"I understand, the hot pot is missing one important ingredient - unwoven blood."

Weizhi opened the fan with one hand, held a women's pistol in the other, and said with a sneer, "How can the Tiantong style, which was born less than a century ago, compare with the Sima style, which has a long history? I will let you see the difference in strength. "

"That's right, this is the love war!"

Yanzhu and Xiaobinai leaned down spookily, and lifted the table away from between them. They were still chanting the cute "hey", eating hot pot happily, and if the bullet fell into it, it would be Oh no.



"Da da da."

There was a flash of swords and swords, and a bloody storm.The walls of the kitchen are full of knife marks and bullet holes. Since the door panel was cut through by Binet, the house has added several scars.

Stop it, this is my home!

Hitomi Asaba listened to the movement downstairs, without any fluctuations in her heart, and played video games with Rentaro.

It's okay, as long as no one is killed, I can save them.

Rentaro said bitterly: "Asaba-san, you have saved me many times. If you want to threaten me with kindness, I should have surrendered long ago."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I will not give up."

Asagi smiled and said: "No one has the right to make others give up their love. You are also an idiot, so let's have a good fight...a man's duel!"

Hitomi Asaba rubbed the handle frantically, and the villain on the screen pressed Rentaro against the corner and beat him violently.

"Hey, you are sneak attacking, damn it! Look at my big move!"

Asaha added: "Ah, it's not okay to be beaten to the point of crying by me, and then become a lolicon, especially for Hina."

"Who would!"

PS: Suddenly, I found out that Jingu is very good at writing scumbag male protagonists.

While trying to maintain the friendship, at the same time snatching away the person the friend likes.The original wish of a scumbag is nothing more than the desire to be loved.

What I have to say is that I am not good at discrediting the original hero to improve myself.Shuangwen belongs to Shuangwen, characters like Rentaro are still very charming.

Chapter 180 Saints

In Goutian High School, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tiantong Mu was even more fully armed, with all kinds of guns and ammunition hanging on his body, blocking the entrance of the student union.Some students saw this and rushed to report to the school manager.

Mu Geng didn't realize it, and said as if facing an enemy: "I threw the tear gas bomb first, and when Weizhi was choked with tears and ugly, I rushed in and killed her."

Hitomi Asagi said, "I think her fan is very useful."

"Really?" Mu Geng tilted his head, "It's a mistake, it's dangerous! Don't go in first, you will be squeezed dry like you met a female ghost..."

You are the devil.

Regardless of Asaba's disregard, she pushed open the door of the student union, and Miori had been waiting for a long time.The room was dark and emptied in advance, and the projection on the screen lit up, showing a bunch of photos of guns.

"The warhead you asked me to investigate has a result."

In the fluorescent light, Sima Weizhi's face was clear and beautiful, with a beauty mole on the corner of his eye, and his voice was charming and seductive.Only then did she realize that she was actually a super beautiful girl.

However, Hitomi Qianyu's mentality is already very indifferent, so she stays at a respectful distance.A mature woman like Sumire Muroto is more suitable for him than a little girl who loves to death.

"What result?"

Miori held Asaba's arm, fidgeting while explaining: "This is an American-made anti-materiel sniper rifle that uses special armor-piercing ammunition. It is not seen in China at all, so it took some time to investigate."

The gun on the screen suddenly enlarged, and its length exceeded the figure of a little girl.

Is it similar to Barrett's heavy sniper?

"Such weapons cannot pass the security check. In other words, through some special channels." Asahi thought thoughtfully.

Such privileges exist worldwide.For example, the four sages, including Sumire Muroto, are super scientists who have been granted green light by various countries; or high-ranking policemen, No. 2 like Hitomi Asaba, are the level that the president personally interviews in any country.

President Qi Wu secretly colludes with great powers, sniper rifles from the United States, and the name Tina Sprund... Is it a coincidence?

Asahi said lightly, "Weizhi, I'm thinking about something."

At some point, Wei Zhi's face was flushed, his shirt was half untied, rubbing against him like a kitten in heat.After being scolded, instead of being ashamed, the girl intensified.

"Asaha-chan, you are handsome even when you are fierce. I also want to know about your natural 'gun', how about shooting wildly at me?"

"Are you shaking M?!"

Seeing that there was no movement inside, Mu Geng couldn't help rushing in, and saw the two of them crooked together.

"What are you doing?"

