated horsepower, and it looked like it had been modified without permission.Leaping from a bridge, landing and swaying its tail, it disappeared from the panicked sight of pedestrians.

Car navigation, flashing markers moving at high speed on the map.

Matoku Tadajima is a criminal policeman who has established a friendly cooperative relationship with Tiantong Police Company.In fact, in the early years, the police suffered heavy losses in dealing with gastritis cases, so they left the burden to the police.Using the method of employment, the government contributes money and private companies contribute.

"There are two gastratus, senior... can we solve it?" The newcomer trembled in fright.

Tadajima broke into a cold sweat and said, "We can't break in without the presence of the police. Ordinary bullets have no effect on them."

It is rare in his career that two gastratus riot at the same time. At least two groups of policemen need to work together to solve it.Can you do it, Tendo!

The next second, a car rushed out from the sidewalk, knocking over the crocodile-shaped gastroenterum.The black car vacated and drifted, drawing a beautiful arc at the intersection.Hitomi Qianyu, who was wearing a windbreaker, opened the car door and came out, revealing a handsome face that was too young.

If you wear sunglasses again, the police will think you are shooting a blockbuster action movie.

"I'm a policeman from Tendo," Asaha said.

This vehicle is much more advanced than Rentaro.Tadajima looked left and right, but no one got out of the car.

"Brother, where is your companion?"

"No need, I'm in a hurry." Asahi said lightly, "It will be resolved in ten seconds."

These two guys don't know if it's an interracial relationship or something, and they ran out of the sewer.A catfish-shaped gastratus seemed to be angry, twisted wildly, and bit it with one bite.

Hitomi Asagi drew the sword with her right hand, and cut off the catfish's beard and lower jaw with one sword.Seeing that the fish head was about to restore itself, the dense mantra flowed into the gills of the fish and spread to the heart.The catfish monster froze and fell down.Already too dead to die.

The crocodile monster sneaked up from the left, opening its mouth wide.

Asagi didn't turn her head back, and shot her backhand.The body of the gun is engraved with delicate patterns, and it is as long as a Kodachi.A burst of flame burst out from the muzzle of the gun, bringing a terrifying recoil, which could break the wrist of an ordinary person.The domineering firepower blasted off the crocodile's head.

The young policeman looked at his watch and said blankly, "Seven...seven seconds."

"Superior completion."

Hitomi Asaba drove off in the car.

Only the mutilated corpses of the two monsters and a bunch of bewildered policemen remained.

Tadajima picked up a bullet casing and said in surprise, "It's not an ordinary holmium bullet. I've been a policeman for many years and I haven't seen this type of bullet casing. Who the hell is this guy?"

The phone rang again.

Hitomi Asagi held the steering wheel with one hand, and swiped across the screen with the other.

"There's a new mission."

Asaha said: "Aren't you really squeezing the employees? President, the crocodile with all eyes just now, no matter how you look at it, it's above stage II, right?"

"It's more work for those who are capable." Tiantongmu said with a dry smile.

Originally, he deliberately lied about the mission level and wanted to see him make a fool of himself, but he was greatly disappointed.

She thought to herself: Are newbies all monsters? Phase II is all instant kills. Where is your limit?

"Right, that..."

Asahi said helplessly: "I will bring you a lunch box, I understand. It is a key item used to bribe the president."

"I'm not particularly hungry..."

Mu Geng's stomach growled at the right time, causing her to blush.

"Yes, yes! Because I have to work hard to help you get the task."

Qian Yu asked suspiciously, "Selling your hue?"


Mu Geng gritted his teeth secretly: Sure enough, we should dig a hole and bury this guy.It's just a nasty egomaniac relying on his wealth and strength!

"Next time I will arrange a simpler job for you, how about Phase III?" Mu Geng persuasively and persuasively.

"...Do you think you can have it?"

Mu Geng said disappointedly: "So it didn't. Why didn't Tokyo be destroyed once."

Qian Yutong felt a chill in her heart: What kind of president is this?

But in this way, Yeonju's task will be much easier.A week after joining the job, I have fully adapted.

However, the enemies of the police are not only gastratus.

PS: "What should I do if my daughter accuses me of wanting to be a policeman, but I meet a beautiful boss who can't handle it?"

Chapter 153 Hiruko Shadow Yin

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