Weizhi looked back and smiled, rolled up her beautiful long black hair, and deliberately pulled the skirt of her clothes to cover the beautiful gully.She ignored Mu Geng, and smiled gently: "Then, let's talk about it like this."

Mu Geng asked: "What are you whispering about!"

"As long as Asahi-chan joins my company, I will be his, and I have paid some deposit in advance."

Weizhi covered her face with her fan, and said with a smile, "Then I will retire."

On the way back, Miss President lost her temper.

"Shallow Hitomi!"

Qian Yu just woke up from thinking, and asked strangely: "Why are you angry?"

"I'm back!"

Tiantongmu only left a "vicious" back, as if someone owed her millions.

Women are so troublesome.No, the more beautiful the woman, the more troublesome she is.

Asaba sighed and dialed Muroto's number.


"About | Cannon, wait until I finish this sample."

"That's not true!" Asagi said seriously, "Use your authority, help me look up the name Chatina Sprundt, she is a girl about ten years old."

There was no movement on the other end of the phone.About three minutes later, Sumire Muroto came back.Just because of one sentence, put down everything at hand, this is a smart and virtuous woman.

As soon as Muroto opened his mouth, he verified Asagi's conjecture: "Do you remember Ayn Rand?"

"That America is so stubborn."

A wise man speaks clearly.

The four sages, the four most powerful brains of human beings, and top scientists from different countries jointly proposed the mechanized soldier plan ten years ago.It's a pity that one plus one cannot be greater than two, and the result of a group of geniuses getting together is that no one agrees with the other.In the end, the project was disbanded, and Sumire Muroto returned to the Japanese branch.

At that time, Asaha was Muroto's assistant, and I met the other three, but none of them were easy-going.

"After Ayn Rand returned to China, he set up a NEXT organization, violated our common oath, carried out mechanical transformation on the cursed children, and created a group of powerful initiators. In name, he is the promoter of all initiators. Those who have no combat power themselves. Tina Sprundt is one of them, with an IP ranking of 98."

"That's it."

Asahi's pupils suddenly dimmed.

"That rubbish offends a field where scientific research must never get involved... Asaba, are you listening?"

Sorry, I was one of the trash too.

Hitomi Asaba remembered that she used to be a young researcher who helped Muroto run errands.One day, he talked a lot with Yankees.

"Hitomi, this is really a genius idea! Even with the Cursed Son, the mechanized soldiers will never be eliminated, that is the painstaking effort of all of us!"

"Disbandment is not the end. Heh, everyone has a ulterior motive and will soon form their own mechanized troops."

"I'm going back to my country soon. Hitomi, stop following that boring Japanese woman and be my assistant."

Hitomi Asaba's fingertips flicked across the screen, and the memo reads - go to the amusement park with Tina.

At the same time, Tina was wearing a beautiful little dress and took a lot of pills in advance to ensure that she arrived at the appointment half an hour earlier.

Kind of looking forward to it.

At this time, the phone rang, but it was not the person who was expecting it.

Tina answered numbly: "Master."

"I found out the identity of the policeman. It's very interesting. I can't help showing him my masterpiece. Let's test the knife in front of him. The next target is the president of Tendo Security—Tendo Wood More. And that man's name is..."

Tina was hit by someone, and her phone fell on the road.The crowd was bustling, and the girl lay on the ground, trying to pick it up with difficulty.

"Hey, I'm sorry master, I didn't hear clearly just now."

There is only blind tone left on the phone.

Tina stood at a loss on the streets of Tokyo, as if isolated from the rest of the world.

"...Okay, Dr Ayn Rand."

It doesn't matter, as long as you kill the target quickly, wash off the blood, and still have time to date.Brother Asaba, wait for me...

Tina suddenly turned around and ran in another direction.

In Tiantong Civil Security Company, Mu Geng was sullen all by himself.

"What, I don't understand girls' minds at all. I hang out with Weizhi all day, and Sheng Tianzi seems to have an unclear relationship. Obviously, my breast|chest is more advantageous. Men are big pigs!"

Thinking about it this way, I'm so hungry, can you give me a bite?

Mu lay down on the table more decadently.There was a knock on the door, and she pulled herself together.

"Come in, this is Tiantong Guard."

A Gatling machine gun came in from the door, and there was a sense of crisis that sent chills down the spine for a moment, and roaring tongues of flames rushed indiscriminately.

"Da da da!"

PS: Hitomi Asagi, the source of all evil

Chapter 181 The Last Order

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